sailing la vagabonde riley whitelum

3200nm, with captain…” Lilies expresses purity of heart, majesty … On the Beach (Nevil Shute), (C’mon dude, this guy practically died a bloody Australian! He and his girlfriend Elayna vlog their journey for more than 360,000 subscribers. Agree with what the man says about every man and his dog trying to give you advise, but – do us all a favour though and wear your harnesses and tethers when you should! You should consider giving lectures on your travels to raise additional funds for your travels. Have been following for some time. Elayna spent 4 months back in Aus making websites, honing editing skills, making an album and writing a recipe book. Thank you for posting your adventure. I am a year younger than my retired wife and at 62 trying figure out if I can retire early. ... Explorer who travels the globe on a 43 foot yacht as seen on the YouTube channel Sailing La Vagabonde. I’ve been through your videos twice and have enjoyed them very much. It always makes me smile. Although it is 120 years old the poem still rings true today. It’s amazing Riley is back doing what He loves and the physical demands of it…..after learning He had broke his neck…..I have suffered injury and dehibilition from what I loved…..and it means everything to be able to do what you love again……I love Riley and Elayna’s willing open-ness to be real and share their lives…….an episode can make my day……welcome Baby Lenny………. But now it’s really burning It was almost becoming a sport or problem depending on which way you look at it. Ditto, ditto! After finishing the loop of Australia last year with my partner, two kids (1 and 4) and pop top offroad camper, I now want to turn to the bigger loop and the fact I also have very minimal sailing experience found me at your youtube channel, laughing my head off along with you guys. I’ve been following both of you for a while. I’m actually moving to Aus in August 2016 for a Masters program and to try new things. Roll on, fella…. Anyway maybe in a year or so we will bump into you along the US coast somewhere, I hope so. I’m so happy I found you guys. Safe sailing. I keep a few on board my boat and one my motorbike. This was Port of Los Angeles / San Pedro. Australian sailors Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu are known around the world, thanks to their social media accounts and YouTube channel, Sailing La Vagabonde, in which they document their experiences afloat—at the same time using the power of crowdfunding to help cover their costs. (The Unexplored Atlantic) [#287]. I plan to do the same one day. Rock On Sailor Aussie. The second comment is in regard to your looking for a way to remove rust stains (iron oxide). MORE SINGING please. Elayna is also good.”. Moral of the story: be very very careful. The world is such a better place with such inspirational people as you Riley and Elayna. Home; Facility Maintenance; Masonry; Bollards; Retail Displays; More! The first cmoment I left was in response to that short excerpt from a book or whatever that Scott something or other Macphereson wrote! I am totally addicted to your webcasts of voyages. Swiveling swiftly, Ripstorm focused his attention on the dark form just out of reach of the rippling light. I stumbled upon “Sailing La Vagabonde” videos while looking at other videos and I find it so inspiring. Where we gonna have this baby? I might just have do it much sooner after learning about your story-look out for a boat named the Tibetan Nomads. He and I worked in Environmental restoration and hyrdaulic engineering knowledge helps. It does have a connection with depth because of the pressure acting against the drum of your ear etc and trying to clear your ears etc. For now, my adventures consist of distance touring I think Lenny will too. It had been slowly creeping around inside my brain for years, insistent, insidious, but I had daren’t breath a word of it to anyone. I’m finally in the place to act on it, and am currently searching out a boat. Don’t ask me why, but it helps to keep the salt water from getting trapped for long periods after surfacing. She has gained popularity … Before Fame. Hi guys this is my first time ever commenting on any videos. Looking forward to more “real” entertainment from you both. Very nice write up. They are great. It is great to see you both as happy under the ocean, as on it. Where we gonna have this baby? I have enjoyed watching your video’s and the many different locations and adventures, and look forward to the next one. Enjoying all your episodes. Riley: thanks for sharing. My lovely wife of 30 years and I love SLV and are currently making the transition from land to sea and thank you both for all the tips. Many of them may all look at you as a dream they can never live. Web Design by Jake Lorraine. Ditto. You have my deepest, most sincere envy for your choices and adventures. Beauty of a write up Riley. But, you should keep in mind, wherever you go, there are untold numbers of people who wish they could live as you do, with similar effort that you have put into it. Explorer who travels the globe on a 43 foot yacht as seen on the YouTube channel Sailing La Vagabonde. Was a dash of the Gypsy blood’. My regrets are the travels I have not done but am making up for it in how I live my life now. Because. Do you have a book on what fish, you can or can’t eat? Your email address will not be published. We laugh a lot. Take the dive, take the plunge, a thousand sights you’ve