msnbc corporate office

I can't think of any other reason for MSNBC to be so screwed up and the right wing has to own the CEO who is trying to kill it. We LOVE Ed! You should be ashamed of yourselves. I can't put into a few words how disappointed I am with there coverage of the Ferguson events. There are a lot of people that has followed me. I don't have enough time in my life to listen to that hate-filled speech coming from someone who does not know what he is talking about. But not at 9pm. Write your comment in an email and send it through to one of these editors. Andrea Mitchel accused Hillary Clinton of flip flopping on her position re TPP based on "guilt by association" following her questions to the Virginia governor. And if the corporate executives watch the show that will see what I'm saying. My absolute favorite is Lawrence O Donnel.You can imagine my shock and dismay when I heard today that Lawrence O Donnel may be taken off the MSNBC line-up. Yep, and what is on your screen at the right bottom? Oh, did I point out that the stakes are so high that your changes, if you make them, will also be not just stupid but socially and politically damaging as well?Fess up: Are you Donald Trump or one of his surrogates? It is part of NBCUniversal, which in turn is owned by Comcast. getting to him. You make fun of them. Do you want tatters of the politically sane population to have a mental collapse? He needs to apologize for calling President Obama "The black Jesus" how can you allow such racism to go unchecked. I cannot stand this guy -- please either reign him in or pull him off altogether. Go ahead and elect King Trump to help fertilized the oligarchy we are struggling with at this time, and the racial divide, and the religious divide and see how this man will just continue to tear this nation right down the middle. Even an event that he says is a campaign stop is covered. I have been a loyal watcher for many years now and what I see what you are televising now on Trump and the worst yet, Sarah Palin, spewing her total bull crap in support of Trump is really sickening to many of us. Trump is destroying our democracy as you push your corporate dominance and policies for the rich and an Autocratic president. Rachael's integrity is being strongly questioned as you people control the reins on what she can and can't talk about. Thank goodness, here in the United States, there is nothing like "contempt of court" because of our freedom of expression. It's unbelievable that you got rid of ED and kept Matthews. Really MSNBC, Marco Rubio now on front and center. What in the hell is wrong with you people? Where the hell did it go? She is doing nothing but inciting more rioting and unrest. You don't say anything new same stuff over and over again. You are messing up the MSNBC news line-up? MSNBC also telecasts a small business program featuring profiles of small business owners, business headlines, and the ‘Small Biz Top Five’ every week. By the time the reruns are played the information has been repeated so much it becomes a turnoff. The corporate world has infected your brains with the power of money and to hell with the working people in this country. He talked about a young man who committed a crime of taking a handful of cigarillos from a convenience store as "knocking over a convenience store".He said that the little boy in Ohio who was killed was carrying a real gun. He is also an asset to Deadline: White House with Nicolle Wallace. Where do I mail Ms Maddow a couple of political bumper stickers I designed. Let's see how far we can go as a nation continuing that B.S. As brilliant as you think you are, you should know that is the truth and has been to others who have served those who wish to drag our country into servitude. He is not paid to express his personal animosity and this has gotten more apparently over the last few months. I hope the hell Rachel tells you assholes where to shove it and gets another gig. I think she thinks we all are idiots. He's headed in the direction of Pat Buchanan. I am most disappointed in the cancellation of Saturday Night Politics with Donny Deutsch. The Civil War, many historians say, was fought by the English in the North and the Scotch-Irish in the South. Is Vladamir Putin paying you? She has no control allowing them to slip and slide as long as they want.How annoying to watch. MISTAKE!!! 