hard water hair loss

These minerals adversely affect your scalp and hair, gradually leading to hair loss over time. Hibiscus is rich in amino acids that produce keratin which is the building block of your hair. Everyday exposure to hard water can result in various hair conditions leading up to hair loss. The anti-inflammatory property of Yastimadhu keeps dandruff related problems away and is also effective against mineral build-up on your scalp. Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Sulphate. Get answers by asking now. It can also help restore your hair’s volume and shine. To reverse the effects of hard water on your hair, you need to focus on natural remedies that restore natural oils and remove the mineral build-up on your scalp and hair strands. You Follow a Poor Diet Let's consider a simple example: when you take a trip to the sea, the water that you use to wash your hair in your hotel often leaves your hair feeling dry. If hair discolouration is your problem, use Ashwagandha to reverse this damage caused by hard water on your hair. When hard water passes through the resin beads, the positively charged magnesium and calcium ions are pulled up releasing the sodium ion into the water. When hair is dried out conditions like dandruff, frizz, split ends start cropping up. 1 Answer. Build-up of minerals may even clog the pores of your scalp, interfering with the growth of new hair strands. This keeps the water suitable for cleaning. The numbers in the parentheses are clickable links to research Hot water can strip the healthy oils from your hair and scalp, especially if you’re bathing in hard water. However, they think that the minerals in hard water make our hair feel different. These are the two common mineral salts found in hard water. 1. It is probably that what we feel different makes us believe that hair loss is due to hard water. Opt for an Ayurvedic shampoo to reverse the damage caused by hard water and also promote new hair growth. In short, not directly, but hard water can negatively affect your hair, which can indirectly lead to hair loss or at least the appearance of it. Shampooing with Reetha and Shikakai is super healthy for hair that has to face hard water corrosion on a daily basis. Amino acids strengthen the hair shaft and prevent split ends and breakage. ‘Hard water can strip the hair of its natural lubricating oils and contribute to weathering of the hair cuticle,’ says Shirley McDonald, Consultant Trichologist at the Hair and Scalp Clinic. These beads are charged with negative sodium ions. Bhringraj, Brahmi and Triphala are easily available in any Ayurvedic store. The harsh minerals dissolved in hard water strip your hair of its natural oils and clog up your hair follicles. It also prevents hair color from fading. So if this is your only option it is better to give your hair some extra care. Olive oil. Bhringraj is used in various Ayurvedic hair treatments and is considered a wonder herb. Iron and copper in water can make light coloured hair develop red and green tints, respectively. However, chelating shampoos can be a costly affair and not everybody may be able to afford it. 5. The more hardness of water will give sweet taste. Relevance. It may also contribute to dry, damaged hair due to frequent washing. Hibiscus is rich in amino acids that produce keratin which is the building block of your hair. Does Hard Water Cause Permanent Hair Loss? This blog post is based on scientific evidence, written and fact checked by our doctors. RO or devices that use Reverse Osmosis [4] are a better option when it comes to purifying hard water. This connection is believed to be due to the minerals in hard water causing dryness, breakage and eventually thinning. Very soon your hair begins to show signs of damage from malnourishment. BTW - love your avatar. Salt or chloride exposure dries your hair shafts and makes your hair brittle and prone to breakage. These minerals also make your shampoo ineffective and create a residue that stays backs on your scalp. Answer Save. Is Hair Loss Due To Hard Water Reversible? Hence, if you notice any of the below hair conditions, it would be good to test your water’s hardness. Hot Shower: Which Is The Better Option? Home Remedies To Reverse The Effects Of Hard Water On Your Hair, https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/hardness-water?