is 999 bad

A hammer from China over here costs $10-15 to buy it, it cost less than a $1 to produce it in China. This is when you start to clearly see what's right and what needs to change in your life. And if Cain's 9% personal flat tax failed to remain flat (as happened with Ronald Reagan's promising but ultimately failed 1986 tax reform), we would end up with the worst of both worlds: a confiscatory income tax and a job-crushing VAT. That will go to 9%. It is a highly-unfair method of burdening businesses (especially self-employed) when others don't have that burden. I say NONE, NONE, NONE. I don't oppose a national retail sales tax in principle, but I do strongly oppose it as a practical matter under current conditions, because of its high likelihood of morphing into a VAT. Sorry, I had a typo in my math calculation (reduction would actually be 26% instead of 21%, which is even more of a discount....if those figures are indeed correct)., 111 K Street NE ERROR_INVALID_PORT_ATTRIBUTES. Cain says this is just Step One. I read a devotional book (manual) and the topic was about developing your talent. That is the place from which all political candidates essentially arise at least on the national level. (Do not double tax coal fired electric) Guess you haven't read the small part where he wants to do away with social programs. Importantly, being in service to others or the act of giving comes in different forms. Really want him dabbling in defense? Regarding a national sales tax changing to a VAT, that would depend on how the legislation is written. Although it is perfectly normal to feel hurt, the Universe is nudging you to move on to the next chapter of your life and this requires you to stop replaying unpleasant memories that pull you back to the past. Cannot wait. Plus a 9% sales tax. Too bad, because none of the other candidates look good to me either. Any bulk energy provider or producer is where the tax would be applied. Tax is paid 1 time! To understand how the fair tax works, visit and review the proposal for yourself. Mr. Clancy is correct about the sales tax rate needing to be around 25% ( The Fair Tax Act introduced by former Congressman John Linder and explained in "The Fair Tax Book" by Neal Boortz and Former Congressman Linder (HarperCollins 2005) has a rate of 23%) When Mr. Clancy states that we would be paying this on top of what we pay now for a product, he has left out the fact that approximately 22% of what we currently pay for a product goes toward the income taxes of the retailer, wholesaler, and manufacturer of said product (businesses and corporations do not really pay taxes - that cost is passed on to the consumer). If Herman Cain becomes President will the 999 plan be added on top of my States sales tax? Don't forget: Whatever happened should remain in the past, and it’s up to you to create your new reality. November 11, 2018, 7 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 411 – The Meaning of 4:11 A vote for Ron Paul may be your last chance to restore American to the Constitution. And that's undoubtedly what will happen here, if we adopt Cain's plan. No wonder this plan is fueling Cain's strong standing in the GOP presidential race. But guess what. Also if you want more government cuts don't complain if the roads in front of your house don't get repaired . If anything tax the poor less so that they can survive. The meaning of number 999 is completion. He is correct in that it would be checks issued monthly to every household, based upon the number of people within that household and not the income of that household. • Key Vote NO on the Democrats’ Partisan Reconciliation Package, H.R. The goods you buy will cost about the same or less with the 9-9-9 plan. this is pretty shocking. I got news for you, when I go to work for someone else ,i.e., for wages, I also spend my day creating wealth !!! I read all of your post and it seems you want BIG government, but somehow want to tax the poor/lower-middle class less than they are being taxed now. I would also encourage Mr. Clancy to read up on all the facts before creating this same fear in the American people. "Bad vibes 999," wrote Scheme on Twitter, adding a winky face. That 35% is added into everything we buy including food and health care. When these taxes are eliminated, the consumer would only have to pay $78.00 for the same product. I don't think it is legitimate to argue we can't do X because Y might happen. ! WE ARE GETTING SCREWED DAILY BY OUR POLITICIANS AND CHINA !!! You begin to shed all the ideas you have about yourself and all the things you want yourself to be and become. Whether you express yourself through art forms like writing, drawing, singing, dancing, or even entrepreneurship, share your journey as it unfolds and don't be concerned with what others think of you. Prepare to wet yourself tea baggers. Why is the number 4 bad luck in Chinese? Unfortunately, if revived today, the traditional, pre-1913 tax system would face the same practical problem as Cain's proposed sales tax, to wit: If we want to raise as much revenue as we currently do -- let's not even talk about trying to raise as much as we currently spend -- the rates would have to be set so high as to be politically and economically untenable. - In an advanced society everything consumes energy. It contradicts the numbers bad energy to spread positive energy instead (which was what Juice was all about). Shut down the IRS and transfer tax collection and disbursement duties to the states, which are already doing the work. * The 9% Individual Flat Tax would define "income" as gross income less charitable deductions. I have been wondering what does 999 mean. And now you have provided answers. And that is only be on new goods. Thoughts for the day: This simple flat tax is not a way for the government to get out of debt or is not a way to stimulate the economy. Most people in the UK are aware than in an emergency, you should call 999 to reach the fire, police or ambulance services. - - CURRENTLY ALL THESE PEOPLE CONSUME A LOT AND ARE WELL PAID BUT PRODUCE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This would ensure that both would not be in place at the same time. In short, thanks to VATs, European tax collections are twice as high as in the US! 2020 Bad Boy Rogue 999Cc Kawasaki® Fx 72" Comes loaded, including the Perfect Size Option For You. Your account expenses will also be greatly reduced or even eliminated. As of now, Mr. Cain has earned my support, but I too have some of the same apprehensions about the 9-9-9 plan - namely having both an income and a sales tax occurring at the same time. November 11, 2020, 5 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 11:22 – The Meaning of 1122 The other side of this equation is simply SHRINKING the size and scope of the Federal Government. ! Establish an op-in privatized retirement system that phases in over fifteen years. Every second counts with these conditions. I suspect some of the piece's critics may not have read it closely enough, or all the way to the end. FreedomWorks is proud to roll out its 2020 policy platform for the Republican Party. I don't trust any politicians either, but given the choice, going with something that is moving towards the structure in is leaps and bounds better than our current system. I support the 999. Clearly, if you want to raise taxes, support a VAT. I live in NJ, so that's an additional 9% on top of the 7%. The 9% Business Flat Tax would define "income" as gross income less all investments, all purchases from other businesses and all dividends paid to shareholders. This includes disconnecting and closing your heart from the person who hurt you as your way of protection. In the end, you'll discover that your life has true meaning when you serve mankind. Ok John Macintosh you little boy, I’m tired of reading your ignorant posts. Ultimately, your self-expression gives birth to a new reality for both your soul and the world. I live in Philadelphia, PA and the state tax is 6% and the city wage tax is 4.6%. That is a complete crap statement. That is fear tactics intended to deceive voters into maintaining a failed system. Grassroots Director Dercy joins C.L. - The tax is easily and efficiently administered. I'm Alive" became a firm favourite in the … No one would want to invent something because as soon as they did their idea would get stolen and they would not make money. It's the most insidious of all taxes, because it is built into the price of everything and consumers can't see how much of the price is due to the tax. But the reality of karma is more expansive than just … A romantic relationship or a friendship may be ending, so this number can mean pain, heartbreak, and tears. And if you think they will keep the prices high to pocket the profit; think again. All I do know is this plan has American Capitalism & Greatness written all over it. Also from there, Wall street creates more fake entities to weave their way around a tax code if they didn't help to create it to begin with. He is very intelligent. I like Mr. Cain's 9-9-9 idea of how to change the tax system. Then, put your plans into action when you begin the next cycle. ← Older Post - Reduces the army of ‘Financial Products’ providers. My guess is you don't want something "fair" in the first place. Social Security ends after fifteen years (This plan assures a greater retirement benefit than a lifetime Social Security program, without injuring current retirees. If the 999 was fair they would have implimented it a long time ag. Some people might be unkind, but bear in mind that they have not learned all their lessons yet. I believe that NOT taxing essential items like food, medicine, health care, and other specific items will not put a burden on the less financially fortunate. Focus your energy on progressing to the next cycle of your life. Not a terrorist attack. what 999 means to you. ERROR_BAD_STACK. The constitutional amendment needs to be ratified first, before the FairTax takes effect. The number is supposed to be the opposite of the Devil's infamous number - 666. On CNBC, most of them have bought the Larry Kudlow free trade Kool-Aid. If you want the truth look at multiple news stations each individual one is bais and twists the story their way if you watch both you can figure out the actual truth and not some hogwash that isnt the full story. Seeing 999 is a reminder that you are living your vision of life and your purpose is to express your unique creativity to make this world a better place for all. You might prefer being alone to listen to your deepest desires so you can gain access to parts of yourself that are buried. Please don’t comment about your utilities at your house, or the gas for your car, or your unique business needs. If you sell it to another person the tax you payed is in your selling price. He was all about disrupting civilization. Ignore it. And today is January 9, 2021. Haircuts? Why not double military spending and a 5% flat tax. WHAT. Remember, what you do today will create your tomorrow. This creative process is meditation in action where you act on new ideas to co-create with the Universe. You