custodes vs tau

Very probably. maybe broadside I am thinking of the following list against it. I think the Custodes interactions with the Tyranids will be interesting as well. Finally, the Tau have their heavy hitters. I would not fancy any Tau tactic, or weapon, against the Legio Custodes. Now this actually begs the question, if that is the case does that mean Tau can't use marker lights on culexus assassins? They are His personal legion, His Emissaries to the wider Imperium, His honour guard, His most trusted servants and take orders from one person and one person alone. We were playing the Eternal War mission from CA2018 where there’s one objective in the center of the table - whoever has the most models with a shrinking distance (18" first turn, 15" second turn, 12" third turn etc.) The Custodes got a lot of units that are basically the same as the ones from the base rulebook in terms of battlefield role. Adeptus Custodes Vs Blood Angels. Adeptus Custodes. I don't imagine Gilly would have anything but the desire to have them destroyed before they become the next big problem. Each one has the Emperor's blood in his veins, each one is a god among gods. Certainly, in the lore, Custodes are supposedly the toughest warriors in the galaxy, equivalent to many Space Marines put together. While their core infantry of Fire Warriors are vulnerable, an XV8 can tank bolter fire with only superficial damage. They’re an absolute meme team; they will rape people on kill-based missions, but the problem is the vast majority of missions in the game revolve around objective control in some capacity, and they just don’t have the bodies for that. Fluff wise, Custodes have studied Tau in depth, as they have studied everyone in depth. SN Battle Reports proudly presents Adeptus Custodes vs Pedro Kantor and the Crimson Fists! Have you heard the bit where Allarus armor is stated to be able to tank voidship macrocannons? Maybe you really like gold, perhaps you like playing as them for the 20 minutes between their initial release in 7e and the announcement of 8e, or perhaps you have the 30k version of the Battle Round 1: First Turn – 40K Mechanicum I select the cover save Canticle. save. The plot strength of soldiers is very variable. 1. They definitely aren't Space Marines that make reckless headling charges. The Custodes are going to have a much harder time closing the gap than others on this thread seem to expect. Albeit faster and stronger. When Tau got units of Stormsurges, we gave them an exception to use units of Lords of War so they could get more than 1 Stormsurge on the table in a unit as that was their cool new thing. Unfortunately, the Custodes aren’t a very malleable lot. In comparison, a Ghostkeel or Riptide have much more durable shielding and much more devastating firepower. Tech is probably not too far off, Custodes have the best tech ever imagined by the Imperium, and the Tau have their weird stuff. Tau have them outranged, but key deepstrike lightning attacks would send them into disorder. SN Battle Reports proudly presents Crimson Fists vs Tau Empire! However, people forget that the Tau have the deadliest firing line of any faction, and are also the most adaptable military in the galaxy that we know of (If you don’t count the Tyranids, that is). They will have the tactics. It's not that expensive to build a Custodes army when compared to quite a few other factions (still expensive but every GW army is). Oct 2 Adeptus Custodes vs Black Legion - 9th Ed Stream Match Oct 23. So the Custodes have way better toys. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. What would came out if taking in one of them would be really interesting. If you had like a shitload of Tau, from long range, tau could probably win. Stormwalker is totally a rad name for a Battlesuit... everyone knows that new model always kick the shit out of stuff for a few books. Ultimately though, this sort of fight could go either way. How will it read? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Vs. "Custodes: Super Super Super Human "Please, make it stop! It works against Necrons, Chaos and Orks very, very well. Only tau chew gum. 9th edition 40k has started in the past few weeks and by the emperor everyone’s favourite golden boys have gone from zeroes to heroes! John will be bringing a Forge World heavy Custodes list, inspired by both his own findings with the golden legion, and recent Custodes lists that have been wildly successful in the US meta! Official lore and fan fluff are welcomed. We get it. They would strike at multiple key points simultaneously. 