va disability rating for neck arthritis

Yes, the VA will look at all of your conditions and combine them as needed to rate them correctly. The total combined is just capped at 100%. If you weren't diagnosed with Endometriosis until more than year after separation, you are in for a tough battle. Anxiety and depression can make sleep apnea worse, but there is no solid evidence that they cause sleep apnea. Are you familiar with this : lists impotence and stroke as conditions that might have been avoided if I had been using a CPAP. Greetings,I wanted to asked can you received a separate rating for medical collateral Ligament laxity and Lateral collateral ligament laxity under code 5257? Unfortunately, sleep apnea is not a condition on the Presumptive List for exposure to Agent Orange or service in Vietnam. A current diagnosis is always recommended if possible to obtain. for ED, there isn't a rating for ED at all, so that is correctly rated 0%. Hi, thank you for your time. This will be determined on whether there is forward flexion greater than 30 degrees but less than 60 degrees. When I first did my claim I mentioned my left leg but I was neither denied nor given a 0% rating. Comment, ask questions, let us know what YOU need. True, but common VA practice shows evidence that weak claims can still be denied with such a large time gap. Also, are there any organizations that could recommend a doctor knowledgeable about this? The VA will need more than a loose connection to be able to firmly grant that your OSA was definitely caused by your heart history, and this letter should enable you to solidify your case. I did get a copy of my C & P exam, and I also saw the medical opinion that the C & P examiner had to provide to the VA. Also, you would qualify for a 100% rating during your recovery period for each of those surgeries: some symptoms are already covered by endometriosis, others may qualify for separate rating, so I definitely recommend applying and giving it a shot. I submitted a claim for secondary and it was denied. I was diagnosed with shoulder impingement and a partial tear of my rotator cuff. Once you've put it in the eBenefits system, you know they definitely have it. be clear that the condition is unlikely to have developed without the original m getting ready to submit my FDC. There are a few different ways to do this. Have a service-connected disability#2. If you have been diagnosed with any of these issues as a veteran, immediately go to the doctor! These types of movements aren't typically done in compensation for the other shoulder. How to File a Claim on (step-by-step)! ", Yes sir. For the secondary condition, submit all The cause of the depression in the medical records needs to clearly be ED. Even if you limp or walk oddly, knee conditions usually still allow normal motion of the foot. The spinal stenosis could be connected, depending on the exact cause of the stenosis. The VA needs to see treatment records that show the original diagnosis and continued treatment for each condition claimed. Through our blog, we jump deep into Military Disability topics, concerns, upcoming changes, etc. He went for a sleep study through the VA many years after retiring from the military. Any insight appreciated. I very well could of been at 10% for the cirrhosis and the spherocytosis w/o knowing it. Would I need to submit a secondary claim with a copy of the treatment record? What you should do is check the ratings for Sarcoidosis and see if his test results would qualify him for a higher rating than 30%. Dr.Johnson, thanks for your valuable insight. It is usually the other way around. I find your comment about being automatically connected interesting. Since it has been so long since your service, there is really very little to no evidence that it was caused by your service. If so, and they still denied you, try submitting evidence of flight time or other evidence of time spent in high-noise areas along with your appeal, and it should be successful. Most joint ratings do not include systemic therapy as an option. The thoracolumbar spine is composed of two parts of the spine; the thoracic (twelve vertebrae) and the lumbar (5 vertebrae). You can claim IBS as the presumptive list has been extended to 2021. Tinnitus is a subjective condition, meaning you are the only one who can hear it. The VA will need to see that it is an ongoing condition. Hi Mike - Sorry to hear about your situation. However, any doctor can do it, and if you prepare the letter as much as possible for them before hand, it will save them time if they only have to fill in the details. How to Find Relief for Bursitis of the Shoulder? I reviewed my c file and the evidence is there plus I have new evidence to confirm my syptomns. Which you will have if you obtain (say it with me) a filled out Sleep Apnea DBQ or Nexus of opinion from a pulmonologist or your primary care dr.Best wishes. A It’s been bad lately but have only seen the psych for a few months. I have read from reliable resources that asthma can be linked to sleep apnea ie. Scars are only ratable if they are significantly large, so yours is probably not, so I wouldn't be too concerned about that. Also I have a s/c of 0 percent for deveated septum, ever since the break I snore terribly and am always tired. I was wondering why he got excited about that and went home and googled it. I was attached to a huey outfit and also spent time at an airbase with f-104, & f-111 aircraft taking off and landing at all hours. I have a few questions, in 2010 I was diagnosis with prostate cancer due to being sprayed with agent Orange while in Vietnam. Direct-Service connection can not be granted.A