multiplayer piano scripts

"left" : "right"; var name = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname); if(name.substr(0, 1) == "/") name = name.substr(1); changeRoom(name, direction, null, false); var name = $("#rename .text[name=name]").val(); if(socket && socket.socket && socket.socket.connected, && gNoteQuota.spend(NoteQuota.ALLOWANCE)) {, $("#rename .submit").click(function(evt) {, $("#rename .text[name=name]").keypress(function(evt) {, $("#chat input").on("focus", function(evt) {, $("#chat input").on("blur", function(evt) {, $("#chat input").on("keydown", function(evt) {, else if(message.length <= 512 && gNoteQuota.spend(NoteQuota.ALLOWANCE)) {, receive: function(name, message, color) {. 'My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. Original efforts forked from personal Minecraft Music Bot project. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.'. 15 sec ago, C++ | Here are the current commands: /help (command) - displays info about command, … VSTi plug-in compatibility fixes. var test_mode = (window.location.hash && window.location.hash == "#test"); //var canvas_override = (window.location.hash && window.location.hash == "#canvas"); Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) {. First And when you finish it, it says go outside.'. These rooms have many options that you can configure, which are explained below. var name = $("#new-room .text[name=name]").val(); visible: $("#new-room .checkbox[name=visible]").is(":checked"), chat: $("#new-room .checkbox[name=chat]").is(":checked"), $("#new-room .submit").click(function(evt) {, $("#new-room .text[name=name]").keypress(function(evt) {, function changeRoom(name, direction, settings, push) {. Play music sheets from the Anime genre using a variety of online instruments at Virtual Piano; the best online keyboard. The drop-down box (if your new/just joined) will say "lobby" or "lobby2". The first thing to learn when it comes to Multiplayer Piano is that it has different rooms you can join. $(key.domElement).removeClass("loading"); = function(note, enemy, delay_ms) {. An addition to my previous comment: On further testing, the extended playable piano addon is not required for this mod to function just the original playable piano addon. 'Lasagna is basically spaghetti flavored cake.'. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features = $(document.getElementById(targetId)); if( == 0) = $("#piano"); this.element = $('

' +. encodeURIComponent(url) : "") + "/". + (line ? ', else if (message.indexOf("/bacon") == 0) {. var range = document.createElement("input"); if(window.console) console.log("warn: no slider"); VolumeSlider.prototype.set = function(v) {, Rect.prototype.contains = function(x, y) {. 'The secret to happiness is not to do what makes you happy, its to be happy doing what youre already doing.'. this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); piano.rootElement.appendChild(this.canvas);, piano); // calls resize(). if(("/" + == "/spin") $("#piano").addClass("spin"); enemy = enemies[] = new Enemy().init(; enemy.div = document.createElement("div"); enemy.namediv = document.createElement("div"); if(gRoom && gRoom.ownerId && == gRoom.ownerId) $(enemy.namediv).addClass("owner"); = m.color || enemy.color || "black"; $(enemy.namediv).text( || "Anonymous"); $(enemy.div).find(".name").text(; $(enemy.namediv).css("background", enemy.color); $(enemy.div).find(".name").css("background", enemy.color); $(enemy.div).find(".enemySpotlight").css("border-color", enemy.color); if(gMutes.indexOf(enemy.auid) != -1) $(enemy.namediv).addClass("muted"); var msec = 1000 + m.time - server_time_offset - new Date().getTime(); // <-- 1 second delay. socket.emit("a", "Valid commands are: " + commandsstring); } else if (message.indexOf("/color") == 0) {. 'A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. socket.emit("a", + " poked " + name + ". return (x >= this.x && x <= this.x2 && y >= this.y && y <= this.y2); Renderer.prototype.init = function(piano) {, Renderer.prototype.resize = function(width, height) {. There are six buttons, a drop-down box, and a slider on the bar at the bottom. 'Im super lazy today!!! socket.emit("a", "You are the moderator of this script"); socket.emit("a", "You are not the moderator of this script"); else if (message.indexOf("/Jessica") == 0) {. Some attributes Eventually other commands may also get their own buttons, but for now it's only the upload button. // ==/UserScript==. 'Someday everything will make perfect sense. socket.removeAllListeners(); // todo: is this ok? Music from Anime. Those who like music can play Multiplayer Piano in their free times. var url = "/rooms_v2?room=" + encodeURIComponent(room_name); url += "&settings=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(settings)); var socket = io.connect(url, // idk, is decoding it. AutoHotkey has had 1 … null : enemy.namediv); self.renderer.visualize(key, typeof enemy == "undefined" ? var pos = CanvasRenderer.translateMouseEvent(event); /*$(piano.rootElement).mousemove(function(event) {, if(key && key != last_key && gNoteQuota.spend(1)) {, CanvasRenderer.prototype.resize = function(width, height) {. this.blackKeyOffset + this.whiteKeyWidth * key.spatial. openModal("#new-room", "input[name=name]"); if(socket.socket && socket.socket.connected) {, $("#new-room-btn").on("click", function(evt) {. You can show the player buttons by clicking on the toggle button named "MIDI Player Bot". ", " : "") + enemies[ii].name + " (" + globaltmp[enemies[ii].color] + ")"; socket.emit("a", "Invalid command. 'If you call your phone your baby, and it has cracks in it, youre not ready for kids'. socket.emit("a", + " commited suicide with a rope. I wanted to get it for you, but then I realized its my own reflection!'