mitochondria most likely evolved from quizlet

What causes your fingers and toes to become wrinkled when you are in the water for a long time? A flood causes the formation of a new lake. Clients who represent the most common diagnosis group to be admitted b. How would a botanist distinguish between the two types of plants, The resemblance between cycads and palm trees is only superficial. Which structure will transport the protein from the site of synthesis to the site of modification? Which organelle is responsible for the direction of all cellular functions? What is true about organisms that are a part of the same clade? B. when the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus fuse. What will most likely happen to the cells of the plant. The males of each species had a different coloring through which females could identify and choose a partner from her own species. Which evolved first: hair or the amniotic egg? Ribosomes use RNA to synthesize proteins. Chapter 13. The prokaryotic organism lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, but both make their own food. A. locomotion C. Capturing food B. What term describes the close association of a fungus with the root of a tree? The human body processes and eliminates food waste using the organs of the excretory system. Which organelle is responsible for generating energy for the plasma membrane to perform active transport? How does a prokaryotic autotrophic organism compare to a plant cell? Is this feature more likely a homologous or analogous trait? the statement implies that there is a goal to evolution and that the monkey represents greater progress to that goal than the mouse. concentration of water on both sides of the membrane and the permeability of the membrane. Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA and why its inheritance does not follow Mendelian patterns. Which parasitic protist evades the host immune system by altering its surface proteins with each generation? Why do island chains provide ideal conditions for adaptive radiation to occur? B. What will most likely happen to the cell if left in the solution? organisms of one species can arrive to an island together and then disperse throughout the chain, each settling into different niches and exploiting different food resources to reduce competition. The wing of a bird and the arm of a human are examples of ____. D. Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall made of peptioglycan, while Gram-positive bacteria have a call wall made of phospholipids. Which best explains why the nucleus is important to cells? Which of the following groups of clients would most likely be selected to first receive such services? The substance is recognized by a protein embedded in the membrane and, using energy, is carried to the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane. The surrounding water flows into your skin. Which statement about analogies is correct? Occasionally, individuals from either island fly to the other island to stay. Mitochondria are also very interesting from a evolutionary point of view, because they have features that make them very similar to bacteria: Only certain substances can pass through the membrane. Which organelle performs a similar function in humans at the cellular level? Main content. The three major domains of life had evolved by 1.5 billion years ago. Mitochondria appear to have originated from an alpha-proteobacterium, whereas chloroplasts originated from a cyanobacterium. They have hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads. Which structure do both Euglena, a unicellular eukaryote, and some prokaryotic bacteria have in common? Cycads are gymnosperms and do not bear flowers or fruit. The phylogenetic tree shows the order in which evolutionary events took place and in what order certain characteristics and organisms evolved in relation to others. They contain their own DNA, which is circular as is true with bacteria, along with their own transcriptional and translational machinery. You must be signed in to discuss. Discussion. Because the immune system must respond to specific antigens to raise a meaningful defense, the changing nature of trypanosome antigens prevents the immune system from ever clearing this infection. In a cell, a newly synthesized protein requires modification by the addition of a carbohydrate. The mitochondrion (plural mitochondria) is a membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. The plants carry exposed seeds on modified leaves. Which is a difference between active and passive transport? Which is true of phospholipids located in the plasma membrane? a. a photosynthetic cyanobacterium b. cytoskeletal elements c. endosymbiosis d. membrane… Which structure maintains homeostasis, contains active transport pumps, and is composed of two layers of phospholipids? C. Topics. Which organelle performs the digestion of bacteria within white blood cells? If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. If a flower lacked a megasporangium, what type of gamete would not form? What do all craniates have that earlier chordates did not have? endosymbiosis. Coniferophyta, cycadophyta, gingkophyta, gnetophyta, Cycads are considered endangered species and their trade is severely restricted. The plasma membrane pumps water back into the cell to counteract osmosis out of the cell. How does killing "Anopheles" mosquitoes affect the "Plasmodium" protists? It does not generally indicate time durations. Which organelles work together to provide a plant cell with structure and support? Mitochondria arise from the division of existing mitochondria. Fungi. The land plants are probably descendants of which of these groups? movement of a solute from low to high concentration. Viruses. how does