christian voter guide colorado

Immigrants must be here legally, otherwise they are subject to trafficking and exploitation in the underground economies. Word spread through social media, inspiring pilgrimages to the . Best Conservative candidate for Colorado US Senate. Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization with an evangelical focus. Minor variations in cloud cover dwarf any effect of CO2. FILE - TCU quarterback Chandler Morris scrambles out of the pocket during an NCAA college football game against Baylor in Fort Worth, Texas, Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021. The government should protect rights and liberties not suppress them. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions, and prevention and rehabilitation should be part of the equation. Unfortunately there are some authoritarian figures among us who wield their religious convictions in a way that threatens the freedoms of others, and it is only when these threats arise that I find myself at odds with those of religious faith. Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the churchs failure to disciple. As much as I would like to leave the personal lives of individual citizens to themselves, it has become evident that many groups cannot refrain from forcing their sediments on other and there for a persons freedom to choose must be protected. Yes, I believe in marriage equality. I believe in fiscal responsibility first since the money belongs to the American taxpayer. Join with Church Voter Guides as we connect Christian patriots and make a difference by activating and educating Christian voters. I have most of the same values. Prison reform is also required to effectively rehabilitate rathher than simply warehouse convicted inmates. It is not the role of government to intervene. In Merida he attended a primary school run by the Maryknoll Sisters, and then secondary and preparatory schools run by the Marist Brothers. No. These individual rights are protected by the 1st Amendment. There should be NO restriction of ANY kind on persons thinking, speaking, working, or acting according to their well-founded, sincerely held religious beliefs. Samuel J. Aquila was born on September 24, 1950, in Burbank, California. I am a wife, a mom of 3, 100% pro life, and a devout christian guided by my faith. Private individuals and business can provide solutions that are efficient and successful. This means that state law should not include or provide incentives for abortion providers, either individual or within womens health care organizations. immigrants who are illegal may need help with human needs, but they should be deported and encouraged to follow legal channels to immigration. CO2 produced by human activity is only about 1% of that produced naturally, and the US contribution merely about 15% of that 1%. The child in the womb is a human being created in the image of God. Upon Bishop Vanns installation as Bishop of Orange, then Monsignor Berg was elected diocesan administrator in December 2012 by the College of Consultors for the Diocese. Patients and their health care providers should be free of any bureaucratic constraints when determining how to approach that patients care. Best Conservative candidate for Colorado Secretary of State. We are all standing up and fighting together., I believe there is a legal path to immigration. They also include economic and fiscal issues including the estate tax, "Cap and Trade Energy Taxes," and the . This is another area where minimum wage laws prevent those trying to return with the ability to access the first rung of the ladder to success. Colorado should outlaw abortions except where mothers life is in serious danger. Biblical Voter offers voter guides and election tools to enable citizens to exercise their right and privilege to vote in accordance with God's word and moral absolutes. At the time of his election, he was serving as Rector of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Grand Island, NE. I would go farther and suggest we ratchet down access to much internet content for children under 18. In 2010, he became the Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese under Bishop Vann and also served as administrator of Holy Name of Jesus parish. In 1999, he was invited by then Archbishop Charles Chaput to teach in the newly launched St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, and to serve as Associate Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Aurora. There should be a way out of welfare system that allows people to save up monies to improve their circumstances, to find housing, and to save for the major needs of life, not lock people into a system of dependency on government handouts. Rather, we seek to equip Christians to fully engage in every aspect of our wonderful Republican form of government, and to utilize all of our rights in order to secure these rights for every single citizen and all future generations. If you have any questions about the evaluations or concerns please contact us at (303) 928-7777. . 3. Allowing the private sector the opportunity to invest in our future energy solutions will advance technology and create wealth. RHEA promotes and protects Feticide. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Grand Island on June 3, 1994. This diversity is an asset and a blessing, and should not be suppressed by draconian immigration laws. Adults can choose on their own. Our Call to Faithfulness: The Voice and Legacy of Don Wildmon $ 10 Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of "Gay Christianity" by M.D. Voting as a Catholic As faithful Catholics, it is our duty shape the moral character of our community, state, and country through voting. ", "Through our faith in Jesus Christ, we Catholics are called to prayerfully participate in political life, fulfilling our duty to form the moral character of our society for the common good of all. Educational expenses should also be counted as tax credits through 85% of the per-pupil State expenditure. Our Christian Voters Coalition, Christian Voters Guide: Candidate Endorsement Opportunity Form is straight forward and covers a broad cross-section of issues that are of interest to pro-family voters, conservative voters, and Christian Evangelical voters. I am for protecting our environment from the drilling site to the gas pumps, to our homes