how does the chart illustrate edwards's point about political equality?

Colleges give out different-height boxes with equal opportunity. Policies that are related to this conception include requirements that advertisements for jobs do not specify racial, religious or gender characteristics. They may also reflect the values of individual freedom and equal respect better or worse. b) Identify ONE similarity (other than GDP per capita) that might account for the low life expectancies of some of the world's countries, as displayed in the chart. 2. We all have one or more dis-ability; physical, emotional, financial, long-term, short-term and in many cases, people need that hand up. The cartoon builds a straw man concept of equality as formal mathematical identity n=n to refute an argument that nobody is making. However, colleges have always sought and still seek to give equal opportunity along with unequal assistance, be it financial help with tuition or extra tutoring or physical/mental disability arrangements. If there was perfect equality - if everyone had the same salary - the poorest 20% of the population would gain 20% of the total income. It supports the two-party system in the United States. Note, and this is essential to understand, that I did not say ALL obstacles. In the simplest terms, it means fairness, which is not necessarily the same thing as equality. But yeah, thanks for spending some time to discuss this subject here on your internet site. Political equality, because it favors some citizens and states. Yes, the quote in the first source is biased. Its been scientifically proven that if you took the genomes of a white person and a black person, there would be as much difference between them genetically as there would be between two white people. Come on man. Term. In an ideal world, poverty wouldnt exist in the first place. What advice does Pericles give to the parents of the deceased soldiers? Interfering in the family is both politically difficult to justify and may be morally suspect as it compromises the values that the family embodies and promotes. you have to bring up that there is not girl in the image or different body types. CORE RULEBOOK. Real life is not like watching a baseball game but reaching for food. The poorest 60% of the population would get 60% of the income. I benefit from looking through your internet site. (No one is more equal than another!) this illustration is much deeper than that. Think about it, who benefited the most from the mass production of automobiles. For instance, opportunities to tie your shoe laces or grow a tree in your garden are less important than opportunities to find meaningful work or get a good education. In society there are present two types of inequalities: (1) Natural inequalities, and (2) Man-made unnatural inequalities. The different sized boxes are, as Larry N. Baker said, about equal assistance. Equality is still attractive if we limit its scope to some areas. But we need to take responsibility for the things we can. They must be perfectly general such that anyone can apply without violating the formal rule. The original cartoon is not ours and we adapted it with the full-intention of providing the design files so that others could adapt it, too! How does Illinois having half as many votes as 12 states and D.C. prove Edwards's opinion? They may go further than Formal Equality of Opportunity and instead favor the Meritocratic Conception of Equality of Opportunity, which requires redistribution to ensure that hard work and talent, and not discrimination and favoritism, determine hiring practices. What is the fewest number of electoral votes any state has, and explain why. Frequency, percentage, or proportion is shown on the vertical axis. So, for instance, we might think that everyone should have an equal opportunity to reach a basic standard of living or that everyone should have an equal opportunity to reach a high or equal standard of living. Instead of focusing on the new message..thank you. She was design to persevere, to overcome, and to lead. At the same time, the middle class shrank from 47% to 36% and the lower middle class shrank from 31% to 16%. If the message is about equity vs equality, what is the virtue in asking someone to STFU? The man-made inequalities are those which are there because of some social conditions and discriminations. In the liberty/equality equation, the liberty part seeks to restrain the scope of those coercive laws and regulations through limited government. Otherwise they would all starve to death. Document Analysis I. Its about everybody getting what they need in order to improve the quality of their situation.. Political equality, because it favors some citizens and states How does Illinois having half as many votes as 12 states and D.C. prove Edwards's opinion? All people in the cartoon are the same age all 3 have been admitted into a Physics undergrad program. Equity is generally undefined and provides no basis for evaluating distinctions based on race, gender, age, or income, for example. Nevertheless, the first strategy appears to be the most promising and our commitment to equality of opportunity of some sort suggests that where we fall short of respecting freedom and equality in our society today, the educational institutions will be our first and most promising levers. Cynthia Silva Parker was quoted by Sustainable Cities Network in an article: Infusing Equity into the Urban Planning Process. When we ask what equality of opportunity is we could be asking two questions. Fundamental equality means that persons are alike in important relevant and specified respects alone, and not that they are all generally the same or can be treated in the same way. How did the federal government respond to the Great Depression, and what were the you clearly dont understand social justice or this illustration at all (sans the race issue just the message). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How does the chart illustrate (show) Edwards' point about political equality? mr. schumer: mr. president. The Literary Theory Handbook introduces students to the history and scope of literary theory, showing them how to perform literary analysis, and providing a greater understanding of the historical contexts for different theories.. A new edition of this highly successful text, which includes updated and refined chapters, and new sections on contemporary theories The prescribed glasses doesnt give the person wearing them an edge over non-eyeglass-wearing folks. If so, we are asking for the idea in its most general form. I clearly dont have the depth of many of the commenters. This shows that every citizens vote is not equal! Why is the electoral college almost unfair for independent candidates? The vice president is chosen by the Senate. Any kind of people would do. Q2: The Electoral College provided an indirect way to elect the president and vice president, which allowed the electors to ability to veto (not approve) of the citizens votes and choose the "best" option instead. What can be found on this website is a summary of different academic debates about equality of opportunity and education and an annotated bibliography of some of the key books and articles on the topic. [1] The expressions political compass and political map are used to refer to the political spectrum as well, especially to . In Sample's view how does the Electoral College help preserve it? Although other ideals may also be worth striving for, equality of opportunity offers important guidance and a standpoint for criticism of contemporary societies, their politicians and our own personal conduct. Even the first/second graders got the message of fairness. Their combined equity to rip someone off will cause the poor guy selling tickets and the single mother working in the concession stand to eventually lose their jobs. E-Book Overview. Lucretia D. Coleman, BSBA, HC It even encompassesour versionand a few riffs on it, including ourfollowupcollaboration with the Center for Story-Based Strategy & Angus, #the4thbox. How could you use this document to argue that the Electoral College be abolished? As such, educational institutions are one lever that we can use to try to redress imbalances and inequalities and to help members of disadvantaged groups overcome those obstacles. 4. So, if some people face greater obstacles than others in getting to see a good doctor. The first strategy is to focus resources on trying to correct inequalities by providing extra schooling to those who are disadvantaged by social class. Of course! Q4: In most cases, the president is chosen in December, when the electors cast their votes. Black Americans have historically earned far less than white workers. The 2-Point Political Spectrum. These have to be accepted by all. a) Identify ONE way that the data in the chart illustrate global economic differences between countries in the late twentieth century. Its utterly meaningless when attempting to compare peers and when the boxes are metaphors for ability and work ethic. Moreover, almost all contemporary societies compel school attendance for all young children and so education can be offered to all and across many of the irrelevant obstacles, such as race, sexuality, religious affiliation, social class and natural talent. A political spectrum is a system to characterize and classify different political positions in relation to one another. But what if the three people couldnt afford tickets or they were all sold out?! With the above in mind, a basic left-right paradigm (a political spectrum that shows left-wing and right-wing positions and a "degree" between them) looks like this: Left-Wing. This picture makes equity look nice and all, but when people arent motivated to succeed, then innovation takes a heavy hit. They threw her into poverty and try to strip her of her self-worth. The point is simple and straightforward and yes, one can get bogged down in the practically infinite combinations. Where is the equity in cutting taxes for the rich, while failing to deliver clean water to the people of Flint? Economic distinctions generally need to be rationally related to a legitimate government interest that is rational basis scrutiny. Document E: 1. Yes! In attempting to devise solutions that would result in providing an even playing field for all, none of the legal thinkers or writer and no tribunal member or judge has ever elucidated an idea of equity as being opposed to equality. One of the guiding principles of a democracy is the equal consideration of the preferences and interests of all citizens. These unequal obstacles may be condemnable, depending on the conception of Equality of Opportunity that is most desirable. mr. schumer: thank you, mr. president. What is a federalist structure? About four-in-ten white Republicans say blacks are treated less fairly by the police (43%) and the criminal justice system (39%), compared with 88% and 86% of white Democrats, respectively. 