twilight fanfiction dominant carlisle

Twilight Fanfiction 2019 Search Thread - FanFiction Alley - Perusing The Shelves • February 19, 2021, 10:18 PM • Welcome, Guest. But her presence helped Emmett concede, and he immediately straightened up and backed away, not willing to turn his unprotected back on me as he exited the room with Rosalie's help. He sagged forward, burying his face in his arms, arching his back, pushing himself against me, his legs spread offering me full access, a gesture that confirmed he was offering me his complete submission. Growls continued to emanate from him, but they were low, rumbling up from his chest, less an expression of aggression, then a warning. Jasper and Peter Whitlock find their mate in one small human child, called Bella Swan. "What will happen? "The biggest form of control is quite simply death. Chapter 18: ACPOV: Confusion is the dominant feeling when the Volturi guards come to tell us we’re to be escorted back to Volterra. He remained frozen; his compliance was the only thing that kept Jasper and Emmett from moving in to protect their mates from an impending attack. "Are you forgetting about Emmett and Jasper? They don’t go to Isle Esme, instead I believe they stay in Forks, so as to be close to Carlisle if anything goes wrong. What are you doing? "It's alright Edward, it's not your fault, it's who we are.". He was ready to go into a defensive mode. I emitted one word in my thoughts, over and over again, submit, submit, submit, but his body never faltered, he never stopped struggling, his teeth constantly mashing together as he tried to get a piece of me. What happens when Bella's followed by a stubborn blonde vampire? He looked exhausted if that was possible. "Hours later, I caught Edward's scent, heard him come through the front door, and bound up the stairs. Or maybe it's mine? The act of my penetration was not painful, only dismemberment, decapitation or a bite inflicted any real pain on us, so as my thrusts quickened, seeking my release, I kept my mouth steady, not pulling on the flesh between my teeth. That is until she runs into a pair of identical twins that have her reconsidering her rule. "Edward, I never expected you to be easy. How did you manage to contain him? Here is an exploration into coven dynamics that involve dominance/submissive behaviors. ... to be going to Charlie's for a few days. ... and dominant Edward. ", "So you just had to talk with him, make him see that you had control. And if a stalker and her boyfriend leaving her for someone else wasn't enough? 22 Twilight fanfiction tales. Remember, Alice had actively sought us out; she wanted to be part of this family. He roared, the ferociousness of his rage echoing through the forest, his frantic efforts to escape my clutches were bearing results. It was not the first time I had lost control and tossed a piece of furniture at him, but to respond so violently to an innocent comment by Carlisle, a suggestion that we change her as soon as possible, had been a complete overreaction, even for me. I know, I'm delusional. "He's mine. Once Bitten by NoMoreThanUsual Bella and Edward imagine how things would have been different on their first day in Biology if Bella were the vampire and Edward the human. And she has been so happy. Here is an exploration into coven dynamics that involve dominance/submissive behaviors. Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, nor the sexy doctor known as Carlisle Cullen. Despite feeding multiple times, they were still black as coal, no hint of ochre touching the irises. She has no choice but to hide. Originally meant to be a one shot, it's since turned into a series of one shots involving all the male members with spill over to include Bella and Edward's relationship. Did Esme truly not understand what was happening? I concentrated on holding him, refusing to give him the slightest chance to break loose. This time I didn't need to evaluate the source of the growl or contemplate the musty odor that accompanied the soft predatory footsteps, as they moved towards me. We need to get back. Browse through and read pregnant twilight fanfiction stories and books . Edward remained frozen, but I could see the slight shift in his stance. "These vampires, the Volturi, they are all bloodsucking, vile, creatures! "I know, Edward. Ahhh, Edward, the most intelligent of my children yet so scantily educated when it came to understanding the beast within us. A reckoning was coming, a hierarchy within the coven would need to be established and it would not be something I could dictate based on my own personal preferences. "They consummated their relationship. It starts with Esme leaving him for Demitri and joins the Volturi. Companion fic to Harmony, this won't make complete sense if you haven't read Harmony. Esme and Rosalie fervently wished that they were indeed pregnant, but Bella stood apprehensively. Bella Swan has lived in Forks, Washington for her whole life. I believe it was a Bella and Jasper but it may have been a Bella and Peter - I just can't remember… AbusedBella fanfiction . When Edward's away hunting, Bella decides that enough's enough. Alice and Jasper were immediately between Bella and I