afk arena daimon comp

Midwinter Festivities came and dad still didn’t have time to come and see me. For example, Daimon requires +20, whereas Izold requires +30. The world of Esperia awaits you. AFK Arena Tier List 2021: Heroes Tier List February 2021⇓ This AFK Arena Tier List 2021 ranks all the AFK Arena heroes in five major tiers; Tier 1(OP/Best Tier), Tier, 2(Excellent Tier), Tier 3(Good To Average), Tier 4(Average To Below Average), and Tier 5(Weak). This Formation is very Signature Item Dependent as Eirron and Safiya having their Signature Items make the flow of certain interactions much more streamline. Fawkes/Tasi because they can generally provide strong Crowd Control Abilities. is not endorsed or affiliated with Lilith Games. Some potential synergies with this team are Gorvo to buff Ulmus' shield as well as provide a good Crowd Control Abilities, Lucius/Nemora for the Sustain and healing buff for Ulmus' abilities. This ability cannot be stacked. Effects of this ability cannot kill Daimon. Elijah Lailah. This is also a PvP lineup but it's PvE variant tends to run Daimon more than Flora nowadays. Enemies that have already dealt damage to Daimon receive 40% increased damage for 6 seconds. Possible Variations could include (but are not limited to) Gorvo for Additional Shield Potency due to his passive, Ferael for Sustained Damage, Strong Crowd Control and Debuffs, Shemira (though be cautious of Athalia and her S.I.) I have a hard-working father, and a good mother. Infused with a soul, Stitchy never leaves his owner’s side, and now acts as his guardian protector. Salina and Petar are outside the window laughing, making a snowman. Ability to seriously punish enemies while protecting his team earns Daimon a place among other Heroes in Tier 2. Ezizh – Mehira/Tasi – Elijah & Lailah – Talene – Rowan/Saurus This team composition is all about making Ezizh come online, and activate his passive, which denies enemies their ultimates. Ulmus serves as the support/tank as he provides very nice Early and Late Crowd Control (if he gets to the latter part of the match), as well as some decent sustain with his Forest's Oath and Life Torrent Abilities. AFK Arena was made by. The weakness of this is the "weight" of certain heroes in the game, meaning how far back can certain heroes be knocked back by Estrilda's Ridicule. Eironn also counters shields with his Sylvan Oath Passive, as well as being able to dish out massive damage with his Ultimate Ability: Elemental Surge and Twin Force Ability. A soul forged in sorrow with nothing left to her in the world. Level 181: Percentage of max health stolen from enemies is increased to 26%. Not much to say, best pve team in the game. Izold is a solo carry who typically stays alive and tops damage charts even with his entire team dead. If you are F2P I would recommend avoiding any teams on this list that contain Celepogeans or Dimensionals. However could potentially be weak to Crowd Control Oriented Formations, as well as certain hero interactions. Works very well in the Legends' Championship against the typical stall teams. This is countered by very specific formations which involve certain heroes being present, which I will discuss later on. [+30 Unlocks] Duration of “Blood Shield” lasts for 7 seconds. Level 221: Damage dealt to the enemy is increased to 300%. This formation has a lot of Burst Potential and can shutdown a lot of cheese/synergies which require some time to get rolling. While Daimon is using his shield, he will suffer 35% of the damage received by his allies, but will not die as a result. You can also replace Brutus with Shemira if she can survive long enough. good wr compteam 2: estrilda chalice, arthur waistband, rosa blade, gwyneth eye, khazard call. Khazard's signature item increases the duration of negative buff effects, making Mehira and Tasi more potent. AFK Arena is very well-balanced around a variety of Heroes who are strong in different game stages and content, so every character has somewhere to shine. Create your own AFK Arena tier list. I use my own variation of the Ainz Comp … I’m already all grown up, this year I turn nine. … Oh, and there’s Stitchy. It can actually be a really strong comp, especially against damage heavy enemy teams. However, he will start to get one-shot against certain teams at the higher level. AFK Arena was made by Lilith Games. Allowing Ulmus to get to his Deep Roots Form faster, as well as buffing the team's damage output. Estrilda's Ridicule allows her to knockback the opposing enemy she is facing, while Ulmus's Writhing Roots allows him to root an enemy