1) The total number of electors in the Electoral College is 538, 2) A candidate needs to win 270 Electoral College votes to win the president (known as a majority in the Electoral College). to subscribe to it. Which has the larger population - Illinois or the other 12 states listed in the chart and the District of Columbia combined? Arguing about equality of opportunity is really an argument about how best to understand the kind of society we should be striving for, one where free and equal persons live together. It favors the fact that all of these states, or 12.5million people, hold more votes than a state with 12.8million holding only 20 electoral votes. The intention of this brief introduction to equality of opportunity and education was to introduce beginners to the ideal of equality of opportunity, its place within contemporary political debates and its history. However, we should be careful not to reject equality entirely on this basis. Aida's books have a unique message because they chronicle her amazing journey of being a refugee, genocide & war survivor, immigrant, and bullying survivor to becoming a successful game-changer . Defenders of small government and individual responsibility on the right may be drawn to something resembling the conception of Formal Equality of Opportunity because going further requires interference with individual entitlements and a bigger state. reactions to the New Deal? As a gift to the world of equity practitioners, IISC engaged artist Angus Maguireto draw a new version of an old favorite (since we could only find pixelated versions of the original). How does the chart illustrate Edwards's point about political equality? Unless of course all the seats were sold out. Start by saying what the charts show. This is a terrible and limited analogy, which is reliant on the idea that boxes are cheap and easy to find. Is it fair to say his work shouldnt be compensated equally with the work of others? In general, the delegates did not believe the president and vice president should be chosen by a direct popular vote of the people. There will still be some. How Political Parties Began 9.29.docx. Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy, 2002. Scholar, Brighouse, Harry, and Kenneth Howe. adding the extra boxes so the smaller figures can see over the fence is the equivalent of giving the disadvantaged runners a 50 yard lead or an early start. Sometimes this idea is known as the level-playing field because its main concern is that no one is unfairly advantaged before they even start out. why we depict something with brown skin versus black . Racism is VERY real, but not race. If few doctors are willing to work in rural areas, then those in rural areas will face greater obstacles than those in urban areas. I start with a beginners reading list below, and go on to explain the crux of some key debates. The Market for CEOs: Evidence From Private Equity. What a horrible, ghastly and authoritarian image! Equity may be a useful complement to equality arguments in some contexts. A direct result of their own short comings. Trust is the No. All three are equally STEALING from the baseball team. Ok, if anyone else feels this way, heres the gist: In absolute terms, the ideological shift among Republicans has been more modest, in 1994, 45% of Republicans were right-of-center, with 13% consistently conservative. If rich parents invest more and more in their childrens education, the government must attempt to keep up if it is going to succeed in equalizing opportunity. President of the United States; . (Equity may opt to force.). It is symbolicly representing a real-world challenge, but it has a specific purpose and meaning, and I think that if you dont care about the purpose/meaning, you should buzz off before you offend someone else. This fundamental idea of equal respect for all persons and of the equal worth or equal dignity of all human beings is accepted as a minimal standard by all leading schools of modern Western political and moral culture. "The changing population (of a state not) only affects the number of representatives of a state, but also how many electoral votes a state has". Q1: John Sample believes that the government power should be limited, as shown by the quote: "Historically, central to our grand constitutional effort to restrainpower.". Im glad that you left space for people to comment. What quote from the Document says this? View a complete list ofthe references on this site, Section 1: Equality of Opportunity and Alternatives, Section 2: Conceptions of Equality of Opportunity, Section 3: Equality of Opportunity and Education, Landmark US Cases Related to Equality of Opportunity in K-12 Education,, Center for Education Policy Analysis at Stanford, Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Workshop on Poverty, Inequality, and Education at Stanford, Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences, Youth and Education Law Project at Stanford Law School. Many people, therefore, have no opportunity to become president of the United States. How is this equitable in any way? I think the artist accomplished just what he needed to when reading your order to achieve Equity over Equality we must change our Perception.. you choose to see and evaluate all that was wrong in this picture as well as all that could have been perceived; as an injustice or misrepresentation of its original form. This depiction is individualism. While there is only one concept of equality of opportunity, there are many different conceptions. It is in how we deal with the truest of issues working with the actual diagnosis, rather than pretending there is no issue, no dis-ability (yes, Im putting the dashin there deliberately) that determines the outcome. Ethics, Ethics, 1988, 518-533.Google Scholar, Kittay, Eva Feder. Give yourself a pat on the back. It only gives the numbers of the state population and the electoral votes each of those states have, no opinions or viewpoints are being given. Yes! How, according to Edwards, does it violate that principle'?Violates political equality, favors some citizens over others, depending solely upon the state in which voters cast their votes for president 2.Which has the larger population Illinois or the other 12 states listed in the chart and the District of Columbia combined? So, a natural born US citizen has the opportunity to become president, but she faces serious obstacles, such as accruing the relevant number and distribution of votes, as well as winning primaries. 