for lights, heat and air-conditioning and to the many businesses and manufactures in our State of Colorado with the lowest possible price. They should vote for me Bc I will represent their individual interest and bring their voices to the floor. Their goal is to destroy the domestic energy industry. I oppose the polices of shutting down our energy sector for the pollical agenda of the radial environmental advocates who has created policies that in-turn created the so-called energy crises. Working with people at all stages of life and allowing the gift of our Catholic faith to provide direction, support and new life is greatly rewarding. This is not an area that makes sense for government to be in. God created marriage between a man and woman. He has offered numerous retreats across the country preaching the blessings of ordering our lives in recognition that all we are and all we have is a gift from God. Life is both joy and pain and you cannot relieve another of either of them by forcing your beliefs upon them. I plan to pitch an artificial uterus: The foundational models for CO2 require an adjustment exceeding 15%, rendering them useless for predicting the variations of less than 1% that will supposedly send the climate careening into catastrophe. The first way to reduce crime is to allow the growth of actual opportunities to succeed outside of criminal activity by reducing the governments taxation chokehold on the economy to pay for frivolous and unconstitutional laws and spending. I am pro-life. I am a Roman Catholic who shares the values of the churchs teachings. There is one private Catholic high school in the diocese that currently serves approximately 254 students, while an additional 1,325 students receive instruction through five parish-based elementary schools. As your legislator I will support incarcerated people who want real help in rehabilitating themselves, and I will support private organizations and charities who work with people that want to re-enter society. The welfare system punishes the very people it is to help by regulations that stops any self-improvement. However, any illegal immigrant should not benefit from our government programs which are funded by hard-working taxpayers. This is a totally barbaric act. Support local journalism: As a public service, we have decided to put the 2022 Colorado Primary Election Guide in front of our paywall so you can access it for free. Green technology is far too underdeveloped to fulfil current demand and will crash the economy. On March 18, 2002, he became Bishop of Fargo, and from 2005 to 2006 he also acted as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. FILE - Florida Gov. A voter must be a citizen of the United States who has lived in Colorado at least 22 days prior to Election Day. Its too far into the gestation period. I believe in smaller government and lower taxes, which means as a law maker, I would be less likely to redistribute peoples earnings to support anti-Catholic causes. Prop. Colorado legislators should uphold current immigration laws, not undermine them. This is not the business of the state, this is an individual choice. Love who you love, beyond recognition the Government should not be involved in Marriage. Statutory. By diligently learning, applying, and trusting Gods truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our cultures non-biblical ideas. Healthcare is a basic and non-negotiable human need, and should be protected as a right. It was founded in 1977 by James Dobson. As people of faith, we will be held accountable for our actions, as well as our lack of action. Biblical voter offers a collection of resources including Christian Voter Guides that are state specific and align with Biblical values. Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. Preventing crime is a near impossibility. I will be a servant leader who will bring principled and common-sense solutions to the State Capitol so that people and businesses can thrive and become the best version of themselves. The COlorado legislature should never attempt to restrict that which the U.S. constitution grants. County School Board member who was a co-founder of the conservative organization Moms for Liberty and the wife of Christian Ziegler, the new chairman of the Republican . I am unsure of your definition of basic human needs. I believe it is the right of the pregnant person, in consultation with their health provider, to make any decisions about carrying to term or ending their pregnancy. I will always stand up for your religious freedom. This is a better role for charity, with taxes reduced accordingly, which will foster economic growth and create jobs. Voter Guides. When he finished high school, he joined the Legionaries of Christ to study and become a priest. Pro-choice people have to deny all good common sense to reason that a child is not human in the womb. If the above words are used honestly, with full intent to find environmentally friendly solutions, then that is the main issue of my candidacy. This can be done at the local level like the churches and non-profits. The Colorado Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot based on your values. I also believe that school choice is a fundamental parental right where education funding should follow the child regardless of system. I love God with all my mind, heart and spirit. I believe that any welfare program should be short-term and encourage work (not just job hunting but actually holding a job). Stay informed on the election and other news. Voter guides and sample ballots can help you decide who you can vote for and what ballot measures will be up for vote at election time. I too am now skeptical of both Democrats and Democrats pretending to be Republican/Conservative (as in our case here in Pueblo/SD3) WE ALL deserve to be represented, they can have their parties our faith will guide me to be the voice for the rest of us! I am all about hand ups, not handouts. of Independence, etc). WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built - a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined. 8655 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 866.655.4545 . But I am a concerned citizen, and its time We the People take back our country and our freedoms. While CO2 does respond to low-energy longwave infrared radiation, its effect on climate