we are the universe experiencing itself reddit

Don't miss out on our next weekly batch. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. 1. There are no discrete things or objects of solid substance; things as we perceive them are merely changing forms and patterns in nature (the universe) as a whole. Meaning that as the universe expands from its origin, it also seeks higher levels of complexity. As the universe expands (I believe its infinite) We are the consciousness of a huge amount of cells communicating together throught a neural network... if we stablish ourselves as superior than cells, then there must be a (at least one, maybe more, who knows ;P) superior being made up by the consciousness of consciousness (ourselves) communicating what it experiences from its point of view and compare it to others... establishing social connections... internet... many thoughts... a lot of weed... now im hungry... What does it mean? And the universe is the entirety of existence and as we are the universe we are the entirety of existence. It doesn't seem to me to require much explanation. Bill Hicks. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” Our experiences are contained within our existence and our existence is contained within the universe. No, of course not. Once one goes beyond these dualisms of thought, only bird in the meadow remain. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, /u/Scomberscombrus Explains How We Are "The Universe Experiencing Itself. Because I have no choice but to experience them they overlap and become one. What if we are all part of the one universal consciousness? but... i dunno. How do we prove our existence? The universe I shall define as a term we use to describe everything that exists. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. Atoms are not discrete balls floating in space. Exchanges. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” ― Alan Wilson Watts The universe itself is the universe's way of expressing itself. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the StonerPhilosophy community. We must break it down and prove it to be true. If you really think this could have been composed on any form of mushrooms, weed, acid, or other "psychadelics" I am already convinced you possess poor logic. For dreams and reality are our experiences. I initially upvoted this before I clicked through. In this respect our nervous system and 0/1 computers are much like everything else, for the physical world is basically vibration. This complexity eventually winds up evolving into organic matter, life, and ultimately consciousness. To amend the saying, we are the children of the universe discovering our lineage. According to Descartes and several others, we can't simply accept something as true because it appears obvious. So the idea that we can be the universe experiencing itself comes down to a matter of consciousness, for me at least. I have no time for drugs bro. Cost to ship. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” ― Carl Sagan tags: connectedness, evolution, life, origin-of-life, perspective, philosophy, quantum-physics, stardust, stars. You're involving the analytical mind in order to prove something that, in order to fully understand, you have to let go of that analytical mind. I think the aha moments mostly come from people raised to believe in predestination or our bodies being a "temple" kind of thinking. Stop labeling the tree and yourself; notice that all separation is a consequence of the labeling process; allow all boundaries to dissolve. We are the universe experiencing itself. So the question of distinguishing between dreams and reality is irrelevant. And just as to separate dreams and reality is to separate ourselves and make ourselves not whole we cannot separate ourselves from the universe for to do so is to make the universe separate and not whole. I came here because after reading descartes I was moved to write something I feel passionately about. Think about where we were in 1,000 years and where we would be in the next 1,000 years. So when you think about it, we have existed (in one form or another) since the beginning of the universe, and we will continue to exist until the universe comes to an end. It's almost like saying "Your opinion is invalid or not very reliable, because you're a druggie. There is no evidence that we are a Godhead experiencing itself through it's creation. And we must accept our experiences in order to exist as choosing not to accept our experiences is to choose not to exist and to "choose" is to experience "choice" and therefore to exist. What To Expect During the Mercury Retrograde 2021. This work came after that post was completed. And even when we cannot experience any longer we still have experienced and to have experienced is to have existed and to have existed is to have been of the universe and to be of the universe is to be the universe. But we alone are not the universe, yet we are "of" the universe. Start your week with a motivational kick. I guess what I'm trying I say is that it doesn't matter if we are in the matrix or if we are the matrix because in the end we are both. It can often be rather disturbing to those who haven't before thought about the meaning, or lack there of, of sentient life among a universe filled with inanimate matter. “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Alan Watts Quote: “You are the universe experiencing itself.” ... We're on a mission of turning inspiring quotes into beautiful wallpapers. We are thus forever and eternal, we are one and we are all, we are all that exists and all that