buddhist prostration mantra

A popular mantra by Tibetan Buddhists, this mantra is associated with … So we should think like that. This was said in sutra teachings as well as by Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo. Zen master Robert Aitken writes: The Zen student is taught that in raihai prostration) one throws everything away. If you prostrate to each one three times it adds up to more than one hundred prostrations. This is normally the OM NAMO MANJUSHRIYE, NAMO SUSHRIYE, NAMO UTTAMA SHRIYE SOHA prostration mantra (for Vajrayana practitioners), or a deity or Buddha mantra, such as the Chan Buddhist “Namo Amitabha” or “Amituofo” or a deity mantra such as OM MANI PADME HUM (Avalokiteshvara’s mantra). Mahayana Buddhism. We have to create so much good karma for each single quality of a buddha’s holy body. Similarly, the mudra at your throat purifies all the obscurations and negative karmas accumulated by speech, and all the results, the undesirable sufferings, get purified, and it is a cause for achieving the vajra holy speech of the merit field. If you have not generated into the form of a deity and are prostrating with your ordinary body, it is good to visualize it as being as tall as possible—like a mountain. More generally, one can also prostrate before "any sacred object of veneration." These include the thousand buddhas of this fortunate era, the seven Medicine Buddhas and the Thirty-five Buddhas. This is normally the OM NAMO MANJUSHRIYE, NAMO SUSHRIYE, NAMO UTTAMA SHRIYE SOHA prostration mantra (for Vajrayana practitioners) some prefer a Guru mantra: OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDHI HUNG. In the teachings there is no specific advice to think such and such while prostrating, but I think the following will be beneficial for when you do many prostrations every day or when doing a certain number as a preliminary practice before the actual retreat. The main body which works for sentient beings by revealing teachings and guiding them to enlightenment by various means is the rupakaya. Like the stock market! According to His Holiness Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche, Vairochana’s mudra is [two fists, one above the other, with index fingers pointing upwards, the upper fist holding the index finger of the lower.] That said there are a couple that you can use that I would recommend over the two you posted. Then as soon as it touches you should stand up. So if I die now by practicing Dharma it is very worthwhile.” Thinking in such ways does not allow space in the mind for laziness, for excuses. Also we will not be afflicted by disease, spirits or human beings. Pearls are white, and according to Lama’s advice the purification is more powerful if white is visualized, due to a dependent arising. When you are doing many prostrations sometimes it might be tiring and boring to use just one visualization all the time. The beams emitting from Guru Lama Tsongkhapa do not radiate straight out, but downwards. Actually many of the wheel-turning kings are bodhisattvas and during their lives they not only have great wealth and perfect surroundings and power, but they again accumulate unbelievable merit with respect to holy objects and sentient beings. He said: “In order to accumulate merit you should do each prostration correctly, not just very quickly in order to complete high numbers.”, According to Lama Tsongkhapa’s tradition when doing the preliminary practices, the totals such as one hundred thousand and so on are not regarded as the main thing. In that way the remedy of the four powers is done perfectly. The gurus have manifested out of dharmakaya as Lama Tsongkhapa and the two disciples because of unbearable compassion for me, who is suffering and obscured.” If you are prostrating to the Thirty-five Buddhas think that they manifested as those buddhas in order to purify all the obscurations and the negative karmas accumulated due to ordinary and impure views and wrong conceptions toward the virtuous friend; the negative karmas and obscurations accumulated due to having worldly concern—seeking and clinging to samsaric perfections; obscurations and negative karmas accumulated due to attachment and the self-cherishing thought; with the ignorance grasping the I as truly existent; and due to ordinary view and conception. How kind the virtuous friends are! The merit of prostration preceded by this mantra is multiply to a million times. The next seven are in the mudra of giving protection, or refuge, or guidance. The Exalted One's well-expounded Dhamma I bow low before the Dhamma. The prostration is known as the Namas Kara. (3x) The other practice is Medicine Buddha mantra and names. In Theravada Buddhism, as part of daily practice, one typically prostrates before and after chanting and meditation. He means they were done imperfectly. I think it is quite uncommon for someone to know the meaning of these mantras. This mantra is very useful both for learners and for the most advanced monks. You will see how extremely kind sentient beings are to you, that they are suffering so much and that you have not done anything to repay them because of your selfishness. Another thing you could do is meditate on the guru while you are doing prostrations, thinking, “This is the way the guru is guiding me. It’s hard for modern western Buddhists and non-Buddhists to understand why we prostrate to an image of Buddha or a teacher. Our mind is like rock or