did greg ovens build a house for his daughter

But as I find myself having frequently to remind them, there is actually a world beyond those not-quite-so-shining-as-once-they-were-seas! Please see link at my comment # 79. All the other crimes of the Nazis and Communists began with mass incarnation. Marshall later served on the Army staff, commanded the 15th Infantry Regiment in China, and was an instructor at the Army War College. Alas, the omnipresent lies can reign supreme; people simply prefere not to think for themselves. These anomalies tend to make the sceptical and cynical suspicious to say the least. The diesel exhaust and AR shit has been explained over and over again, you can easily get to the truth by googling it (something I’m afraid many people haven’t figured out how to do even in 2021), it’ll be in the top results unlike whatever trash you read. You wouldn’t care to provide some evidence for this I suppose? Many buildings and streets throughout the U.S. and other nations are named in his honor. Obviously need the NAZI’s to give the municipal council a lesson in crematoria. Wuhan, China: Last February, the Daily Mail reported that all the crematoria in Wuhan, China, were operating 24/7 to cope with COVID-19 deaths. Well it is indeed based in large part on slavery to Americans. (1991), Vol. VILLAGER #1: More witches! The truth is that after the Soviets had ‘liberated’ Eastern Europe, many of the Jews there met the same fate as many millions of others, deported to Siberia and worked to death. – The Crematoria Ovens of Auschwitz and Birkenau, By Carlo Mattogno: Why, if those numbers are correct, were Nazi crematoria of the 1940s so much more efficient than modern crematoria? The ability to smash the Nazi Wehrmacht and the Nazi Reich just with gangs of rapists and brigands was probably much helped by those GAZiks. Who pulled that off? And maybe, after we discover how the Nazi’s got sooo proficient on Crematory methods, they will share with us – their methods of cheap energy – that they must have used in all those years. Marshall also spoke in favor of a large ground army although Roosevelt had said a large air force would be a greater deterrent to enemies than a large army. Deputy Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb, Karlspreis (International Charlemagne Prize of the city of Aachen), George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, "George C. Marshall – Harry S. Truman Administration", "George Catlett Marshall, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Secretary of State", https://winstonchurchill.org/publications/finest-hour/finest-hour-168/the-noblest-romans/, https://www.marshallfoundation.org/marshall/timeline-chronology/, "General Lesley J. McNair: Little-Known Architect of the U.S. Army", Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany June 7, 1944 – May 7, 1945, "蔣介石敗退台灣最恨誰?日記顯示並非毛澤東", "George C. Marshall, Man of the Year Jan. 5, 1948", "President Truman's Decision to Recognize Israel", "Truman Adviser Recalls May 14, 1948 US Decision to Recognize Israel", "Joseph C. Satterthwaite Oral History Interview", George C Marshall Foundation, "The Nobel Peace Prize" (2017), "Diary entries, 6–7, April 1951, Truman Papers", "History | American Battle Monuments Commission", "1-070, Editorial Note on Becoming General Liggett's Aide, February 1915", "Award Ceremony Speech, Nobel Peace Prize, George Marshall", "A Greenburg Resident: General Marshall's Sister Dies at 85", "The General's Goiter: The Outcome of a Subtotal Thyroidectomy Performed on United States Army General George Catlett Marshall", "Katherine Boyce Tupper: Wife of a Murder Victim and Wife of a General | Leon J. Podles :: DIALOGUE", "Pershing is Best Man for His Former Aide", "Restoration of Marshall House in Leesburg Enters Home Stretch", "Marshall and the Distinguished Service Medal", "Homenagem á Missão Militar Norte Americana", "Gen. George C. Marshall | Distinguished Service Medal | The American Legion", "Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives", https://www.kappaalphaorder.org/award/distinguished-achievement-award/george-c-marshall/, "George C. Marshall High School | Home of the Statesmen | Fairfax County Public Schools | George C. Marshall High School", "George C. Marshall Center. January 3, 2021 at 6:56 pm GMT • 27 minutes ago • 200 Words ↑, QUOTE The only way one can believe the Holocaust narrative is if one believes that bodies burn easily by themselves and burn down to the bones by themselves. "[75], In addition to his military success, Marshall is primarily remembered as the driving force behind the Marshall Plan, which provided billions of dollars in aid to post war Europe to restart the economies of the destroyed countries. If you don’t know, surely there is someone there you can ask. Makes the holocasut BS [sorry, I’m Holywood excec] even more ridiculous than before. [92] She authored a memoir, 1946's Together: Annals of an Army Wife. The European Recovery Program, as it was formally known, became known as the Marshall Plan. And today the Canadian government is diligently trying to get around the “false-news” ruling and replace it with a law against disinformation. Marshall worked to provide more manpower to meet the demands of both the Korean War and the Cold War in Europe. Hmmmmmm………. Because in the 1940s, crematoria were run by the efficient Germans (like having trains run on time) whereas, modern crematoria, notwithstanding its, well, modern