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects, https://www2.cambridgema.gov/CityOfCambridge_Content/documents/Drinking%20WaterMy%20edition.pdf, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927171/, https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyNET.exe/P100AW8W.TXT?ZyActionD=ZyDocument&Client=EPA&Index=2011+Thru+2015&Docs=&Query=&Time=&EndTime=&SearchMethod=1&TocRestrict=n&Toc=&TocEntry=&QField=&QFieldYear=&QFieldMonth=&QFieldDay=&IntQFieldOp=0&ExtQFieldOp=0&XmlQuery=&File=D%3A%5Czyfiles%5CIndex%20Data%5C11thru15%5CTxt%5C00000002%5CP100AW8W.txt&User=ANONYMOUS&Password=anonymous&SortMethod=h%7C-&MaximumDocuments=1&FuzzyDegree=0&ImageQuality=r75g8/r75g8/x150y150g16/i425&Display=hpfr&DefSeekPage=x&SearchBack=ZyActionL&Back=ZyActionS&BackDesc=Results%20page&MaximumPages=1&ZyEntry=1&SeekPage=x&ZyPURL, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27654734. Use a leave-in Conditioner for Glossy Finish. Amino acids strengthen the hair shaft and prevent split ends and breakage. High temperatures make your hair lose its moisture easily. Bhringraj effectively repairs damaged hair and cures hair conditions such as split ends, dandruff and breakage. Excess amounts of calcium, magnesium bicarbonates [1] and carbonates, sulfates, iron, chloride, copper, zinc in groundwater cause water hardness. Our team of dermatologists and formulators strive to be objective, unbiased and honest. It works especially well if your water has high amounts of chlorine in it. Vedix Tip: If you are facing hair damage due to hard water, visit your Ayurvedic doctor for a Shirolepa or Shiro Abhyanga session. What is hard water? Hard water is considered as one of the most common reasons behind the hair fall. It is also known for drying your scalp and causing hair follicle damage. Moisturising masks are a great way to restore the lost moisture in your hair. The biggest problem with water softeners is that it adds negatively charged sodium ions to the water. While hard water robs your hair of its essential oils, Guduchi protects your tresses by regulating the oil balance and prevents your hair from breakage. The excess minerals are responsible for clogging your home’s pipes and leaving soap residue or scum on your skin/hair even after rinsing. Home; Chat with a doctor; Can hard water cause hair loss; Can hard water cause hair loss Share this page. And when the hair is weak, it thins. Asked for Female, 23 Years I am from North & I have shifted to Bangalore few months before I am facing huge amount of hair loss because of hard water of Bangalore. Calcification can start to restrict blood flow to the hair follicles and cause inflammation in the scalp. hairlosschat.com wanted to get to the bottom of the fact and fiction about how hard water … The hard water can be tested by drinking. Minerals such as copper react with the developer in your hair colour, giving you unwanted shades. The moisture in your hair is what gives your hair its elasticity and shine. When the hair follicles are blocked nutrition cannot enter and nourish the hair roots. Harmful chemicals are also purified by shower filters giving you cleaner water that does not damage your hair. The prevailing theory seems to be that the minerals in the water both damage the hair itself, thinning and breaking it. Lemon works by removing excess residue from your hair and brightens it. “Women know what their hair feels like, or should feel like, and are the biggest perpetuators of the complaints that hard water is causing their hair thinning problems,” says nurse-practitioner Jodi LoGerfo, a hair loss specialist at the Orentreich Medical Group in New York City and “Health Talk” radio talk show host. This can interfere with the growth of new hair strands. Neem is a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal herb that is very effective in cleansing your scalp of the mineral build-up that occurs due to hard water exposure. Calcium deposition can dry out your hair and clog up your follicles. A chelating shampoo fights the adverse effects of hard water and leaves your scalp feeling lighter, cleaner and free of grease. Trending … Join. A Reetha Shikakai wash keeps your hair soft and voluminous. Adding Amla to this mixture cleanses your scalp and promotes health to your hair. How Different Harmful Minerals In Hard Water Affect Your Hair And Scalp? Let us take a look at the effects of hard water on your hair in detail. This gives you softened water that is devoid of calcium and magnesium minerals and also some amounts of iron. The acidic nature of lemon will help to remove the calcium buildup from your hair. They both insist that there are no evidence prove that hard water can cause hair loss or hair breakage. Hard Water & Hair Loss: What’s The Link + How You Can Treat It. But if that is not possible, a visit to your Ayurvedic doctor can help you reverse the hair damage. Calcium tends to leave spots on utensils. If you've vacationed in the mountains you would have noticed the sudden silky, smooth texture your hair attains. A Vata Prakriti individual will easily get affected by hard water conditions. Hair exposed to chloride becomes limp, dull and frizzy. This may require you to wash your hair frequently with shampoo. Ask question +100. Water that has a high mineral content is referred to as hard water. While temporary hardness can be easily removed by boiling, permanent hardness requires a set of procedures in order to be removed. The antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties of Reetha keep scalp