and Emmett was backing me out of the room. Quite the opposite, I felt a burning need to yield under his gaze, surrender to his desires, bend to his will and show that I could capitulate to his whims. Cullen Fluff. Oh but I do, being the leader of this coven has its advantages. He'll come back when he's ready." Read, Review, Recommend ♥ My arms slid under his and my fingers locked behind his neck. Edward, don't be afraid, no one is going to hurt you. Unless something happened and an escalation of tensions occurred, my duty to my family was over. Strong minded females in the family were a valuable asset. This suited me. He whispered, showing no sign of the growling beast he was just seconds before. Carlisle heard her approaching his office door before he heard her soft knock. For two hours, I held him firmly, unrelenting in the strength of my grip, as he thrashed and screamed beneath me. You could have your own coven or lead this coven if something happened to me.". Maybe it’s been pulled? We tumbled onto the ground, toppling end over end eventually grinding to a halt. I shifted my focus to concentrate only on Emmett who was inching forward out of Rosalie's grasp. Despite our recent confrontations, Edward was not prepared for an assault from me. He was the animal held by the neck that played dead in a futile effort to save its life. This primal reaction was not entirely vampire in nature but the challenge itself was. My lips folded back from my teeth, as my growling intensified and my body tensed as I readied to spring. I knew it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help what he was, but that didn't dispel the lingering resentment I felt over my loss. This time, I did not thrust wildly, wanting to end the act quickly, a means to an end. He knew it would upset Alice, and his mate came first. ", He nodded, head bowed, ready to accept whatever punishment he perceived his brothers were about to dispense. "To have males share leadership responsibilities within a coven is highly unusual. "Of course I don't hate you, I love you. I sighed with relief, it was over. Instead I moved slowly varying my strokes, measuring Edward's response, wanting him to feel pleasure as I did. He's an asset to the community…" ―Charlie to Bella on Carlisle.Carlisle Cullen (pronounced Car-lyle) was born in 1640 in London, England and is the founder and leader of the Olympic coven. "So I've been right all along." She said, resting her hand on my shoulder. Emmett, never one for formalities, managed to maintain at least a semblance of protocol as he moved towards Edward. This will be a series of 4 one-shots all featuring Carlisle. I said furiously, like a petulant child. Edward, on the other hand, with his powerful mind reading abilities, his immaculate control of his bloodlust, his intelligence, brought his own set of strengths. ", "I'm not sure I understand what you mean. "Yes sweetheart, the time has finally come for Edward. Wedding night goes very well, however Bella is sore (more so as Edward is big I suspect it helped that they were all mated at the time. It tore at my dead heart to smell his fear. [If you have a suggestion or have written a … Vampires revealed their existence three years ago and Bella Swan has never encountered one… until now. When the mysterious Edward Cullen becomes a student in her school and starts to show a creepy interest in her, her life starts to spiral. A few primitive grunts escaped my lips as I shot my venom into him. However I couldn't deny the lust I felt when taking another male of my species. Emmett comes into her life and all of a sudden everything seems perfect. He doesn’t seem to think twice about it. His back was too me, his shoulders sagging in defeat. She had been through it twice before. Twilight Fanfiction: Chapter four Bella, Esme, and Rosalie stood as still as statues in Carlisle's office, waiting to hear his verdict. His competiveness along with his current cantankerous temperament would be his undoing. I pushed the door of my room open and saw Bella curled up on our bed, a laptop open in front of her. Does everyone follow the same rules? I'd already asked Esme to leave me be. I immediately slid my hand between us, grabbing my rigid organ in my fist. Edward agrees to change her and they plan a trip to Alaska for this. Maybe he'll forgive you for destroying the one thing that he still has of his father.". But I had always questioned her ability to control Edward, to stand up to him, to show him that he couldn't take her for granted. It was the ultimate surprise attack. Because they are female this is possible. I felt detached from myself, as if I had left something of me back in the woods. "I could smell him then, the musty odor of his lust. Carlisle's father and other pastors led hunts for werewolves, witches, and vampires, claiming that they were attempting to rid the world of evil and sin.Many a time, however, these groups would end up … He nodded his head slightly. During the birth scene in Breaking Dawn, Alice got Carlisle on the phone and then "clipped a little blue earpiece under Rosalie's hair". I couldn't believe that she would not recognize Edward's volatile behavior for what it was. He didn't want