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As per the Canadian Covid tracking we already have both the British & South African variants frisking about, with the majority of confirmed cases in Ontario & Alberta. Probably for some applications, but I doubt that will include the commuter car.”. […]” Nonplused may be trying to break Donald Trump’s record of spreading disinformation and making false or misleading claims. Just wait for the spring melt, it’s coming. When things reopen, fares and gas prices are going up. The vaccinations are chemicals that prevent the hole from getting larger but can only be applied at a certain rate. Leave the virtue signalling and social justice to the fringe, Canadians don’t need to be told how to live. I’m not sure they are the “cheapest” as wind and solar are competitive. I’m asking above question, … pointing out a central detail worth noting, that is, that Mr. Holt wont lose much by making such declarations if those won’t come true, …, He is the chief economist of a Big Five bank. Now even there it is rising dramatically years over year and very little work. Garth, every now and then you share a slice of your life. Did I say “cheapest”? Follow it and you will see what I mean. Who is the main target of all this? The dirty coal plants run at much lower capacity than they once did but they still run to provide baseload power and also will be ramped up to meet peak demand periods (for example winter). Bought a general store. They are all interrelated. Nerd out: When Danes offer 20 yr mortgages at 0 %, link was posted in a previous post of mine, I just cannot see drastic increases in rates. “[…] Although I live rurally remote, we […] have a solar roof array producing the exact number of [kWh] we consume […]” How many solar panels are you using? Brought to you by My kid lives in Red Deer, and the first time I visited, when he was showing me around town, I commented on the number of hardware/lumber stores and warehouses there were. That’s a possibility, by the way… “So yeah, what is [your] personal effort to ameliorate the situation we have? Explain it to me! What you probably heard was snow and ice cracking as they contracted once the cold of night came in. Like a radio transmitter. Everyone has to see this…. Did it work? Everything you thought of the pandemic and its spread and control 4 months ago is now incorrect. Decreases of valuation of bonds could happen however- the interest on the bonds will increase- thus giving overall gains? Started a wealth management company. A sooner milestone that I think could be hit for EVs is that the majority of urban and suburban two-car households will have one EV in 20 years, though this may only happen in jurisdictions with government subsidy. Some other “smart egg” economists with less self-interest than a Canadian bank economist have a markedly more data-driven opinion of vaccinations going well into 2022 and beyond for poorer countries. Absolutely obscene, I was floored when I saw that info….Trudeau really lies with snakes!!!! But if I had to live in Red Deer I wouldn’t be too put off. He carps endlessly about the carbon tax, but still hasn’t figured out that he could cut his carbon taxes if he put solar panels on his roof! First, because of yearly influenza outbreaks there is a certain level of pre-existing immunity limiting the outbreak of the disease. Unlike yours, his comments do not flow lightly or unresearched. I can’t believe people like Dolce Vita, Faron, Sail Away, etc., don’t bug you either with their multiple daily comments. WestJet plans resumption of 737 Max flights, pending Transport Canada approval, Travel industry disappointed as Ottawa forges on with COVID-19 testing requirements. Daily international flights will fall to five, compared with 100 last year. – Garth. I get that there can be individual policy disagreements from time to time. Repeating what is basically the government line of “Current roll-out plans point toward full inoculation of the Canadian population over 2021H2” needs to be honest about the woefully slow rate of procurement. The higher prices then force more market maker buying in a feedback loop. Vaccines arrived on the order of at least 6–12 months ahead of common assumptions up to just before positive trial announcements began to roll in during November. I’ve switched to all rechargeable batteries (thanks Ikea and Costco) so I am not throwing as much toxic waste in the garbage. As for externalities, particulates in particular (see what I did there), most of that has been cleaned up in North America. Well, if the plan was to prevent variant Covid virus strains from arriving, too late. Hence, to your point, there will another exodus. _______________________________________, Ah, Mr. Turner, I