how to control nafs sufism

It is a self-critical stage during which an individual reviews his actions. Habits: backbiting, trickery, conceitedness, hypocrisy, self-consciousness, guilt, fearfulness, wishful thinking, intense desire to please others, 3. The method of Sufism is designed to help the murid, a student of Sufism, identify his nafs so that he can conquer it. Nafs-i-Mutmaina: The Tranquil Nafs The commanding self seeks to dominate and to control each individual. This entry was posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf) and tagged cleansing bad character, jihad an-nafs, nafs, nafs al-ammarah, purification of the self, self-purification, spiritual enemies, taming ego, train ego. 3. Those protesting against the film should perhaps read Jayasi's epic and draw lessons from it. It is lower than animals because they behave according to the demands of nature. The "affirmation" can be said to take the form of embracing and engaging the presence of God in whatever form it may appear within one's consciousness--even in the form of the thoughts that "God is absent," "I am depressed, or "I am distant from God." The Enemy Inside You ᴴᴰ | Powerful Reminder, How to Have a Pure Nafs? Thinking about the beginning of the Qur’an. Good deeds are thought upon and bad deeds are rejected. The Sufi asks him- or herself: Am I riding the donkey, or is the donkey riding me? In Islam there is a lot of emphasis placed on moral behaviour. … The immediate temptation is to say that nafs is the troublesome false persona, the false self-image, part made by ourselves; … As the murid moves through the levels of nafs, he or she is learning ever deeper levels of surrender by detachment from the mire of personal desires. According to the Sufi philosophies, the nafs in its unrefined state is “the ego”, which they consider to be the lowest dimension of a person’s inward existence — his animal and Satanic nature. Sufism is a sect within Islam that emphasizes ways to reach God through means of music, dance and zikr, the remembrance of divine names. 1. Of note with regard to the spread of Sufi psychology in the West is Robert Frager, a Sufi teacher authorized in the Khalwati … Sufism: Struggle With One's Nafs to give up imagining that God is absent. Detached from himself, he has strengthened His attachment to Allah in body, mind, and soul. Much has happened during this time, mostly to do with my battle to regain ground over my nafs (desires) which is a constant battle every second of every day. Removal of the “nafs” or the animal spirit so that our higher qualities come to the force. Traits: dignity, sincerity, courage, compassion, complete loyalty Much has happened during this time, mostly to do with my battle to regain ground over my nafs (desires) which is a constant battle every second of every day. “The I” (ego) balances on identification with impermanent information. In traditional Sufi lore nafs is likened to a donkey. At this stage one has to destroy himself and feels Subscribe and stay tuned on the following links. Here we say that Nafs is presenting lust, desire of sex. Sufi poets say that true humanity is not bound by anything, that your true essence is locked in a series of cages. In Sufism particularly, this highway is well sign … These interact in various ways, producing the spiritual types of the tyrant (dominated by nafs), the person of faith and moderation (dominated by the spiritual heart), and the person lost in love for God (dominated by the ruh). The spiritual masters tell us that if we knew the truth and had a glimpse of the divine reality, we would not bother with all the hide and seek of the ego-personality and the unhappy consequences it brings. Bookmark the permalink. How to control and overcome anger, resentment, greed, envy, inflated ego and other bad desires and impulsive behaviour that fall into the category of "nafs". But the notion of purified is mentioned in the Verse of Purification however the Arabic word used here is derived from the root t-h-r and is an inflection of adjective tahira whose exact meaning slightly differs from safiyya. Nafs-i-Ammara: The Dominant Nafs And so We propound these parables unto man: but none can grasp their innermost meaning save those who are aware.” - Qur'an 29:43, Nothing can kill the nafs like the shadow of the master, hold tight to his skirt for he is a good killer of your self, Your lower self is after material affairs, Someone who says ‘I am thinking to deny my lower self’, And he who says, ‘God is merciful and kind’. Since the creation of this blog, my intention was to share my experience on this path, a path which is different for everyone but yet the objective is the same, this intention has not changed and if anything has increased … In traditional Sufi lore nafs is likened to a donkey. There are some who describe Sufism as seeing behind the “outer” or surface appearance of things and events, and interpreting whatever happens in the world in relation to God. If the lower self-becomes master of the soul, you will be one who denies Truth. Thinking about the beginning of Ramadan. Abstaining from materialism kills it. To clean the nafs of the 68 blemishes listed below is the beginning of good adab which is the greater part of Islam and of Sufism. Man's animal nature, comprised of bodily functions and egoistic desires, is known as the nafs. ... Where are the seven levels of the nafs in Sufism mentioned in the Qur'an? It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. This allows their devotion to be physically manifested through their bodies. This inclines man towards gossip, backbiting, vain talk, pride, selfishness, lust, hatred and jealousy. Therefore, in tasawwuf different apects of the nafs are tackled in sequence, starting from the roughest and most obvious, to the more subtle characteristics. Nafs is the self, ego identity. One metaphor used to describe how one must deal with the self is: Sufism imprisons the self. Secondly, you must find (God willing) a shaykh who is part of a valid silsila, a line-of-transmission stretching back to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and place yourself under his authority. You've no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You. Born with the capability of becoming the lowest of creatures, one who is dominated by his nafs’ selfish inclinations, in defeating the nafs he or she has attained a station higher than the angels.

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