why do you want to go to law school answer

Very expensive. ", Return to Prelaw Handbook for Underclassmen/women, 4 East Campus Union Drive Lawyers are problem solvers and a J.D. The reading material is dry, professors ask you to parse language until your eyes cross, and tests are graded brutally. Contest a Ticket Like a Boss. Why Do I want to go to Law School? (Apologies to my former pre-law advisee, sweep out the underbrush. Law school career services directors report they have talked to more prospective law students in the last several years than in the previous ten years. You want an easy way to stay in school, you want to be guaranteed a good high-paying job — whatever reason (s) you think you want to go to law school, spell them out and make them explicit to yourself. Since I don't want you to end up being an unhappy lawyer, here are a few different techniques I've found useful in making important, far-reaching decisions. You can’t eliminate risk here or in any other profession, but you can do a lot to minimize it. If you don’t want to be a lawyer, you should have a damn good reason for going to law school because a law degree is not a general degree. If any of the 6 above reasons describe why you want to go to law school, stop now. a judge, professor, litigator. When you apply for an entry-level position, a typical job interview question is, "Why did you choose your college? My main goal and objective, above all else, is to help others. Lead with that and then explain the additional benefits you’ve gained during your time there. Whether you're serving as a mentor for the Law Department's Summer Honors Interns (like Angela Cruz L'06), or are working to identify a responsible approach to water resource issues in the Colorado River basin (like Kristoffer Kiefer L'05), your career has the potential to be exceptionally gratifying. Skills generally required include analytical thinking, creative writing, research, communication, counseling, problem solving, negotiation and the ability to work independently. Do not go. Dineen Hall 1. Solving problems. In the conversation it turned out at all five of us had PhDs in history and none of us had a legal education/law degree. Prospective law students should make a decision based on accurate self-analysis, correct perceptions about the life of a lawyer and realistic expectations so they will find an exciting, challenging and rewarding career. You may even have one of … Applying to law school is a huge step. How NOT to answer this question. These are the ones who, after several years of practicing law, will return to my office and ask what else they can do with their law degree. See the answer on the next page. I feel that a law school degree will be a good foundation for a variety of potential careers that I'm interested in (law practice, business, politics, government, foreign relations, international law fields at the UN, negotiations). After law school, you'll finally know how to dispute that pesky parking … Many of these people end up unhappy. How often do we as pre-law advisors get the declarative question "I don't know whether I should go to law school or not?" Some want the power, prestige and money they believe comes with a law degree. You want a high-earning potential. While you don’t need to spell out your ten-point plan for becoming a lawyer, your underlying reasons for going to law school should be the foundation of your personal statement. Do you want to be a master chef? It's also essential, Hill says, for applicants to articulate a clear reason for why they want a law degree. "I want to be a lawyer" is the answer we hear most often from our students, and our team of faculty, administrators, and alumni is here to assist in making that goal a reality. This "new breed" of prospective students have an increased awareness of the realities of law practice and an increasing desire to know as much as possible about what life as a lawyer will be like and what their options will be upon graduation. Because they have a passionate interest in studying law, or some aspect of it — pretty good reason, but they may consider a non-vocational legal studies program. The law is a fascinating field of study. can take you. What's the main reason you want to go to law school? Program for Foreign Law Graduates, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). Prospective students should understand that in making decisions about what type of practice to pursue they will need to take the time to identify their own skills and interests and match them to the demands of a particular career. 3. While the main focus of study for a law degree involves case law, those who earn a J.D. And at Syracuse Law, you'll be backed by a network of alumni who know what it takes to succeed, and know that the value of a law degree can exceed even your highest expectations. Different legal practices also share in varying degrees some common skills and characteristics. I would probably starve because of the number of pro bono cases I would take. Fortunately, more prospective students appear to be making informed choices. The abilities and interests necessary to flourish as a tax lawyer for a large law firm are different from those of a juvenile rights lawyer for a legal aid office. (Not to mention, Syracuse Law's joint degree option allows you to earn your law degree in conjunction with a master's.). Wanting to be a lawyer. research the school. Syracuse, NY 13244-6070, ED/AD of Career Development Open Position, Experiential Courses, Clinics, & Externships, Two-Year J.D. Law students are often inspired by the thought of bringing real change and impact to their communities, their fields of study, or their future clients. Maybe it offered a comprehensive scholarship program, the campus was close to your hometown or going there was a family tradition. Your friend is going to this school and you want to go with them. Your answer to this question can position you as the best person for the role and can provide the hiring partner with a glimpse of the knowledge and experience you can bring to the job. 4. The options are endless in terms of practice areas and work environments. If you've dreamed of a legal career, then law school seems like the obvious answer. And, as a result, that they must accept responsibility for a proactive, not reactive, role in their own career planning. Over the years, we've found that our students' decision to pursue a law degree usually stems from one or more of the five factors listed below. In my experience as a law school career services professional, the students who enter law school understanding the realities of law practice and then explore the career options available to them enjoy their legal career after school. Law Schools. People go to law school for all sorts of wonderful reasons: to enter politics, to protect the people’s vote, for the fascinating intellectual puzzles of arguments, because they love to be in courtrooms, to prevent the state from executing people, to protect the rights of bullied LGBT kids in school, because they love numbers and arguments, to work in or advise government, and so on. In this article, I'll explain why colleges want you to be able to explain why you are applying. I would like to build my speaking and advocacy skills -- … Law students learn to act and write with purpose. But, you know, that simply was never worth three years of my life and a considerable amount of money. But I am suggesting that prospective law students need to recognize that a wide variety of career options are available. Broad range of opportunities. Different types of legal careers require different skills and satisfy different interests. But if you can’t, just find reasons that are as specific as possible and connect them back to you (as in the “Why Michigan” and “Why UPenn” essays). I'll also discuss how to generate and brainstorm topics for this question and how to make yourself sound sincere and committed. Download our eBook[PDF] to learn more about where a J.D. Welcome to... One lawyer may negotiate the terms of an agreement for the sale of a business, another may draft the agreement, and yet another may defend the terms of the agreement in a court action. Lawyers must tolerate, and hopefully thrive on, the adversarial nature of law practice and the hard work, long hours, and stress of juggling numerous projects and the competing demands of clients. Think of the things you want to do with your life - things you are passionate about! I am not suggesting all prospective law students must have decided, before entering law school, the specific career path they intend to follow. Do you want to be a forest ranger? Lots of people do it without fully understanding what they're getting into. Not all legal jobs are high paying, but if you’re looking for a six … Professional communication skills. You will regret it because you are doing it for the wrong reasons. It is important to show that you know a lot about the school. If you want to explore opportunities for medical publishing, then you’ll want to mention Stanford’s interdisciplinary studies and highlight your interest in their other faculties. We all sort of wished we had the legal education/law degree, but I think I captured the basic feelings of all of us when I said, "I wish I had a legal education/law degree not because I have any desire to practice law, but because I would be a better American historian.

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