and the enemies near to the target for a set amount of time. Goddess… Can you make my wish come true? Is Shemira now worth playing in AFK Arena? Rowan. [+10 Unlocks] Daimon permanently acquires the target’s Attack and Defense ratings if the enemy target dies while Daimon’s “Blood Shield” is being used. Because I’m not well, mom doesn’t let me go outside or play with other children. Level 201: After every 9 seconds, Stitchy converts 150% of the damage he received during the previous 9 seconds into health for Daimon. Nemora is also good if you are mainly worried about the team's sustain or think you might need just a little bit of crowd control. I am Daimon… You probably don’t know me, since today is my first time praying to you. His recent viability came from his 3/3 furniture with makes his ultimate a lot more reliable on top of CC immunity from +30. I wanted to play with the children in town, but they all ignored me. Daimon is pretty much your one man army in this comp. Khasos is a very bold pick for this team as well as him being a difficult pick due to him being very Signature Item dependent; Khasos can provide a lot of potential burst with his signature item as he can cleave through enemies with his Throwing Axes Ability, as well as providing a nice Life Leech Aura to the team. You need Shemira to survive long enough to cast her ultimate ability for this team to work well. When E&L, Rowan, Lucius start their ultimates, it basically guarantees the others also cast theirs soon. We’re going to a new place. Placing Lyca in the front is also relying on dodge a bit. This was Shemira in the final months of her life. Daimon is a strength-based tank hero of the Graveborn faction. This synergy works best with Lyca's Signature Item as it is not a mage-dependent composition which allows it to generally benefit from the damage buff Lyca's Signature Item gives. [+10 Unlocks] Daimon permanently acquires the target’s Attack and Defense ratings if the enemy target dies while Daimon’s “Blood Shield” is being used. The main heroes which make this formation work are Eirron, Safiya and Ulmus, with Eironn ideally being the main factor of the formation. Hi all, Arty here. Until now Mirael has carried me close to ch13, but I'm just a few fodder away from raising daimon to mythic. Thane/Serius for good DPS and Potential Crowd Control. A small soft-toy that goes by the name “Stitchy”, stitched together by Daimon’s mother with the leftover parts of fabric from her tailor shop. Tasi would generally a nice addition due to her strong single target CC and great AOE CC. The weakness to this team is that Eironn may just instantly die to the enemies pulled. God comp. ... Daimon. Daimon is a hero you will repeatedly find when battling or watching top AFK Arena players. He relies on dodge rating, so this team may not work as well at lower levels if he has bad gear. Lyca also provides Energy along with Estrilda, which can really help assure your team gets their Ultimates off first, as well as providing a nice damage buff to your team if she has a +20 Signature Item. 9/9 Notably, the player needs 3 furniture on Skriath and Call on Gorvo. Do you think he’s powerful? I've invested all my lab coins in Monkey, as I think he can tank in a comp … Best endgame AFK Arena teams – Visual guide. This formation basically revolves around the synergy between E&L (Elijah & Lailah), Rowan and Lucius; I'll discuss possible variations since the last two members can be up to the preference of the player. This mainly has to do with the synergy between Estrilda's Ability: Ridicule and Ulmus' Ability: Writhing Roots. These all generally help provide a Faction Type Bonus to the team as well! Her love soured such that when his execution came, she felt more anger than sadness. Belinda comps are pretty outdated at this point but still decent for pushing the sub 80-90 level deficits. Daimon deals 260% damage to all enemy targets. Daimon is literally a one man army in this formation. CC, stun dps. If you want yours added, you can submit it here. The synergy between Safiya's Spectral Disruption and Eironn's Vortex is very strong as it essentially halves the haste of 3 enemy team members (assuming Eironn is in the middle of the formation using his Vortex ability). If mom can’t find me, she’ll definitely cry again. My dad’s a doctor, and my mom’s the best tailor in town. This formation is my personal favorite as I happened to use it to beat the early stages of the game, as well as the later stages when I got my heroes to a high enough ascension for this to work. If the enemies front-line have high