can use our key vote scorecards to see how they measure up. But do you have any objection to Cain's actual proposal? If there was ever a "Republican" who is a Democrat in all but name, it's Romney - and he isn't even trying to hide his big government viewpoint. I may have to write in Ronald Reagan, the last conservative the GOP has nominated. Only, one person has given me an answer in regards to that issue. The feds currently spend 40% more than they take in. And don't give me BUT WHAT ABOUT FORT HOOD? Better to have the other 10 or 15% (if it needs to be that high) in the hands of state and local governments where there is more accountability, efficiency, and control. To think some people would believe it... well it just goes to show people love to be told to think a certain way and they blindly follow that way without seriously looking at the other possibilities. Obama has yet to preside over a terrorist attack. In short, Cain's plan would be more fair, neutral, transparent, efficient, and pro-growth than today's system. At the 4th level you don't create much wealth and consequently don't get paid much. Then we will pay a 9% sales tax. The provider raises his Cost of Goods produced and passes it onto the nest user. I also believe that property taxes should be abolished. So, you sheeple want this tax? Turns out it has some very good aspects -- and some others, not so good. Step Two would be to repeal the personal income tax altogether. Also how is not income tax a good idea? We all worry about the outsourcing of jobs to India, China and other countries however many don't realize that a large proportion of these are software and services jobs. The 9-9-9 plan throws out the tax code we have now and replaces it. , NOTHING ! All of the other points you made were false too by the way im just getting tired of trying to educate all of you people. It has been applied so crookedly ! ) Let's face it, NOBODY would be in a position to contend for the nomination if they were a true "outsider." Basic services? Then see what real poverty and violence is. Just take one step forward. For the most part I am as conservative as the millenium is long. GET EDUCATED ON ECONOMICS PEOPLE!!!! Make an impact and create value on this planet by showing the world what you can do—by doing it. - CLASS WARFARE: That is what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has done at the national level. - Do the rich people really create all the wealth? When you forgive someone, you do not do it for them but yourself so that you become free of hate. The angel number 999 is a sign to let you know that some parts of your life are coming to an end and completion. With forgiveness comes wholeness and peace of mind. I could support "999," therefore, only after or contingent upon ratification of a constitutional amendment outlawing a VAT. Decode the messages, listen to the voice in your heart, receive knowledge and wisdom, and take action so you can navigate where your life takes you. Close the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for two years, effective January 9, 2012. While it's true that almost half the nation pays no INCOME tax, it is NOT true that they pay no taxes on their incomes. GOVERNMENT SHOULDN'T BE IN BUISNESS!! If you understood how the fair tax works you would be able to see that the "car" that cost you $20,000 today, under the "fair tax" system, or in this case the "9,9,9" (due to the loss of corporate taxes, payroll taxes, etc...) Would only cost you $15,800. Peace is the people's gift to each other. For those of you who are interested in true change, then read this which has ALL of the details, something no one else would dare post. When you accept service as the sole meaning of life, you will start to positively affect the lives of others around you, and this path will lead to incredible changes for a better future in our world. And, most party members vote along party lines-which is a possibility in 2012 if a Republican is elected. A higher tax onm products would demlish the economy. I dont think most of you understand how taxes should work or the purpose of them. - After 30 years of so called free trade, do you think we are better off? The nation needs serious changes in its whole economic structure if it is to recover from the ignorant Keynesian theories of the past 65 years. ARE YOU STUIPID!! - - The asphalt in the street used both energy and petroleum feedstock for both manufacture and installation. Corporate income tax source is Revenue minus Expenses. Providing a flat tax is anything but fair. Actually, I think the poor should pay more. Romney is going to be the tea bag candidate. Vote for this goof ball. Food? ❣️. Is it fair that you take away the same percentage of money from someone that had many opertunities to become succesful and has 10 houses and an abundence of money as someone that is just barly scraping by because they were injuered serving our country or someone that did not have enough money to pay for college and has to work three jobs in order to survive? DO YOUR HOMEWORK. I had gone to the ER this morning and realized I was in room 9. 