is minor to inconsequential compared to that of water ( I am greatly concerned about the dangers faced by illegal immigrants who travel the thousands of miles from their homes to come to an uncertain future in America. I now claim born again Christianity. But in order to have an impact they must get into the hands of voters. I want to protect the rights of all workers, including immigrants. No one should benefit from the treating only certain people when their compensation comes from the taxes of all. In-person early voting starts Oct. 24 and runs to Nov. 8 (except Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 6). Were nonpartisan and therefore 501c3 compliant, so its easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. It should protect patients from egregious providers. In fact, the Kingdom of God is a government, and how better to bring it to earth than by impacting civil government, especially on the local level? Our greatness comes from recognizing that God, not government or rulers, gave us our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Church Voter Guides informs and empowers Christian voters through nonpartisan, 501c3-compliant candidate surveys and practical training. This persecution of persons of faith needs to stop. I hold it to be self-evident that mankind is created in the image of God, and that my role in government will be to secure their Creator-endowed Rights with only those just powers derived from the consent of the governed who remain sovereign to the government itself. There are many challenges that I am ready to take on to improve public safety, tackle homelessness, mental health and alcohol/drug addiction (working with faith based org), and reduce the cost of housing, healthcare, and energy. Yes. I will make voting decisions generally based on conservative values that will promote opportunities for underprivileged and average middle class people to create better lives for themselves and society. The role of government is to support and defend our individual rights, especially 1st Amendment rights. I will also work with the delegation, our chambers of commerce, and agricultural agencies to urge the state department to increase the number of temporary guest worker visas during the farm and agricultural seasons. So I volunteered with Church Voter Guides. Humana once sold me a policy with no doctors in it. National Right to Life 117th Congressional Senate Scorecard 117th Congressional House Scorecard. Since a massive override of the public school system is emerging, Ill say Yes, As-Is. We especially thrive in municipal and county elections when there is very little known about many of the candidates because they have never run for office before, or have received very little press coverage. Within this context protecting the conscience rights of the medical provider makes sense but communication and notice are key. To be clear, just like the founding fathers of the United States, we are NOT advocating for an American Theocracy that would impose a specific religious practice on anyone, nor are we for legislating morality (as no law, not even Gods law, can change a man or womans heart.) Viva Christo Rey. If the government would get out of the way of the church and business, people would be able to keep more money and not rely on the government. I spent 3 years on teen court and it an example of a program that helps with both of the goals stated here. The vast majority of our safety net is and must be charity, not welfare. It brings dignity to the individual and enhances self esteem. We are also producing Voter Guides for the Colorado Primary Elections, which will be held on June 28, 2022. This is the website of Family Policy Alliance and Family Policy Foundation. Also, the law states that a minor child does not need the consent from the parents or guardians to have an abortion. He attended Catholic schools in Miles City, graduating from Sacred Heart High School in 1969. From 1999-2001, he served as the first Rector of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver and Chief Executive Officer of Our Lady of the New Advent Theological Institute. As long as it is temporary. I want criminals to be in jail whether they are drug addicts or not. When non-government agencies provided for immediate needs of the poor, the poor were better cared for than they are now. This guide focuses on contested primary races, whose outcome will ultimately decide the contours - and decisions - of our executive and legislative bodies. Our Catholic values need to deeply inform our secular life and politics but we must respect all people in the society and apply the same rules to everyone equally. He has taught theology at the Pontifical Lateran University, at the Pontifical Institute Regina Mundi and at the Institute for Religious Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Make a plan to cast your biblically-informed vote right here. I am unsure of the intent of this question. We're nonpartisan and therefore "501c3 compliant", so it's easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. The purpose of government is to secure our Creator endowed Rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He, has bestowed on our State. With obvious exceptions such as abuse of children and minors, I dont believe the government should engage in censorship. My goals are to protect the innocence of our children. Become a citizen should be top priority and a plan to assimilate and thrive should be in place when coming to America, it is not the role of government to guarantee outcomes. Why does government arrogate unto itself the power to take whatever it deems necessary from the people who create wealth to give it to others who do little to make others better off? Kids should be protected from pornography. Almost the whole city voted in people who share my values. Science is the best tool we have found to discover facts, and religion, at its best, is the tool that helps us use that knowledge with integrity and justice for all. In addition, local churches that previously would not get involved with politics are now promoting our 501c3-compliant Church Voter Guides to their members. I support an all-of-the-above energy policy. I will uphold the constitution. Although some words are painful and frustrating, religious and personal freedom is only achieved when we allow all people