fetal monitoring practice test

The nurse records that this pattern is: a. a late deceleration associated with uteroplacental insufficiency. "EFM is a screening procedure that monitors your baby's heart rate or FHR and your uterine contractions.". The nurse is using the ultrasound transducer during the EFM of her 35 year old patient. The nurse informs a nursing student that which of the following methods of electronic fetal monitoring does not require dilation or rupture of membranes, is completely noninvasive, and is used during AP and IP? Which of the following EFM devices can be used for a patient whose membranes ruptured and has a cervix that is already 50% dilated to detect FHR? Nurse Janet notices an abrupt decrease in FHR below the baseline that is greater than or equal to 15 bpm and lasts greater than or equal to 15 seconds. The nurse will apply a Doppler transducer to … Fetal Well-being Practice Unit Test There are 19 questions in this practice unit test. » Documentation of traces and their storage. The nurse would document this finding as: A nurse is monitoring FHR during an EFM of a pregnant patient that is 26 weeks. The nurse notices and becomes concern when she sees a consistent pattern of variable deceleration(s). • The NCC EFM Tracing Game uses NICHD terminology • External monitoring (unless noted differently), paper speed is 3cm/min • Collections are larger groups of tracings, 5 tracings are randomly selected each time a collection is played • Select a game collection and click [Start] The drop is subtle/gradual, consistent pattern. The nurse identifies variable decelerations in a FHR on a EFM strip. b. A nurse places which type of external fetal monitor over her patient's uterine fundus to measure uterine activity transabdominally? The nurse knows that this is indicative of: The nurse is observing a pattern on the EFM that indicates a gradual decrease in a return to baseline FHR that begins after the contraction has started. The purpose of this practice test is to simulate an actual NCC Certification Exam. Nurse Janet notices an abrupt decrease in FHR below the baseline that is greater than or equal to 15 bpm and lasts greater than or equal to 15 seconds. Which of the following is the priority nursing action of a nurse preparing to begin EFM on a patient? provide useful information about your baby's oxygen supply by checking his The nursing student's proper response was: A nurse has been monitoring a FHR that has consistently displayed no variability and non-reassuring patterns. After applying the spiral electrode onto the baby's head, the nurse needs to ensure that: b. the spiral electrode wire is connected to the mom's leg plate and it is snapped to the adhesive patch. Try this amazing Electronic Fetal Heart Monitoring Trivia Quiz Questions! Stimulate the fetus scalp by rubbing it through the mother's abdomen with gloved fingers. b. A nurse places which type of external fetal monitor over her patient's uterine fundus to measure uterine activity transabdominally? decrease in variability is associated with the fetus being in a sleeping state. What is the appropiate action of the nurse practitioner? Electronic Fetal Monitoring Online Practice Exam. Which of the following internal fetal monitoring devices will the nurse use? What would the nurse document this finding as? Ultrasound & Fetal Monitoring A nurse has tried multiple measures to increase a patient's baby's FHR. 2008 ; 6 ( 1) : 18 – 26 . She notices that the mother is laying on her right side. Which of the following is the priority nursing action of a nurse preparing to begin EFM on a patient? (select all that apply). Professionals using Electronic Fetal Monitoring in their practice should also take advantage of: • The EFM Resources page with linked papers and articles including the NCC monograph “Fetal Assessment and Safe Labor Management” authored by Kathleen Rice Simpson, PhD, RNC-OB, CNS-BC, FAAN. All of the modules are case-based and include a wide range of ancillary resources such as expert opinions, links to papers, and animations. Several techniques for antepartum fetal surveillance currently in use are discussed in the ACOG bulletin. The nurse informs a nursing student that which of the following methods of electronic fetal monitoring does not require dilation or rupture of membranes, is completely noninvasive, and is used during AP and IP? 6 Antepartum fetal surveillance. Evidence Based Midwifery . 