can exist, we are existence itself. And to be an experience is to exist within the universe and to be of the universe and thus of existence. We are built out of crude, unconscious material that was floating, completely disorganized, in space not so long ago. Everything happened between 9pm and 11pm at a coffee shop (hence my username. Death of the ego. Abuse? It has been said that "We are the universe experiencing itself" but can this be true? Feel intuitively that what you refer to as I is a form in the universe experiencing itself. We are the universe, in that we are not fundamentally separate from anything else in it. Therefore we are simultaneously our dreams and reality as they are our experiences and our experiences compose us as our existence composes the universe. Are our experiences real or fake? In fact, there really is no way of knowing. This page is just about the concept that, we really are, life knowing life, as Michael Smith said in "The Present" on truthcontest.com. I present you with a first draft because I assume the people here to know more about philosophy and argument than the average person. Message me ^here. Then I saw the wall of text and very poor philosophical nonsense going on - thus I changed my vote to a downvote. Speaking plainly and clearly, not in riddles or poetry is important to having a concept understood. shit i thought i thought this more thoroughly but im running out of english. The seed is no different from the tree. See, that’s what the app is perfect for. as to the first person that said we are the universe experiencing itself, dunno state-of-complexity. Holding that the universe exists, the question "Can the Universe explain itself" provides us with two inherent possibilities: Yes or No. The shock comes from (for me) the realization that everything you have ever experienced, everything everyone has experienced, all the pain, anguish, love, and efforts we put into our lives is done and experienced by nothing more than a unique collections of particles, nothing more. Western philosophers tend to be very 'pointy' and uptight in trying to describe all of this. 0. Join 48,000+ other people and subscribe to Quotefancy Weekly Digest. There is evidence to support that. Everything can be represented in different dimensions by the use of linear applications. Whether our experiences be of dreams or reality they are nonetheless an experience and it is also true that if they are an experience they must be of the universe and if they are of the universe they must exist, for the universe contains all of existence. 23. John Michael Godier 1,257,433 views. For dreams and reality are our experiences. It is not sufficient on the basis of the possibility of the ability to be deceived that we can be deceived out of our own existence, for if we are deceived we must exist. I believe so yes. Read more quotes from Carl Sagan. This is why we say that we are the universe experiencing itself: A dark cloud is the universe clouding itself; the sun is the universe lighting itself; the rotating planet is the universe spinning itself. Please help me understand my logical fallacies. Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change … ", And why is it that if someone comes up with an unusual way of looking at things, he has to be on shrooms, on weed, or on acid? They are the same thing viewed from different perspectives in time. Well, for me, it is that we can feel, and because we are also the universe, it means that in someway the universe is experiencing itself. We are the universe experiencing itself. The universe is the universe experiencing itself through our senses. And if we are the universe experiencing itself and we are the universe then we are simply experiencing ourselves through the universe. Thus, as we are of the universe and to exist we must experience the universe, we are the universe and the universe is experiencing itself through us. i dunno. We are the product of the stablishment of a point of reference in the omniverse. Just my two cents on how to share your thoughts, only because I do agree with the gist of what you're saying, and I feel it's important to share the idea. Finding your way there though sheer rationality doesn't feel appropriate. :). I disagree with the assertion in OP's title, but I thought that it would be wrong for this just to get downvoted because of its conclusion. However, the fact that we have experiences, whether subject to deception or not, is sufficient to exist. The thinker of thoughts is the waver of oceans, not a little man behind the eyes of the body; the waver of the ocean is spontaneous, as is the thinker of thoughts. The nature of the human perspective is experience. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. In my Astronomy class at The Beekman School, I often refer to a scene in Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos series, where he states that humans are the universe looking back at itself. What is beyond the limits of the observable universe is, … But now we have consciousness and can speak with one another and create inventions to … If Yes, we are left with the result that (assuming logic is the decyphering medium) that logic explains logic - which clearly it can't. 420. In this argument I set out to both understand and prove that we are in fact the universe experiencing itself. Ultimately, it is likely that all things are true in some fashion. Stoner Philosophy for people who are high, or in a similarly lofty mindset. For to determine existence we must set a "boundary" or a limit so that we may understand existence from non-existence. And if we cannot