2. They Tau have way more toys. One on one a custodes will turn a tau into a purple mist. The Adeptus Custodes, renowned as the Brotherhoood of Demigods, the Golden Legion and a host of other titles, (The Custodian Guard, The Guardians, Watchers of The Throne, The Thousand Companions, The Ten Thousand), but most commonly known as Custodians, are the guardians of the Imperial Palace and the Golden Throne, as well as being the personal … They are the most elite force in the galaxy. ... Subject: Kharn the Betrayer vs Custodes . Custodes vs Gellerpox Infected Credit: Pendulin. The Tau could lose an Ethereal, or the Custodes could cripple the Manta support, or get lucky and slay the Commander. Could the Custodes conquer the Tau Empire? It is a name spoken in reverent whispers, for these warriors have stood in the presence of "Primarch: Super Super Super Super Human "My greater good...". And once their Dreadnoughts, Land Raiders, etc. Custodes. are down, the Custodes infantry are very vulnerable to the ridiculous amount of lethal shots that the Tau can lay down on them. Warhammer 40K Battle Report – Necrons vs Adeptus Custodes 2000 pts | ITC Champion’s Missions New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of the 41st millennium. Custodes are competing for worst faction in the game. No. Fluff wise, Custodes have studied Tau in depth, as they have studied everyone in depth. Seriously, this happens in pretty much every book where they fight Space Marines, and it never goes well for the SMs. First Battle Report: Adeptus Custodes vs. 1st Edition 2. Could the custodes win every meaningful battle against the Tau? 131 comments. Tabletop Tactics website & On Demand: For the best viewing experience, as well as events we recommend using old reddit version -, Press J to jump to the feed. Join us at 6pm ET while John Lennon brings a new spin on Custodes against Nick Nanavati’s new Eldar army! ... A kind soul has provided us a sneak peak at the Tau section of Psychic Awakening: Greater Good. The Primarchs without a doubt. You say this like the entire setting isn't just one big tie-in to a minis game anyway. Custodes study their enemies and work with their weaknesses, unlike Astartes, Custodes tend to not do stupid things like allowing their enemies to use their best assets, nor can they afford to do so. Hits on a 2+ the big issue vs Tau meta is model count. SN Team - 29th July 2020. ... Reeeeeeeaaaaallly tempted to start some Tau some day. They have the finest weapons and armor in the imperium. On the other hand, a Custodes won’t last under fire from pulse rifles, although it certainly wouldn’t be a one-hit kill. When it comes to plasma rifles, ion blasters, railguns, or fusions though, the Custodes are going to melt, or simply be blown apart. Keep up with what’s going on with the Art of War Team! They thought the RG Chapter Master was the king of space marines, wait till they get a load of the golden gentlemen. We can't have an alien race getting their hands on the Genesmithing of the emperor himself. The Brazen Drakes were loyal to their Battle-brothers and wanted more information. Anyone who thinks that the Tau haven’t figured out how to deal with deep striking terminators is naive, and I say that as a Tau player. Beating them is never a sure thing. Decrepit Dakkanaut That will show the genetical mutants btw agreed on the 5+ sacred rite thing. Tau tech is better than the norm for the Imperium, its not even close to the best the Imperium can do. Welcome, Defender of the Imperium, to Start Competing: Adeptus Custodes Tactics! Everyone else here brings up good points, but seeing as most of them have Custodes flairs, I think I’ll stan a bit for my own faction for a moment. S5 T5 3 wound minimum model. Value! 708. My least favourite one due to time consumption. A fusion blaster can cut a Terminator in half. They will have the tactics. Custodes tend not to do much distance closing, honestly. Video Battle Report (Adeptus Custodes vs Crimson Fists) By. They hit fast and they hit hard. The T'au follow the standard anti-astartes protocol of 'shoot the big ones with the biggest rail rifles we have' and freak out when the Custodes get back up from hits that would kill even terminators, thinking incorrectly that the Imperium has made massive improvements in their gene splicing tech because why else would they deploy such powerful soldiers only now? Chapter Approved 2019 Maelstrom of War – Battle Report: Tau vs. Adeptus Mechanicus – Part 3! Like the more modern editions, they included units and rules that were compiled from White Dwarf. The Custodes are loyal to the Emperor and speak with his authority. Back and ready for another battle report! The Tau. It's widely regarded that Tyrant Guards are Space