didn’t mean any disrespect to Mr. Holt. They have had a year to get this sh#t show organized and the bumbling, stumbling “organizers” are still talking about “who” get jabbed, “when” and “where” in vague rumour-like terms… Might be pretty damning, but that’s an untested hypothesis on my part. Taking Fun, Challenging Quizzes Has Never Been More Rewarding! Thus the gas turbines must stay on standby. – Garth. Not my forecast, but thanks for the disrespect. My position with the debt load out there is that they will raise it to weed out the irresponsible but not enough to create another 2008/2009. WFH has reduced costs and improved cash flow for millions. Every thing else is abstract. Way Uppa! So dangerous is your fellow man that you must wear shields and ‘distance’ yourself. So ya people being stupid as they are is definitely also hindering GenIV. As far who is a better human being. Mr. Jaguar, a rebuttal on your WFH vs Core. I also have solar panels but they are all on my RV. From an article in the Globe this morning. To me the numbers just don’t add up. #72 Nonplused, “Witnessed the most spectacular Northern light show in Caroline, with sound, kid you not”. “i never bother reading what an economist has to say. Sundial Growers Inc, NASDAQ: SNDL – ibid. ………………. Sundre is beautiful but half way there is Water Valley, just a gem of a place. Electronically!” Facts don’t matter to Nonplused, and he can’t do basic math. After that requirement was announced, the Calgary-based company saw “significant reductions in new bookings and unprecedented cancellations,” WestJet Chief Executive Officer Ed Sims said. Eric Schmidt says data is the new oil. The initial jump will take place by October. Salt to clean and salt to save. This economic shutdown and “CV laws” have one goal: further the globalists and bankers goals – in this WW3 where we are the enemy. Could ask a similar question about the mortgage deferral cliff. *most of the pump and dump target agglomeration happens on Twitter daily, hourly. I just can’t imagine it’s good PR to have your name dragged through social media like has happened recently. Stay Safe. A lot of the humor in the series comes from the fact that Hank's a gigantic stick-in-the-mud. Even though this has a recent date attached, when did he actually write this?––february-12–2021-.html,,,,,,,,,,,,, He appears to really know his stuff about business and economics. This also suggests it is not airborne and masks are futile. – It finally happened – a sht Bung in Long Branch cracked a cool million bucks. The two months we lost in December and January were extremely critical to the recovery…only time will tell. You can find the stats from the government, etc. Biden has to have two to make up for the dearth of the last four years. Yes, the lights do indeed make noise. Unfortunate, are the many innocent lives that were taken and continue to taken from this manufactured virus. So, yah, 2-3 hours to get to Kananaskis or Banff area – you get the idea. For a few years, it was a dream gig. Leeham News and Analysis. A coworker, his Dad got the vaccine, 2 days later got Covid 19, then died. So I went online. For what, for whom? Beware the scammer carrying bacon! Have you noticed if you go to and try to watch the episode, you can’t!!! I’d like to drag this clinical research scientist into a hot zone ICU to see the people on ventilators and tell him to convince the doctors and nurses there that COVID-19 is FAKE! What happened to all those homes that should have been dumped on the market by owners who could no longer make their payments? Aside from gov’t subsidies which are huge you have externalities. The landfill. However what they are doing in China I am not so sure. (And a reason to expect an election in June.). – Garth. Your second name is likely Fortitude. The vaccines, and Biden, will change everything. Electric cars is all about reducing CO2 emissions not whether gasoline is an economic alternative. Your systems work where there is room to deploy PV panels. #38 Penny Henny on 02.12.21 at 4:11 pm #102 Wrk.dover on 02.12.21 at 8:52 pm Just saying…. Selling will be dicey as there is a damned good chance it’ll be at a discount because who now wants to buy in it-takes-five-hours-for-a-round-trip-to-commute-to-Toronto Niagara Falls. One of my buddies actually has the $7k pedal bike and a KTM! Does it still make sense to buy bonds now, if needed for the purpose of balancing a portfolio? Nope, says Holt: The narrative that is heard in some quarters that vaccine roll-out has been a failure is patently false. My Gawd. How is anyone with an already-maxed out budget going to afford any of this? If high underlying price makes a stock less susceptible to gamma