never seen, a thousand sounds you’ve never heard, all waiting in the Mystic Jitterbug Universe. you both seem like great people and I applaud you for having the courage to pursue the life path you are on. Shock of the New by Robert Hughes (Also on You Tube). Warmest best wishes to you both. There is love in this world. When the atmosphere is bad offshore on the Rigs there is no escaping and its oppressive, it is mentally and physically draining. If there was a general theme from these people it was always along the lines of have kids later and do as much as you can when you’re young. Hope to catch-up in person in a distant harbour. What I was doing, and what you are doing, is what they call a Wanderjahr in German. All easy reads, softbacks, fast moving and very valuable; so no excuses. I live in Florida and have rented a couple of boats in the Caribbean for a week at a time. , home of Federal Express , how would you like a care package , a box of frozen steaks ? [#288], We stay on DESERTED ISLANDS for 48 Hours!!! You earn it. Keep up the good work and adventures. Riley and Elayna I had to give up diving due to a skull operation. I have to reiterate what others have said about the videos being inspirational. The two big events from then were buying the yacht and meeting Elayna. We are a bit of a professional outfit these days and it feels good. !You all are creating loving memories for him . It was my father who inspired my outdoors side and not worrying about doing it a bit tough (I slept on a swag for a year at age 25 because I thought buying a bed was a waste of money) I eventually bought a bed when Dad came to visit and mentioned that I should probably just get a proper bed. My parents split up when I was 5 which is why I lived in different locations. I have been watching your vlogs for a few months. Byron. That is fucking amazing and you are the luckiest guy in the world. Riley Whitelum: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more. Wishing you both all the best from a cold and damp UK. I spent 6 months recovering, whilst 16 of my best mates went on “The best trip ever” (I keep hearing) an RV trip up and down the coast of The States. Required fields are marked *. Safe Travels and Happy New Year to you both I used to have issues with my ears all the time because of the diving. And stay un good health ..! Love and Hugs, Clare, Mate, like your stuff and understand the joys of the offshore, was only a few miles from the Spaghetti pipe layer you were aboard a few months ago. No one can give it to you. There is always going to be a bit of self analysis and introspection involved which can be uncomfortable. Pausing the clip to discuss how you have gone about things . You two inspire the imagination of many! I hope some day we’ll meet and even sail together now that would b awesome! I can’t be sure that the drops were harmless because it may have been that my drum had healed. There is much to say, here is part. My husband and I had been watching you guys, and I even purchase Elayna’s album, I love her songs in the end of the episodes!! I’ve just discovered your VLOG ( sounds like a turd doesn’t it?) Clearly you are a natural at being on the sea.. Bonne chance. Your Vlogs are awesome but I thoroughly enjoy your writing style and would like to read more articles/stories on your website, I’m sure your Mum would appreciate more regular updates too , I’m finishing up varsity now so I’ll become a patron once I have some money of my own . Whitelum’s net worth is not available. Well done on giving Greta a lift…brilliant. Its now September 2014 and I’ve got a bit of a clue, however I’ve done some ridiculous and embarrassing things, sail-wise, onboard, and other. Bill S. Your story is exemplary, have enjoyed the sea as you wanted. My island friends and I will spoil you rotten, in the best way. I fish anywhere between surface and -35m, and I’ve never suffered from an ear infection, ever . used liberally can “dry out” the middle ear. Good to know the man behind Elayna’s addictive videos. While I’m jealous of the huge lobsters and fresh fish, I also know you have earned these treats. Widely known for comprising one-half of the Sailing La Vagabonde YouTube channel alongside her boyfriend Riley Whitelum. Take good care out there !!!! If you find yourself heading this way let us know! I can dive down to 30m, Elayna can do just over 20m and is a much stronger swimmer and more comfortable in the water than I am. My husband and I are retired and next door to our daughter, her husband and our two grandsons. I had to laugh at that line, Riley, but I imagine you’ll be sleeping alone for a bit. She is a fan of fellow travel vlogger and parkour star Jason Paul. Fair winds , be safe , as we continue to be fans, Thanks for sharing…..i grew up not far away from Cowell in Cleve, recognise a great country boy!