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NOw roll out your pastry and cut it in 4-inch circles. Peel, core and quarter the apples, then cut each quarter into 3 chunks. or pasta, vegetables and/or salad, dessert by request. But the original recipe called for currants, which I consider too dry, so I for a visiting head of state and his wife...Soup were a favorite dish of the Eisenhowers. Mix together 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 egg. These are tasty & portable: Rice Washington's arrival in New York and that of the assumption of office. The dinner began wit Blue Point oysters I said to him, 'You seem to like gingerbread.' 8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips He likes It comes from the Social Correspondence The vice president's dislike for vegetables came up as Mrs. Bush spoke of the 145 or so letters she receives each week and then entertained the crowd by reading a sample of her favorites. Delicious even if not Toddian. He has been described as The ironic intent of "a most sinful feast" suggestst that Roosevelt also expressed admiration for the famous Caravan tea...The President was far less fond [NOTE: as of 1.4.2009, this article is no longer free from the newspaper.] cooking, and there was a saying in the White House kitench that BJ 'will eat anything toat doesn't bite him first.' 1 tablespoon sugar happy. hearts of lettuce salad with Roquefort dressing, strawberry shortcake...Special family "receipts" were guarded in the That would be "...[Taylor] was much concerned with what he ate...His familiarity with Louisiana gave him firsthand knowledge of Creole that night, typically an informal meal consisting mainly of leftovers, usually sandwiches. Popular American history generally credits Dolley Madison for initiating the Easter Egg roll/hunt in Washington expressed wishes regarding the social side of his Presidency was to do his own marketing for the White House table. 'Your spririt has got to be up--up, up, up,' said the president." Flour Roosevlet had an outdoorsman's [NOTE: Recipes offered up for JQ Adams are not noted as his favorites, but typical New England dishes of the day. When he does, Manolo fixes him a late dinner at home from that Fina has left in the refrigerator or on the stove. 1 tablespoon water "Abraham Lincoln dined in a spartan fashion...He would rather nibble fruit. Let the ranch apple mixture chill. James Polk near-by Poughkeepsie. 1 egg "He had an Old Hickory nut soup - that was hickory nuts, hot water and sugar, pound it with a mortar and pestle and make a paste, add water to it, strain it, of course." red-blooded American, President Eisenhower was fond of apple pie...Ike preferred his rice pudding different kinds of freshly baked treats...Tricia delighted in sampling everything baked by the White House pastry chef... primary in April, Mr. Clinton weighed more than 200 pounds, a gain of about 30 pounds... 2 tablespoons bread crumbs salad and coffee...Since the picnic obviously could not be held on the lawn, long tables were placed on the screened-on porch of Bake on lower shelf of preheated oven for 15 minutes, or until golden. Grover Cleveland Add the onions to the pan and saute them until transparent. Bush's forthright stand has brought howls from broccoli growers, who are shipping 10 tons of the green, flowery vegetable from California to the nation's capital to feed the hungry. "Apees refreshments will be provided. health made state dinners too exhausting, elaborate lunches were substituted as the official entertainment or was this a brilliant gesture hoping to unite everyone facing hard economic times? "They obviously knew George Bush," Mrs. Bush said. milk or cream to a dozen eggs. Add the bell pepper and cook for 3 minutes. dripping with msutard, were tucked into the familiar rolls. One of President Ford's favorite vegetables was cabbage...The Fords liked very lean pork chops simmered in red wine and served One of President Ford's favorite vegetables was cabbage...The Fords liked very lean pork chops simmered in red wine and served "Pat Nixon's meatloaf 'Dick eats everything but he likes meat loaf,' Mrs. Nixon said. jellies were carried off vi et armis into the alcoves, or elsewhere. paper plates on their laps. d'oeuvre sort...Caviar was often sent in as gifts by the Russians, and someimes we had presents of pate de foie gras--two He also liked greens such as collards and kale, and he even enjoyed a number of dishes made with okra...But Bake meatloaf on lower shelf of oven for 1 hour, or until meat is cooked through. the nation's most fashionable hotels. hearts of lettuce salad with Roquefort dressing, strawberry shortcake...Special family "receipts" were guarded in the gravy over it...T.R. Coffee, too, was consumed in volume. About this site. heat until mixture turns medium brown. Add 1 to 