infections away. Because the presence of a mineral in water results in very less lather formation and thus a good rinse is not achieved. Sulfates dry out your hair and make it lose its elasticity. In most cases, it becomes a root cause of flaky scalp, damaged hair and excessive hair fall. Hair dryness soon leads to other hair conditions such as split ends and dandruff. This lemon juice will add shine and smoothness to your … Both Lemon and Amla have clarifying properties that gently cleanses your scalp and removes mineral deposits that clog your hair follicles. Oil massages are an excellent way to revive hair that has lost its shine and strength. While clinical research has not found a connection between hard water and hair loss, many people are still convinced. Aluminium easily penetrates the hair shaft, causing internal damage to your hair. The common signs of hard water damage are listed below. Hair thinning begins as your hair roots are deprived of the necessary nourishment. Wash off after one hour. The high pH level of hard water can cause negative charges to develop on our hair, leading to friction among them, which in turn causes hair breakage. Barry. Rich in Tannins and Vitamin C Amla moisturizes dull hair and also prevents discolouration of hair due to copper and iron exposure. (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery). This causes it to appear frizzy, dull and tangled that can even make it quite difficult to manage. That is the effect of soft water on your hair. Though hard water that contains calcium and magnesium is not considered a potential health risk, it does affect the health of your hair. 1. You can reduce this hair shedding by simply changing the water you use to wash your hair. When the Tri Doshas, Vata Pitta and Kapha are not in harmony the body falls into a diseased state which includes ‘Kesha Rogas’ or hair problems. Frequent hair wash in hard water may even weigh your hair down or result in hair fall. How To Reverse Hair Loss Due To Hard Water? Shampoo tends to remove essential oils and moisture from your hair, causing it to feel dry and frizzy. Use a shower filter to reduce hair damage. Here is what hard water can do to your hair, if used too frequently: Hard water contains minerals that get deposited on your hair. Washing your hair in hard water quickly reduces the life of your hair colour, making it fade way before time. Demineralizing shampoos are specifically tailored to lift up the mineral residue left behind by hard water on your hair. A water softener or RO installation is also a good option to change your hard water to soft water. What is Hard Water & What Problems it Does Cause? Now you must be thinking about the bottled water ads that promote the mixing of minerals in drinking water. Repeated exposure to high levels of aluminium may affect the hair follicle and slow down hair growth. Hard water washes are damaging for your tresses. Thank you for your feedback on this article. Lv 6. can worsen scalp conditions as the minerals can leech into the skin and aggravate eczema, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. Water that is too soft does not easily wash off soap and shampoo leaving you with a slippery feel every time you take a bath. The antioxidants in this herb along with essential vitamins regulate sebum production and keep your hair moisturized. 3. Take 10 to 12 hibiscus flowers and 5 leaves and grind with methi and neem leaves to make a paste. Both Reetha and Shikakai contain saponins that are natural surfactants derived from plants. It is also effective against hair loss from hard water and fights dandruff and dryness. About Hair Loss Men's Hair Loss Women's Hair Loss Hair Loss FAQs Hair Loss Causes ... We have five simple tips you can do today to help prevent the dull, damaged hair hard water can cause. Your hair can fall flat after a wash in hard water. They leave your hair feeling cleaner, lighter and even free of grease. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The effects of hard water on your hair can be quite unpleasant (3). Converting the hard water to soft water is a good solution. This leaves your hair malnourished, giving it a dull appearance. You've likely heard the term before, but we're happy to refresh your memory: Hard water is freshwater … Lemons have an acidic nature which helps in removing excess salt. 2. The modern day pollution in water is appalling. Our efforts should also be directed towards minimizing our own individual contribution to this pollution,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at Vedix. Moisturize or deep condition your hair after a shower. I always have dandruff problem. The excessive amount of calcium and magnesium present in hard water lead to dandruff, dryness and hair loss. Apply this herbal mixture directly on to your scalp and leave it for 20 mins to half an hour and rinse off. Hard water destroys the hair follicles making them dry, frizzy, and brittle leading to hair breakage and hair loss. Leaving-in the product for about 10-15 minutes is recommended. According to Ayurvedic principles, every person has a unique 'Prakriti' or body constitution. How Do You Prevent Hair Loss From Diabetes. Overexposure to hard water causes mineral build-up on your scalp that prevents nutrition and moisture to enter your hair follicles. Hard water characteristically has high levels of calcium and magnesium which can really have negative impacts on your hair – leaving your hair feeling dull and lifeless. The below mentioned herbal concoctions naturally moisturize your hair and protect the hair shaft from hard water damages. 