xkcd programming drunk

Researchers found that intoxicated participants performed better than sober participants on a test that evaluates creative problem solving skills, and were also more likely to evaluate their own solutions as insightful. See more ideas about programming languages, computer science, coding. // drunk, fix later Wish I were kidding. Although that never repeated again with programming, it happened again with physical exercises. {{title text: Apple uses automated schnapps IVs. The people in the study weren't programming--the only mention of programming comes from the xkcd strip, which is not based in any experimental evidence. 2) I think that any programmer who drinks has tried programming drunk -- it doesn't work very well. Stack Overflow. I think this phenomenon can be applied to many/all other activities too. Computer Science. I doubt it very seriously that programming skills gets a boost from alcohol because programming is more related to rational part of the brain. More details. edited Oct 9 '08 at 18:02. community wiki 3 revs, 2 users 83% Daniel Papasian. Self-driving cars is a recurring topic on xkcd. level 2 table for procedural maze generation was developed by a programmer who "told me it came upon him when he was drunk and whacked out of his brain. 11. More about programming and being a programmer as a practice and conceptual programming issues than about specific technical programming questions, i.e. Computer Programming. If you got on your horse drunk and fell asleep, it could just walk home. The peak of the curve occurs at a BAC of 0.1337%, which is a reference to leet. (See this interview with Randall). There’s a lot of things that are fun to do while drunk, such as trying to play video games, watching comedy movies, cooking, etc. This comic is about alcohol and programming ability. Ponytail: Drunk driving was less of a problem before cars. If you want to enjoy coding fully, get in The Zone. And knowing the developer who wrote the code, I think he meant it literally. If you read xkcd on your phone, or you just prefer simple pages without a lot of clutter, check out m.xkcd.com. In the above-mentioned speech at Google, Randall Munroe explained that he tried to experiment on himself about the relationship between alcohol intoxication and intellectual skills, by solving a Rubik's Cube repeatedly while getting more and more drunk. An actual research paper published in March 2012 showed that the situation described in this comic is not far from reality. minionnz, Feb 23, 2015 #33. antiReady. Posted on December 11, 2017 Its nearing the end of 2017 and the digital gold rush seems to be in full swing. Theres a fairly famous saying in writing that is something like "Write drunk, edit sober". This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). A new study by Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute determined that it's quite likely humans are alone in the observable universe.Fortune reports: The study looked at the Fermi paradox-- the apparent discrepancy between the seeming likelihood of alien life, given the billions of stars similar to our sun, and the scant evidence that such life actually exists. I haven't drunk since then. Informal essay topics for college students, how to cite quotes in mla essay, argumentative essay topics for hamlet, my future as a nurse essay. because you can let go and just have a wacky good time. This work is licensed under a Oct 15, 2018 - for(int i = 0; i < computerScienceJokes.getPinList.size(); i++){ developer.laugh(computerScienceJokes.getPinList.get(i)); }. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). Joined: Sep 18, 2013 Posts: 28. minionnz said: ↑ Perhaps programming while drunk isn't the answer - programming while asleep is . ", http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20190919-the-maze-puzzle-hidden-within-an-early-video-game?utm_source=pocket-newtab, https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php?title=323:_Ballmer_Peak&oldid=204142. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. #Programming. Thanks! But be prepared for some WTF moments the next day (surprisingly in the positive way). Step 4: The X programming language which you added to your resume because you can write Hello World, head over to Wikipedia and read more about it just in case. Aug 9, 2018 - Explore markus cecot's board "xkcd" on Pinterest. More details. Fiona Byrne. You can try Dilbert too. Programmer Humor. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. That is ridiculous, who writes comments when they're drunk. It's just not as fun since you know what it's like already and probably can't reach artifical gravity time alteration mildly psychoactive levels cause you'll take it easy once you had that level of hangover once. Report any problems with the site to mobile@xkcd.com. If your blood is more than about half a percent alcohol, you stand a pretty good chance of dying. On the contrary, the title text claims that Apple uses this effect with careful calibration, by delivering precise quantities of alcohol (schnapps) to its programmers via intravenous therapy (IV). (in fact, the graph in the comic shows a negative effect at a BAC of 0.075, while the experiment claims a positive effect) It's not even called the "Ballmer Peak" anywhere besides the xkcd strip. Let’s code a drone to follow faces syncing everything with Azure IoT. First, let's get a few things out of the way: In real life, we can't put a metal pole between the Earth and the Moon. I never forgot. Transcript [Ponytail walks right with Cueball.] More generally, intoxicated programmers can get the impression that, by being a little disconnected from physical reality, they become more efficient at their programming. You would have to drink a lot of blood. More details.. More details. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Every grad student ever. Presenter: Remember Windows ME? Programmers sometimes have a reputation for drinking habits, and programmer gatherings (such as hackfests) tend to offer copious amounts of alcohol. Think of this as the more serious counterpart to the (awesome) /r/ProgrammerHumor subreddit. }}, xkcd.com is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Explanation []. [[A man is making a presentation with the graph]] xkcd: Mobile Version. But i can tell you from experience that the artistic side, can have a huge boost, in the early stages of intoxication, because of the removal of inhibitions. ... My perfect day short essay xkcd programming languages essay. CodeGen 2021, Verona, Italy. He suggested that the Rubik's Cube wasn't a good test to study this relationship, the cube probably being solved with muscle memory rather than real intellectual skills. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). Man in public: ...Has that ever happened. The peak is around one beer per 1.5 hours for me. Is there any hope of citing the fact the Apple uses automated IVs of Applejack? [1]For one, someone at NASA would probably yell at us. Should you be a programmer nursing a hangover, just forward this to … - Cos (talk) 13:40, 7 February 2013 (UTC). more … And also thought it was the alcohol. Standard format for essay how to research for a university essay sample essay on drunk driving narrative essay about betrayal! Dedicated to humor and jokes relating to programmers and programming. However, the study only tested a B.A.C. … There are a variety of theories as to why it works. That idea fit the result of a buggy and unstable product well. Share . But coding takes concentration, and to concentrate while drunk makes it so that I have to fight the drunk feeling, which defeats the purpose. In 1461: Payloads spacecraft mass is measured in horses. The theory that computer programmers obtain quasi-magical, superhuman coding ability when they have a blood alcohol concentration percentage between 0.129% and 0.138%. Sep 7, 2020 - Explore Paul Buis's board "Programming Languages" on Pinterest. Many of the examples from this Chapter are drawn from the Vignette for the package. 02:24, 11 June 2015 (UTC) There are whole different levels of being drunk. [[A graph with "programming skill" on the X-axis and "blood alcohol concentration" on the Y one]] A person contains about 5 liters of blood, or 14 glasses. More details.. 15 Object-Oriented Programming in R; References; 5 Turtle Graphics. Programmers sometimes have a reputation for drinking habits, and programmer gatherings (such as hackfests) tend to offer copious amounts of alcohol. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 20:34. People Against Drunk Programmers or Windows ME Explained Xkcd strikes again with a bit of humor for your Monday morning. He eventually found that he could get deeply drunk without degrading very much his performance at solving the puzzle (contrary to, for instance, finding and picking up the Cube which became something of a problem towards the end). 258. Machine Learning. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for last 8 years, then the rocketing price of bitcoin (and bitcoin technology itself) would most certainly have caught your attention at the least. In this comic, this idea is subverted by employing a flowchart to explain how flowcharts work. The cause is unknown but somehow a B.A.C between 0.129% and 0.138% confers superhuman programming ability. Both groups had comparable results on a similar exam before the alcohol consumption began. Step 5: Read some xkcd comics so you can impress the interviewer with some humor. Presenter: However, it's a delicate effect requiring careful calibration--you can't just give a team of coders a year's supply of whiskey and tell them to get cracking. This has been experimentally demonstrated by several studies. Amoorthy (talk) 19:07, 17 April 2014 (UTC), I support this theory. It has a nice, clean design and should be capable of showing the alt-text in any browser (even Lynx, which can’t even show the comic). In atomic physics, "Balmer peaks" (with one 'L') are peaks in the em… 2018). Once I came back home drunk (to some level) and for a strange reason I had a hell of a programming night. Science Memes. Its a pretty common for people to find they write code easier when drunk. More generally, intoxicated programmers can get the impression that, by being a little disconnected from physical reality, they become more efficient at their programming. what follows is a tongue in cheek response, hopefully Bob is cool: Ah good ‘ol Uncle Bob (Robert C Martin), made a blog post a few days ago entitled “Bobby Tables” (most likely a reference to this xkcd post): Great xkcd post as always it’s funny because its true: sql injections are bad, like really bad. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). 1.4m members in the ProgrammerHumor community. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). 1992 Grace Hopper, American computer scientist & US Navy admiral who invented the first compiler for a universal computer programming language and is credited with coining the phrase 'debugging’, dies at 85 of 0.075%, not between 0.129% and 0.138% as displayed in the comic. Zilti (talk) 16:43, 28 April 2013 (UTC) There might be a joke also about the fact that schnapps can be made out of apples, but I'm not too sure about it though (don't know, for instance, if the average American guy will think of apples when talking about schnapps). The comic is a take on this belief, with two references: The curve in the comic suggests that, while generally decreasing with alcohol intoxication, at just the right level, the skill of a programmer gets terrific indeed. Man: I knew it! Perhaps programming while drunk isn't the answer - programming while asleep is . 1) The pun between the [Steve] Ballmer peak and the Balmer series. See more ideas about programmer jokes, programming humor, programing jokes. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. 356 votes, 22 comments. Presenter: Called the Ballmer Peak, it was discovered by Microsoft in the 80's. 14. Could you get drunk from drinking a drunk person's blood? Programming would be similar. Data Science. 25 Figure 5.1: Turtles, by xkcd. 13 February 2021 - Online The end of the comic turns the whole idea into a sideways jab at Windows ME, a version of Microsoft Windows often criticized for being buggy, slow, and unstable: it suggests that ME was developed by programmers completely drunk, because their managers wanted to exploit this "Ballmer peak," but did so without any precaution. More details. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). I tend to solve a lot of my programming problems in bed. 66 @Jiminy: Seriously! Does not make code better but helps coding shit that is boring as hell in masses. While predominantly used in computer programming to visualize the structure of source code, flowcharts can in theory be used to depict any real or virtual procedure. All click through to the originating site… Python Programming. Data Structures. This comic is about alcohol and programming ability. It also took drunk men 11.5 seconds to answer a question, whereas non-drunk men needed 15.2 seconds to think. The Trivia section cites "the above mentioned speech at Google" - however, no speech at Google is mentioned above it. In this chapter we will practice our knowledge of R—and of basic programming concepts—in the context of a special R-package for graphics: package TurtleGraphics (Cena et al. The comic is a take on this belief, with two references: 1.

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