design are run on Israel time, i.e. My daughter got notification that the class had been exposed. It’s remarkable the coinintelpro commenters that come about on Unz when that jew fairytale, their holocaust religion is brought up. On a side note, just think of how hard it was to separate Jews from their gold. Marshall commanded the 5th Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division and Vancouver Barracks in Vancouver, Washington from 1936 to 1938, and was promoted to brigadier general in October 1936. [32] Many of the American generals who were given top commands during the war were either picked or recommended by Marshall, including Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jacob L. Devers, George S. Patton, Terry de la Mesa Allen Sr., Lloyd Fredendall, Lesley McNair, Mark Wayne Clark and Omar Bradley. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100307215534.htm. On 8 April, the Joint Chiefs of Staff met with Marshall, and each expressed the view that MacArthur's relief was desirable from a "military point of view," suggesting that "if MacArthur were not relieved, a large segment of our people would charge that civil authorities no longer controlled the military. In the propaganda these were the American GIs who filmed the documentary, of course under the supervision of two great directors. The bottom line is, when all is said and done your own post actually agrees with me: they were bigger, end of story. My understanding is that the slaughter did not occur as you described. It means the crimes by the accused are what any of the allies claimed these to be. His first trial proved to be a debacle for the prosecution. CONTENTS. said: Instead of putting all their resources to winning the war, they put their resources to something very minor…. If the fantastic claims about Treblinka II were true, there would be an enormous quantity of wood ash and massive ground disturbances traceable from the burial pits. The total number of deaths this year is the same as previous years. It must have been possible because we know that it happened.’. The obvious answer is that the Jewish bone dust has agglomerated in to the soil of German and Polish farms where it was deposited, and also in the river banks. *Like the calumny that those wicked pagan romans murdered the Son of God? It’s called rhetoric. He had been murdered by a disgruntled client in 1928. In the summer of 1917, he was assigned as assistant chief of staff for operations on the staff of the 1st Division. [6] After resigning as Secretary of State, Marshall served as chairman of the American Battle Monuments Commission[7] and president of the American National Red Cross. The local and national newspapers were day after day filled with the accounts of prosecution witnesses who didn’t know their asses from a hole in the ground. No?? Marshall hoped for a coalition government, and toasted their common future. [84], Marshall married Elizabeth Carter Coles, or "Lily", at her mother's home on Letcher Avenue in Lexington, Virginia, on 11 February 1902. The Nazis developed extremely advanced cremation technology that allowed them to cremate thousands of corpses in a very short time, including reducing all human bones to a fine ash. Problem is the CDC’s definition is very vague concerning cause of death: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/coronavirus-death-certificates-minnesota-inflated. This was appealed to the Canadian Supreme Court where [Zundel] was exonerated and the doctrine of judicial notice was ended in Canada. It depends on how far you want to go into this fantasy world. 6: "The Whole World Hangs in the Balance," January 8, 1947 – September 30, 1949. His new mission was to broker a coalition government between the Nationalist allies under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Communists under Mao Zedong. (2012). The birds and rats will take care of the flesh. Once the water hits the hot oven floor, it creates steam, which creates the crust. "Expectations of Infamy: Roosevelt and Marshall Prepare for War, 1938–41. When Germany followed suit and incarcerated Jews (who had made it clear they were at war with Germany more or less en masse in 1933), however, this was regarded as an altogether different matter. But doing this kind of thing while losing a (world) war would be schizophrenic. Why, if those numbers are correct, were Nazi crematoria of the 1940s so much more efficient than modern crematoria? Marshall died at Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C. on October 16, 1959 at the age of 78. The outrage is that in a number of countries voicing mere doubt about an historical event can end you up in prison. He died in 1959 and was buried with honors at Arlington National Cemetery. That is just an ad hominem. —Kira Vosk, Milwaukee, Wisconsin The author deserves accolades for his keen observation. National Justice Investigates: American Tax Payers Spend At Least $23 Billion On Israel Every Year Marshall saw Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. and they went to see Roosevelt together; Marshall emphasized the supreme importance of getting the full amount and told Roosevelt "you have got to do something and you’ve got to do it today". Is it like the repeated picture of the Dictator in totalitarian dictatorships? Official Register of Commissioned Officers of the United States Army. Marshall retired from active service in 1945, but remained on active duty, as