iron and so it’s difficult to purify and difficult to subdue, difficult to fertilize. Paying Homage to Buddha Mantra 62. A mantra is a syllable, word, or set of phrases used in meditation. THONG WA DÖN YÖ LA: It is not clear here. This is unbelievably powerful for success, so we don’t get reborn in the lower realms. Thus they are guiding me to enlightenment. Great Homage by Full Prostration 61. Calling Witness With a Hundred Prostration - 84000. His Holiness said that while we are doing prostrations we should do it correctly; “correctly” precludes all the main points which are disrespectful. Vajradhara Mantra. But, bottom line, we know that they date back to the time of the Buddha. Each prostration purifies so many obscurations and negative karmas causing rebirth in the lower realms, as well as obscurations and negative karmas causing me to remain in samsara and to fall into the blissful state of peace, the lower nirvana.”. RIN CHEN DA WA LA: Purifies the five uninterrupted negative karmas. I think she may live in Nepal. Speak a mantra or praise: involving “speech” in the prostration. Of course, if you prostrate having generated into a deity, such as Thousand-arm Chenrezig, you create much more merit. That’s all I know, so take the offerings and go away!” I think she might have insisted very much, but she had to leave anyway. Lee Kane is the editor of Buddha Weekly, since 2007. Tantra means continuity, that continuity is why it is important to get transmission. So, we should not do that. Rinpoche also teaches on more general lamrim topics including the preliminary practices, refuge and karma. Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Buddhist Thai Monks Chanting Healing Mantra. 1. It brings it all together, so it is very effective. The physical act of prostration purifies all negative karma of the body. In the Lama Chöpa merit field there are the sutra aspect buddhas visualized below the deities of the four classes of tantra. This causes some effect in the mind. The Noble One, the fully Enlightened One, the Exalted One, I bow low before the Exalted Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra 64. This is called "The Prostration Mantra", consists of the names of the three Buddhas whom are known to multiply the merit of prostration. The mantras purify all the negative karma of the speech. Most Buddhist mantras are based on the core teachings of the Buddha and bodhisattvas. NOR PÄL LA: The negative karmas accumulated with respect to the Sangha by the Sangha, and possibly by lay persons. Guru Yoga Joint Cultivation 65. The Benefits of Ganden Lha Gyäma Practice, Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga (Ganden Lha Gyäma), Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga (Audio and Unedited Transcripts), Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga: Chinese translation, Ganden Lha Gyäma: The Guru Yoga of Tushita’s Deva Host (Geshe Rabten), Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga Commentary (LZR). Therefore, it is difficult for the crops of realization of the graduated path to enlightenment to grow. Second Prostration: Svakkhato bhagavata dhammo Dhammam namassami. 3. The Medicine Buddha Mantra. It is a gesture used to show reverence to the triple gem of Buddhism: the Buddha, Dharma (his teaching) and Sangha (the spiritual community). Also, we will be reborn as deva or a human being; we will achieve the arya path, and we will become enlightened. In this commentary, Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches on the Ganden Lha Gyäma practice, often translating the Tibetan verses line-by-line. White Tara can be called upon to give you healing and well-being on all levels – … Reciting the holy name mantra of Buddha Ratnaketu (Tib. which means “I bow to the divine in you”. The standard Kagyu ngondro entails prostration, Vajrasattva 100-syllable mantra, mandala offerings and guru-yoga. The palms at your forehead creates the cause to achieve the zhälpu,56 the white hair between a buddha’s eyebrow which is curled up clockwise and if pulled outwards springs back like rubber. In these degenerate times praying to the Medicine Buddhas causes our prayers to quickly succeed due to the pledge they made in the past when they were training in the bodhisattva’s path. Since reciting the name of each buddha has incredible benefits such as many thousands of eons of negative karma being purified, as you prostrate to each one it is very good if you can recite his name as many times as possible. That includes the method and wisdom of the Lesser Vehicle (Paramitayana) path as well as the method and wisdom of the path of the secret mantra (the illusory body and clear light). This website is created and maintained by Jetsun Choekyi Gonpo's students. #2 OM MANI PADME HUM – Chenrezig Mantra. Third Prostration The mantra of Padmasambhava om ah hung vajra guru padma siddhi hung The mantra of Tara om tare tuttare ture soha This commentary is now available for download as a PDF file. One can recite any of the above mantras when you do prostration. I whose name is (say your name) always go for refuge to the guru... You mention your name where it says da ming in Tibetan. Then consider the uncountable numbers of human beings and devas and the suffering transmigratory beings whose success in temporal and ultimate happiness it is interfering with. KÜN NÄ NANG WA KÖ PÄI PÄL LA: The negative karmas accumulated by rejoicing in the negative karmas created by oneself and others. So you can think of this related to [the awareness of the kindness of the guru]. Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo said, and it is also in sutra teachings, that prostrating without straightening the body creates the karma to be reborn as an animal with a bent body because it is disrespectful to the merit field. Each country and type of Buddhism may have specific ways in which prostrations are performed,. Prostration: Not Just Custom. Just as reciting mantras and making offerings help to cleanse, so does prostration, either in front of a sacred site or on the road to the site. Your own body, speech and mind get transformed into the merit field’s or the guru’s vajra holy body, holy speech and holy mind. DRÄN PÄI PÄL LA: The negative karmas accumulated by criticizing holy beings. Prostrate with the awareness, “This is the way my virtuous friends are guiding me to enlightenment.” It is very effective. Even placing the palms of your hands together respectfully in front of a holy object such as the merit field has eight good results. They are blue, except Luwang Gyälpo whose face and neck are white, while the rest of his holy body is blue. Each evening: Do at least 3 prostration and chant 28 times OM VAJRA SATTVA HUM. You can always simply recite mantras while prostrating, or any of the common Tibetan prayers that you know: om mani padme hum, the Buddha … First published by Uldis Balodis and Kopan Monastery in 1990. 1. That itself is meditation on kindness. The full-length prostration is according to the tradition of Naropa. This is a particular case. In the sutra teachings it explains the particular causes of each exemplification and holy sign. One of the main advantages of doing prostrations with this mantra is that it increases each prostration one thousand-fold. In order to be able to work for sentient beings we need to achieve the sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya—the rupakaya—without which we cannot work for sentient beings. Think that they have purified all your obscurations, as well as those of all your past lives’ bodies, and those of all sentient beings. Therefore, it is very useful for the mind to hear advice based on some of the points from Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo’s lamrim. [Return to text], Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamsala, India 1986 (Archive #266), + Read advice from Rinpoche on these topics, Big Love: The Life and Teachings of Lama Yeshe, Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment eBook, The Enlightened Experience: Volume 3 eBook, The Manifestation of Enlightened Activities of a Perfect Guru. Please note: A Highest Yoga Tantra initiation is not required for Ganden Lha Gyäma practice, however, this teaching includes specific instructions suitable for Highest Yoga Tantra initiates. Think that without having purified even just one negative karma or obscuration you cannot achieve the state of omniscient mind and thus cannot perfectly guide even one sentient being to enlightenment. Whether you are doing the five-limb or full-length prostrations, your forehead must touch the ground. From Lama Tsongkhapa’s heart, beams are emitted due to his unbearable compassion; on the tip of each beam is a throne decorated with pearls upraised up by an elephant. The merit of prostration preceded by this mantra is multiply to a million times. If doubts arise it may be easier to understand if you use that example. In the teachings it says to the “golden base,” however, to wherever the earth finishes. It is explained in the teachings that you should visualize that all the numberless bodies that you have previously taken are around you, in either the deity or human forms, and that you are prostrating together, with all sentient beings around you either in human form or also in deity form, as during the tsog offering—in nature they are suffering but they have a pure appearance. 2. SHIN TU NAM PAR NÖN PÄI PÄL LA: It says subtle vices, karmas, mainly slander. The second method is to think, “This is how the guru guides me,” and to remember his kindness. It has organized numerous Chan and Pure Land retreats, hosted Dharma masters and teachers from Taiwan, America, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Tibet, and reached out to the diverse local community to foster a unique cross-racial, multicultural environment for Buddhist practice. Prostration Types and Venerable Prostration Scenes in Tibet. The next seven are in Vairochana aspect, and white color. Feel oneness. You will not want to live with the obscuration even for a second. She came with lots of offerings including big rounds of butter, to request teachings. If you cannot comprehend that then you can do in the simple way, the thirty-five divided into the five dhyani buddhas’ aspects. Dechen Choekhor Mahavihara, Shravasti, P.O. Bhuntar 175125, Kullu, H.P. By practicing the method and wisdom together we achieve the unification of dharmakaya and rupakaya. It is one of the leading Buddhist mantras. After each prostration you should dedicate all this merit—the cause—and its result—happiness, including enlightenment—completely, to every sentient being. NYA NGÄN ME PÄI PÄL LA: All negative karmas accumulated with ignorance. This is called "The Prostration Mantra", consists of the names of the three Buddhas whom are known to multiply the merit of prostration. And if we lie down and do not stand up