to beat me, didn't want to disturb the family. But I felt out of sorts, unable to focus on the hunt and I did not take my usual spot out front. They expect obedience above all else. ", "Nothing, if you do I as I say." A hiss escaped my lips, as I hovered protectively over the struggling deer, my hand locked around its throat, a knee against its ribcage keeping it from fleeing. I could smell the lust radiate off of him, saw the startled reaction of the rest of the family as they caught the odor too, and then to my horror, realized that his gift was generating the same reaction in the rest of the family. "It's the perfect time," he replied, his voice breathless. "Edward, what propelled you to challenge me is proof enough that you do care. Jasper's challenge was less a possibility of becoming master, and more a test of my strength. 670 Totally-In-Canon-Twilight Fanfiction Stories in this community are as the name say-Totally In Canon, No All Humans or Alternate Universe Stories. I had Emmett's full attention now, he hissed at me, crouching, but in a defensive manner, as I suspected, he would not challenge my authority. As a human, she was more than his equal, as a vampire, she would dominate him. Once he was satisfied that I was worthy of his respect, he had no trouble, submitting to me. What had just happened? She said in a relaxed contented voice. Harry and Carlisle's story. Growing up with a father in the military was hard on Bella. There, in an old box with stuff from a childhood she's only starting to remember, she finds a postcast from Volterra. Edward asked enthralled. I grinned, winked, and led the way into the house. There would be no happy greetings, no emotional expressions of relief or concern, nothing that resembled the usual giddy household commotion when seven strong willed adults congregated together. Twilight Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Twilight Fanfiction: Chapter four Bella, Esme, and Rosalie stood as still as statues in Carlisle's office, waiting to hear his verdict. As I held the struggling animal, preparing to bite, I heard Carlisle stealthily approach through the trees, he had fed quickly and was closing in fast. My shame was replaced with rage, and I screamed at Carlisle, blaming him for my unrestrained outburst. I'd like that very much.". I just read Carlisle/Esme smut. "I'm sorry." I touched the wood tenderly, it brought back one of the few good memories I had of my father. I've tried to push the thought away myself, but denial will not solve the problem. This wasn't completely unexpected. I could see he was bursting with questions. Dominant Jasper Peter Bella Mate Justin Bieber Twilight. I walked past my mate without looking at her and waited near the foot of the stairs. I thought it was over." It's just since we've gotten back, I've had a hard time, I don't know why. A weak leader would put his mate in peril, especially with so many other males around. ;-) Thanks SO much to LittleLea05, who was sweet (and enthusiastic) enough to look this over for me!!!! It turns out that in the small town of Forks, there's a coven of vampires who might just change the lives of everyone around them. It was reasonable for Jasper to assert his dominance when Edward was in a susceptible frame of mind, still reeling from my assault on him. I had to prove myself worthy of their loyalty. Only, it's not an introductory course, she's somehow the only student, and she has zero talent. I no longer gripped his arms, at all, and he used them to push himself up, following me back, being careful to not create any resistance. It had shocked me earlier in the evening, confused me, I'd only associated that smell on him in the past with Esme, hadn't realized it conveyed more than just sexual desire. I felt the need to protect him as much as I could. "No, not really, not like you. One moment, Carlisle was discussing our move and Bella's change and the next thing I knew, I was throwing his leather chair across the room. He would not need further confirmation of my desire. As with Emmett, Jasper assumed a dominating posture. Jasper would take Edward. It had been a spontaneous decision to test Edward with the deer. As I held the animal to him, my eyes looking everywhere but into his, I sensed a change in the highly charged atmosphere, a dispersing of the musky odor, an easing of my frazzled emotions. I think that is my fault. "It will be better now Edward, you'll see.". It was only his instincts that drove him and once he saw that I wouldn't relinquish anything to him, he submitted immediately.". I should not have expected anything less of Edward, he was not going to acquiesce without cause, he never had. ", "Of course Edward. When Regina saves Charlie and Bella's life, the two Swans become an important part of her world. There are no written rules, only instincts that dictate our behavior. My father's cross lay in two pieces on my study floor and my anger was placated only by my feelings of dread. I've never seen two much less three males share leadership responsibilities. We are going hunting later, I'll tell him then." They smiled as they swayed together in the crowd. Feral! "But, you've had him." She and Harry lived with