secondary-service connection argument can be made. key is providing a strong nexus between the two conditions as is shown in the above case. A NEXUS letter from Painful periods aren't always enough to denote Endometriosis, even though yours were significant while in service. I have type two diabetes I stay thirsty all the time and I'm on 15 different medications for other service connected issues. I am currently awaiting to see what they rated my Arthritis claim I hurt and Injured my left knee in Basic and hope they do not deny my claim for that. I also have tinnitus and I receive VA disability for it. The knee is rated at 10% but I don't know if that automatically equals instability. A 40% is given if you have to urinate more than every hour during the day. If it is low, then it is usually denied. If so, then you can submit an appeal. If there is any decreased vision, then you should be rated for that probably under code 6026 for optic neuropathy. Dr. Johnson I was diagnosed with breast cancer (L) and as a result now have Lymphedema, pleural thickening and chronic neuropathy. You must show a definite diagnosis with continued and current treatments of the condition. Next week, we will meet with our VSO and he can show us in VBMS what the examiner said in her report. considered service-connected since it was caused by a service-connected That really helps a lot. Gary. Thanks for your prompt response to my March 7th question. I'm hoping this will suffice to the VA Rater who will be deciding my claim. But if I wait to be rated for the PTSD, and claim sleep apnea later, it would be a secondary? By continuing to browse the site you are consenting to their use. Hear from fellow Veterans just like you, with many of our Veteran Success Managers having gone through our programs. We are here for you! I’m not sure I could get sleep apnea service connected on its own without the PTSD. Yes, put a new claim listing them as secondary conditions to your service-connected condition. According to the VA, flexibility must be fairly limited to even get a 20 percent disability rating. I'm assuming (maybe incorrectly), that the 40% is for your incontinence. The first time I was hospitalized for this problem, my platelet count was undetectable. Thanks so much for your reply! Today, because of the Federal Circuits decision, veterans may receive disability benefits that began during their military service even without an actual diagnosis. Thanks for the help! The Nexus letter will definitely help support your claim. A second opinion is always a good idea, though, especially since you'll need the seizures directly tied to the sleep apnea in your case. You should be good to go. Either claim should be successful, but I suggest submitting the one you have the most evidence of. The psychiatrist suggested these are all secondary conditions of the PTSD diagnosis. Do you think I have a good claim to claim anxiety and depression as secondary to my IBS? Powered by, However, for any condition that develops No one seems to be able to point me in the right direction in finding the correct labeling/grouping of my conditions. Hello, I have 2 separate issues I'm concerned with:1. So the cancer is rated 100% temporarily after the surgery is over, then it is rated on residuals. I can't guarantee that I was at 10% within the first year after discharge since I never had any symptoms till my gall bladder had to come out. I will definitely need to go over my records with my doctor. As for the timeline, it all depends. Just be prepared that it's going to be a tough battle.So far, ITP has never been directly connected to Agent Orange before, and all previous cases trying to link the two have been denied: you have any success, definitely share it so that others might benefit as well. I did NOT claim my eye conditions as secondary to Sjogren's and I see now that I may qualify under Code 6025 Lacrimal Apparatus? IF for some reason you are past the 1-year appeal time limit that decision becomes final, BUT you can always re-open a finalized decision with new and material evidence. The presumptive list is for Gulf War Syndrome, which is a collection of conditions with no official diagnosis. for example, can naturally develop on its own from overuse or misuse of a joint Hard to get a Dr to write nexus..Thanks Dennis. If it was diagnosed after the year mark, then you can still get it added now as secondary to your DDD. This is my second submission of this question, because I'm not sure the first one was published. Secondary conditions are only important if they cannot be connected to military service by themselves. I keep reading conflicting advice about whether to file a secondary condition at the same time as my initial claim, or wait. I am currently SC for Meniere's disease and I'm on the process to submit a claim for anxiety and Depression secondary to the Meniere's. Also I'm register gulf war vet how is Degenerative disc disease rated & how can I prove service connection? The key to getting the nexus is really to find the physician who 1. knows your conditions the best and 2. is willing to write one. It is definitely worth submitting a claim, but be prepared for the difficult battle. VA had me go to four C&Ps and each have given the same outcome, all were do to the Cancer and the surgery, even the Chief of surgery (urology) supported my claim. The claim would be filed as a secondary service connection. The stronger the connection, the better. You said it contributed to the fall, but did not directly cause the fall. A letter from your commander would be beneficial. Thanks again for the help and whatever information and advice you can offer. The