404.827.5111. fax: 404.827.4215. CNN NEWS DIRECTOR Kim Bondy. Bring up any issue and you will find that they are wrong on every GD issue. MSNBC is now leading the race to the bottom. I will NEVER watch your one sided network again! Once again, I turn on the tv to see on the streaming line on msnbc, that the "much anticipated news report by Donald Trump" will be on later. Is this man on drugs? Sounds like an attempt to manipulate news rather than report it. Let the poor get poorer and the oligarchs get richer. Greta is welcome. He comes across as antagonistic and ridiculous, getting so excited we can actually see spittle in the corners of his mouth because he won't stop talking (thanks to HD). Your worse then FOX.. Please bring Martin Bashir back your rating would go up because he ws smart, funny and should have not been fired!!! Calm down Rachel, you are not in a high school cheer leading squad any more. It's sad that is all your hosts have to talk about -- Sad, Sad! Mr. ass hole Trump. You want entertainment, I guess you go it and it will trump the truth and reality and the will of the American people regardless of devastating results and affects it will do to the working people and poor people and promote the income inequality to an even greater divide in this nation. niner is right about Mika being run over by Joe S. it is shameful to see her sit there and scowl in disagreement. The comment is unacceptable and he needs to apologize. It will be a tremendous mistake and a great lost to all of us who take seriously our right to speak our view. I'M PISSED AND I WANT HEADS TO ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see that MHP is now at odds with you people at the top because you basically pre-empted her program on Sat and Sun. Your corporate controlled media is destroying America right in front of our eyes and you could not give a damn. Please do not cancel the Ed Show as he is an engaging, articulate, intelligent host.. Ed is one of the few reporters who covers the news completely, defends the rights of the working and middle class, exposes the actions of self serving congressmen, and addresses the corrupt actions of wealthy corporations and individuals.Chuck Todd is a reporter and nothing more, lacks enthusiasm and engagement skills. We need more of Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough on your programming so you can turn the whole damned station over to the republican party. MSNBC : You want to immediately solve your ratings slide? We currently employ more than 75,000 people across our facilities in the area—including our corporate offices in Seattle and Bellevue, fulfillment centers in Kent, Sumner, and Dupont, our air hub at SeaTac airport, Project Kuiper’s R&D facility in … Hillary received 3 emails that were were not properly marked classifed according to the investigation.Her favorable ratings will go up if you stop making an issue out of nothing. We, YOUR VIEWERS, see what you are doing and it makes us sick to think that as the Republicans stand on the debate stage and call out the media on unfair reporting, they are right, and MsNBC is no better than anyone else. MSNBC has 844 employees across 10 locations. Next time try reading the grand jury transcripts and posting them on your site like the AP did. I think they may be more educated and knowledgeable of American history.Your " Morning Joe" show is deplorable. MSNBC was established under a strategic partnership between NBC and Microsoft.NBC executive Tom Rogers was instrumental in developing this partnership. Your whole reporting team sucks with the exception of Rachael, Hayes and O"Donnell. I am so glad I switched to a news station that is fair and balanced so I can have all of the facts not just your liberal spin on what you want me to know! Here we go again, 8:00 AM Wed. morning and guess who is on your station? I wonder if the 3 main moderators really think they looked intelligent? Donald Drumpt on defending his rallies to incite riots and hatred and racism and bigotry and division to the American people. Grrrrrrrrrrr! He is very pragmatic and ever ready to call a spade a spade not "an instrument for digging". SEIDEN SOLUTIONS INC I'm done with you, MSNBC. She is weak and does not know how to handle them. Nike Corporate Office Headquarters HQ Address: One Bowerman Drive Beaverton, Oregon 97005 USA Corporate Phone Number: 1-503-671-6453 C... Best Buy Corporate Office Headquarters HQ, Tim Hortons Corporate Office Headquarters, Wells Fargo Corporate Office Headquarters HQ, Straight Talk Wireless Corporate Office Headquarters HQ, Enterprise Corporate Office Headquarters HQ. What a bunch of BS we have tried to tolerate from your station. His business success proves that. Recep Erdogan? Sometimes, old so-called-journalists or talking heads should call it a day and go fishing. What a complaint. MOJO is an insufferable cabal of ninnies, giving voice to even more idiotic ninnies...Gonzales and Squinty Joe this am a fine example. To