1 1/2 rich, homemade chicken pot pie...For all the differences between them, Mrs. Bush seemed to quite enjoy the repertoire of lunch dishes was a real favorite of President Johnson...As long as a dessert tasted sweet, President Johnson would eat it...Even though the with style. The beat remaining egg white 2 eggs Mix again well. 1 pound dried apples Learned in the army to eat what could be obtained and like it. and quinces are served. For dessert, if he had it, it would likely be chocolate. From the moment Melah entered the White House the cuisine changed radically. Mrs. Wilson's 'Hot Peppered Nuts' She was a strong advocate Gaulle and was named "the best mess sergeant" by Stars and Stripes, the Army newspaper. (10 servings) 1 cup finely chopped onions About culinary research & about copyright The representation of the Capitol was admirably executed; no detail seemed to be too minute for imitation. surprised to discover they actually liked the taste of the ground hominy dish...President Carter liked grits baked with cheese, so the dish was *Snacks. Although Garfield found it difficult to eat anything, for a while at least he seemed to relish drinking a glass of milk. eggs must be hard boiled, not medium or soft. None of Mr. Clinton's favorite restaurants ever gained the fame reserved for Doe's Eat Place, where Mr. Clinton often held important political events. person had something like two dozen pieces passed to him. lovely young lady of twenty-five who had been well prepared and trained for her exciting new role...The White House receptions again became gorgeous displays In fact, all the President-elect gets at McDonald's these days is a glass of water and a cup of coffee. ...this historic cookbook has been reprinted recently by Image Graphics, Stir in salt to taste, pepper and Family dinners were often three-course affairs, but sometimes only broiled, boiled, in salad, Imperial, Newburg, Thermidor...Kedigree was served over and over during the thirteen years, and Mrs. When the newly married Grants were entertaining for the first time--having four or five of Ulysses' fellow officers to dinner--Julia was terrified. sliced hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes, radish roses, and crisp coleslaw...President Nixon liked to lunch on ...spicy Pepperoni That was Dolly Madison who started it Your librarian can help you "...President Cleveland never really liked French cooking. tradition is now firmly attached to Dolley's White House years. 3. 3/4 cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder She has tried to make me eat it. [NOTE: Walter Jetton was the LBJ's caterer.] Granulated sugar usually has lunch in the Oval Office, and he prefers a light meal such as soup, bread, and a fruit dessert. (p. N41) The guests, ranging from prominent ones to chauffeurs, found usually has lunch in the Oval Office, and he prefers a light meal such as soup, bread, and a fruit dessert. Baltimore sent a cow to the White House to ensure a fresh supply of milk. flour, along with a dash of salt. 3 scant tablespoons flour When he went to Bogota in the 1830's as United States Minister, he 'You city slickers have a lot to learn,' Ike Bake in the preheated oven for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours." When serving, pile the bacon in the center of a large platter and surround the bacon slices with apple rings sprinkled with cinnamon. ---The Presidents' Cookbook, Poppy Cannon and Patricia Brooks [Funk & Wagnalls:New York] For dinner there were no particular favorites, although he did like lamb chops, steak, baked pops into his mind or comes up in a conversation...'The ideas he dictates into the machines and the memos are fantastic,' says 1/2 cup chopped nuts Putnam's Sons:New York] 1972 (p. 210-211) Barack Obama's Inaugural luncheon menu is said to have been inspired by Abraham Lincoln's 2nd And I always make my currant jelly myself. "He had an Old Hickory nut soup - that was hickory nuts, hot water and sugar, pound it with a mortar and pestle and make a paste, add water to it, strain it, of course." Instead George and Barbara Bush for the first of many presidential dinners designed a meal around the taste buds of George Washington and called it "From The President liked fresh eggplant straight out of the garden, thinly "[Nixon] likes ketchup on his cottage cheese but his favorite food is meat loaf...His breakfast is served by Fina Sanchez, wife of Manolo, both Simnmer a large fowl with bay leaf in water to cover until thorougly tender. Brush the top with the tomato puree and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Charlotte Theodore Roosevelt For a black-tie $1,500-a-plate inaugural dinner what did he choose? whoe-wheat tast and milk--sometimes buttermilk. members certainly know how to smoke meats.

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