was moses ten cubits tall

And there were four pillars with their four sockets of copper; their hooks. there is a "medrash" that Moses slayed one of them. 212-840-1166, Site design by Many Hats Productions.Template by UpThemes, Although the seventh perek (=chapter) of Masechet Bekhorot that begins on today's daf (=page) continues the theme of mumin - blemishes - in it we switch from focusing on…. The midrash says Og's ankle was 30 amos off the ground - Moseh was ten amos, his spear was ten amos, and he jumped ten amos. Cubits in the Bible. You can't do that and still be rationalist, though. If G-d wants to have a double sized human, He can make the hemoglobin twice as efficient, the bones twice as strong, etc.The problem is that you can say anything was achieved miraculously. Assuming a 20.5” cubit (for reasons previously stated), these boards are each about 17 feet tall, and 2.5 feet wide. When it comes to spirituality, the frum world has no problem presenting people as being a truly different class of human being! At 20.65 inches per Egyptian cubit, the Shasu mentioned in this letter would have measured between 6’10” and 8’7.” What Can One Do For Someone Who Has Passed Away? Exodus 27:1 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And thou shalt make an altar of shittim wood, five cubits long, and five cubits broad; the altar shall be foursquare: and the height thereof shall be three cubits. Some of them are 4 or 5 cubits, nose to foot, with wild faces.25. )The most unusual part of this structure was the fact that each board had two gold pins, or tenons, on the bottom that plugged into the ground where two silver sockets were placed to receive them. The Bible describes many individuals as giants, and it also mentions several giant people groups. Let the bones be proportionally thicker, the heart muscle proportionally stronger to pump the blood, etc., etc., across the board.Why wouldn't that work? He needs the others to make a tabernacle. 300 cubits long x 19.5 inches = 5850 inches / 12 inches = 487.5 feet long 50 cubits wide x 19.5 inches = 975 inches / 12 inches = 81.25 feet wide 30 cubits tall x 19.5 inches = 585 inches / 12 inches = 48.75 feet tall. The Hebrew text says he was six cubits and a span tall. There are several statements in the Gemara about Moshe Rabeinu being 10 amos (15 feet) tall, about twice as tall as Zhang Juncai in the picture above. The Masoretic Text, the Hebrew text that has long been accepted by the Jewish people, states that Goliath’s height was “six cubits and one span.”. Exploring the legacy of the rationalist Rishonim (medieval Torah scholars), and various other notes, by Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin, director of The Biblical Museum of Natural History in Beit Shemesh. But can be inferred. "If one merits it, the Torah is an elixir of life; if one does not merit it, the Torah becomes a potion of death" - Talmud, Yoma 7... A very significant article about how Rav Chaim Kanievsky's court operates was published in the Hebrew paper " The Marker. " Netilat Yadayaim Shel Shacharit - Ritual of Crisis... Mezuzah: Protective Amulet or Religious Symbol. The heights: 10 cubits the Tabernacle, 5 the curtains surrounding the courtyards. The cubit is given different lengths in the literature, from 44 cm for Moses’ … The thickness of the board is not given. To dedicate future digital pages or tractates of the Steinsaltz Talmud, in honor of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one, please email us or call +1 (212) 840-1166. No offense, but I'm sticking to my theory.>"This is all discussed in my book. 2 Each curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits long and four cubits wide— all curtains the same size. Maybe Og could've worn these shoes:http://wimp.com/biggestshoes/. The Bible does not tell us how tall Og was, but his bed was 9 cubits long and 4 cubits wide. Solomon’s temple was built according to cubits of “the former measure” (2 Chronicles 3:3), that is, the royal cubit. Rav recognized that Rav Shimi had misunderstood his teaching and responded: Rav Shimi had originally thought that Rav meant to say that Moses had an ordinary body and that his arm was ten times the length of his own arm (, published in the English version of the Koren Talmud Bavli with Commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, one whose eyes are as large as a calf’s or as small as those of a goose; or, one whose body is unduly large for his limbs or unduly small for his limbs; or. Thus when Moses says that Og’s bed measured nine cubits long we are obligated to calculate using the Egyptian standard of that day. What is the source, and it seems that "Moses" should be replaced with "Og" unless it … They were TEN cubits tall. Here’s a classic treatment of the essential reality of midrash from Maharal: The Talmud tells us that Moses was ten cubits tall. Normally, we equate him with a giant, as most Bible translations state that he was over nine feet tall (1 Samuel 17:4, NIV). Learn more about the Aleph Society's Daf Yomi, Daf Archives by Tractate   |  Daf Archives by Date   |  Glossary. This signifies that no one man is going to come up to this fulness all by himself. 