is it haram to have a guy friend

But if you don’t ready yet, fasting is the best way to control your lust. We need to be worried about what Allah wants from us and whether He is OK with it (not the lady her self or her parents). i'm not an adult, so I don't know how much my opinion would be valued, but there shouldn't be any problem in that, as long as you don't do anything haram, and you guys are with others, and in public, there shouldn't be an issue. These are modern times, its very hard to maintain strict segregation of the sexes. It is haram to mix freely with non-mahram and, therefore, having a relationship before marriage (boyfriend or girlfriend) is strictly forbidden. Lots of things that used to be haram and halal in the time of the prophet, have since changed and made halal or haram. To avoid the temptation of Zina (Fornication), Islam encourages marriage at a young age. Answer Save. - Keep the conversation short and to the point. Now he has regrets. Do you love your wife /husband and children? If you have a special one that you want to marry with, so you can skip this part and next to the second one. Thus, reaching the age of puberty should not be considered as the only criterion for deciding the right age to start a relationship. Contact between the sexes is one of the doors that lead to fitnah (temptation). Well Islam just talks about the dangers of intermixing, mostly with a man and a woman being alone together because of the possibility for something haram to happen between the two. So even if you die, Allah is the Most Merciful. no. I don't really have many of either, find it really difficult to trust both girls and boys, although iv experienced a lot worse from girls (bullying- bitchyness, spreading rumors etc.) don’t forget to watch this video till the end, I saw many man and women they have still affairs after getting married. We always make Girlfriend or boyfriend but do you know the meaning of girlfriend or boyfriend and if you say yes  so I think you should find the real meaning of boyfriend after that you feel shame on yourself either you are girl or boy, Do you know 90 percent people have relationships and they are boys, girls, man, women, elder, younger, married, unmarried  all including in this sin. And we should follow it. No, its not exactly haram to have a friend of the opposite sex, as long as you maintain certain protocols. But you don't do anything haram with him. Whosoever boy or girl in love lose their parents. There should be a balance and we must stay away from being extreme while at the same time holding on to our religious values and morals. How Young Muslims Define 'Halal Dating' For Themselves : Code Switch Young Muslims find a middle ground for fostering romantic relationships between what is permissible and what is forbidden. If you ask anyone do you have a boyfriend or do you have a girlfriend? i wonder why allot of sisters at the mosk are telling me that its completely haram to have a guy as a friend ,but so many are at work school exc i see nothing wong with having a guy as a friend ,as long as its just a friend ship ,and there are allot of guys that i known prior to my conversion to islam my closet friend was gay, @adeeb im not homosexuality and i know homosexuality is haram. 6. what is the halal relationship in Islam? I don't have close male friends, but I do have a few but don't talk very much with them, I don't think its haraam but depends how close you are to him as a friend, as long as you're not hanging out, talking on the phone e.t.c as long as you know your intention. The answer will be yes, of course, I have a boyfriend, I have a beautiful girlfriend, Affairs or relationships without marrying are very common in our culture nowadays and we think it is a love and its really funny check this out, We make gf but when our sisters make boyfriend so we get angry we think it is bad we try to beat her boyfriend and we forget we have also made girlfriend that girl is also someone’s sister (agree/disagree), We hide our sisters and say wear abbaya to her we make ourselves like we are too good but we look at girls, we stare at them like we never see any girl before hahahhaha it’s a true  and in this time we don’t remember our religion we don’t remember what is good or bad and  we don’t feel shame and say we don’t have any sister or wife at home and ALLAH will never forgive you if you do with someone and you will also face this problem at your home in future. I dont think that being friend with the opposite sex is wrong. Let's say if it was a long distance thing, and you loved each other. I want to revert to Islam! Haram is the things which are prohibited in the Quran and the Sunnah, things Muslim cannot do. I am not aware of this at all.No religion forbids one from having a boyfriend.It is necessary to get to know another,in order to decide on a relationship with … Do you think it is good to make boyfriend or girlfriend In Islamic Point of view? As mentioned, I don't agree that Islam is so rigid that everything is written in stone. its my friend but in a way i guess im happy. Is it haram to have a friend who is a boy in the site? A girl said this: More than 5 boyfriends. I personally, see nothing wrong in a strictly Platonic relationship. Just follow this guideline, it's well within 'Islamic' limits. Most boy-friends and girl-friends always suffer an uncomfortable marital life afterwards.. And you may also ask a Mufti in your city to assure you that having boy-friends for girls or girl-friends for boys is not allowed in pure Islam.. ummmmm....i'm debating with myself on that, but its best know to be haram. So i respect the opinion of those who dont believe in having friends of the opposite sex but i choose to have them. If we consider having b/f and g/f is necessary according to modern society. Dear sister Michelle, this matter is literally mentioned in the Quran, read it in CAPS: "...Wed them with the permission of their own folk, and give them their Mahr according to what is reasonable, they should be chaste, not committing illegal intercourse, NOR TAKING BOY-FRIENDS...". 1. 5. a relationship in Islam before marriage kissing and hugging before marriage?6. 1. I am deeply in love with a Muslim man and want to marry him. the only thing that is wrong is that they should not have any sexual activity! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. because i told him that im muslim and he has no prob that im muslim. I would like to know if it haram to have a boy as a friend just friend nothing more (not boyfriend) a friend who i will be able to talk 2 who is a boy (There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. I think it's only "haram" to have a non-Muslim, especially an American, boyfriend or girlfriend, like that young girl whose father killed her when he found out about her relationship.

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