why does my ex keep checking up on me

your ex wants to keep the doors open in case it doesn’t work out; Here’s a video of the 11 signs your ex is pretending to be over you. she always takes pics of her out and uploads them and it hurts to see her simling and looking like shes enjoying herself cuddling her guy "freinds" GAH hopefully im going to get some pics up there soon just looking great and happy, its so tempting to just say you like a pic fo her or comment on one.. but i know i shouldnt do that looks desperate, "worst thing is going on facebook as she always on it! You would already know the answer. What can I say she just moved me like nobody before or since and it never faded for me. In December 2013 i met a really nice guy on kik, we remained friends and wo... Hey my name is kenny, i broke up with my gf december 13 i been trying to g... Should I take my ex boyfriend back? I found it odd because 1) We haven’t talked 2) He doesn’t follow me on Insta, so he deliberately has to go to my profile just to see the Story. Indeed, in the eyes of most people, lovers should cut off contact after they break up, and they should be different. Checking in on me I can understand as harmless and normal but it seems a little excessive at this point. hi . Snapchat is about the most passive form of social media you can use. This is usually a red flag and you either need to be more assertive by asking him to stop checking up on you or start blocking numbers/ social media accounts. He totally checks to see what I’m up to and he never misses a post. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. In fact it's the last thing we do in our lifes. Ok, and yes, secretly hoping they are misreable **lollll**. I won't lie I still at times fall a sleep crying about us. That is why it’s so important to actively work on making your ex realize that you’re the one for them… but more on that later! Why does my ex keep texting me after we broke up? He probably just clicks on whatever comes up in his stories feed, regardless. My ex checks up on me every now and then and offers to help with another situation in my life that went to shit. If she's with the other guy and seems so happy, then all you have to do is moved on. By checking up on them on social media, you have a better prediction of what their movements are so you can hope to avoid them. He Rejected Me But Why Does He Check My WhatsApp Status Often? She may just start to realise that this action along with you not contacting her means you really are leaving her behind (only you know differently), yup thats pretty much right there. And as Hopeful1 said, it shows her that you are moving on. Well while she clearly seems to be acting like she's trying to get over you and start everything afresh, her heart has this little special place which keeps your memory as good as new. © 2021 Ziff Davis Canada, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If she had moved on you would find she wouldn't feel the need to check your page or remove you altogether. If you want more peace of mind, take a break from seeing who looking at your statuses. Just to correct something I meant sniffing around the guy she left for me. Answered 2 years ago. I later found out that he had been saying that he doesn’t care about me anymore. By posting you agree that you have read the, ex-date keeps checking up on my snapchat story. It's reality to a certain degree, but, I mean, it's just a website. its bean 1 year since my bf and I broke up . For all I know she checks other past boyfriends myspace pages too. Maybe it is just her way. On the other hand my ex asked me to remove her so she couldn't see any status' or updates from me because she couldn't do it on her phones app. , thats is a fair point, but it is hard to resist when your used to doing it and after whats happened. Especially if you’re going through something and he knows about it. I can't say I was good after that...Im not sure it helped. I know I will get past this someday. My ex had broke up with me 3 weeks ago, cause he told he wasn't fully happy with me and feelings were'nt sparking anymore, he basically felt we were just friends holding hands. Hi, my ex boyfriend broke up with me on Sept. 12 because he said that it wasn’t working out and he was stressed with soccer. it ***** why we who fell victims to such scenarios has to feel that way right? If she's with the other guy and seems so happy, then all you have to do is moved on. it wasnt even that hard until i recieved a text from him 23days later asking how i was doing. It depends on how bad the breakup was, like if it was just mutual nobody really broke anybody's hearts than yea I still keep contact and even check up on him at times. The biggest indicator is when an ex flat out tells you they miss you and that they think that the breakup was a mistake. my ex ended things very badly…..we had a very bad argument he blocked me on whatsapp in December and shortly after we had another argument and i unfollowed him on Instagram….he still continued to follow me….and like my pictures….a month later he texted me saying ” hi how are you doing…u dont have to sya anythig just checking how you are “…..i … Maybe this is the right way to look after breaking up. thats true i guess.. but could it also not just show how "mature" you are especially if you made her feel like she needed to split up. She hurt me too much. Telling me she was so happy now and she was dating another and "it felt so good to be with someone else." . . Always remember that there’s a reason why you aren’t together anymore. Doesn't mean I wanna get back with them, just wondering what they're up to. 1. During the best of times, most of us could be called guilty of silently checking in on an ex on social media. A week later she giggled at my singing. So how does this affect you when your ex keeps contacting you? He was the one who decided to leave, because he felt rejected. So then why does she continue to check up … As a coach specialized in getting people back together, the majority of the individuals I work with want to get their exes back. 13 Answers. You have your friends with you. Here are six reasons why someone might be motivated to keep up with an ex's social media activity from beyond the (metaphorical) grave. Yes, my friend, they did, that happened. It Can Be Ridiculously Confusing When Your Ex-boyfriend Keeps Texting, Then Disappearing Again With No Reply. 