2. What unites these views is a focus on formal discriminatory rules as an irrelevant obstacle to some role. That wasnt fair. academic success in all school topics, at all levels . We could also specify the nature of the obstacle in different ways, such as formal or legal racial discrimination rather than explicit or implicit bias. Except the point, I think, was to convey that some people dont have the means to get what they need and that includes the time and energy to get a second job, in which case the proud, priveleged, and horribly oblivious white people come in, refusing to give up their box (money/food/etc.) Second, we could be asking for the correct conception of equality of opportunity. How does the chart illustrate Edward's point about political equality 1 See answer Advertisement KirtiVT4 Political equality is the degree to which all citizens have an equal say in how their governments are run. You actually make it appear really easy together with your presentation but I STFU is rude. How could this document help you argue for the electoral college? I have translated it to Hebrew and used it at my school. Thank you! The second paragraph should provide an overview of the key features of the information. Westen shows that an opportunity is a three-way relationship between a person, some obstacles, and a desired goal. This may lead those people to accept a less demanding conception of Equality of Opportunity. Oxford University Press, 2012.Google Scholar, Parfit, Derek. do you want white people in it, but what about Asians, no wait, no this is a baseball game, what about football, more people watch football. Which has more electoral votes? Meeting everyones individual needs *equity* will make the goal easier to reach, because there arent as many obstacles as there were. A combination of freedom and equality, then, promises to describe a fitting social ideal for people who disagree about important, religious, moral and political questions, and yet want to live together in mutual respect. These charts show = These charts illustrate. Thus, men and women would not enjoy equal opportunity with respect to the good of political representation in this society. The image assumes that everyone could easily see the game, but its not an either/or situation. 3 (1997): 202-221.Google Scholar, Swift, Adam. Political Science Social Science Civics Answer & Explanation Solved by verified expert All tutors are evaluated by Course Hero as an expert in their subject area. Admissions isnt just a sorting mechanism. However, operating at this level treats the symptoms rather than the cause and, in the society that allows private schooling and tolerates huge wealth inequalities, additional investment in the education of poorer children can become an arms race that the government cannot win. As such, Equality of Opportunity is not opposed to different outcomes of the conscientious, but fair pursuit of jobs, health, wealth, education and other goods that people value, so long as everyone faces the same obstacles. 253A635C-90EF-424A-B4A8-C320E20C3D45.jpeg . The delegates fear of uninformed voters, 3. Our focus is on the application of conceptions of Equality of Opportunity to education, but there are many other goods that people value and should have equal opportunity to pursue. A case of over-analysis. We will have to think hard about exactly which ones do matter and which do not. Theyre really tasty. We can see why one might be drawn to the idea that equality plays little role in this ideal since we could say that everyone should have an opportunity to become president and this seems to do the job as well as saying that everyone should have an equal opportunity to become president. He provides consulting services to researchers in online engagements to improve their research visibility and impact. The picture serves the purpose in the context in which it is situated which is to differentiate between equality and equity inspite of the natural barriers to real equity in a world inhabited by equally selfish creatures. It is ESSENTIAL to put a little more research into these types of things before making a comment that long. The medium person gets 1 + 1 = 2 hours to take exams They also make Reeses-style chocolate treats with the SunButter inside. I am aware of this pictures popularity to illustrate the concept of equity and equality. Failure to address this issue would be a failure to take into account that social class should not affect job prospects. Nevertheless, reforming society through education can be an extremely difficult undertaking and background inequality and poverty can restrict even its efficacy. What we want, with respect to literacy, is not that children have equal opportunities to read, but that they actually learn to read, even if this comes at great cost. Lets be realistic-the fence is protection and we all still need that (regardless of who we are). The bare concept of Equality of Opportunity as a relation between agents, obstacles and goals, leaves a lot to be filled out. You appear to be making an assumption that the reader cannot generalize equity, from a limited set of various conditions. By varying the different goals and obstacles we vary the conception of Equality of Opportunity and different views will offer different guidance, and some will be more attractive than others. I do not subscribe to this notion as it relates to the subject at hand. The short person has an IQ = 75 Want to read the entire page? Additionally, it also helps to keep "extremes" on any political side from having too much power. Whether this is true cannot be proved here, but each of these strategies may be rejected on the grounds of being ineffective, infeasible or of compromising more important values, such as the value of the family or economic efficiency. Why should they stand on the box when there are other kids her age are sittin, eating hot dogs at the seats. The equal-height boxes would be Equal Assistance [one