required for holders of five-star rank. It’s real and lethal, even if sensationalized by the mad media. In Ecuador, people who died of COVID-19 were simply left lying in the streets, according to the Daily Mail. — so this is what people are pointing out (almost all deaths are of people with 2 co-morbidities the CDC finally admitted) — try not being such a tool maybe? Whose hands are bloody when US Congressmen give US taxpayer money to Israel, where IDF kills Palestinian children? You you can easily filter by author, general topic, or time period: For example, here are the articles by that particular writer you mention: https://www.unz.com/publication/jhr/author/carlo_mattogno/. These reports included criticism of Marshall for delay in sending General Walter Short, the Army commander in Hawaii, important information obtained from intercepted Japanese diplomatic messages. [37][42][43] Under such conditions, many soldiers suffered a crippling loss of morale, while veterans were kept at the front until they were killed, wounded, or incapacitated by battle fatigue or illness. The above is a brief summary of the Zundel trials. Why politicians and doctors keep ignoring the medical research on Vitamin D and Covid, Russia holds the key to German sovereignty, Israel’s Third Lockdown- a Spectacle of Failure, Trump just Thumped the Democrats and that's a "Win" for the Country, Twitter censors anti-murderist for citing science, Here's why you should skip the Covid Vaccine. A bulldozer a little later will turn their bones into soil once more. Just fire up its ovens, and poof the corpses go. This is what you would expect with a modern gas oven , 1.5 – 2 hours start to finish allowing for cool off and to clear up and reducing to powder of the remains. HCQ did not work very well. When two populations are constantly enmeshed in conflict, it is insane to suggest that somehow deep-seated ideological change will miraculously occur, allowing the two sides to live together. Yes, this must be why Rabbis prohibit excavations at the Treblinka site, one also has to wonder how the Germans managed to dig up hundreds of thousands of damp and decomposing bodies and get them to burn while piled up on top of each other on rail tracks. suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has put a catastrophic strain on the world’s crematoria not seen since … well, we’ll get to that in a moment. Were’d all the Jews go, if not killed? How come those Chinks are putting Whitey to shame solving this problem so quickly and effectively? McHale first envisioned the show in 2004 and pitched it to the network in 2006. So, the people who [supposedly] burned through 6,000, 000 bodies in roughly 4 years, give or take [1,460 days] -that’s is the equivalent of 4,109 bodies, every single day, 24/7, 4 years in a row, without a single day’s break- get their panties in a twist over a mere 5 dead bodies per day? ", Gullan, Harold I. For T cells to detect and kill foreign pathogens such as clumps of bacteria or viruses, the cells must first be ‘triggered’ into action and ‘transform’ from inactive and harmless immune cells into killer cells that are primed to seek out and destroy all traces of a foreign pathogen. If the flu goes away, it means that masks and social distancing etc. Just saying. 1948 – Award for Distinguished Achievement. Let us take these headlines at face value for the sake of argument: Zittau, Germany: Reports from this Saxony city describe a backlog of bodies in the first three weeks of December 2020 totaling 115 deaths, or about 5 deaths per day. [18], After arriving in France, Marshall served with the 1st Division on the St. Mihiel, Picardy, and Cantigny fronts. The so called “Reformation” was the starting point of the Jews’ trajectory to political, cultural and economic domination, since it divided the historical enemy of the Jews in Europe, a broadly united Christendom. His sole criterion on any issue seems to be ‘is it good for the Jews?’. This confession, which subsequently came to be submitted to the Nuremberg tribunal as document NO–1210, had taken three days of torture, as his captor, Sergeant Bernard Clarke himself would describe, to obtain.”. As an ethnic Pole I had to marry a man from West-Europe in order to be able to leave Poland. So, the Covid hoax isn’t. His dad, the late Stan, Sr., was an accomplished racer and started the well-known Hover Racing parts and tire business in 1965. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-J2jpuEZojE0/VONvKRjmXCI/AAAAAAAABX8/-GG_ralfWJA/s1600/Auschwitz.jpg, recommended: From 12 -18 they average 56%, 19 to 50 they average 50% and over 50 they average 47%. I have a box which connects to the internet which allows me to watch iplayer, 4oD etc. The vehicle had an air-tight compartment for victims, into which exhaust fumes were transmitted while the engine was running. Marshall was especially fond of Fredendall, describing him as "one of the best" and remarking in a staff meeting when his name was mentioned, "I like that man; you can see determination all over his face." He compared the crematorium at Birkenau to his own using the Birkenau plans, and provided an estimate for cremation time, but noted natural gas was different than coke. Obviously you don’t. They always made our house smell like an Old World Italian restaurant. Learn to do some research maybe? I have been unable to re-locate that link. Easy-peasy. BEDEMIR: And what do you burn apart from witches? "The