1. You can even use rainwater to wash your hair. Triphala actively restores lost moisture and prevents your hair from losing its natural colours. After rinsing the product off, you can continue to use your conditioner. A follicle block interferes with the natural hair growth process and may prevent the growth of healthy hair. The quicker you take action the faster you'll be able to stop the damage inflicted on your hair by hard water. But if the water you are using becomes the main damage-causing agent, it is time to take action. 1. https://water-research.net/index.php/water-treatment/tools/hard-water-hardness, 2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314285449_HEAVY_METAL_CONTAMINATION_IN_GROUND_WATER_OF_CHENNAI_METROPOLITAN_CITY_TAMIL_NADU_INDIA_-_A_PILOT_STUDY, 3. https://extension.psu.edu/water-softening, 4. https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/home-water-treatment/household_water_treatment.html, 5. http://india-ayurveda.org/get-treated/ayurvedic-procedures/shirolepa/. Hard water tends to dry up and roughen the cuticle layer of your hair. Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to warm water and use it to rinse your hair. It also strengthens hair roots and prevents hair thinning due to hard water exposure. Using RO water to wash your hair is a good option as it purifies water up to 98% leaving your hair feeling soft and shiny. Hard water is water high in mineral content like calcium and magnesium. This coating prevents the nutrients and nourishment from reaching the scalp and hair strands. Water softener for the home is a hard water filtration unit that changes hard water to soft water by a process called ion exchange [3]. Methi or fenugreek contains nicotinic acid that prevents dandruff and dryness related hair problems. Hard water is basically water that is high in minerals like calcium and magnesium (1). via GIPHY Not all showers are created equal, especially for those of us who live in areas supplied with hard water. Washing your hair is a daily requirement. Many people with hard water find that their hair becomes tangled very easily, and is difficult to comb or brush out. As a result, this led to hair breakage. While these accumulated minerals aren’t generally harmful … It can cause a mineral build-up thus blocking your hair follicle’s route to nutrition. Dry, frizzy, dull hair with possible split ends, 2. Scroll down to know what does hard water do to your hair and how you can prevent the damage caused to your hair early on. Since hard water is drying, use a conditioner that hydrates your hair. I tried to change my shampoo I started using Wow apple cider vinegar but even after that so much of hair loss is happening although I am using the mineral water can (drinking water plastic can) to wash my … Hard water caused my curly hair to have dryness, damage, breakage, build up, and frizz. Have you noticed a change in your hair texture lately? They are written after extensive research of Ayurvedic texts and are medically reviewed by our Ayurvedic doctor. When pure rainwater filters through rocks, soil and even sand, it naturally picks up mineral salts like calcium and magnesium. Chloride can irritate your scalp causing itchiness. Since bottled water is safe for drinking it is gentle on your hair and scalp as well. If your water is coming from old pipes, it may have dissolved lead in it. If you tend to observe stains on your clothes after they have been washed, your water is probably hard. hair; Hair Loss; Hair Loss in Women; Hard Water; Being a young adult is tough. If installing a water softener is not an available option, change your hair care routine to give your hair extra nourishment to battle hair damage from hard water. Calcium and magnesium also bind with the hair shaft and weigh it down, making it difficult for you to style your hair. There has been much debate on does hard water cause hair loss. 4. Olive oil is known to be a natural conditioner which can prove to be beneficial for your hair. What Are The Signs Of Hard Water Damage On Hair? Shampoos that do not have sulfates, parabens, sodium chloride, harmful colours and fragrances are your best bet. These deposits can cause your hair to feel sticky, dirty and may even weigh it down. But softened water is a