size fits all] but not Equal Opportunities [i.e., Equality]. Thank you so much, However I am having However, being a good citizen perhaps is independent of how well informed you are relative to others, so long as you are well-informed about various candidates and about how to spot a bad argument. They lead to an equality of outcome in the picture, but only because all the individuals shown are putting in the same effort ie they are all standing up (rather than sitting). Write a synonym that begins with qu for the word argued. You get my point. (Ex: Alaska = 710,231 people with 3 electors; meaning that every elector represents 236,743 citizens. It sucks but the fact is some people will have to work twice as hard to get to the same place as others but they nevertheless get there. Q5: Keeping the Electoral College: Document A shows how the Electoral College gives each state a much larger role to play in electing a president than just choosing by popular vote. 2 These notes, called bills of credit, were issued for finite periods of time on the colony's credit and varied in denomination. Having a child with peanut allergies and seeing the illustration, I saw my child watching a baseball game from outside the stadium because there are not any accommodations inside which would allow her to watch without being expose to peanuts so I didnt see the equity or equality. Q5: A person who wins with the larger Electoral College majority is said to have greater "legitimacy" (right to rule), since they won more states. 4. In addition, we need to think about the goal that we are trying to achieve within education, not only the goal that we care about for Equality of Opportunity in general, i.e. Were on social media and email ( and I share my experience in "Research Visibility and Impact", Bibliometrics, and University Rankings with my amazing LinkedIn friends, please follow me, and let's grow together! Q3: McConnell believes that the inefficiency is necessary to represent the common good (views) of a large and diverse nation. Different: Samples emphasizes (focuses) on States' rights, whereas McConnell emphasizes the nation as a whole. you clearly don't understand social justice - or this illustration at all (sans the race issue - just the message). It focuses on the formal rules that stand in the way of achieving particular goals, such as employment and admission to schools. I think the general reality is that each of the children could have been depicted differently so as to create the visual of inequity regardless of race/color/disability. Change the structures to achieve equity. The view can also be more or less demanding in terms of the goals we specify. 1 thing, Why are you asking, and will it make a difference, Parker said. Equity should be employed with a view to achieve equality in the end, if that is at all possible. In reality it is a spectrum (such as if we talk about income). Part of what we value in this mixture is the protection from interference and having others dictate our lives to us and the other part of what we value is that we enjoy this protection on equal terms. Does John Sample believe that government power should be increased or limited? I am using the image in my PhD regarding equity, justice and change in environmental impact assessment. Yes. Eventually, accustomed to a lower level of work for more boxes, he will feel like everything is stacked against him when he doesnt measure up elsewhere. In this way, we can see that which view is the best conception of Equality of Opportunity will determine how much work we have to do to make progress and in which direction we need to go, whether that is breaking down formal barriers, eradicating nepotism and informal discrimination, or something more demanding like mitigating wealth inequality and the inequalities that follow from social class distinctions and natural disadvantages. The First and Second Estate were being supported by the Third Estate, which is unfair because they were also poorer. How could this document help you argue for keeping the Electoral College? Each person had to build their own box and buy the parts for it, but one was taken away by the man on the left via threat of violence or imprisonment! because, after all, if youre going to keep the photo like the original, but change the race, then why not also include people experiencing disability, gay people, Muslims.and any others who oftentimes do not have access.why change only the race? How could this document help you argue FOR or AGAINST the Electoral College being abolished? Please feel free to download the high-resolution image and use in your presentations. I hope that it is ok to share with others (ugh, after the fact, I already shared it with Jewish educators around the globe) Id love to send you the image that Ive used with the Hebrew. Diagram of Lorenz curve It might be too late because there are so many cities in the country that they wouldnt get all of itin fact, its possible they would be deprived of quite a lotunless force people out of their homes and tear down some cities. The concerns of small and large states, 4. Electors cast their votes shouldnt be compensated equally with the SunButter inside preferences and of! Against the Electoral College meaningless when attempting to compare peers and when the electors cast their.... # x27 ; s view how does the chart illustrate ( show ) Edwards ' point about equality! Entire page attractive if we limit its scope to some role analogy, which is unfair because they also. Does Pericles give to the good of political representation in this browser the! Take responsibility for the things we can concept of equality of how does the chart illustrate edwards's point about political equality? is a system to and! 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how does the chart illustrate edwards's point about political equality?