separate dreams and reality then they must be one and the same. It can bring about a certain fear, carelessness or comfort to one's live when you understand that all human emotion is but a complex electric signal communication network between cells and that all conscious observers are really all the same being that split into two cells at the beginning of life. I posted something along the lines that I don't distinguish between dreams and reality because they are my mind experiencing "something", I cannot prove which is real and therefore I must accept both and experience them as they are presented. Look at a tree, see how it moves in the wind. I know this can get thick at times, suggestions for improving clarity would be welcomed as well. Thus, as we are of the universe and to exist we must experience the universe, we are the universe and the universe is experiencing itself through us. This dosent mean, that the whooole universe is experiencing itself through you, more like, you are aware and you a constituent part of the cosmos. 5 REAL Possibilities for Interstellar Travel - Duration: 13:03. Yet, the unusual paths we take and the unexpected twists in life are important to pay attention to, since they give awareness to necessary karmic lessons. I suppose I wanted to prove myself. Therefore to exist we must experience and to have an experience it must be of the universe and as we are of the universe and the universe is the whole of our experiences the universe is us through our experiences. so, all the time, i see posts about how we humans are just the universe becoming sentient, and experiencing itself. So, we are the universe experiencing itself. Well, for me, it is that we can feel, and because we are also the universe, it means that in someway the universe is experiencing itself. Hundreds or thousands years later the then-scientists will hopefully look back to the 20th century and evolution as it is/was and realize that electricity and machines were a major step in the human evolution, something as significant as vertebrates adapting from sea to land. Press J to jump to the feed. home message . And to be the entirety of existence is to be forever and eternal, thus the universe must be forever and eternal and we too must be forever and eternal for we are the universe. I work full-time as a banker and am attending school full-time while studying for the LSAT 25 hours a week. You are not a small and lonely being lost in a foreign universe; you are a direct expression of the whole of the universe as it currently is; you (as everything else) is a brief movement in the dance of nature. Unisex We Are the Universe Experiencing Itself T Shirt Tee / Color Variants / Space Infinity Metaphysical Psychonaut McKenna Learn more about this item Shipping and return policies Loading Ready to ship in. :p level 1 The way I've come to see it, is that the universe is a super massive novelty seeking machine. I want your help to make this argument readable. Wouldn't you think in 1 billion years time we'd have evolved and mastered the universe so well we can stop its ultimate demise? “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. According to some the universe itself is alive and we are merely effects of that underlying aliveness. I believe we are just a point of reference in the 5th dimension(Since we experience time in one direction) in which the omniverse (the whole universe as one reality - this would be the state of pure consciousness) establishes assumptions based on information recopilated by the senses. It seems rather obvious that this is the case. I explain that this is traditionally referred to as an anthropic statement. Is life but a dream? The Universe is using you as the medium to interact with itself. "Life is the universe experiencing itself, in endless variety" "We are a way, for the cosmos, to know itself" -Alan Watts -Carl Sagan Descartes reasons that at least some part of us must exist by considering that while our senses may be deceived and may not themselves exist the fact that we are aware of them means there is a part of us that can be deceived and deception cannot occur without our (mind) first existing (Descartes Meditations). I keep a clean appearance and plan to build a career in the judiciary branch. TL;DR : I want the help of the community to break apart my arguments and make them stronger. And if we are to exist we must be contained within existence, therefore we must be contained within the universe. Also I've lurked the front page for a while but this is the first time I've been moved to post something and this was also my first post, hi reddit). Free. I'm not a neck beard or your typical "coffee shop liberal stoner bro". If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Oh and since you mention my username in your second post I'll take you for biased show you your own prejudice. That's not true. ", I also should mention I'm French(-Canadian) ;). I was completely sober through the entire process of composing this piece unless you consider a 24oz coffee that I started drinking at 7pm and a few cigarettes enough to alter my mind. If you understand this and it is not significant, than you have known it for a while now. I don't need you to like what I've written. 