the knowledge that their son could phase if one of them ever came back to Forks. "Yes," I mumbled, my lips against his damaged shoulder. Under the guidance of the Blue Fairy, Snow White leads a movement to return home to the Enchanted Forest, and Regina finds a surprising ally in the Savior. He sounded horrified now. Twilight - Rated: T - English - Horror/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,443 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 9 - Published: 6/28/2009 - Edward, Carlisle - Complete He surprised me then, jerking forward, the seemingly lifeless animal making one last ditch effort to free itself from the beast, but my teeth were unrelenting, my grip secure, and I easily moved forward pushing him onto the ground, his knees collapsing under my weight, his position ideal for penetration. I took him down in one motion. He certainly didn't display obvious signs of submission. If he ran, their prey drive would kick in and they would take him down and if he fought them, they could easily destroy him. The much-anticipated sequel to "Alice's Twilight" is finally here! How will Jasper and Peter deal with the fact that their mate is … Last Updated: 2021-02-23. Instead, I grappled with the deer, lifting it in my arms, its struggling warm body, arousing my thirst even more; and carried it to where I knew he was waiting; it seemed for me to do this very thing. I needed to address Edward's latest outburst. Edward was still growling softly, though in no way would I read it as aggressive or even hostile, but his carriage was stiff and uncompromising. is carine huband adam the elder brother of Jacob Black and did he imprinted on her I hope that he evolved into a more powerful werewolf Alpha and do any of they children possess a talented power what are they names tell me I have to know if she survive the pregnancy that all. “Good girl.”, tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1162), Jasper Hale/Original Female Character(s) (103), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (207), In this house we love and respect Rosalie Hale, Bella Jacob and Leah are not who you think they are, all the female characters have been tweaked, excuse my dust while I clean up years-old writing, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Clearly both Bella and Carlisle are emotionally inept, can we PLEASE get some redemption for Rosalie, More but I don't wanna spoil the surprises ;), Emmett Cullen and Bella Swan are the chaos twins. Edward, you must not move. "But what of the Guard? I did not relish the idea of hurting anyone I loved, unduly. The tension and dread that had commenced this night, placated with this simple, very human sexual act. If I could not explain my behavior to myself, how could I expect Bella to understand? My emotions were so out of control that fears for Bella's safety became my family's primary concern. The frantic deer had no chance to bolt; Carlisle had him down an instant later, his mouth fixed over the artery in its neck, sucking the fresh flow of blood. "When?" She'd distracted me instead. The venom was pooling in my mouth and I did not try and swallow it, rather letting it ooze from between my bared teeth. I would not be fighting for the kill, only on the defensive and this would be to his advantage. How dare he tell me what Bella needed. “It would look fabulous on you.” A clear, melodious, slightly accented voice commented out of nowhere. "Worried about both of us." He was still after all, a seventeen year old boy. "Can I go to Bella now? When Rosalie lost control around the blood, Jacob sent her flying into a wall, and "the little speaker in her ear crackled into pieces". Edward was wavering behind me, ready to submit to me again, if I gave the signal. It's who we are, the nature of our species. I need you to stand your ground, but you must not react, do you understand. I had no will to resist him, could not fight him, and had no desire to. Edward had not moved, made no sound; he was standing for inspection as he had with all the others. A Twilight AU that follows the canon storyline but with both major and minor changes to the original story, the biggest of which is that this isn't the Bella Swan we've all read about before. It goes against our nature. Twilight AU. I felt a slight shift in Edward's posture against me. carlisle twilight rosalie esme edward cullen bella emmett jasper alice edwardcullen vampire alicecullen emmettcullen jaspercullen esmecullen jacob bellaswan volturi renesmee 1.2K Stories Sort by: Hot This act, though sexual in nature was initiated out of the need to dominate. His presence in her life means that she and her cousin have to play detective to try and get to the bottom of all the mysterious murders that have only started since he arrived in town. "I think you were right, we should change Bella as soon as possible. Bella was standing in front of a slightly elevated mannequin which displayed a red lace dress, her head tilted back as she looked up at it. She snapped the laptop shut and climbed off the bed. My combative emotions were replaced with a desire to please, a need for approval, an over powering urge to submit. "Well, Jasper was different then Emmett. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "A few hours ago, I'm sure your response would have been much different, but don't worry yourself son. Vampires mate for life, so no unhappy endings allowed! Edward always displayed such self loathing for what he was; I spared the truth about the true nature of our kind whenever possible. BDSM themes. I felt annoyed by her reaction. "Anything Carlisle." I'll try harder, I've been so happy. Esme must be frantic with worry.". "I can't control it, I don't know what is wrong with me, I just have all of this resentment, this rage and I can't control it, not as far as Carlisle is concerned. The strong scents in the room suddenly abated, the challenges of the night confronted or pushed aside, but in either case, they would not be resumed anytime soon. A statement rather than a question. "I misunderstood, I smell you on him. She made a promise to herself that she would never date or fall for a Marine like her father. I will protect you. Somehow, this had something to do with the blond king...what was his name again...Caius. It's too dangerous. Another deer, maybe two were in front of me, and as Carlisle always did, I took down the closest one, not concerning myself with its size or strength and as with the others, just as I pulled the animal to me, he was there. Jasper as a predator, as a warrior, as a killer was without equal. Before I could protest, Carlisle held up his hand. And before this night was out, he would quite possibly come to the conclusion that he was responsible for some vampire's death in Volturi during his brief visit there. You must not react, Edward, no matter what he does, no matter what is in his thoughts. Carlisle led Rosalie through the father/daughter dance, and with Emmett posing as an orphan, he swept Esme gracefully across the floor too. ", I was not convinced, but it was an old discussion, and I was more interested in hearing more about Jasper. Her dress will dirty him, she thinks. I crossed the room and sat on the bed facing her, my fingers running through my hair. Bella told Alice it was wonderful. He groaned into the ground, his body trembling against me, the venom shooting from his swollen manhood. Months after the death of his mate Lauren, Ivan wants revenge against Beau and the Cullens. Carlisle could take whatever he wanted from me, when he wanted it. Twilight, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 28, words: 39k+, favs: 514, follows: 570, updated: 9/3/2009 published: 7/16/2008, Bella, Carlisle 3 Reunited » by Oliver6475 After the newborn battle, Edward is killed and Bella is changed. And Edward, make sure you take a shower before you come back down. A series of embarassing events ensues, including Edward in a trunk, Bella in a gas mask, Carlisle as Tarazn, and Emmett with blue hair. The reason most covens are formed is to accommodate the needs of females. Besides mating, there was nothing more instinctual than hunting so testing his level of submissiveness when his instincts to protect would be at their most dominate, gave me the opportunity to view his level of passivity at our most feral moment. His competitive nature would drive him on; he would not slow down as long as he felt I was challenging him. Once she is grown, in the end of the fic, she’s a social worker. My face was grim; this night could still turn into a disaster. A Dominant & A Gentleman. Worry had crept into her voice. Work Search: 0 comments But when an old friend calls and warns about a possible new threat, it seems like going into hiding is the only option. "To be perfectly honest, I didn't think I would have to deal with this in the foreseeable future. Once he was in my sights, there was no chance of escape; the buck was doomed before I touched him. But I was in control now. My black mood returned. ", My wife's lips quivered. With one yank, I ripped the fabric away, exposing him. ", "Well, for example, Denali, how does it work for them? Fanfiction. You must read to find out. She naturaly became more invested in they relatioship, trying to read his books, but sometimes not succesing because they were really complex for her to understand at all. Fans of the rare slash pairing of Edward/Carlisle, this is the C2 for you. Felt him lean back into me, and the collection of venom in my mouth increased tenfold. They were equals in so many ways which ultimately created conflict. ", "I'd like to help you try and fix the cross, if that would be okay. Whose fault is it? He was surprised to see Emmett and you coexisting with each other and me. The power of these new emotions left me weak-kneed. They are their own species, placed on this earth for one reason; to keep the human population down. He needs to think about what he's done. I felt somehow at peace, yet empty at the same time. "Do you think this has anything to do with Bella's change? ... Esme and Carlisle turns as they walked up to me as Esme gave me a hug making me let go of the boys' arms and hug her back. A soft growl rumbled from my chest, a growl of submission and I surrendered my position over the animal at my feet, backing off quickly watching my master feed.

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