….when are you going to marry that beautiful woman? Keep the vids coming and i’m sure in no time you’ll be travelling the world even more – and for free . I will be turning 60 in October but I feel like I am turning 30. I stayed a short while in Monopoli, living aboard and learning the systems and reading about how to sail (the purchase takes time so I couldn’t take it sailing yet). I won’t go into too much detail here suffice it to say that I love her more than anything, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, she can sail to windward at like almost 30 degrees and can hold her own in 5m swell and gale force winds, one helluva boat. Well said and enjoyed! Keep doing what your doing!! Riley and Elayna are the sort of people that you hope to, and thankfully so often do have the joy of getting to know and share adventures with when you travel. Loved watching your Atlantic and Pacific passages. Their Youtube channel titled Sailing La Vagabonde fetches 1.5 million subscribers. Have you read ” The Voyage” by Sterling Hayden. Thanks for the inspiration!!! On La Vagabonde I like to free dive, fish and spearfish. I’ve been a keen sailor most of my life, and designed the Spinlock jammers you use each voyage, but I lack the “balls” to live from the sea like you guys. My Mom played the piano and I think of her a lot E. when you play your guitar with L. I love music so much because of her. Thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way you are making the vids and trip a reality. Cosmos by Carl Sagan (Also on You Tube) We only traveled along the, west coast, California to Washington and Catalina Island. Some of the the other sailing/vagabonding vlogs, it’s like “That’s a nice boat, but this vlog appears to be about being rich, drunk, and obnoxious in the third world.” No mentions of David Foster Wallace. We’re *trying* to keep a blog Over time, I think we will learn more like ( how you broke your neck) but as perhaps the details are not important. Also thank you both for keeping it clean and respecting your relationship in front of the camera. He lost his yacht to a dock maintenance worker. I show your vids to all of our family members and get excited every time you upload a new one! Anyway, wanted to say thanks for the updates throughout your journeys. You have succeeded in being inspirational. You two are an inspiration to a lot of people in all kinds of ways. Some like me for 50 years. Hi R.E.L. Go easy on my friends. Imagine how many people would be pissed off if the videos stopped coming……. I have a little brother who I am trying to convince to come on the boat but he only wanted to go to Cuba. A drop or 2 does the trick. And I might even up my Patreon payments . You guys show it. You all are such an inspiration. Or both? (I was walking home from a laundry mat when a car drove up beside me and pointed a shotgun at me while a negroid shouted “die cracker!” and blew a hole through my left leg. Just discovered your youtube channel. We’re in Guadeloupe and hanging out in the Leewards for now. I’ve gone from (don’t laugh, we all start somewhere) 5.5 meters to 9.3 over the past week! This was also why I travelled a lot. None of your bio surprises me (I am up to episode 47) and i’m thinking one of the reasons you’re garnering a brazillion followers has something to do with living the dream vs chasing it. Good on you Riley and Elayna. In 1895 our poet Henry Lawson wrote ‘The Vagabond’. Wanna be world traveler! I think it is because you guys have this art of observing ego figured out. Now I Just Need to Learn How to Sail. ONE WEEK to Prepare for 16 Days at Sea (Atlantic Crossing)[#291], Finding a REFUGEE BOAT at sea so sad. You must count in the Pacific Northwest into your plans, hit it in October and get a boat load of fish. Thanks for all of the inspiration and encouragement you give. From Fort Wayne, Indiana. If you choose to get that piece of paper that says Graduated .. It’s never to late. He and his girlfriend vlog their journey for more than 1.4 million subscribers. Riley Whitelum is a web star. We are water people, love sailing and kayaking on Sydney Harbour and diving on Barrier Reef or snorkelling at Fairlight Beach in Sydney. Thanks for the ride Riley!, I was randomly browsing “you tube”and 2 days later I felt like I took a vacation! He also lives life . Sailing La Vagabonde is not what you would consider a traditional startup or business. I’m always analyzing when something appeals to me and in this case why your videos appeal to so many people across the globe. My friends think I’m a hypocrite but I feel as though I have a complicated moral code that has evolved according to my age. Almost an uneventful film but interesting. Good fun to read. I feel like a fucking robot but when i saw a video with u both sailing la vagabonde and i fell in love with both u. Uve inspired me to do the same. Not many people in this world inspire me. Now you’re with me Imagination gleefully laughed and the glint his eyes assured Ripstorm this would be an adventure only Mystics could understand. The ear got better. I can’t believe she made a website! In March of 2019 I was able to hike and climb a mountain. Anyway I recently bought a 2500HD Silverado to pull a fifth wheel around the US. Question? Thank you for sharing your amazing content and fantastic personalities. We are currently saving to buy a boat and take off with our son (2 years old) I’d say we are a couple years off. I ve been following you guys for awhile now and really enjoy all of your material. Riley Whitelum, Sailing La Vagabonde. I have been married for 20+ years and she still is my “Gypsy Soul” hence the name of our boat. Finding your “adventorous mermaid” was a great bonus, especially with her skills at documenting your progress. We used a WordPress blog when we did our one year round the world trip honeymoon. The following year we chartered in the BVIs with another couple which was also incredibly fun. I love your videos, they are really really well done. This is what I have come up with so far; I grew up in a few different places but really when I think of growing up it