enough burst the whole team general crumbles pretty fast. Safiya's Signature Item can also act as a backup plan as Ulmus and Eironn can usually provide enough disruption for Safiya's Signature Item to start kicking in and buffing her damage significantly (as well as crowd control if it is maxed). Stitchy said it’ll all be over soon. This is a list of useful team comps for AFK Arena. Twenty-One Church Street Dental Practice Your local, family friendly, private dentist for Woodbridge and the surrounding area Once the shield has expired, its remaining shield value will be returned to the enemy as health. Level 161: Damage is increased to 300. Dad doesn’t have time to come home, either. Exact same concept as the normal All-Stars team, except Arden replaces Tasi. Level 11: Percentage of max health stolen from enemies is increased to 20%. Athalia | Rowan | Elijah & Lailah | Estrilda | Lucius. Lucius' and Rowan's healing and energy from (Rowan's Signature Item) allows either member of this trio to cast their ultimate faster. 3/3 Niru had left her alone to car… When this comp works, you’ll see Eironn dish out some insane damage. In there she’s in direct competition with Daimon (kinda sad to see your kid outperforming you in every way) and especially Ainz now, who has basically everything she ... She’s almost completely free when running a good comp. Having her as a frontline carry also opens up other heroes for multi-fights. AFK Arena Twisted Realm Guide & Best Team (Grotesque Mage, Arden, Burning Brute, Kane, Evil Nemora, Ice Shemira) by The Boss Hoss January 28, 2021, 11:56 am Best Heroes Tier List (Patch 1.57) – with Respen & Kren Generally speaking, when making a team you want to have at least 3 heroes of the same faction for the bonus and one carry hero. It’s because of me you’re so sad, because I’m too sick to eat.”, I wanted to wipe away her tears, but it hurts too much. But, they get hurt, too. Goddess, was Salina right about dad not coming back? Anthro from discord actually shared this lineup with me and iť's a lockout comp utilizing Gorvo's early CC to ensure no damage taken at all. The added bonus of having him in this team that you’ll get the 4+1 faction buff. Goddess, I’m in so much pain. Having his Signature Item also allows Eironn to freeze his enemies after using his Elemental Surge, allowing for more survivability after the later exchange of abilities. Contact Us | Submit Guides | Contributors | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Gacha Games, This is an unofficial fan site. He’s my friend, my mom gave him to me for my sixth birthday. This allows Rowan and Lucius to both gain energy faster, as they are now hasted and cast abilities and attacks faster while being uninterrupted. Some substitutes include Arthur and Nakoruru. “… O God, if this illness truly is the judgement of those people… please let me, an old man, bear it.”. Satrana niche of healing reduction, coupled with high damage output and decent survivability makes for a good counter-pick and a decent hero in general. Unto the possible variations, what's usually seen in competitive play is a combination of Athalia and Estrilda, Athalia for strong Burst Damage and Early Crowd Control, and Estrilda for even more energy generation to keep the "Aegis" up. For those people who didn't know I'll explain why the individual abilities and why they work so well together. Insane hero, straight up broken. Hes another viable alternative to Safi and Ferael with wilder comp while pushing with eironn comps (especially Tasi stages) He forms the basis for an entire second team which you'll need ready for multicomp. The basic idea behind this team is that Eironn will pull in enemies at the beginning of the battle so that they’re all grouped up. [+20 Unlocks] After using the ability “Blood Shield”, while the shield is still in use, Daimon temporarily gains 40% of the enemy target’s Attack Rating and 60% of their Defense Rating. Daimon steals 18% health from the enemy with the highest maximum health and converts it into a shield that lasts for 5 seconds (health stolen does not kill the enemy). Flora is an unkillable source of damage which synergizes really well with the survivability offered by Talene and Orthros. Shout-out to anyone that gets the reference for the name. Nara. Daimon. Daimon uses his doll, Stitchy to attack the enemy standing in front of him 3 times, each attack deals 200% damage to the enemy, with the final attack causing the enemy to become stunned for 3 seconds. Grandpa said you like obedient children that listen to their mothers, that you only help well-behaved