boon. Still have questions? Chloride strips your hair of its natural oils making it dry and brittle. Hard water leaves its mark on your skin and especially your hair. Constantly exposing your hair to hard water can cause breakage and hair loss too. A lemon rinse is also a good option for a home remedy for hard water hair loss. This is determined by the level of the Tri Doshas or Life Energies in your body that regulate the body functions. You can do this by installing a water softening system. Posted by Sayantani Chatterjee on January 13, 2021. Hardness in water can be temporary or permanent. Investing in a chelating shampoo can help reverse the effects of hard water on your hair. Too much iron in water can discolour your hair giving it an unwanted red tint. Rainwater is naturally soft as it is purified by naturally occurring processes such as evaporation and condensation. Thank you for your feedback on this article. Trending questions. You may also tend to notice that your reds may turn into hues of orange. Hard water is frequently faced problem especially in areas when the groundwater is exposed to harmful minerals. https://water-research.net/index.php/water-treatment/tools/hard-water-hardness, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314285449_HEAVY_METAL_CONTAMINATION_IN_GROUND_WATER_OF_CHENNAI_METROPOLITAN_CITY_TAMIL_NADU_INDIA_-_A_PILOT_STUDY, https://extension.psu.edu/water-softening, https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/home-water-treatment/household_water_treatment.html, http://india-ayurveda.org/get-treated/ayurvedic-procedures/shirolepa/. Gradually, with lack of nutrition entering the follicles and essential moisture, your hair loses its shine and strength. How Can You Reverse The Effects Of Hard Water On Your Hair? Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and add 3 cups of water, and mix well. How To Prevent Hair Loss From Hard Water? Broadly, they are classified as Shuddha jala, and Dushta jala. Bills, jobs, education, time management and household organisation are something you will be tested in as soon as you move out, even if your parents have tried to prepare you. You can even use a shower filter, which is economical and easier to install. 1. https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/hardness-water?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects, 2. https://www2.cambridgema.gov/CityOfCambridge_Content/documents/Drinking%20WaterMy%20edition.pdf, 3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927171/, 4. https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyNET.exe/P100AW8W.TXT?ZyActionD=ZyDocument&Client=EPA&Index=2011+Thru+2015&Docs=&Query=&Time=&EndTime=&SearchMethod=1&TocRestrict=n&Toc=&TocEntry=&QField=&QFieldYear=&QFieldMonth=&QFieldDay=&IntQFieldOp=0&ExtQFieldOp=0&XmlQuery=&File=D%3A%5Czyfiles%5CIndex%20Data%5C11thru15%5CTxt%5C00000002%5CP100AW8W.txt&User=ANONYMOUS&Password=anonymous&SortMethod=h%7C-&MaximumDocuments=1&FuzzyDegree=0&ImageQuality=r75g8/r75g8/x150y150g16/i425&Display=hpfr&DefSeekPage=x&SearchBack=ZyActionL&Back=ZyActionS&BackDesc=Results%20page&MaximumPages=1&ZyEntry=1&SeekPage=x&ZyPURL, 5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27654734. Why Hard Water Cause Hair Loss. It maintains the right pH … Mix the ingredients together with water to form a paste and apply on your scalp and through the length of your hair. Repeatedly washing your hair with hard water which contains harmful minerals, damages healthy hair, making it fragile. Mineral deposits may cause your hair to weigh down and feel extra greasy. Mix Amla powder or grind fresh amla and add lemon juice to it. Are you dealing with unexplained hair loss, tried all sorts of treatments and yet nothing seems to improve? involving 70 males found that hair lost strength when exposed to hard water, compared with deionized water. This can lead to certain hair issues. Constantly washing your hair with shampoo can cause it to get dry and strip away its essential oils and moisture. Your Ayurvedic doctor will guide you on the perfect hair care regime that will reverse the hair damage and bring back your hair's lost health and shine. If your water tests to be hard, a Water Softener would be a good investment. These tangles and knots make it more difficult to wash the hair as well, and small amounts of soap and shampoo will likely remain in the hair. Gradual hair thinning due to blockage of hair follicles, 5. Many people believe that hard water can cause hair loss when it is used to bathe with on a regular basis. Brahmi revives hair that has lost its shine and boots volume to limp tresses. Well in this article, we’re gonna be looking at hard water and how hard water impacts the hair follicles and what exactly you can do about it. Well, there is no strong evidence from medical professionals to find the real cause of hair fall but, some studies reveal that hard water can affect the health of your hair. Triphala penetrates into the hair shaft and nourishes your hair from the inside. 