was in Cowell which is a small country town in South Australia of about 1200 people when I was there, including the farmers, and in Alice Springs which is in the middle of Australia *kind* of near Uluru (Ayres Rock.) I love the videos that I stumbled across and will now watch all of them. If you need somewhere to stay in Sydney close to Woodford Bay (Longueville) on Lane Cove River (suitable for mooring) let me know. Your videos help keep us focused and excited for the life we are slowly marching towards, Well said ! Nice bio. I recently filled my passport and had to get a new one. Keep up the good work and God Bless. That’s what makes it work. and the temperatures turning. For avoiding ear infections: gently lubricate your outer ear canal with some pure organic coconut oil. I live/work onboard my boat, the lovely Dovekie. Now i understand how you become a traveller…the way that your parents lived when you were young!!! Those years working and saving for your dream, also honed your determination and drive. See you out there. All have been both interesting and entertaining. One thing. How the hell did you break your neck? Riley Whitelum has Sailing's largest VLOG on YouTube as he sails his catamaran around the world with his wife Elana and new son Lenny. To cross into Imaginations shadow realm gave him pause. Meriden, CT I think that’s the quality within your laughter and your story that appeals to us. Hopefully one day we’ll see you someway around the world next year, when we start our own voyage Forgot to mention a book: There are a couple bits that I would like to pass on on the chance that you might find them helpful. Adventures and experience as well as meeting people worldwide is what fills a heart and soul for a lifetime. Maybe one day ill see you out there. Elayna is also good. Lucky to have found each other and have a beautiful child. I have mixed feelings about my time offshore, I made some life long friends and it gave me money and time to travel but it can be really difficult. Thanks again xx. Well, I have many of your old episodes to watch so I had better get back to the laptop. Been following your travels religiously & have come to the conclusion your both not only cute but very inspirational take the compliment it’s more than warranted especially when it comes from a 75 yrs old timer ( who still dreams of sailing perhaps not around the world ) pls keep those videos coming …can’t wait to see your initial trip on the new Cat. No wonder you have an ear infection, My friend Steve, who could also, and did, free dive that deep, suffered from them as well. The photo below is from when I broke my neck travelling through Brazil and had to have spinal surgery over there. He gives a vivid description of his childhood in his autobiography. I bought the boat in the small town of Monopoli, Italy, located about where the Achilles heel would be on the “boot” shape of Italy. I failed so bad that in order to re-apply ever again they said that I would need to write a letter to someone, I can’t remember who. Some are sailing in the sun. I love the place.. I definitely agree with this guy. I skipped doing a degree for a bunch of reasons beyond my control, and obsessed about it for far to long. If you’re ever sailing in Oklahoma, stop by. Thanks for the honesty and absence of sensationalism we see from every other media outlet. Hi I could go on here, I wrote about half of a book on my experiences whilst I was recovering because I spent little to no time talking, as instructed by my pathologist, for 4 or 5 months. How do you even do that? Me, my kids and wife are also traveling-started in early 2014 and we’ll still trudging along. The first 18 days was strictly no talking and then I was allocated 15 words an hour or something for I can’t remember how long, months. The Golden Ocean (Patrick O’Brien) Sailing La Vagabonde is a YouTube channel run by Australian video bloggers Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu.The channel documents the couple's life aboard their sailing catamaran La Vagabonde.As of 2021, the channel had over 1.5 million subscribers. Love your Bio’s and the videos. I managed to move into construction instead of drilling later in my career which was infinitely better. Finding a REFUGEE BOAT at sea so sad. Anyway, lovin the underwater footage, spearing, sailing and general tom foolery. I decided not to wake Riley up just yet seeing as the contractions were 5 – 6 minutes apart and although they were painful enough to keep me from going back to sleep, ... ©2020 Sailing La Vagabonde. Good stuff Riley, I really enjoyed getting to know a bit more about your life. She’s awesome! I wasn’t sure if they were telling me a story or not so I spent a bit of time in the town getting to know the locals and verified they had bought the boat as an investment for charter and weren’t getting the business required, were losing money, and therefore needed to sell quick. Keep the wind in your sails and enjoy life. . Incidentally, did you know David Foster Wallace is Jonathan Franzen? To avoid ever getting ear infections again after diving, try putting a cap full of 3% (not 30% ) hydrogen peroxide in both of your ears for a few minutes after diving…works like a charm. Cheers!! I’m from Memphis , TN. You and Elayna have been a real encouragement to me since you’ve been doing your thing and now I’ve finally got me a mistress as well. I have been watching your videos for a few months now and you have taught me a lot. Riley