4 is the exception to the even number rule. Seeing repetitive triple numbers, such as 999, is by no means a coincidence. Keith Garza I would like to know what about State Tax? Remember that we're reviewing a 999 acknowledgment in response to an 837 EDI transaction that was submitted. :). The will never be a complete removal of the IRS as long as the government spends money and therefore requires some amount of income... hence the name. But beating Obama will be pointless if we put in somebody who turns out to be Obama Lite! Join a charitable cause or find a person that you are passionate about serving. When it comes to love or friendships, the 999 angel meaning can be both a good or a bad sign. Also about not wanting to pay for the people that dont pay taxes. I noticed 09/09 twice yesterday while I was at work. If government was not involved corporations would form monopolies and charge through the roof prices on things like electricity, cellphone service, computers, the list goes on. The angel number 999 is a sign to let you know that some parts of your life are coming to an end and completion. 9% PLUS the regular state tax? I don't think they can pay much less than that. I think you need to go occupy somewhere because your thoughts are about as organized as the OWS supporters are. When you examine yourself, you might find that there is a part of you that is similar to the person you are trying to forgive. I also have one more question. Your inner knowing is now stronger than ever and you just need to trust your feelings. "But wait, Clancy," you say. It will be interesting to see how the other candidates respond. I also believe that luxury items should have an excise tax above a 9% sales tax (amount to be determined). Simply touching SCP-999’s surface causes an immediate mild euphoria, which intensifies the longer one is exposed to SCP-999, and lasts long after separation from the creature. The OP has (1) 16GB ram stick (Goldkey probably) vs (2) 8GB in the y7000 (ramaxel). When I found out about Cain’s sales tax proposal I had just made a $250.00 donation two days before. I fail to see how a national sales tax could open the door to a VAT any more than a Congressperson simply introducing a bill to implement a VAT. I think you have already seen the benefits as you read between the lines. Every penny of tax they pay is passed on to the consumers and the taxpayers through higher prices. This gives us what he thinks is the best of both worlds, and in doing so, sets the table to eventually implement the Fair Tax fully, and in the words of Neal Boortz, make "April 15 just another beautiful spring day.". "If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello." This arithmetical strangeness demonstrates that the "power" of the Beast, 666, will be "reversed" by 153, characteristic number of the Christ, to give as result 999, symbol of the application of the divine justice. Regular price $14.99 Bad Boy Poster. Period. It allows immediate expensing of business investments. This should be capped at national rate 14%. Will all SS income be taxed? 5th Meaning of 999: Be In Service to Something Bigger Than Yourself. Amongst other problems I see with this plan I just don't think that it is right despite what you and Keith say about it the more I think about it the more of a loaded gun it becomes against middle class America and the working poor-which is me and my family. The strong urge you feel is Destiny trying to steer you to the right course. Mr. Cain's 999 plan is on the right track with its goal of a lower, flatter, simpler, fairer, more transparent tax system. Think of all the people and projects in your life and decide if you feel they will serve your purpose in the next cycle. Will someone please question the 999 plan as it relates to retired persons who are living on pensions and social security with modest dividends 6 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 12:22 – The Meaning of 1222, 5 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 11:22 – The Meaning of 1122, 7 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 1:11 – The Meaning of 111, 7 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 411 – The Meaning of 4:11, 4 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 711 – The Meaning of 7:11, 7 Reasons Why You Are Seeing 911 – The Meaning of 9:11. Who's crazy here?? The number 999 encourages you to forgive all your enemies and forget all the bad that they have done to you. This means they only know how to deal with life's challenges with the "tools" that they were given so far. A tax based on revenue minus purchases would mean that a software company would pay tax on its revenue and not on net profit. Here they are again: I think maybe YOU SHOULD be allowed to pay fewer taxes though, maybe then you could put the money you save too good use and buy a dictionary so you can learn how to spell correctly. If you really want to see a solution to our economic woes, then Paul has one. It shifts the burden of taxation from production to consumption. More palatable, I think, is a lower, flatter, simpler income tax that requires low and lower-middle income earners to have some skin in the game and fewer or NO tax "loopholes" or exemptions, combined with a "luxury tax" that excludes basic necessities like food (groceries), shelter, clothing, and medical care. When a nation’s economy fails all security within that nation fails also. So say right now you get 15% taking out of your paycheck now. You are basically giving energy that comes from the Source of all energy. FreedomWorks Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council, Tea Party Patriots and Committee to Unleash Prosperity in partnership with a coalition of conservative organizations and prominent individuals, launched the Save Our Country Task Force. And they say 9-9-9 now but with every tax law in America sooner or later it will become 10-10-10 and then 15-15-15. Paul may not win the nomination, but enough votes for him in the primaries might influence the Republican