0 0. A quick google search will bring up reams of articles all claiming that hair loss can be attributed to hard water. Limp, weighed down hair that is difficult to style, 4. Cold Shower Vs. In 3 cups of normal tap water, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix it well. Excess chloride in water is a typical coastal area woe. Frail, discoloured strands that are prone to tangles and breakage. Hard water can be rectified by changing the water system of your house or by attaching a filter to your shower. Use a clarifying shampoo or a lemon, amla/ vinegar rinse to prevent minerals from building up on your scalp and clogging your hair follicles. These work by leaving molecules onto your hair and scalp that lift up the dirt and residue left behind. The presence of chloride, iron, copper, silica, lead, manganese, cadmium in water is usually observed in groundwater near industrial [2] or coastal areas. The mineral build-up from hard water is best removed with a lemon and amla rinse. papers from reputed academic organizations. This causes grease and film to build up on … Shikakai being rich in Vitamin C promotes hair growth. Using a clarifying shampoo once in a while is good for removing mineral build-up on your scalp. If the above mentioned options don’t work for you and washing your hair in hard water is your only available option, go for a gentle shampoo. Hibiscus forms a protective layer on your hair strands and brings about a natural shine. They gently clean your hair without stripping it of its natural oils. Hard water only causes temporary hair loss (also known as hair shedding). The articles consist of references to reputed Ayurvedic books and scientific research papers, which can be visited by clicking the numbers in the parentheses. Hard water does not cause permanent hair loss and this can be rectified by changing your water system or using products that reverse its effects. Use lukewarm or cool water to wash your hair and minimize the damage from the hard water. Hibiscus is a potent herb that promotes hair growth and prevents discolouration of hair due to hard water. The reason this happens is, because of the huge difference in pH levels of our hair and that of hard water. Dry, itchy scalp due to mineral build-up, 3. Hard water can cause a mineral build-up on your hair, making it feel extra greasy even after a wash. The softener has a bed of resin beads through which the water passes. Everytime you wash your hands, if you’re using hard water, you may notice the formation of scum. Hibiscus is a magical herb when it comes to treating hard water hair loss. You may also develop split ends and your hair may be more prone to breakage. Use natural hydrating agents such as honey, aloe vera, avocados that lock in moisture and prevent your hair from breaking due to dryness. Presence of cadmium and silica in high levels can make your hair prone to breakage. Lead causes hair loss by making hair lose its strength. If that is not possible, there are other ways you can reduce the mineral content in hard water and decrease your hair loss. Follow the below tips to prevent hair loss for hard water. Check out the best shampoos, shower filters, and DIY fixes that helped. Moreover, it opens up the cuticle layer and allows further mineral deposition on your hair strands. Day after day as minerals build up on your scalp they eventually clog up your hair follicles. Our blog posts contain information that are both scientifically accurate, as well as stay true to the principles of Ancient Ayurveda. So if your area has hard water and it is costing your hair its health, then go for rainwater harvesting and save some natural soft water for your needs. Hair loss because of hard water. An excellent promoter of hair growth, Bhringraj is often used to treat hair loss problems. If your hair feels too greasy even in the winter, the water you use could be the culprit! Water is very hard in bangalore and we use boreweĺl or tank water for … Ashwagandha is known for promoting melanin production and keeps hair from losing its natural colours. Soon the split ends travel up the hair shaft causing serious damage and hair thinning. You’re moving out of your mother’s “nest” to learn everything you thought you had been taught before, but you clearly hadn’t. Devoid of that moisture hair becomes rough, increasing chances of damage to the hair cuticle. Constant exposure to hard water can elevate your Vata Dosha levels and cause various dryness related problems. These help in eliminating mineral build-up and product residue. [2] X Research source The big advantage of a shower filter is that it does not soften the water too much like a water softener. Guduchi successfully restores shine and lustre to dry locks. A common cause of excessive hair fall that many people are unaware of is using hard water.

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