ethical leadership of George C. If the German government believes that the Holocaust really happened and are willing to jail people who renounce it, and pay survivors and their relatives for their losses; who are we to argue with the often said superior German intellect ??? There would have had to have been a giant warehouse to keep the dried firewood dry- we are talking about millions of pounds. Lot’s of women are obese which is fat content > 33%. Set out a jar of giardiniera for spooning on top. Total BS, never happened. p.s. And they were robbed once again after they were gassed, having their teeth extracted. Marshall wrote the document that would become the central strategy for all Allied operations in Europe. Legitimate crematoriums use single muffles with one body per burn, to reduce the cross-contamination of ashes between bodies, so the customer can be confident that most of the ashes they received belonged to their loved one, per law. The new men were often not even proficient in the use of their own weapons, and once in combat, could not receive enough practical instruction from veterans before being killed or wounded, sometimes within the first few days. Ah. The appointment required a congressional waiver because the National Security Act of 1947 prohibited a uniformed military officer from serving in the post. –Greg A. That’s more than six times the total number of deaths in the city of Zittau between December 1 and December 23. The White House says Biden told governors that he and his wife are praying for their citizens and pledged to deploy federal emergency resources as needed. George C. Marshall International Center, a non-profit organization that oversees Marshall's Leesburg home as a museum and works to interpret Marshall's legacy. And but weeks later, he was targeted by a parcel bomb that was detonated by the Toronto Police bomb squad, who charged one David Barbarash, said to be an animal rights activist. They were used as slave laborers at Auschwitz/Birkenau and elsewhere. Indeed, why incinerate anyone outdoors. The “Experts” making bs predictions, causing hysteria and lockdowns (now stated by the UN to have put 200 Million people in 3rd World Countries at risk for STARVATION — you care about them?) In this country as far as I can find we have about 300 – 320 crematoria ovens. Gas chamber victims would have to be treated in the same way – you couldn’t just walk in and start dragging bodies out. Normally the women had nice figures though back in those days. Vegetable gardening was one of General Marshall's favorite pastimes and allowed him to grow everything from tomatoes to pumpkins throughout the year. I believe you, but please bury Fluffy. In addition, Marshall expressed concern that concessions to China would undermine confidence in the U.S. among its Asian allies, including Japan and the Philippines. Between 1920 and 1924, while Pershing was Army Chief of Staff, Marshall worked in a number of positions in the army, focusing on training and teaching modern, mechanized warfare. Now if the burning of the bodies does not fly then burial theory should be proven by bones in the mass graves. "George C. Marshall at Harvard: A Study of the Origins and Construction of the 'Marshall Plan' Speech.". Further, there would have been the additional fuel and other resources to transport the subjects to the camps, the resources to build, staff and maintain the camps. (2003), Vol. I’d still expect the Germans of 80 years ago to be more efficient than the Indians of today. George Marshall married Lily Coles, who a few years before had rejected the proposal made by Stuart Marshall. PB Built was creative, punctual, professional, cost efficient and built a beautiful home for my family. The show was the first miniseries on the network. I once attended a Hindu cremation ceremony in the Caribbean. It did come from them therefore that NO I did not need a tv licenceeven though i have TV's. 1.Six Million? Great answer, Einstein. A man who shot and killed himself out of U.S. Rep. Beth Van Duyne’s Irving home Wednesday was a former staffer of the freshman Republican congresswoman and a GOP activist, officials said. While the report was critical of the overall situation, the committee noted that subordinates had failed to pass on important information to their superiors, including Marshall.[47][48]. Dont be shy It’s true that the Jews were chased out of Central Europe (mostly arriving in the US) and that they experienced serious hardship (the same as other European populations) but no Holocaust. The article is sloppy, easily refuted, as above. They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. "[27], In July 1938, Marshall was assigned to the War Plans Division in Washington D.C. and subsequently reassigned as Deputy Chief of Staff. “In fact, the ovens simply cannot cope and there are regular reports of breakdowns only adding to the backlog.” An analysis of data from 30 crematoria across the city showed that each crematorium “is disposing of between 18 and 22 bodies each day.”. The city has allegedly resorted to storing corpses in a large hall. [58] As Secretary of State, Marshall strongly opposed recognizing the newly formed state of Israel. Höss was marched naked across the parade ground to a cell. Terence Aubrey Murray was born in Ireland in 1810 and came to Sydney with his father, a retired redcoat army officer, and siblings in 1827.

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