Marines DNA assimilated by the Hive Fleet. I think it’s easy, they would teleport to the middle of their gun line and simply just massacre them. The Adeptus Custodes. When Custodes run into Tau for the first time. They have the brawn and the brains to take on Tau. Well it would eat time for me except I tend to forget whole rule. So to make a special exception for Sisters and Custodes would not be anything out of the ordinary. It saves 2 command points by not using the stratagem that does the same thing. Photo Gallery If it's a book from the Tau perspective it will be the second, because Tau can't exist without massive plot armor. They usually just sort of appear in the middle of your gun line/assembly area/headquarters in a flash of golden light and start stabbing you. Home » 40k » 7th Edition » Leaked Images » Legio Custodes » Rumors » Space Marines » Warhammer 40k » Custodes vs Marine Size Comparison. I would say the Custodes would stomp all over them, considering the investment Geedubs are making to the Custodes lineup this year. NEW Death Guard vs Deathwatch Warhammer 40k Incursion Battle Report Ep 29. This is a great company , that makes hand made Titans for warhammer 40k universe. I picked Tau because out of factions who probably never saw Custodes (like Nids, Necrons, maybe), it'll be more amusing probably. The Crusade Fleets were built in Sol, the same fleets that conquered the Imperium for the Emperor. That being said, the Tau aren't a threat to the emperor so they wouldn't see the Custodes on the field. In melee, any battlesuit is vulnerable to disruptor weaponry, but any battlesuit can also fly (barring Broadsides, bless their chunky souls). Each one of you is unique, a work of art never to be repeated. Which was my reaction as well when GW announced the new models! Have the Tau ever encountered a Custodes? How would Custodes fight Tau? ... Video Battle Report (Tau Empire vs Heretic Astartes) SN Team-27th September 2019. The Custodes end up getting trashed badly to sell the new XV-15 Stormwalker Battlesuit, now yours for only £69.99 with shipping and handling! "Primaris: Super Super Human "Seriously? Have the Tau already seen the Primaris? Custodes vs Admech - 1000 point Batrep I had a 1000 point game yesterday so it was a good time to test my new Telemon ! 1200 points Custodes vs Tau - posted in Agents of the Imperium Army Lists: I should be facing crisis commander with 4 fusion blasters. A Contemptor Dreadnought is an easy target to focus fire, and firepower is something the Tau have in spades. HQ Shield captain on bike. The Custodes have nothing in their entire roster that can stand toe to toe with a riptide. How do their tech compare to another, are the Custodes more advance than the Tau? eagles eye, misericordia Shield captain on bike, hurricane bolter, auric … Wow. Pardo takes on Julian and his very very cool full Kroot army as he lands back in Gibraltar for a short family holiday. Also, Smite and Character-targeting aren’t beta-rules anymore. Aurumite is better than ceramite, for sure, but there’s no reason to assume it would survive this sort of firepower. share. I am miserly with your lives, where I would spend so many others without a thought." Sign me up! No. Sep 26 Craftworld/Harlequins vs Tau- 9th Ed Stream Match Oct 2. An Ethereal might be vulnerable to such assassination, but Ethereals are not common, and rarely seen on the battlefield, certainly not against an unfamiliar foe like the Custodes. Stig debuts his all new Adeptus Custodes army against the weathered forces of Bone’s T’au! Longtime Dakkanaut Grey Templar wrote: I don't know if one does exist, but it could potentially exist. Beyond that it's a numbers game. They thought the RG Chapter Master was the king of space marines, wait till they get a load of the golden gentlemen. Sep 26 Craftworld/Harlequins vs Tau- 9th Ed Stream Match Related Posts. How will it read? They would strike at multiple key points simultaneously. It'd also be cool seeing them wade through tons of termingaunts, and staring down something bigger like "not big enough". The last FAQ made them official (with slight changes). If you’ve ever looked at a Space Marine and thought “what if this, but more?” then Tau have them outranged, but key deepstrike lightning … If it's from the Imperium Perspective it would probably be the first. Oct 23 Necrons vs Harlequins: Stream Match Subscribe. They have the brawn and the brains to take on Tau. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since the original codex was released, Custodes has been the most elite army in 40k. XV15s taking down Custodes huh? It's a game mechanics vs plot thing. They hit fast and they hit hard. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for the lore and stories encompassing the dark future of the 41st millennium. There are a few substantive changes to Custodes, with the funniest being the change to Power of the Machine spirit, which makes the Vengeance of the Machine Spirit rule nearly worthless. While the term "Codex" was not yet used, a number of books were comparable. The Tau get obliterated, the Tau have nothing that can match this immense concentration of power wielded by the Emperor himself. doctortom. Official lore and fan fluff are welcomed. One common claim is that a Custodes force can simply assassinate the Tau command and then sweep through the stragglers. Sep 26. 2020/12/17 13:04:10 Subject: Custodes vs Sisters battle report [video] tneva82. Tabletop custodes cut now down Tau like a turkey shoot. Maybe they’re slightly better or worse than the current Custodes units, but there is not much that revamps how the army plays or covers their weaknesses. Other than that the army has mostly … The amount of guardsman, tau, or orks you send against Space Marines on the board game would never stand a chance against them in the plot. Custodes hit early and hard. riptide stealth suits maybe ghostkeel firewarriors. - The Emperor on his Custodes The Adeptus Custodes, known as the Legio Custodes … Chapter Approved 2019 Maelstrom of War – Battle Report: Tau vs. Adeptus Mechanicus – Part 4 – The Conclusion! I don’t think that matters too much, as long as their blades can cut through them then they are good to go. Hurricane bolter. I'd think custodes and grey knights would be closer as both are quite melee focused units but again custodes are meant to be the best warriors besides the primarchs and if the emporer picked them as his body guard I doubt … Cookies help us deliver our Services. They have the finest weapons and armor in the imperium. For the best viewing experience, as well as events we recommend using old reddit version -, Press J to jump to the feed. Also, how independent are Tau units? The Custodes would almost certainly have to go up against a Shas’O commander, and that’s not exactly a favorable fight for them. Fluff or tabletop? Don’t forget that Tau battlesuits are commonly equipped with a early-warning system for nearby deep strikes (It’s also one of our stratagems) so they aren’t going to be catching any Commander off guard, assuming they can even find the mobile Tau command centers at all. Commanders pilot suped-up XV8 battlesuits that can blast through Dreadnoughts, fly at jet speeds, or flatten a Terminator in close quarters, and that’s just the more agile Coldstar configuration. I picked Tau because out of factions who probably never saw Custodes (like Nids, Necrons, maybe), it'll be more amusing probably. The Custodes should avoid interaction with the Tyranids at all costs. THE TITAN MANUFACTORUM !!!!! The Adeptus Custodes are far beyond the Astartes and even the might of the Thunder Warriors. The Custodes are members of the Emperor's household. The Custodes pereferred tactic is an immediate and violent decapitation of the enemy command structure. With army sizes rarely reaching more than 20 models, Custodes was designed around units being very tough and hitting hard. New Dark Angels Codex Supplement List Breakdown! I'm not sure the Tau would fare much better. 2+ 4++ for most things in the army. This makes little sense. Are you fucking kidding me????" Custodes have done that to traitor crusades: teleport to the middle of their ranks and work their way out. Primaris are better then standard marines but they are just bigger space marines at the end of the day. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others 5 Discussions "Each one of the Ten Thousand represents genetic lore acquired over many lifetimes. Custodes vs Marine Size Comparison. This is larger than I expected. As long as they keep the fight at range (Remember, all battlesuits can fly) the Custodes are shit out of luck. I can just imagine tau flippin it out after theyve met the custodes and primaris marines :') "super super humans?? And then they meet Roboute... Astartes: Super Human "Wow, these Super Humans are tough. Historically we have seen Custodes have success running bike spam armies for a good couple of months and then a small revival of the army with the triple caladius before the rules changes. An Enforcer suit equipped with four cyclic ion blasters is a death sentence to any Custodes who tries to get the jump on him (or her). The Adeptus Custodes are quite possibly the single most lethal fighting force in the galaxy, of any faction.

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