children get their wishes. It's very ultimate dependent, but once it starts gaining momentum it's as if the entire team is always surrounded by a Great Aegis. Talene. AFK Arena was made by. Daimon deals 250% damage to a nearby enemy target, but also receives 120% damage himself. ... AFK Arena Late Game Campaign Team Compositions. He can deal damage to the enemy at the expense of a portion of his own health, attack enemies with his doll Stitchy to briefly stun them, and, by sapping the health of his enemies, he can briefly form a shield. I want to be a good doctor, too, but I’m sick. Given that these are both abilities that they first cast at the start of battle, this makes it such that this interaction can basically act as a pseudo level-141 Arden Root, and we all know how strong THAT root is. aka Panhandle Professional Writers, based in Amarillo, Texas Level 81: “Blood Shield” now targets 3 enemies. Graveborn [Stages 1-100] Just use Shemira! This process then repeats until enemy is dead or the timer runs out. Elijah and Lailah are the key players in this team as it is their ultimate that the team very much relies on. It’s still very strong, but is limited by Arden’s level. Grandpa Wier is getting older, and so is mom. Without further ado, lets get into the synergy. This formation was something I recently suggested to counter the Aegis Formation going around in competitive play. Big Petar tripped me over and wanted to steal Stitchy. Safiya's Spectral Disruption not only increases the damage all allies inside it, but also SIGNIFICANTLY slows the haste of enemies inside it as well. is not endorsed or affiliated with Lilith Games. Some of them have been personally used and tested by me, all the way up to chapter 34. Against enemies with lower damage output, he can even be placed on the frontline in favour of more counter-pick options such as Athallia at the back (plus he gets to gain energy faster). Level 141: Damage dealt to the enemy is increased to 280%. for Sustained Damage, Hendrik for Crowd Control and Faction Bonus. Always use this team last if possible because it's very stable. Salina threw stones at me and said my dad was a bad man. This combination also gives the formation a 5-type Faction bonus as it only uses Celestials and Lightbearers. Do you want to meet Stitchy? P.S. “I’m sorry mom. I intended this formation to be able to cleave through defenses and deal some massive damage. Goddess, I’m begging you, if you can hear me, let me go somewhere mom and dad can find me, I miss dad… I don’t want us… to be apart… ever again…, Class: Strength When mom was sewing late into the night, l’d sleep with him and whisper lots of secrets to him. These are the main lineups people use to push chapters 27-31 and constantly rotated for multi-fight stages 31 onwards. Mom is really busy, sewing late at night with an oil lamp, sometimes she cries as she does it. Placing him in the back-middle position will always pull 3 enemies, which is maximum value but might not always be ideal. This allows Brutus to whirlwind them, and then Eironn will proceed to absolutely annihilate them with his tornado ultimate ability. For more guides and resources for every Hero in AFK Arena, check … The placement of Eironn is extremely important for this comp to work effectively, in fact that goes for any team with Eironn in it really. This ability cannot be stacked. You can continue to use him for CC beyond 160. Just put the call on daimon, rowan and tasi ; the eyes on ferael ; and the blade on talene, Good luck Enjoy a multitude of unique heroes, seven unique factions, and earn rewards effortlessly! AFK Arena was made by Lilith Games. This helps E&L and Lucius recharge their energy faster as well as providing some situation crowd control. [+20 Unlocks] After using the ability “Blood Shield”, while the shield is still in use, Daimon temporarily gains 40% of the enemy target’s Attack Rating and … Goddess in Heaven, do you hear me? I've recently started a daimon comp alt to see how it would do throughout early/mid game. This is an unofficial fan site. To help you build your team in AFK Arena, we’ve created this guide giving you guidance on important factors to consider and the best team-building strategy for the early/mid, and late/end game. Eironn's Vortex if positioned properly can pull 2-3 enemies towards where he is at the moment, perfect synergy for Safiya's Spectral Disruption. Mom, I want to make a snowman with dad.” Mom silently stroked my head as Grandpa prayed to you again. Goddess, can you hear Stitchy talk? It is highly reliant on Ulmus being behind Estrilda