attack, I wonder if we will see some reverse splitting to defend against such. My point was India has become a major player in new technologies while Canadian investment in R & D seems to be shrinking. A egg mcmuffin combo is $7 and change. The canadian allocation (banks, mining, oil and gas heavy) will probably get some more love this year. Five-year fixed rate mortgage costs will increase. It is time for Canadians to invest in the stimulation of economic growth before other countries decide our future. Canada has relied on the liquidation of non renewable resources for far too long and I fear that our balance of trade in 2021 and 2022 will expose this shortcoming. Given that prices are still moving up and to the right, I think that justifies buying now even if the buying is largely driven by FOMO. Near the money calls with a near-term expiration are cheap when not too far out of the money because the likelihood of them expiring worthless in a couple days is high in a normal market. And unemployment will rise, because all the stuff Biden is doing (just look at keystone XL). He’s so Trumpian. Ever more sophisticated technologies will identify mindset, grit, and resilience. European countries are pretty much interchangeable. Still don’t think interest rates are going up? It will revert to its intrinsic value or thereabouts. Did I say “cheapest”? On the BMJ article in my Comment #28 and E484K it will just slow humanity down in vaxing is all, though it is the worst so far. When your view is that folks who don’t or won’t vote for your guy are stupid and you allow that world view to inform your guy…well enjoy opposition status because Canadian’s are not stupid. Watch it, buddy. Then online killed television. Most of the base industry is oil patch and farming though, so they aren’t doing that well. The cash flows the other way. Growth in Canada will be well over 5% this year. How is this not a type of fraud on behalf of the strata involved in omitting a major repair that estimated costs for repair are more than $65MM? Regardless, the Northern Lights are beautiful. Lunches made. This book is being hailed as "A Game of Thrones for young adults." obviously you were sleeping at the switch when you let this post thru. He even had some reits in there. Ask yourself who you would want as your next door neighbour. – Garth, #135 Nonplused on 02.11.21 at 8:25 pm Says loans broker/blogger Rob McLister: “Five-year forward rates are now over one percentage point above 5-year bond yields. Folks are going to have to pay to have the car serviced again. But they never will. I went into the local McD’s with a gift card. Rather that sweeping generalizations I would prefer a detailed examination of the economic sectors that are poised to expand in 2021 and concrete reasons why expansion might occur. But we already have it, it’s right under noses: That is where the CB money is flowing to ultimately. Do you see rates going past six percent in the next ten years because if not this is here to stay. Canyon ski hill is just 5 minutes east of Red Deer.Granted it’s not Lake Louise or Kananaskis but still a great setting on the river with high hill and many slopes for skiing. Herd immunity (seventy per cent) for the globe could happen by the end of the year. But hasn’t Canada botched the dosing? -British Medical Journal, “E484K is called an escape mutation because it helps the virus slip past the body’s immune defences.” And we havent even started the gong show of actually getting boots on the ground to jab 10’s of thousands of people per day in the arm….twice. Party on! As we sleepwalk into a third, and much more devestating third wave, come April. Perhaps the barest framework of the two series can be compared, but anything more than that is a stretch. Feel lucky? Every person borrowing their butt off to buy real estate inflated by cheap mortgages, a belief that Covid has changed the world forever or pure FOMO, should read it. With names that had become sleepy, liquidity is low to begin with. Researchers estimated that exposure to particulate matter from fossil fuel emissions accounted for 18 % of total global deaths in 2018 — a little less than 1 out of 5. But anyone who believes we are going to have a “carbon neutral” economy by 2035 has found a particularly powerful strain to smoke. This does not mean you can apply a similar solution to densely populated urban centres. He spoke about the negative consequences (eg. From an article in the Globe this morning. The US/UK/EU aren’t close to a surplus position and have already indicated Canada is back of the bus. Personally I think the real improvements are going to come from small GenIV nuclear plants, but widescale deployment is many years away and they face formidable