Whitelum’s birth flower is Lily of the valley. This was probably because I am one of those people who are now looking back and thinking, why didn’t I follow my dreams when I was younger. Trust me; it works! See you in Miami? can earn extra cash every month with new monetization method. I don’t think there is a correlation between depth and ear infections. I would listen to older people, my parents friends, uncles etc (not my parents obviously, who listens to them?). Here’s a great tip I learned from my little brother (he’s a Scuba Instructor). There are commercial preparations that also have some boric acid in them, but I have been using rubbing alcohol for 60 years and it has never let me down. I just went through your youtube videos here in Bar, Montenegro. You have an extremely pleasing , natural presentation. Amen to that. With the summer coming to an end I have started planning my fall overnight backpacking trips. person throughout school.After getting shot I grew to be one of the largest people on the planet.So that was strange to get used to.Anyways,the trauma to my left leg caused it to stop growing as fast as my healthy leg.This caused my hips to be uneven and therefore my spine as well.As I grew to enjoy the strength of my enlarged body I pushed myself in all things to be as big and strong as I could be.I lent my size and strength to many many causes.And it all caught up with me.I wont go into what all is wrong now but I will say that without your good health life is a drag.I did however go from being a learner via physical activities to that of a ceribral learner.I have been reading pretty nonstop for the last decade now.Which has been VERY rewarding in terms of being able to advise people and how to provide basic needs instead of hiring others to fix things.I am currently teaching myself robotics and perhaps create a new kind of wheelchair that will make being handicapped not so bad.In terms of being stuck in a wheelchair.To have wheelchairs that float and a doc octopus type of spine support.I am rambling now. Every fay is a good time to go sailing when you’re out there. I’ve been following your YouTube channel for a couple years now, and have been planning my escape to the ocean for about a decade. I wish you guys safe sailing. Despite beginning with no previous sailing experience, Australian couple Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu have been documenting their journey traveling the world by sail. It all turned out OK though, over a hundred grand hospital fee that travel insurance picked up there. When I turned 40 I underwent a cervical fusion and 6 lumbar surgeries resulting in my lower back being fused from S1 to L2. We are living a conventional life, me barrister fighting the good fight, my wife also a solicitor. I had set a 10 yr plan set out to start sailing with my kids-8 yrs left on that plan now. The first stanza –, ‘White handkerchiefs wave from the short black pier Good old facebook! I’ll share those experiences with you on another post if you’d like. I just wanted to say you deserve this. You have a few wonderful mentors – the sea, La Vaga, Ely, and those you meet on your journey. Big love x, Good write up fella, your a survivor, and inspiring..yehaa, Only recently found SLV , love your videos , looks like ya’ll are having the time of your lives , I would like to ask a personal question if I may , how much did the boat cost , and was it cheaper because you bought it where they are made , sail on my friends , living my dream vicariously through you , thanks, I would encourage you to come to this part of the world someday on your travels. Maybe Jim Carey and perhaps Dave Grohl, my biggest inspiration in fact up until now has been Alan Watts. I also would like to thank you for the videos . I’ve been watching your videos forever but somehow never made it to this part of your site, Riles. I agree wholeheartedly with the comment above. An account of ones life is a difficult thing to attempt I think. In June I started going to the lake and swimming 3 to 4 days a week. Music: At the moment I’m really flogging The Drones, Neil Young, Nick Cave, Colour Haze and Pink Floyd. Anyways, we don’t motor yacht any longer, but he’s looking into sailing. You clear your ears when the difference in the pressure between that inside the drum and that of the water outside becomes too great. The Crossing (Cormac McCarthy) Just keep in mind that everywhere you sail into, there are many more living poor who dream of your life than the wealthy who support you from their dream-about lives from their comfortable homes. The US is home for me, but the ocean is my dream. Thank you Rile. It was like living with 15 of your best friends. Thanks for your honest story… equally as interesting with even more adversities . ), Twilight For the Gods (Ernest K. Gann) The two of you are truly an inspiration and I thank you for it and do and will support your efforts. I take my hat off to you for what you have achieved. You are such an inspiration Happy new year & good bio Riley doing what makes you happy. Fair skies & calm seas to the both of you ! I am land lock here in Indiana, USA, but I love to hear from you and follow your adventures. Well played sir , I applaud your willingness to open up and share more about yourself and upbringing. That is your education. [#290], It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.. [#289], Sailors TRAPPED Overseas.

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