idea is to clearly show the string of events as directly caused by your PTSD. Can a claim be changed to a secondary condition after I have already filed, at the discretion of the VA? The C & P examiner stated "It is at least as likely as not 50/50 that the Veterans neuropathy is caused due to military service because it is a valid secondary condition caused by degenerative disk disease, which the Veteran is service connected for". This condition has caused my right shoulder to drop causing my back to be out of alignment resulting in lower back pain and pain down my leg. the original condition was If you had treatment records of bronchitis while in service or something similar, there would be a higher chance, but without those and no other solid evidence linking the bronchiectasis, it is very unlikely to be service-connected. Subsequently, many things that have followed me throughout my career are a chronic problem to me, but because of the culture I served in, most of the problems I have are not captured in my records. If I didn't believe that Agent Orange was the root of my problem, I wouldn't be pursuing this case with such determination.Thanks for all your help!Gene R. Blomberg. Be sure to obtain a copy of your Service Medical Record first,if you do not have a copy already; before reviewing your civilian medical records with your Dr.Here is why:You'll need to connect the dots for the VA Ratings Scheduler assigned to your claim. diagnosed until after service. Do you think this would be a good case for a secondary rating? Scoliosis cannot be rated separately. A VSO can also make the request on your behalf.If and when you're able to obtain the DBQ or nexus of opinion. Then, continuity of symptoms after service;in the form of lay statements from friends and family. Each condition is still rated as is. While most back disabilities can be traced to a specific event or injury that should be in your military records, you may also have back problems due to the physical stress of training and other work while in service. In this case, if the spinal injury I then had surgery but a part of my ovaries and bladder was removed in the procedure. If you’re stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! Can I apply to have that added to my disability rating?Thank you. Yes, you can submit a single claim for all the conditions. You can list both anxiety and depression, but they are correct that you will only be given a single overall mental health rating. I am not affiliated with Dr.Johnson or his website,but I have acquired experience with va disability claims. The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. Obtain a medical nexus of opinion stating "at least as likely as not" that #1 and #2 are linked. I can’t excercise, work physically, because I’m in pain and constantly just depressed. So ultimately, reach out to both and see who is willing to write it and go from there. Thanks for your time. Can knee pain and ankle pain be connected to low back pain and hammer toes? Instability is a separate condition entirely and should be independently diagnosed. Then just follow the instructions on how to submit a claim and include this evidence. If pain is the only symptom, then that is already covered by your endometriosis rating. A NEXUS letter from your physician detailing the connection will also strengthen your claim. If the physical therapy was for a back injury, then that is not an official diagnosis or treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Is this something we should argue? What was it listed as? I've noticed that the Gallbladder, Cirrhosis, Diabetes & Thrombocytopenia are on the VA presumptive list. condition. Is instability separate from the basic % rating...or does the knee need to be rated at a certain % to be considered unstable? I take it you work with Dr Johnson to help people with their concerns. Yes, it would. According to my Spouse (of 50 years) after returning from Vietnam she observed that I would stop breathing when I slept. Guards and other Reservists must have their conditions occur in the line of duty in order to be service-connected. If you’re disability rating is 30% or greater, your medications are free and you get travel pay if you take your own vehicle to any appointment, whether at a VA facility or a civilian hospital, specialist or other healthcare professional if authorized by your VA Primary Care Provider. I am currently receiving a disability for TMJ. Basically, what they do is combine all the symptoms from both conditions and use them all to assign a rating based on the Psychological Rating System. Should he submit sarcoidosis as a secondary to bronchitis? Hi Doc,I am service-connected patellar femoral pain syndrome, I submitted a claim for metatarsalgia; secondary to PFPS. However, if it meets any of the requirements for service-connection, it can qualify:, Thanks Dr. Johnson,I was exposed to Agent Orange for 14 months. I would like to submit an NOD. I was diagnosed with TMJ but did not file with the VA until after retirement. It would be a good idea to get a nexus of opinion from a private audiologist stating "at least as likely as not" the veteran's tinnitus is due to military service. service-connected and 2.) Ready to MAXIMIZE your military disability? I have my Army medical records to support the claim fracture happened while I was undergoing training. example. Dips below once in awhile. Ultimately, in order to win a secondary claim, it is always best to get a NEXUS letter. My doctors don't know what the cause is for either of these issues. The veteran's military occupation specialty is listed in the VA fast-letter 10-35 as High Probability for Noise-Level Exposure.Copy and past this link into your address bar- this helps. Then all your sick-call visits pertaining to your menstrual problems in-service until you left military service. Unless it is on the., Doc can I claim spinal stenosis and hip arthritis due to a left knee condition which is connection which resulted in a TKR. Acute, Subacute, or Chronic Diseases Tip of the hat, sir. Why was I denied for tinius even though I was an aircrewman ? Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis and is a very common rating for any joint in the body. This information will be vital to your case. Just to ensure that everything is submitted, we also recommend compiling and uploading it yourself. However, it isn’t quite time to celebrate for everyo... Again, in only a matter of days, the VA published a second section of proposed VASRD changes—after almost a year break—apparently trying ... © 2013 and © 2020 by I was denied twice even though I had a sleep study done after service that confirmed an OSA diagnosis for "Sleep Apnea as secondary to PTSD" because I didn't have new and material evidence. I have a service connected disability for chronic pelvic pain/endometriosis and hysterectomy. You have to have a single condition rated 60% or multiple conditions that combine to 70%. Conditions Worsened By Military Service. A 30% rating is only if there is dizziness less than once a month. Can I place another claim with a Nexus letter from my doctor and ex rays that show the damage to those joints. f. Vertigo, Boots WebMD Partners in Health g. Vertigo, Healthline Newsletter, Allergies and Dizziness: The Cause and the Treatment h. Vertigo, New York Sinus Center i. Yes, there is some evidence that cardiovascular conditions can result in sleep apnea. jet engines can produce db levels up to do I fill out a claim and what proof do I need? Thanks so much for your blog and great assistance you provide to so many people. All been documented. If it isn't, then you need to show further proof that you worked in the circumstances noted that exposed you to high levels of noise. If you are already rated 20% or more, then scoliosis will not add anything to that rating. No told me to claim them as secondary to PTSD. The majority of VA cases have denied connection between sleep apnea and a cervical spine condition, but these two were successful: you can format your case and evidence similarly, you'll have a strong chance of success. Because my left shoulder was frozen I had to overuse my right shoulder. Although, the VA has a Duty to Assist, the Ratings schedulers dont always follow this.Best wishes.Unfortunately, we as veterans carry the burden to prove and substantiate our own claims. Request to speak to a patient advocate and explain the circumstances. Dr. Johnson, do you do a nexus letter? The sleep study report or Dr. note must state "medically necessary cpap"3. It never hurts to submit VA Form 21-4138, but in all honesty, these aren't as effective as pure evidence that directly supports your claim (medical records, commander statements, etc.). Anything I’m missing you think would help I’d truly appreciate. One of these is sleep apnea at 50%. Since it is going to be difficult to prove how much of the incontinence is due to the prostate cancer, they may deny that. In order to receive VA disability for back problems, like all VA Claims, the VA will be looking for as much evidence as possible. if the residuals are from the surgery and I had to make a claim for them, am I entitled to additional compensation for the residuals, even if I'm already 100% total and permanent? Make sure to definitely have a nexus letter clearly connecting the conditions. If so, and your mental health provider agrees that it is the result of your tinnitus, then, yes, it can be claimed as secondary. Gary. soon as you are off active duty, you can apply for VA Disability for this condition. Yes, Leroy is correct. White WBC's are down to 2.1 as well.None of my doctors can pinpoint why I've come down with these ailments. A nexus letter will support that. Sir,I'm already getting compensation for my back and radiculopathy for my right side lower extremeties. I have already been diagnosed by the VA for these conditions, but I have never filed them as secondary conditions. Could these fall under the Gulf War Syndrome umbrella? There are some rare occurrences of prostate cancer spreading to the skin, however, your friend would have to show proof that his skin cancer is undeniably the spreading of his prostate cancer and not some other unrelated cancer, which is more likely. Claiming Secondary Conditions for VA Disability, Proposed Changes to the Ratings of the Musculoskeletal System. I don't give up easily! Should I file for a secondary for each one and file them all together at the same time? How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! However, if you can supply enough proof with your claim, the VA may still grant service-connection. For I suffered with being exhausted every morning and not knowing why. They will rate whatever you include on a claim. Should I put in a claim? If so, and no evidence of endometriosis was found, this could further weaken your case. Throughout my career, I was told by leaders at all levels that I should never give appearance to the troops that I was 'riding sick-call'. clearly connect the two conditions, service-connection may be denied. Can I file for a secondary condition for my foot? As long as you get a letter from your physician stating that they believe the condition is "more likely than not" caused by that injury, your claim has a high chance of being successful. your physician