platform. I am a right -wing republican and I would vote for Obama before anyone who pushes this 999 plan. I have tested .999 silver on an x-ray fluorescence tester, and it reads out at .9999 fine. This would forse cuts in spending if the three taxes don't generate enough income. This means striking back at those who have hurt you will never bring peace to you and your family's future generations. - Wall Street accounting is all driven by tax code and shifty -eyed cleverness. Regular price $34.99 999 Juice WRLD Poster. Now, ask yourself: If you could be relieved of paying income and payroll taxes, would you be willing to pay a roughly 25% sales tax on everything you buy? - When a first level producer or user closes a facility, when we confirm that the facility is closed, simple enough, no more revenue collected at that location. GUESS WHAT ?! It is not a tax on top of the tax's we are paying now. Thank you. We could easily end up with a Nat'l sales tax, income tax,payroll tax and no limit to how high they go. We need to get more citizens to understand economics, but even that won't matter until they understand the morality of Liberty and the immorality of Socialism. How is it in anyway fair that some people are allowed to own mansions while others are homeless? And when you realize this truth and align yourself with this truth, you start to believe that you can do anything — there are no limits to what you can do. So let's consider the proposal -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Health care? It was also used in 1984-1990 SJs and J pickups with the 4.2L engine, in the YJ from 1987-1991 with the 2.5L and 4.2L engine, and in the XJ in 1991 with the 2.5L engine. - NO MORE OF THEM KEEPING TRACK OF ME. I'd say the former. The primary goals of this legislation are to “provide an earned path to citizenship, to address the root causes of migration and responsibly manage the southern border, and to reform the immigrant visa system.”. I checked and there are no official comments from the AARP yet but this will not fly with seniors or most low income people. ! And if you're poor, you might really hate it. 1, A Comparison of Republican and Democrat Platforms to FreedomWorks’ Position on Major Issues, President Trump’s Top 4 Accomplishments in 4 Years. How sweet our Creator can be… For months, He’s been speaking to me. I have never once seen them on TV say a good word for American labor or producing goods in America. ! As I mentioned earlier, the 16th ammendment needs to be repealed. Consumers in this range may qualify for better interest rates from lenders. And let's face it, abolishing the payroll tax and the death tax would simply be awesome. I'd give it two rousing cheers and one bronx cheer. The answer, most likely, is that if he proposed to eliminate the income tax in one fell swoop, while trying to raise the same amount of revenue as we do today, he would have to set the rate for the sales tax so high -- well above 9% -- that voters would balk. The only difference is they got caught on a hot mic. Will people on SS be exempt from sales tax? That is the figure that is used today, that is the figure that would continue to be used. like the idea? Then, you can bring compassion and forgiveness to yourself and others. You start to see yourself as being part of something bigger and recognize that all things come from the same Universal Source — God. CA School Board actions appalling but not uncommon. So the sales tax would only be 1.5% more than they are already paying. I do not see the framework for a European VAT in the 999, I actually see the framework of a transition to a fair or flat tax. Everyone is just guessing. to talk about H.R. European countries collect a lot more in taxes than we do. Exactly on 09-09-2019, I remember hearing a voice saying “treasures in jars,” and then I penned the date down immediately. Everyone one in America except the homeless (courtesy of so called free trade) have these same bills. Sadly, Barack Obama is so socially challenged by never having really worked in his entire life that he believes in the silly Keynesian theories as if they were relevant to real economic problems. — Mahatma Gandhi, Spiritual and Political Leader (1869 - 1948). If it does, it's simply doing too much. Keep it simple, it's fair and would cost less to enforse compared to our current system. Secondly, any efforts to fix our grossly messed up tax situation is going to be messy itself. You earn the opportunity to be a shining light when you express your truest self. No. This also is part of the Fair Tax act. The fed should never cost more than 10% of the GNP. (For those who say the "greedy" corporations would keep the price at $100.00 anyways, I would submit to you that some might try, but the competition of the market would win out in the end). Capitalism was not ordained by God and it has flaws, plenty of them. Before the introduction of the 999 service all calls were routed to a manual board operator. Just call it Energy Tax for short. - Tax wind turbines/ farms and solar cells / farms at the producer. Mr. Cain's 999 plan is on the right track with its goal of a lower, flatter, simpler, fairer, more transparent tax system. Only MARK HANES and JOE seem to have any common sense left regarding how to run an economic system. The provider has little motivation to try to cheat. Mr. Clancy's conclusion is false, and his article is obviously driven by his personal agenda. That qualifies me as, ‘at least as smart as an economist’ and /or a hurricane forcaster !!

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