45, Oct. 1988, p. 751-770). Remember that 10 of the spies who checked out the promised land for Moses said that there were giants in the land? As to the width, we infer from the 20 cubits of Solomon’s Temple that the Tabernacle was half the size (1 Kings 6:2) — thus, 10 cubits wide. (Soncino translation) A ten-cubit-long axe is not exactly a common household item. Joshua: I'd be very curious as to how you justify keeping halachot that are based on statements about the physical world you believe are correct.Ori: Were the Halachot based on false science, or were the Halachot there since Sinai, and a particular Rabbi tried to rationalize them based on the science available?There are good reasons to rationalize information. to scale to support the larger frame? )Now, figure the average man's ankle is about two inches off the ground. G3 - see the chapter on giants in my book Sacred Monsters. It's horrific. "You can't see the spirituality gap, so it's not unsightly. (PDF), Messianic Wonders and Skeptical Rationalists (PDF). Netilat Yadayim: Ritual of Crisis or Dedication? Tall, with each wing measuring 10 ft. 5 in, making a full wingspread of 20 ft. 10 in. There are two sides of the boards. There is a quote attributed to "some sources" stating "Now, Moses was ten amot (15 feet) tall. By comparing various ancient artifacts, a cubit has been found to equal about 18 inches, according to National Geographic's atlas, The Biblical World. That would put Moses at fifteen feet. Was this just a random coincidence? To which Rav Shimi bar Hiyya replied: If so, you have made out that Moses was a blemished person, for we have learnt: “one whose body is unduly large for … See the article, "Giants in the Earth: Science and the Occult in Cotton Mather's Letters to the Royal Society" by David Levin (William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. If the figures are portrayed as monstrous giants of a seemingly different class of human being, then we won't feel like he is one of our own. 25 West 45 St, Ste 1405 Basically, by the time you have modified the person sufficiently, he would no longer be Homo sapiens.Joshua - see the last chapter in my book Sacred Monsters, where I explain why I follow the approach of Rav Herzog and others that halachos in the Gemara based on mistaken science are still binding. Moses‘ cherubim “covered with their wings over the mercy seat;” Solomon‘s stretched out theirs to the full 1 Kings 6:27, so that the four wings, each five cubits long 1 Kings 6:24, extended across the whole sanctuary, the width of which was twenty cubits 1 Kings 6:20. were silver, and the overlay of their capitals and their bands (curtain rods) were silver. I've got a simple, if Purimdikke, solution about the depiction of Moshe in the Haggadahs.In the depictions of Moshe contronting Paro looks as if they are the same size, it's not because the artist didn't want to (or forgot to) make Moshe ten amos tall; it's because they accidentally made Paro ten amos tall, too, instead of just one amah tall. It consisted of large gold-plated boards or "frames", measuring 10 cubits tall and 1.5 cubits wide. Also, a great deal of misinformation about giants in the Bible has been proliferated on the Internet along with some fake pictures of supposed giants. The Maharal mi-Prague suggests that Rav was not referring to Moses’ physical stature, so much as to his spiritual greatness. Amos states how the Amorites were tall in stature, hyperbolically comparing them to tall cedar trees (Amos 2:9). Moses‘ cherubim “covered with their wings over the mercy seat;” Solomon‘s stretched out theirs to the full 1 Kings 6:27, so that the four wings, each five cubits long 1 Kings 6:24, extended across the whole sanctuary, the width of which was twenty cubits 1 Kings 6:20. 10 cubits = 15 ft (in other words 10 feet 5 inches) Two cherubims made of olive tree, each of ten cubits high. Goliath was only 9 and ½ feet tall. So Og would have been 1485 feet, or 0.28125 miles, just 235 feet taller than the Empire State Building. Say it was done through miracles. The face of the pass is dangerous with Shasu, hidden under the bushes. Are you ever going to respond to the other comments from your original posts? Very possibly, because the height of the ark was 30 cubits (Genesis 6:15), and the ark was considered to be submerged for half its depth.It would thus just touch the top of “the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4).21 (P). The indications given by Bible do not allow doubts on this point and the all structure appears to be perfectly proportioned with these measures. A Rephaite, King Og of Bashan, who opposed the Israelites in Moses’ time, is also described as a giant in the Bible, having a bed that was “more than nine