quickly then it is the cause to be born as a snake or other animal without legs which has to get about by sliding the body along the ground. These things happen because such manners of prostrating are disrespectful and the object to whom we prostrate is very powerful. Bodily perform the prostration, verbally recite the mantra, and mentally reflect on the meaning of the mantra. It is so unbearable that it is interfering in even one sentient being’s temporal and ultimate happiness. Tibetan terms checked and revised by Ven. It seems that how well we are able to practice the preliminary practices, such as the prostrations, depends so much on the mind, not so much the body. One of Buddha Shakyamuni’s past lives was of a wealthy merchant named Sumedha who gave away all … You can recite 21 times or do one mala. To begin with, generate the motivation of bodhicitta very strongly. That way it is easy to count without having to concentrate on counting beads or something. More audio chants shall be uploaded soon. But teachers can modify the standard ngondros and design individual practices for specific students. involving “speech” in the prostration. refer my other post "mantra for self protection". In one way you could feel sad because you have created negative karma and are obscured. At the time you are prone a replica of the merit field you are prostrating to is absorbed into you as well as into all sentient beings. Rinchen Gyaltsen, Eng. However, you do not have the necessary level of realization to actually transform many bodies with many limbs and with many mouths accumulating merits by saying the prayer of admiration as can high bodhisattvas, but you can visualize. While you are prostrating remember and be aware of the infinite merits from each prostration and then dedicate every single merit and every single good result—temporal and ultimate happiness—to each sentient being after each prostration. Precious Victory Banner) multiplies each prostration by ten million.2 Chom dän dä de zhin sheg pa dra Chom pa yang dag par dzog päi sang gyä rin Chhen gyäl tshän la Chhag tshäl lo (3x) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly Complete Buddha, Precious Victory Banner, I prostrate. Reciting the first Buddha’s (Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s) name purifies 40,000 eons of negative karma. So the first row will consist of six (or seven) buddhas in Akshobhya aspect—in the same position as Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, the right hand controlling the earth, the left in the mudra of concentration. As the Buddhist mudra of prostration signifies method and wisdom that in itself creates the merit to realize the base (the two truths) and the true path (method and wisdom), and thus rupakaya and dharmakaya. Perfect prostrations are not easily done. The teachings were given by Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Tushita Meditation Centre, Dharamsala, India at the end of the Second Enlightened Experience Celebration held in March 1986. I think three points on preliminary practices which Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo explained in the lamrim are particularly effective for the mind. We will have a mind brave in facing up to the delusions. Bhuntar 175125, Kullu, H.P., 175125, INDIA. Prostrations are more than a show of respect for Buddha, Dharma and Sangha: they are a method to purify the mind, body and heart. The third thing is to remember, as in the above example, how much merit you accumulate with each prostration. This includes all wrong conceptions from wrong conceptions toward the guru up to the subtle dual view. This one obscuration or disturbing thought is interfering with the achievement of all temporal and ultimate happiness and success for others. Theravada Buddhists execute a type of prostration that is known as "five-point veneration" (… Doing it that way is much more skillful. DRA CHOM PA YANG DAG PAR DZOG PÄI SANG GYÄ RIN PO CHE DANG PÄ MA LA RAB TU ZHUG PA RI WANG GI GYÄL PO LA: Purifies the negative karma from degenerating samaya by criticising the guru. This does not mean that you must be reborn as a wheel-turning king—Guru Shakyamuni Buddha is giving us an idea of how much merit we accumulate because to be born even once as a wheel-turning king requires the accumulation of inconceivable merit. Most mantra's fall into the class of tantra. WANG PÖI TOG GI GYÄL TSHÄN GYI GYÄL PO LA: The negative karmas accumulated with pride. It is important and highly beneficial when you employ your body, speech, and mind during the entire prostration time. The left hand is in the mudra of concentration, the right granting sublime realization. Even if it has been difficult to prostrate, the tiredness will disappear and you will want to do more and do them faster. PA PÄL GYE LA: 2,000. If possible it would be even better to make altogether 28 prostrations, one for each time you say the mantra. Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo advises that even if you don’t do many, the few that are done should be done correctly. Each Nyingma treasure text ( terma ) tradition has its own set of ngondro practices. RIN CHEN PÄ MÄI NAM PAR NÖN PA LA: The negative karma of avoiding Dharma. White goddess Umbrella - to be add in future. The guru exists to be the object for my accumulation of merit and to reveal these methods for purifying and accumulating merit.

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