regulatory and NIMBY hurdles. This is for Nonplused who mentioned that O+G are the “cheapest” source of energy. Bond yield rise, price craters, sell bonds? The obvious conclusion; someone ensured it became known as the “We Scandal”. In the long term, more people moving to this region from the rest of Canada is great, but losing their shorts in a “panicked” RE market isn’t. The biggest worry you should have is that we’ll never elect a government with enough courage and foresight to play them. The company will also freeze hiring. Some CONstruction industry and major, very well-known developers in BC were really dirty when I worked in it, leaky condos to the now the upcoming window replacement fiasco (even in residential windows). My coworker says it’ll go back up. Second, have a care with the Herd Immunity numbers. And not everybody has hydro on scale. Did you read the following? Just like the false claims of roofing materials longevity (with no recourse for customers unless class actions), a lot of windows that are “guaranteed” for 20-40 years is laughable. More here: Not a classic pump and dump and probably not hoodies although there is probably a factor there. You must have a fast car with traction control. Lots of other things will almost double in price. An increase does not need to be ‘drastic’ to be a game-changer. That QE (quantitative easing) activity will taper away and the price of bonds will fall as those yields increase. “We are societies of altruists governed by psychopaths, that those who claim to represent us, those who get into positions of power, are very often wildly different in that psychology to those whom they claim to represent.” – George Monbiot, @#64 never trust And it remains the case that wind and solar are intermittent. “Think twice before you sauté in debt and move to Hick City.”. I love the Trumpster & on this is one day for mere mortals when Love is Blind. They do not want us sunny at all. It issues its’ own bonds etc, then. I'm glad my cards are actually worth something now. Interesting note about the vaccine, its roll out and Canada’s position going into becoming vaxxed. There is going to be a landslide of these types of costs for owners of high rise condos. @alwaysclau: “It’s quite an experience hearing the sound of your voice carrying out to a over 100 first year…” It might sound good to say Canada is “above average in terms of securing vaccine contracts” but it ignores to real problem: production shortages. Can Biden change his depends without assistance? Ok, that’s all fine and dandy, but should I sell my GameStop stock, or keep holding? And perhaps this is why lockdowns continue to occur. “The vaccine isn’t even his doing, thank the arrogant orange man”. I wish more Canadian can realise this fact. What interesting and diverse careers you’ve created, Garth. RV’s, Campgrounds, etc. 247 studies, 177 peer reviewed, 203 comparing treatment and control groups. “It might sound good to say Canada is “above average in terms of securing vaccine contracts” but it ignores to real problem: production shortages. #1 Peter McLean on 02.12.21 at 1:58 pm The big government spending spigot turned on full. Garth – for sure rates will go up but imagine how much more debt people will take on until that happens late 2022!! others). they usually state the obvious way after the fact. What are the philosophical differences between a so-called Progressive Conservative and a Liberal? Once again it could be a good time to buy bond funds when they go on sale. they’ve never been right about anything. Spending a day listening to people debate the wording of some obscure policy is not my bag, leave that to the lawyers to argue over, I’m more of a big picture guy. The only thing that will throw our knickers in a twist, his, yours Garth and mine, is a variant which eludes the vaccines. Devices, especially virtual and augmented reality, are being used to predict, track, and shape behaviors. And Scout Christmas trees. In my experience, dogs are absolute disasters with personal finance. Anyway, what prompted me to write what I wrote is that – in my long life and experience, among cheerleaders of infinite economic progress, non-wager bets are standard gimmicks. And you can cheer for either the Oilers or the Flames! There is so much debt out there I agree with very small increase in interest rates but it will not be like on what we experienced in the past. WestJet Airlines Ltd. said it would reduce capacity by a further 30 per cent in February and March, affecting the jobs or pay of roughly 1,000 employees and bringing the number of domestic and international flights it operates down to levels not seen in almost 20 years. 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