cubits long and four cubits wide” (Deuteronomy 3:11). Thus 30 Cubits x 48 boards = 1,440. Patch and redesign. Just stumbled on this:The 'Book of Enoch, verses, 7:1-4 (in a section of the Book of Enoch dated to about 250 B.C.B.) There were 48 Boards. The structure of the human body could not even support a 15 foot (ten ammah) man. This website is an exploration into the rationalist approach to Judaism that was most famously presented by Maimonides. Not your typical octogenarian, Moses was 80 years old when he led the children of Israel out of Egypt. "He Had A Gold Mine In His Hands And He Crushed It", Shiluach HaKein: The Transformation of a Mitzvah. As Rabbi Natan Slifkin said, this would require such extensive changes that the end result would not be human.2. New York, NY 10036 (PDF), Mezuzah: Protective Amulet or Religious Symbol? If you double a human's size, you get 2^3=8 times the mass. The height of the Tabernacle was 10 cubits or 15 feet. I'd be very curious as to how you justify keeping halachot that are based on statements about the physical world you believe are correct. 11 A cubit is the distance from your outstretched big finger to your elbow—averaging about one and a half feet. 10. However, Moses gave him one blow and he dropped dead, to be eaten up by the poor ants! Thus 1.5 Cubits x 10 Cubits x 2 sides = 30 Cubits. All the. These two cherubim of olive wood were 20 ft. 10 in. 3 Five of the curtains are to be joined together, and the other five joined as well.… Contact: info@steinsaltz.org Thickness is not specified. the rest of the court. If so, how big were they? cubits in length, and the height along its width was five cubits, corresponding to the hangings of. So did these giants really exist? (from The Best Worst & Most Unusual by Felton & Fowler, Gallahad Books, 1994) And, Cotton Mather (1663-1728), an early American clergyman and writer, seems to have been enamoured of the idea. Moses' Tabernacle was made to be portable as the people of God wandered in the wilderness for forty years. A cubit was approximately 18 inches and a span nine inches, making Goliath 9 feet 9 inches tall. I don't buy that for a second. Comments for this blog are moderated. If you use a standard 18-inch cubit, that means his bed was 13 feet 6 inches long! 1 cubit = 1 1/2 feet so 10 × 1.5= 15 feet. So let's do the math: He was a tall man. They were ONE AND A HALF cubits broad, which is half of the divine fulness. The Aleph Society's digital Daf Yomi is available free to the public thanks to the generous support of readers like you. The Ten Curtains of the Tabernacle 1 “You are to construct the tabernacle itself with ten curtains of finely spun linen, each with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and cherubim skillfully worked into them. explains that the "giants" mentioned in Genesis 6:4 were 300 cubits (or about 450 feet) tall.In 1663 a French Academy paper by, a noted scholar of the Ancient Near East argued that Adam was 140 feet tall, Noah was 50 feet tall, Abraham was 40 feet tall, and Moses was 25 feet tall! Measure Noah's Ark in Cubits . According to the Bible, Moses was 10 cubits in height. It also explores contemporary rationalist approaches, as well as being a forum for various other notes. These boards constitute the second enclosure of God shutting man in. This essay is based upon the insights and chidushim of Rabbi Steinsaltz, as published in the English version of the Koren Talmud Bavli with Commentary by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, and edited and adapted by Rabbi Shalom Berger. (each board was ten cubits in length, and one and a half cubits in breadth; all the boards had the same measurements.) This is the symbol of government – divine order. Exodus 36:21 (WYC) the length of one board was of ten cubits, and the breadth held one cubit and an half. (Just in case anyone needs the explanation: Tiger King, Chess Queen, Queen Maleficent, Beauty Pageant Queen (Miss RBS), Dairy Queen, Kin... "Slifkin’s new blog would soon become enormously popular within the rabbinic blogosphere... By many accounts, he has almost single-handedly brought an entire new worldview to the fore." Moses our teacher; and Scripture says: Ten cubits shall be the length of the board (Shemot 26:16). It makes it easier to remember, for example. Could it be that Rabbi Elazar misinterpreted an allegorical statement by his Rabbis to be literal truth? At 1.5ft per cubit thats a 45ft high ankle Please see this post about the comments policy for details. For example, in Genesis 6:14-15, God tells Noah to build the ark 300 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 50 cubits wide. This article surveys all of the individuals and people groups described a… - Tablet Magazine. So I am wondering how Moses just happened to have such an axe? The fact that this was the “former measure” indicates that a different measurement was standard at the time.

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