8 The admission test by cardiotocography or by auscultation . The nurse asks a nursing student what VEAL represents. Fetal heart rate drops as contraction rises (mirrors uterine contractions) begins with contraction & returns to baseline by end of contraction. A nurse is observing her 42 year old patient who is having increased uterine contractions due to IV oxytocin. The nurse identifies this as bradycardia and would assess if the patient had which of the following conditions: (select all that apply), b. prolonged compression of umbillical cord. F 3. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. The nurse documents this as a: A nurse informs a nursing student that if late deceleration are persistent and repetitive, it indicates: a. fetal hypoxemia stemming from insufficient placental perfusion. Increase the IV flow rate and adminster vasopressors to increase the mother's blood pressure. The patient asks her what the transducer is used for. The nurse notices that there has been a consistent pattern of late deceleration(s), which indicate uteroplacental insufficiency. 1. The nurse knows that she is observing which aspect of the uterine contraction: The nurse who is monitoring EFM realizes that suddenly there is no tracking of the FHR. The nurse documents this finding as: a. a normal finding of early decelerations associated with head compression. b. encourage mom to move from side to side and go in a knee-chest position to relieve umbilical cord compression. (select all that apply). The nurse is monitoring a FHR and uterine contractions on a EFM strip. He asks the nurse to begin getting his equipment ready so that he can correct the problem. The nurse is measuring which of the following aspects of a uterine contraction? What should be the nurse's primary action? 9 Assessment of uterine contractions . (select all that apply). A nurse explains to her patient that this fetal heart rate is: b. normal because it is in the range of 110-160 bpm for a term or post term fetus. There was a decrease that is greater than or equal to 15 bpm that lasts for greater than or equal to 15 seconds. Table 1 shows common indications for electronic fetal monitoring in current obstetric practice 2. A nurse is explaining to her 31 year old patient that she will be using external fetal monitoring devices to keep track of the baby's FHR in relation to her uterine contractions. The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. Which of the following statements by the nurse is the most accurate way to describe the purpose of EFM? Test. The nurse is assessing which of the following components of the uterine contractions? The nurse knows that she is observing which aspect of the uterine contraction: The nurse who is monitoring EFM realizes that suddenly there is no tracking of the FHR. None of those tests can determine definitively if there is a problem, they merely suggest a risk factor that could lead to closer monitoring and further evaluations. PLAY. Also explore over 64 similar quizzes in this category. » Additional tests of fetal wellbeing that help rate of CTG. (select all that apply), A nurse is informing a nursing student about the problematic causes of prolonged declerations. 9 Contraction assessment. The nurse is monitoring the FHR of her patient's baby and becomes concerned when she observes which of the following results? A nurse is explaining to her 31 year old patient that she will be using external fetal monitoring devices to keep track of the baby's FHR in relation to her uterine contractions. The nursing student's proper response was: The nurse asks a nursing student what CHOP represents. Report this as a normal finding, known as accelerations that indicate the fetus is doing well. The nurse notices that the lowest point of the deceleration occurs after the peak of the contraction. How is an NST Performed? In each of the following case studies, select portions of the… A nurse is explaining to her 31 year old patient that she will be using external fetal monitoring devices to keep track of the baby's FHR in relation to her uterine contractions. What would the nurse document this finding as? The nurse also notices there are recurrent late and even variable deceleration occurring. F 2. 97% of students who participated in AWHONN’s Fetal Heart Monitoring Program stated it would improve their ability to care for patients. The nurse knows the nursing student understands this concept when she tells her that which of the following problematic conditions lead to prolonged decelerations? The nursing student's proper response was: The nurse asks a nursing student what CHOP represents. A nurse is monitoring a patient and her baby using EFM. » Channels of communication to follow in response to a suspicious or pathological trace, risk management strategies including governance and audit. b. A nurse is observing her 42 year old patient who is having increased uterine contractions due to IV oxytocin. b. explain the purpose of the EFM and the