11 comments. Now you’re wondering why did my ex unblock me? Recent LDR Break-Up; Ex keeps checking social media? She is almost 30 and I am 34. Which isn't a bad thing. Well each one my ex has viewed. Like I did. It's **** Hard even after 2 months. I deleted everything she ever wrote me and I wrote her. On Febuary 12th she visited my myspce page 5 times once at 6am once at 9am once at 11am and once at 6:30pm and again at 11:30 and 12:45am on the same day. You also needs to be happy, stop wasting your time thinking if she's thinking about you. AKA: someone to snuggle up next to the fire and whisper sweet nothings in their ear. Well she was talking loudly and rolled up her shirt to show her stomach and belly ring and fidgeting with the roll while talking loudly. So, why does my ex still contact me? If your ex keeps up to date on your life via Instagram, and likes your posts within a matter of hours, then they are probably pining for you. It will not do good in any point.". Just to clearify I am not on her facebook or myspace page and she is not on my facebook or myspace page as a friend... Not sure if this advise is for me or for the guy who hijacked my post lol ...its all good we all need advise , By entering this site you declare I still check the phone just in case. Right.., I agree with graciella here "You also needs to be happy, stop wasting your time thinking if she's thinking about you. 1. I really need help Please! I set it to be not recorded by search engines and every once in awhile it gets a hit. When she unblocks you, she gets annoyed that you’re texting her too much. Why does my ex keep texting me if they broke up with me?! ... My ex and I broke up 6 years ago, since then I find it hard to move on, he also calls me periodically and hasn’t been in a stable relationship over the years. Your response must be between 3 and 5000 characters. 1 Claire. but that just part of the process. Keep in mind she is not a friend on my myspace page and I am not a friend on hers. I still love her. My ex tries to impress me. It will not do good in any point. I said goodbye and walked out and didn't look back. I think maybe she just has a curiosity to see if I am with anyone right now. Keep in mind she is not a friend on my myspace page and I am not a friend on hers. It means that he still have feelings and wants to know if you are hurt to make himself feel better. I have been in this situation where strangely I felt as though I was closer to my ex if I could see things she posted and discussed within social networking. Which pushed her further away. Click To Tweet. I still hold past conversations with her in my mind. Be sure to watch the video all the way through and then read the article below thoroughly to ensure you have the proper understanding of the situation in order to move forward toward being completely back together with the one you love.. It can be incredibly frustrating to find yourself constantly being contacted by the person who broke your heart. We broke up one month ago and he keeps checking the status on whatsapp. Feels like it's never gonna heal. It’s kind of like he wants me to notice. why is it so hard for me then? and if you wanna ask how long before you actually heal, well just like any wound it all depends on how you take care of yourself, ive been split for 2 weeks ( LD relationship ) and im just coping, a small part of me hopes she will ring or do something but if not im going to iniate contact in a weeks time with some help of jaysop i hope as ims truggling on the right move for my situation, her bday is in march aswell :/, worst thing is going on facebook as she always on it! usually that he cares. "My boyfriend keeps breaking up with me and I don't understand why." Why does my ex keep contacting me? They are curt, to the point, and break off all contact with you. She was very very upset about the breakup, as was I...I didn't want it to happen. But I had sensed that he likes me too, even though I am plump and overweight. We have only talked a couple times after the breakup. If it’s around the winter months and holiday season, you could be in danger of your ex texting you because they’re looking for someone to share body heat with this winter… Maybe the season (valentines day) just gets her looking up old boyfriends. Thank you very much for taking the time to give me a perspective. She basically strung me along and has a new boyfriend now. You broke up for a reason. She Didn't visit on Valentines day but visited 2 times today (Feb 15th). Deleting her from Facebook is beneficial because it prevents you from creeping her profile and driving yourself crazy. my ex kept in contact w/ me for a while after the break up and told me he wanted to try working it out again. Broke Up with Boyfriend Who lets his kids disrespect me and get away with it. If he's so engrossed with another female then why the heck is he still checking up on me? Perhaps he’s not in the right place where he could have anything more or he just doesn’t think you two are a match, but he does like you enough to keep up with your daily life. My name is crystal, I'm from North Carolina, USA. Two things I am going to cover here, (1) you were the dumper and your ex blocked you so they can move on and heal. Relevance. I been trying to get over her...maybe it will take dying to get it done. some things are just not meant to be. Here Are 7 Common Reasons Men … It'll just make you look dumb. i was so depressed when my lover left me for another guy after we have been together for 5 years , i tried begging him to come back to me he refused and said he no longer have feelings for me . Then she showed up on my myspace. In order to address the problem head on you need to understand why he's doing it and what you can do to change it. On december 20th she invited me over for a lets just say more formal break up. Best Sex Positions to Improve Your Sex Life. Although I don't purposefully go out of my way to watch an ex's story or say a crush's story, I still check to see if they watched mine. The running count is 11 times in 4 days. It will definitely have a short-term impact though. I stopped doing that about 2 weeks after we broke up. And she was MORE interested in communicating with me after that. Real easy to say the myspace page stalking means nothing. You will get used to not having that churning feeling of what your gonna see or read when you log on because you cannot resist the urge. My ex-girlfriend sent me a cute text message. I think it might be him, checking up on me. if i did remove her i would tell her that i did so as she means to much to me to see her not by my side anymore and not talking to me, and it realy hurts me. I broke up with a guy and he is still checking up on me through others. ive considered removing her as a freind to help the proccess, but if i want to try and win her back, i dont think thats a good thing to do. You don’t have to do anything at all. My ex-boyfriend is driving me crazy!! Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (2), 175-180. Is that normal behaviour for someone who supposedly means nothing to her now? On Febuary 13th again at 11:35pm and again at 2am. Too many women have had to deal with a situation like this. Question: My ex-girlfriend says it’s over and there is no chance for us but she is still calling me and says things like it’s a shame it turned out like this and I saw you today and you looked sad.

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