so that when she casts Ridicule, he can follow up with Writhing Roots, rooting not only the Ridiculed Target but also the targets nearby. This is an extremely strong comp that can carry you through late game. Enemies that have already dealt damage to Daimon receive 40% increased damage for 3 seconds. This Formation seems to be very strong and prominent for some competitive regions in Legends' Championship. I don’t want to give Stitchy to him! This used to be my main team before Tasi was released. He stitches them up, just like mum sews up clothes. Isabella | Ferael | Nara | Thoran | Grezhul. Fawkes and Lucius can be easily substituted for Tasi and Lyca while some may choose to even run Eironn to group enemies up. It should guide hero choices and building a new comp … I've actually seen it be in play once and the results did not disappoint, with many of the theoretical interactions going as planed. Both Izold and Daimon are both extremely strong carries at all stages in the game, and the already effective heroes like Oden, Nara, and Thoran all make the faction very appealing. After using the ability “Blood Shield”, while the shield is still in use, Daimon temporarily gains 20% of the enemy target’s Attack Rating and 30% of their Defense Rating. Let's discuss about this today! Texas High Plains Writers. When Daimon dies, all of his allies receive a shield that is equal to 20% of his max health for 5 seconds. Daimon Comp: This team aims to enable Daimon to stack bloodshields until he's stolen enough stats to snowball into a victory, which is enabled by his high percentage based abilities that make use of high enemy stats. Nice cc with 3/9, lock down enemy. Replacing Shemira with Eironn. Ulmus makes this even stronger as he ideally roots all three opponents pulled in by Eironn's Vortex. Farael. AFK Arena è un RPG con caratteristiche Gacha e Idle. Chichi said I’m a good boy, that Petar, who broke his hand, is the bad one. Actually… There was this one day… I didn’t listen to mom, I snuck out and ran off. Generic tank and spank build to keep Solise alive and have her do all the damage. Heroes I know who will not be pushed back far enough for Ulmus' Writhing roots to hit both targets will be Brutus, Golus and Skreg (though there may be more), but it usually works and is very strong in campaign. Brutus and Lyca also allow the team to enjoy a nice 3+2-type Faction Bonus, as well as Lyca's Signature Item having a nice buff for the team in general. It’s the main team I’ve used all the way up to chapter 24+. This ability cannot be stacked. Shemira is kind of in a bad spot right now with much better heroes but I figured I should mention her since a lot of people have her built and she's still capable of 80 levels deficit which isn't too bad. I see this being viable even if E&L and Rowan were only Epic tier as Lucius is the primary reason this formation is so strong. She made Pladi’s skirt, and uncle Tutoh’s wedding suit. Artifact: Grace, Vitality, Drape. Requires fairly deep investment in the form of +30 Signature and +3 Furniture for Solise to perform. Mom said l’d get better, but my head just hurt more and more, and my strength has gone. Type: Mage / Melee Pet Rowan usually follows up with his Ultimate Ability: Dazzle, which stuns nearby enemies and gives allies additional energy. Was lucky to summon a talene already. Other suftable substitutes not mentioned include Talene, Gorvo … Role: Tank Mom said heroes of war were all like that, wearing capes and riding big horses, bravely protecting us. So, since he’s a good doctor, dad has gone to help them. Contact Us | Submit Guides | Contributors | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Gacha Games, This is an unofficial fan site. After winter came, I got a fever, then the diarrhea started and wouldn’t stop. This is another variant of the typical all stars team. Level 101: Percentage of max health stolen from enemies is increased to 23%. This is a fantastic visual guide by u/AFKArty on Reddit (AFK Arena ID: 8888031) and ALPATTEX (AFK Arena ID: 27959515). Her husband had been a renowned healer, but her adoration and respect for him had gone out the window when she heard about the horrific acts of which he'd been accused. It's also a decent team for the guild boss Wrizz as well, but Thoran is a weakness. This mainly revolves around the Synergy with Estrilda in the frontline and Ulmus in the backline. AFK Arena Tier List information: It is a global Tier List for AFK Arena, it includes all the game modes and is more oriented mid/late game.

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