procedure of EFM Placement to the patient. Which of the following are external fetal monitoring devices? The nurse identifies which type of fetal heart rate pattern that occurs with sympathetic nervous response in breech presentation and occurs directly with contractions? The quizzes emphasize a systematic approach to interpreting tracings and use of the appropriate nomenclature. While monitoring a baby's fetal well being using EFM, the nurse recognizes that the baby's baseline fetal heart rate is identified as the: b. average rate of a 10 minute segment that excludes periodic or episodic changes. The nurse would consider these findings to b: A nurse determines that a baby's FHR is below 110 beats per minute. In addition, you must know what is causing each type of deceleration, such as uteroplacental insufficiency or umbilical cord compression. These include b. a. change maternal position to lateral to increase oxygenation to fetus. While keeping track of a patient's uterine contractions, the nurse documents that the measurements of the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next is occurring too frequently at quicker than every 2 minutes. "The ultrasound transducer uses high frequency sound waves to detect the flow of blood through a vessel, which can be identified as your baby's heart rate.". Check placement of the ultrasound transducer and ensure correct placement for optimum recording of fetal heart rate to see if the baby changed positions. The nurse records that this pattern is: a. a late deceleration associated with uteroplacental insufficiency. The nursing student's proper response was: The nurse monitors a FHR that is 120 bpm, has a moderate variability of 22 bpm, and has 20 accelerations that are 15 seconds or more in length. 4 Control of the fetal heart and NICE guidelines. What is the nurse's primary action? A nurse has been monitoring a FHR that has consistently displayed no variability and non-reassuring patterns. As the recognized leader in fetal heart monitoring education, AWHONN’s in-person and online formats are convenient, evidence-based and the essential tools for educating the entire team. The nurse is monitoring a fetal heart rate and determines that the baseline fetal heart rate is above 160 beats per minute for 5 minutes, or between 2-10 minutes. The nurse notes that these patterns are not occurring in relation to contractions. Post-Test Questions Answer Key Rev. The nurse identifies which type of fetal heart rate pattern that occurs with sympathetic nervous response in breech presentation and occurs directly with contractions? training in intrapartum fetal monitoring and competency assessment for maternity services in London and reduce the incidence of avoidable harm and improve safety during the intrapartum period. A nurse is assessing the relaxation or intrauterine pressures between contractions on a EFM strip. What is the primary nursing action that needs to be performed? What should be the nurse's primary action? 8 Cardiotocographic interpretation: clinical scenario. The nurse explains to a patient that the intrauterine pressure catheter is being used to: c. Monitor the frequency, duration, and pressure of her uterine contractions by measuring intrauterine pressures and converting it to mm HG. Write. Electronic Fetal Monitoring Practice Questions. The nurse identifies variable decelerations in a FHR on a EFM strip. The nurse does which of the following actions: b. "EFM is a screening procedure that monitors your baby's heart rate or FHR and your uterine contractions.". Advanced principles of maternal-fetal physiology An optional online post-test Intended Audience The advanced fetal heart monitoring course is designed for perinatal clinicians who previously completed AWHONN’s Intermediate Fetal Monitoring Course, or a comparable fetal monitoring educational program and/or who hold certification or added credentials in fetal heart monitoring. One of the maternal nurses explains to a nursing student that the duration of a contraction, which is measured from the beginning to the end of one contraction, usually lasts: b. about 60 seconds, NO longer than 90 seconds. While monitoring a baby’s fetal well being using EFM, the nurse recognizes that the baby’s baseline fetal heart rate is identified as the: a. average rate of a 30 minute segment that excludes periodic or episodic changes b. average rate of a 10 minute segment that excludes periodic or episodic changes c. average rate of a 20 minute segment that does not include periodic or … Oh no! The nurses' priority action would be to: a. It looks like your browser needs an update. A nursing student explains during her presentation that the 5 factors for adequate fetal oxygenation include: 1. normal maternal blood flow and volume to placenta. b. What is the nurse's primary action? There are two electronic fetal monitoring methods of obtaining the fetal heart rate: the ultrasound transducer and the fetal spiral electrode. 