the scientific meaning of "theory" differ from the common vernacular meaning? Mitochondria are eukaryotic organelles that are mainly known for their role as ‘the powerhouses of the cell’, supplying the bulk of energy that the cell demands. Over time the genes for large size in the population will grow and the population will grow in size. it is the strongest form of knowledge in science. When placed into a solution that is 30% water and 70% salt, what would happen to a cell that has a 70% water concentration? It is most likely: Do you think genetic drift would happen more quickly on an island or on the mainland? a. The first organisms that oxygenated the atmosphere were ____. Scientists believe that mitochondria evolved from aerobic, or oxygen-consuming, prokaryotes. The trypanosomes that cause this disease are capable of expressing a glycoprotein coat with each generation. adult tunicate . C. Chimpanzees and humans evolved from a common ancestor. A red blood cell is placed in a beaker containing distilled water. These resistant bacteria will reproduce, and therefore, after a while, there will be only resistant bacteria, making it more difficult to treat the diseases they may cause in humans. What kind of trait is important to cladistics? One involves the movement of the organism, whereas the other involves a change in the environment. Dolphins are mammals and fish are not, which means that their are evolutionary paths are quite separate. Search for courses, skills, and videos. The polarity of the character change is from the state of the character in the outgroup to the second state. A. were decreased, then fewer Pla. One hypothesis of the evolutionary steps leading to the first eukaryote is summarized in Figure 13.2.2. The folded membrane increases the surface area for energy production. These structures protect reproduction from variability in the environment. Dolphins probably adapted to have a similar body plan after returning to an aquatic lifestyle, and, therefore, this trait is probably analogous. Which cellular organelle is thought to have evolved from a prokaryote that was able to use oxygen? They use DNA and RNA to pass on … Diversity of Microbes, Fungi, and Protists. However, mitochondria cannot survive outside the cell. Protists with the capabilities to absorb nutrients from dead organisms are called ____. Both are in the domain Eukarya, the kingdom Animalia, the phylum Chordata ,the class Mammalia, and the order Carnivora. Cell membranes form barriers around the cell. Then, later, a similar event brought chloroplasts into some eukaryotic cells, creating the lineage that led to plants. Explain why the statement that a monkey is more evolved than a mouse is incorrect. The event that leads from the haploid stage to the diploid stage in alternation of generations is _______. equal concentrations of the solute on both the inside and outside of the cell, A freshwater plant is placed in a container of saltwater. The Endosymbiotic Theory was proposed by Lynn Margulis in 1960s and it explains the origin of the eukaryotic cells from the prokaryotic cells. The theory of natural selection stems from the observations that some individuals in a population survive longer and have more offspring than others, thus passing on more of their genes to the next generation. In a model population, the relative proportions of the different genotypes remain constant from one generation to another. Which structure did the student identify in order to come to this conclusion? Angiosperms are successful because of flowers and fruit. Active transport requires ATP, while passive transport does not. Once the integrity of the skin is breached, bacteria can enter the deeper layers of tissues and cause infections. The fact that the species has vestiges of the structure rather than no structure at all is evidence that it was present in an ancestor and evolved to non-functionality through accumulation of random mutations. Which is a rigid structure that protects plant cells and helps them keep their shape? If the mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells resulted from endosymbiosis, what features might we expect these organelles to contain? If a molecule of water passed through the cell wall, which cell structure would it encounter next in order to enter the cell? Which scientific concept did Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace independently discover? Genetic drift is likely to occur more rapidly on an island, where smaller populations are expected to occur. vertebrae. In general terms, how does cholesterol mainly effect the cellular plasma membrane? Explain the Hardy-Weinberg principle of equilibrium. Which statement about the taxonomic classification system is correct? The cell will shrink in size, losing water due to osmosis. A photosynthetic cyanobacterium B. Cytoskeletal elements C. Aerobic bacteria D. Membrane proliferation 6. feeding. C. They do not have true roots and can grow on hard surfaces. What structures within the plasma membrane allow the passage of ions or large molecules? What type of evidence did William most likely use to reach his conclusion? C. they are derived by response to similar environmental pressures. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Eukaryote cells arose through endosymbiotic events that gave a rise to energy-producing organelles within the eukaryotic cells, such as mitochondria and plastids. Most mitochondria are shaped like alpha-proteobacteria and are surrounded by two membranes, which would result when one membrane-bound organism engulfs another into a vacuole. Which can be found only in prokaryotes that is used to transfer genetic information from one cell to another? It is likely the two species would start to reproduce with each other if hybridization is still possible. How did the development of a vascular system contribute to the increase in size of plants? Without treatment, why does African sleeping sickness invariably lead to death? We explain how they got this title, and outline other important roles that they carry out. Which of the following is a correct statement about slime molds? Mitochondria most likely evolved from _____ . the liverworts, the hornworts, the mosses. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The figure depicts the general structure of a typi… Which statement provides evidence that mitochondria most likely evolved when a primitive eukaryotic cell engulfed a prokaryotic bacteria? Which uses energy to maintain cellular homeostasis? Mitochondria most likely evolved from ____. A student examines an electron photomicrograph of an unidentified cell and determines that it is a eukaryote. Which best describes a branch point in a phylogenetic tree? Courses. Why have scientists most likely classified archaebacteria and eubacteria together? Tell them of the important roles prokaryotes play in decomposition and freeing up nutrients in biogeochemical cycles; remind them of the many prokaryotes that aren't human pathogens and that fill very specialized niches. Why is it important that the inner membrane of the mitochondria be folded in both plant and animal cells? The nuclear genome of eukaryotes is related most closely to the Archaea, so it may have been an early archaean that engulfed a bacterial cell that evolved into a mitochondrion. Solution for Mitochondria most likely evolved from _____. After some time, pollution made the lake so cloudy it was hard for females to distinguish colors. What is the end result of diffusion across a cell's membrane? Without a megasporangium, an egg would not form; without a microsporangium, pollen would not form. If a mosquito pop. Why can superficial mycoses in humans lead to bacterial infections? Protists. A cell is placed in a highly concentrated salt solution. Why do mosses grow well in the arctic tundra? Which organelle in a plant cell captures sunlight and converts the energy into food? Clients who request such services from their local hospital c. Clients with chronic illnesses d. Clients with the least education. Other cell components may have resulted from endosymbiotic events. The earliest known mineralized structures in vertebrates are associated with which function? Which of these organelles is not found in a fungal cell? What is the main difference between dispersal and vicariance? Galápagos medium ground finches are found on Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal islands, which are separated by about 100 km of ocean. Nucleoli are organelles within the nucleus that serve what function? Mitochondria likely evolved before plastids because all eukaryotes have either functional mitochondria or mitochondria-like organelles. Pollen grains develop in which structure? Plants became able to transport water and nutrients and not be limited by rates of diffusion. They move around inside the cell by interactions with the cytoskeleton. The endosymbiotic event that generated mitochondria must have happened early in the history of eukaryotes, because all eukaryotes have them. They will shrink because water will move out of them. Which molecules form the bilayer of the cell membrane? Depending on the viability of their offspring, they may fuse back into one species. A fossilized cell is discovered that has a singular circular chromosome and a plasma membrane. What event is thought to have contributed to the evolution of eukaryotes? The plants that can best use the resources of the area, including competing with other individuals for those resources, will produce more seeds themselves and those traits that allowed them to better use the resources will increase int he population of the next generation. The biologists looks at the state of the character in an outgroup, an organism that is outside the clade for which the phylogeny is developed. In eukaryotic organisms, interaction between which organelles is most important for cell shape, tensile strength, and communication between cells? Which could be used to represent the plasma membrane's job? Prokaryotes stain as Gram-positive or Gram-negative because of differences in the ___. The endosymbiont theory suggests that mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from ancient bacteria that were ingested by primitive nucleated cells. How would you explain to them that they are wrong? If a cell is placed in a high-salinity solution, how does it attempt to maintain a balance of water inside itself? a. a photosynthetic cyanobacterium b. cytoskeletal elements c. aerobic bacteria d. membrane… They typically are round to oval in shape. Concepts of Biology . To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. As the amount of oxygen increased in the atmosphere billions of years ago and as successful aerobic prokaryotes evolved, evidence suggests that an ancestral cell with some … Mitochondria also store calcium for cell signaling activities, generate heat, and mediate cell growth and death. plasma membrane, DNA, ribosomes . If the flower lacked a microsporangium, what type of gamete would not form? both species are likely to be well adapted to their particular environments, which is the out of natural selection. Which of the following chordates is most likely to look least like other chordates? How does a phylogenetic tree indicate major evolutionary events within a lineage? It does not have membrane-bound organelles. Antibiotics kill bacteria that are sensitive; thus, only the ones resistant will survive. It is thought that ancestral eukaryotic cells consumed aerobic bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria leading them to evolve into mitochondria and chloroplast respectively. A controversial new study claims that ancient wetlands south of the Zambezi River were the oasis from which all modern humans emerged. partial or complete skull. Proteins that are synthesized in ribosomal subunits undergo extensive post-translational modification and are packaged and directed to the appropriate destination. Which organelle provides energy to a cell? List the different levels of the taxonomic classification system. Which is true about the structure of the transport vesicles and the cell membrane? They may fuse together. both mitochondria and bacteria have a circular DNA molecule. There was no oxygen in early Earth's atmosphere. Search. At what levels are cats and dogs considered to be part of the same group? How does a substance cross the plasma membrane against a concentration gradient? B. there are no viable scientific alternatives. Which might happen to the red blood cell when homeostasis is not maintained? Which would least likely be able to cross the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane? The fact that DNA sequences are more similar in more closely related organisms is evidence of what? Unlike palms, cycads produce cones; large, female cones that produce naked seeds, and smaller male cones on separate plans. It looks like your browser needs an update. According to the endosymbiotic theory, the organelles that are present in the eukaryotic cells, like Organisms move substances against the gradient. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA or mDNA) is the DNA located in mitochondria, cellular organelles within eukaryotic cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Most mitochondria are shaped like alpha-proteobacteria and are surrounded by two membranes, which would result when one membrane-bound organism was engulfed into a vacuole by another membrane-bound organism. Corn develops from a sedling with a single cotyledon, displays parallel veinson its leaves, and produces monosulcate pollen. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Solution for Mitochondria most likely evolved by _____. in contrast, a theory in common vernacular can mean a guess or speculation about something, meaning that the knowledge implied by the theory is very weak. His teacher wrote the following statements on the board and asked the students to put them in the correct order to describe how fossils are formed. Which pair of organelles is responsible for the energy supply to eukaryotic cells? Explain the reason why the imprudent and excessive use of antibiotics has resulted in a major global problem. What do lampreys, sharks, snakes, turtles, and cats have that a hagfish lacks? This silverback will have more mates and father more offspring sharing half of his genes. In contrast, plastids are only found in a subset of eukaryotes, such as terrestrial plants and algae. which best describes the function of a ribosome? What is the function of the raphe in diatoms? 1. C. Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms in populations, while macroevolution describes the evolution of species over long periods of time, A. how allele frequencies in a population change over time. At which stage does the diploid zygote form? What will most likely happen to the cell? It is the power house of the cell; it is responsible for cellular respiration and production of (most) ATP in the cell. Which statement provides evidence that mitochondria most likely evolved when a primitive eukaryotic cell engulfed a prokaryotic bacteria? Vascularization allowed the development of leaves, which increased efficiency of photosynthesis and provided more energy for plant growth. What are the three classes of bryophytes? Mitochondria also contain extranuclear DNA that encodes a number of rRNAs, tRNAs, and proteins. Mitochondria most likely evolved from a. a photosynthetic cyanobacterium b. cytoskeletal elements C. aerobic bacteria d. membrane proliferation. These offsprings will grow big and strong. Dermatophytes that colonize skin break down the keratinized layer of dead cells that protects tissues from bacterial invasion. If a person scatters a handful of plant seeds from one species in an area, how would natural selection work in this situation? B. longer distance between divided groups. A. Significance. Which of the following traits characterizes gymosperms? A principle that states that when considering multiple explanations for an observation, one should first investigate the simplest explanation that is consistent with the facts. Biochemical similarities show that eukaryotes share more recent common ancestors with the Archaea, but our organelles probably descended from bacteria by endosymbiosis. The mitochondrial inner membrane involves substantial infoldings called cristae that resemble the textured, outer surface of alpha-proteobacteria. Which assumption of cladistics is stated incorrectly? What are the four modern-day groups of gymnosperms? What do all organisms have in common? Which has no membrane bound organelles and is considered a simple cell? A. fossil evidence B. genetic evidence C. structural evidence D. evidence from developmental patterns. However, they must complete part of their life cycle within "Anopheles" mosquitoes, and they can only be transmitted to humans via the bite of the mosquito. It determines fluidity of the cellular plasma membrane. A red blood cell is soaked in a solution of lower than normal salt concentration. Two species of fish had recently undergone sympatric speciation. They use DNA and RNA to pass on information. Which difference best describes the DNA containing structures in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

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