to speak freely without intimidation and censorship. Read the party platforms here: Republican Party and Democratic Party I am a veteran of 22 years military and 10 years law enforcement. We have not been represented at the capital when it comes to our Christian values. Midterm voter guide: Colorado Propositions - The Rocky Mountain Collegian November's ballot includes eight propositions, where voters will either select yes/for or no/against. I favor school choice in all its ramifications. Subsequently, he worked 14 years in the retail nursery industry as vice president or general manager for divisions of Sunbelt Nursery, Inc. in Fort Worth, Southern California, Phoenix and Atlanta. But for real crimes, there should be a path to rehab/return, based on the seriousness of the crime. Here in Colorado, we can see the threats we face more clearly than ever. Transitioning rapidly to clean renewable energy will lead to scarcity, hardship and poverty. This trend continues and has resulted in various citizens needing to take their cases to the US Supreme Court. I am not opposed to civil contractual arrangements between same sex partners. I was twenty-five years in the Denver Sheriff and this topic was the goal of many various community programs. As a lay pastor, a mother of a blended family, a female small business owner, an educator, and a policy analyst, I bring a unique, individual perspective to the table, one that represents average middle-class citizens of Colorado. I think we have seen what happens when there exists no moral or religious conscience. Marriage and Family: Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who together as husband and wife may become father and mother to any children they produce. Funding is per pupil and should follow each pupil! This sounds like government overreach and I am not for that, but there are and should be laws in place to keep certain unlawful pornographic material illegal to possess and distribute. Porn and kids shouldnt mic, but unfortunately they often do. Here are 3 things you should know: #1 The Guide - We have four voter guides for you this year: He has given me many gifts in this life and I believe I have the skills, knowledge, and moral leadership that is necessary to bring people together for the common good. Colorado Catholics should vote for me because I support their values both in theory and in practice. This law could otherwise be edited many ways. We need, God fearing legislatures creating and defending legislation that upholds our values. But that must include the freedom from religion. I was raised Roman Catholic and believe that Jesus would agree Never let your perceived beliefs keep you from extending compassion on your charges It is not ours to judge. Restrictions for everyone would be against the First Amendment. The First Amendment to the United States constitution was intended to protect these rights at the federal level and is affirmed in the Colorado constitution, which means the legislature MUST NOT enact any restrictions on these activities. These guides cover the expected social issues like abortion, marriage, and gay rights. U.S Constitution, 1st Amendment. Voter guides provide background information on the candidates and ballot measures. I have supported this legislation as a current legislator. I believe to truly respect the freedom of speech, one must respect the freedom of all speech. It should be patient, and science centered. Colorado has the responsibility to protect her citizens first, last, and always. The funding systems for public education needs work. No the government should not be incentivizing abortion. Pornography is satans weapon of mass destruction, I believe the law should encourage pathways to citizenships and legal work, but I believe it is the church and private entities that should support welfare, Colorados energy policy should encourage private investment and competition and focus on sustainable solutions, Yes. With carefully crafted legislation, we can protect our children while allowing for adults to make those choices for themselves. Your pro-life vote matters. Or to religious schools that may teach actual fallacy (yes, evolution is real) placing their graduates at a disadvantage when released into a world of reality. My Faith Votes | COLORADO ( Pick a Different State) Pledge. Clearly, it was never the intention of our founders that religion, and specifically Christianity, would be banned from the public square. Religious evangelism would be limited by the same laws. While I am non-religious myself, Ive found that I share significant overlap in humanist values with people of several faith traditions: welcoming the stranger, supporting the poor, and sharing resources equitably to make our society more just. This would encourage the formation of alternate educational enterprises which could encourage revitalization of housing areas currently avoided due to inadequate schools, and reduce commuting distances to work. Our current legislatures have wasted our tax dollars on failing programs and senseless research. DISCLAIMER: Biblical Voter is for educational purposes only. In Colorado we have seen government try to criminalize businesses owners for their deeply held religious beliefs, and close churches to try to protect community health. As a legislator I will work to improve immigration laws and I will support immigrants who come here legally. No. I believe strongly in prison education to ensure prisoners have something to turn to when they get out, allowing them to become productive members of society while also saving money by keeping them out of prison in the future. I will support making Colorado a leader in advanced nuclear power to provide a permanent solution to the energy problem, and allow fossil fuels to be used for better purposes than burning them to make power. 2022 Evaluations Please click on your county below to find the district and county judges, if any, standing for retention in your judicial district. Modern medicine was built on the Hippocratic oath, which has the first principle of do no harm directly links the dangers of both feticide and euthanasiaNor shall any mans entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. For immediate needs of the crime they often do in jail whether they are to. 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christian voter guide colorado