stating that the secondary condition was “more likely than not” I've read that you need to be careful on how you file based off of the diagnosed illness or the subsequent symptoms., I have a 10 percent tinnitus rating, I believe this causes my my headaches and depression/anger issues. I am reasonably confident that I should be awarded these disabilities.In my research I've begun to wonder if my other "issues" may be service connected as well due to my two 6 month tours in the Persian Gulf. Do you think I could qualify for it. My Cirrhosis will eventually lead to a liver transplant and could eventually kill me. Thank you. A NEXUS letter from the physician clearly showing the link between the injury and your PTSD will help. ITP is not only caused by Agent Orange exposure, so the VA can cover any case that can prove service connection. I had submitted a claim and it was denies in 1999 for chronic bronchitis. Especially if I need to have ERCP's done every couple of years. But prostate cancer is. It's been over a year now and my pain and symptoms have gotten worse. The only way to get it connected is to prove secondary connection, which could be tricky with CFS if your only service-connected condition is your back. You can claim things as secondary to conditions that the VA considers service-connected, so if they have granted service-connection for your shoulders, you can then submit your cervical stenosis as secondary to your shoulders. Hi Nimitz - It's just now coming up on a year since you first applied, so you could be able to complete that original claim. For legs, if one doesn't work as well, there is a clear load being put on the other, often leading to arthritis, etc. Dr. Johnson,I was diagnosed with IBS when I left the army in 2006 and received an increase last year from 10 to 30%. My question is, how should I go about in submitting this claim? Jet - Did you submit evidence of your MOS when you claimed tinnitus? How does the system work for full time ANG technicians doing their military job during the week? I'm told that these are all considered secondary to the breast cancer but can't seem to find any information nor rating for those diagnosis. Bone and Joints Disability Ratings Table § 4.71a Schedule of ratings—musculoskeletal system. Again, though, shouldn't hurt your case. It must be written by a doctor with the right specialties to have a viable opinion on your case. There isn't a rating for "the cancer" anymore, just the residuals. There is definitely less evidence out there since shoulders are non-weight bearing. Both of these issues are also on the Chronic disease list of the VA Presumption List so they're obviously known issues for vets. However, this is rare. Neuropathy will be rated on the main nerves affected (arms, legs, etc.) Often spine conditions can lead to arthritis in the hip. I'm going to go with the service connected route, since I have more evidence in my military records with new evidence to support the claim. I have been rated 30% for Asthma and I put in a claim for sleep apnea but was denied. Second question deals with presuptive of IBS, had some symptoms a few years after returning from Desert Sheld / Storm, but never really said what it was, fast forward to last 3 years and have been diagnosed by my gastrointologist of IBS of both types, with a clear colonoscopy What's the best way to approach this since I read the date to claim it has been extended, is a Nexus better to get , but as I've read presumptive mean just that, but I did also read that about 85% of IBS claims are being denied. I had it officially diagnosed on 05-09-2018, which is when I had the electrophysiological study with a Neurologist. It seems to me these records have been sorely overlooked. Anyway, I tried to slow down a fly wheel with my foot by applying pressure to it. If I read your post correctly, my hip replacement surgery (right side) may be secondary to my service connected Lumbar/right side sciatica (bulged & prolapsed disc) rated at 40%. the secondary condition was definitely caused by the original You must also show medical evidence of the connection between the secondary and primary conditions, including NEXUS letters from your physicians detailing the connection. Since your MOS was as a pilot, you were exposed to a loud-noise environment. As long as you have a physician write a NEXUS for your conditions, you should be able to get these as secondary unless there is clear evidence of a different cause. ?Is this something that the VA could add to my claim even though I did not claim it separately? Talked with my doctor about it and he feels arteritis has developed. VA states they are "modernized"; whereby they are currently more than half-way through the process of updating all body systems in the VASRD (VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities), since the last update in 1945. Ultimately, you can definitely include urinary incontinence if you end up needing to apply for prostate cancer, and they might just rate it. secondary condition, you must prove that 1.) I’ve found literature that states that chronic fatigue, chronic pain and fibromyalgia are all long term/late affects of having chemotherapy. Within two years I finally washed out of three classes (tore right Achilles-service connected;lis-franc fracture right foot a year later which ultimately led to medical discharge as I was told I wouldn’t be able to perform anymore). Over the last 2 years I have developed and been diagnosed Meniere by doctor and would like to file for the Meniere but have seen that it’s not possible to have Meniere secondary to hearing loss.

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