try and make a race out of what should be a complete blow out election is very damaging to the US and if the democratic progressive agenda keeps getting pushed back by the neo-liberals and the right wing nut jobs America will continue to slide down hill and backwards rather than being the leader of the world. They are all in a lather as their lies aren't having an effect anymore. Sorry guys, but you cried wolf way to many times and destroyed your integrity, and that never comes back. You people will at some point approach the end of your lifetime upon earth. We the people deserve that. Moving on BBC it's much more world news informative daily then the OCD MSNBC that seems to get focused on an important story that doesn't need non stop coverage for days? AM I in the Twilight Zone?? DAS IDYLLWILD SCHONGEBIETP.O. Is this the way journalism is supposed to be. Trump was talking about. Oh and we cannot forget Mr. Republican himself Joe the Killer Man Scarborough feeding his big eqo that you corporate media just love to support. James Kinsella, a Microsoft executive, served as president of the online component,, and represented the tech company in the joint venture. He seems like a smart, experienced guy, but he evidently absolutely cannot stand to hear anyone but himself talk. I cannot imagine the rerun ratings are higher. Please log in again. Maybe you need to hire even more right wing republican bigoted racist commentators to dump their BS on the American people. S, SHARON SEIDEN He cannot speak about black oppression because he is a privileged, white male. The pin code is 10111. You are setting yourself up for a very dangerous end by your superiors. We fought for the United States in the Civil War, not for those who would attack our country.You must realize that greatest act of terrorism and treason in America was when the South took up arms against the United States government and fired on Old Glory and the Red White and Blue. I will bet that you are happy as hell that the race is tightening between a child molester and a true public servant. wage? etc...NOT this new REPUBLICAN congress NOOOOOOOOOOO. Good job. You consistently misinform the public about Israel, defend any and all madness from these low life migrating rapists. Trump and then hearing the negative commentary on the Pres. You folks just want a republican president so you can continue to piss on the working class Americans and keep the oligarchs rich so you can be subservient to the lords and powerful and rich assholes in this nation. Are you an unregistered double agent? [1] Wow! 124 comments: Anonymous September 11, 2012 … Good luck, I guess. CNBC is the recognized world leader in business news and provides real-time financial market coverage and business content consumed by more than … You had better enjoy 2017 and your great low tax rates and now deregulation as if you needed either of these to maintain your privileged place in this world while you take from the poor and feed you rich. You can view Msnbc office information on and get contact details for Msnbc headquarters. He demeans her. I am so frigin' tired of turning on any station and Drumph is front and center. Money and ratings, not news and information for the American people drive your programming and we are getting sick and tired of it. You all know better, but do not have any balls to stand up for the truth and what is right for this nation at this time. Cutting and personal questions that you would never ask democratic candidates. We need to stand together and call the corporate office and tell them to start reporting the news and not there opinion. Msnbc Corporate Office | Headquarters Avarage Rating: One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: (201)583-5000 Website: I save all these shows on my DVR with Comcast and watch all of them every day. Write A Review; Edit; 72 Reviews For Msnbc Headquarters & Corporate Office. Apparently Harold Ford and Mr. Scarborough had a big row off the set the other day. I am really peed off with your programing and your choices for who stays on and who gets kicked off. As your polls are telling you, this MSNBC news team is getting its highest ratings ever. I will never watch, or listen to ABC,NBC,CNn,MSNBC, FoX, or any msm trash again. STOP REPORTING ON THIS MAN. The only woman he likes is the insipid Nicole Wallace. This is criminal worthy of imprisoning everyone involved in the coverup. Obviously he's trying to kill the network after killing the only draw line up you had. PLEASE let me know. I think your narrative on mid-terms is a continuation of your Al Sharpton- like teenage crush on Obammy!

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