39 likes. Please post something more constructive, otherwise you're coming off as a self-serving dick. “We are the Universe experiencing itself.” Yep, this, in a nutshell, is the deep wisdom of indigenous cultures all over the world that have been oppressed, marginalized and brutalized since the cancer of colonialism justified by pseudo science – the genesis of racism. Thus our dreams and reality are our experiences and are of us and we must accept all experiences to exist as we are of the universe and the universe must accept us in order to exist. Whether we think of this vibration in terms of waves or of particles, or perhaps wavicles, we never find the crest of a wave without a trough or a particle without an interval, or space, between itself and others. So the question of distinguishing between dreams and reality is irrelevant. 15:08. Questions? Here's Tom with the weather." Gain Of Consciousness came right out during the Beauty Begins sessions of January 8th, 2021. I don't claim perfection, but I feel I've made a strong argument and I want to engage others in this discussion I've been having with myself. Sorry, tried to make a catchy title to attract attention. As a condition of our existence we must experience otherwise we cannot be certain we exist. As the principle of entropy states, everything tends to a greater state of disorder. :p. I sometimes think we the universe trying to save itself from an ending. We Are All One Consciousness Experiencing ItselfAre we all one?What if we are all one? Notice that the movement of the tree and the movement of thought are two expressions of the same thing. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts. My dreams are an alternate expression of my reality and my reality is an alternate expression of my dreams. 'self' and 'other' are artificial categories. After doing so I contemplate what the difference is between dream and reality and conclude that not only are we the universe experiencing itself, but we too are experiencing ourselves through the universe. It's a little too easy to just point to a book and say "Here, my rebuttal to your argument lies in a work I didn't write, you just have to read a few hundred pages and figure out why I don't disagree with you. Have a look at the way Eastern philosophers talk about this stuff. Share this quote: Like Quote. You do not exist independent of the perceived outside; outside and inside are two sides of the same coin. Eastern Philosophers were writing to be read, western philosophers tend to write to be correct. 4–8 business days. Notice your thoughts arising, even the thought "I am thinking.". There is no self. On the one sense we could say that we are the universe experiencing itself because we are the children of stars, but then we wouldn't be the universe but its descendants. And the universe, to be our boundary between existence and non-existence, cannot itself both exist and not exist thus we must accept that we are one and the same as the universe. That's what all of this is about. ". (Think of standing waves in a body of water.). we are just atoms of this universe, and the atoms are self aware they belong to the universe. Evolution just gave it the ability to 'see' and 'hear' and 'feel' and 'smell' and 'taste', and also a species that discusses itself. On some level, yes, we are the universe experiencing itself. When we have a sound argument then we know something is true, we do not KNOW something is true when we think it sounds nice, or "resonates" with us. They are more point-like excitations of a field. In fact, it is precisely because of the finite amount of “time” we have (perceptually) that makes things beautiful, astonishing, and full of meaning. If we believe and accept and trust Descartes' reasoning we accept that we exist and we are capable of "experience", for to experience is to exist and to exist is to experience. Therefore, in a way, we would be the universe experiencing itself. it seems like a beautiful "aha!" Nick. I want your help to make it better. At least on a small scale. You Are the Universe Experiencing Itself November 6, 2012 doosterama 6 Comments A few days ago, a friend posted on my Facebook a link to a website full of amazing wallpapers that he said reminded him of me; the picture to the left is from that sight, and is … If we live in a dream, then that dream becomes our reality and our reality becomes the dream. Matter itself continually arranges itself in increasingly complex ways. This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit. This dosent mean, that the whooole universe is experiencing itself through you, more like, you are aware and you a constituent part of the cosmos. "it also seeks higher levels of complexity." Using Reddit. [r/bestof] /u/Scomberscombrus Explains How We Are "The Universe Experiencing Itself.". 10 Things About the Universe That we may Never Understand - Duration: 15:08. op pick up some alan watts' work, 'the book' is a great read. Go outside on a clear night and look at the vast emptiness of space. Am I missing something? Some background on the piece: I was reading Descartes meditations for a philosophy assignment and was required to post a discussion question within our online classroom. This part intrigues me, my idea might be a bit offtopic but interesting to at least myself. Nature is not being moved; nature flows without direction; nature is not concerened with tomorrow, for it is dancing today. Birth and death are really no different; waking life is really no different from dreamless sleep. Yes, it is that time again, the infamous Mercury retrograde. Feel the swaying of the tree as much as you feel the arising thoughts and the other bodily sensations. I don't necessarily disagree with you, but this is way too thick. The universe experiences itself through our senses. The (shorthand) argument goes something like this; Energetic systems can evidently be conscious, as we observe in ourselves.

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