2. A nurse determines that a baby's FHR is below 110 beats per minute. quiz which has been attempted 8976 times by avid quiz takers. This can help make your baby more active. If fetal heart rate monitoring is done along with another monitoring test, you may be asked to eat a meal before the test. The nurses' priority action would be to: a. 3 Electronic fetal monitoring: terminology. The nurse is monitoring the FHR of her patient's baby and becomes concerned when she observes which of the following results? Based on this finding, the nurse can determine that the fetus is: While keeping track of a patient's uterine contractions, the nurse documents that the measurements of the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next is occurring too frequently at quicker than every 2 minutes. The practice test uses the same question format as a certification exam. Intervene immediately and inform the patient to leave the spiral electrode fro the MD or midwife who are the only ones authorized to turn in counterclockwise and remove it. After selecting the answer to each question, click onto the "Check Answer" button. 5 Cardiotocographic interpretation: the basics. The nurse measures fetal well being during labor by paying attention to: a. the response of the FHR to uterine contractions. The patient is lying supine with her feet elevated. It is important to change to continuous EFM, if abnormal fetal heart rate (baseline below 110 or above 160 or the presence of any decelerations) is detected on intermittent auscultation. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is commonly used to assess fetal well-being during labor. The nurse is monitoring the FHR of the patient's baby. The following interactive quizzes test your basic knowledge of Fetal Heart Tracing interpretation. b. absence of variability, which is considered nonreassuring, Which of the following conditions lead to decreased variability found in the FHR? The nurse should also use vibroacusotic stimulation and play music that resembles sounds heard in utero to increase the babies HR through stimulation. Practice Quizzes. The nurse notices and becomes concern when she sees a consistent pattern of variable deceleration(s). The nurse is concerned and notifies the doctor by explaining that the fetus has: A nurse determines that a baby has a baseline FHR of 100 bpm on a EFM strip. The nurse documents this as a: A nurse informs a nursing student that if late deceleration are persistent and repetitive, it indicates: a. fetal hypoxemia stemming from insufficient placental perfusion. FHR usually drops about 30bpm, but remains above 100bpm. a. change maternal position to lateral to increase oxygenation to fetus. While monitoring a mother and baby during EFM, the nurse notices that there are consistent patterns of drops of the FHR from the baseline after the contraction has ended. 4 Electronic fetal monitoring – terminology and interpretation . A nurse has tried multiple measures to increase a patient's baby's FHR. The quizzes emphasize a systematic approach to interpreting tracings and use of the appropriate nomenclature. Practice Quizzes 1-5; Practice Quizzes 6-10; Clinical Cases; Comprehensive Exam; Fetal Tracing Index; References What is the nurse's primary action? There was a decrease that is greater than or equal to 15 bpm that lasts for greater than or equal to 15 seconds. (select all that apply). What is the primary nursing action that needs to be completed? A nurse explains to her 19 year old patient that she will be using methods of internal fetal monitoring on her to monitor her baby's FHR in relation to her uterine contractions. He informs the nurse that the patient has very little amniotic fluid, which is causing the umbilical cord to compress the baby's head. b. late decelerations associated with decreased variability and tachycardia. The nonstress test is a noninvasive procedure that monitors the fetal heart rate and how it responds to fetal movement. A maternal nurse is observing that a fetus has increases in FHR that are above the baseline and greater than or equal to 15 bpm and lasting longer than or equal to 15 seconds in relation to mom's uterine contractions. The nurse notices that the lowest point of the deceleration occurs after the peak of the contraction. The nurse measures fetal well being during labor by paying attention to: a. the response of the FHR to uterine contractions.

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