. var x = pos.left - (this.element.width() / 2) + ( / 4); var y = - this.element.height() - 8; Notification.prototype.close = function() {, // set variables from settings or set settings. CanvasRenderer : DOMRenderer; this.renderer = new render_engine().init(this); var audio_engine = (window.webkitAudioContext === undefined) ? The keyboard is what players interact with on MPP to create sound and consequently music. About This Content Reveal your inner musician in the Instrument Pack for Rust - a collection of 10 new musical instruments! new Notification("Okie dokie", "If you want to edit connections again, click the MIDI button again. var rat = (points / NoteQuota.MAX) * 100; $("#quota .value").stop(true, true).animate({"width": rat.toFixed(0) + "%"}, 2000, "linear"); var ele = document.getElementById("names"); $("#" + id).find(".enemySpotlight").show(); openModal("#rename", "input[name=name]"); ele.addEventListener("mousedown", touchhandler); ele.addEventListener("touchstart", touchhandler); $("#names .name[auid=" + auid + "]").removeClass("muted"); $("#names .name[auid=" + auid + "]").addClass("muted"); document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", releasehandler); document.body.addEventListener("touchend", releasehandler); var Notification = function(title, text, targetId, msec, html) {. false : true; // black keys first, CanvasRenderer.isSupported = function() {., width, height); DOMRenderer.prototype.visualize = function(key, color) {. MEANS CTRL+Z) MORROWIND THEME: C V G - G N M - M L N - M N G V C. C V G - G N M - M L E - L R E. E R 5 - R E L - K M N - G M N - G V C. TO ZANARKAND. if(typeof push == "undefined") push = true; var opposite = direction == "left" ? socket.emit("a", name + " committed suicide"); //socket.emit("a", "Could not find anyone by the name of " + namex); socket.emit("a", "Disabled because of bugs. " if(enemy.auid && gMutes.indexOf(enemy.auid) != -1) return; new Notification(m.t, m.m, m.a, || 30000, m.h || false); socket.on("a", function (name, message, color) {. if(!piano.keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; ele.className = "key " + ( ? If that sounds attractive, Red Dead Redemption 2 Scripts mods is definitely something you should try. "); socket.emit("a", name + " may not use any commands. ". if(window.localStorage) localStorage.volume = v; var n = function(a, b) { return {note: new Note(a, b), held: false}; }; else if(capsLockKey || evt.ctrlKey) --octave; if(window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardTimeout) clearTimeout(gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardTimeout); if(localStorage) localStorage.knowsYouCanUseKeyboard = true; if(window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification) gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification.close(); if(evt.keyCode == 27 || evt.keyCode == 13) {. "You can play the piano with your keyboard, too. ji.append(Item("output", seq, auto_id, outputs)); window.onerror = function(message, url, line) {, if(message.indexOf("INVALID_STATE_ERR") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("DOM Exception 11") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Property 'open' of object # is not a function") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'close' of undefined") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'close' of null") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'onClose' of null") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Cannot call method 'payload' of null") !== -1) {, if(url.indexOf("soundmanager2.js") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Could not complete the operation due to error c00d36ef") !== -1) {, // too many failing extensions injected in my html, if(url.indexOf(".js") !== url.length - 3) {, // extensions inject cross-domain embeds too, if(url.toLowerCase().indexOf("") == -1) {, // I have to assume this is happening because browser extensions are causing a conflict, if(message.indexOf("Object [object Object] has no method 'on'") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Object [object Object] has no method 'off'") !== -1) {, if(message.indexOf("Property '$' of object [object Object] is not a function") !== -1) {, + (message ? MULTIPLAYER PIANO MUSIC SHEETS: (NOTE: Z! "people are playing" : "person is playing"; n = Translation.get("people are playing"); $("#status").html("" + count + " " + n); document.title = "Piano" + (count > 1 ? " See /help for a list of commands. 'It is better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.'. $("#names .name.owner").removeClass("owner"); var crown = $("
").attr("id", "crown"); crown.css({"left": + "%", "top": + "%"}); crown.css({"left": + "%", "top": + "%"}); crown.animate({"left": + "%", "top": + "%"}, 2000, "linear", function() {. socket.emit("a", name + " was slapped by " + + ". 'Always remember that you are absolutely unique. "pl": "Widoczne (otwarte dla wszystkich)", "hu": "Látható (nyitott mindenki számára)", // todo: it, tr, th, sv, ar, fi, nb, da, sv, he, cs, ko, ro, vi, id, nb, el, sk, bg, lt, sl, hr, // todo: Connecting, Offline mode, input placeholder, Notifications, if(window.navigator && navigator.language && navigator.language.length >= 2) {. $(document).on("keydown", handleKeyDown ); $(window).on("keypress", handleKeyPress ); $(document).off("keydown", handleKeyDown ); $(window).off("keypress", handleKeyPress ); var gNoteQuota = new NoteQuota(function(points) {. "); socket.emit("a", "Could not find anyone to slap by the name of " + name); else if (message.indexOf("/facepalm") == 0) {. var opacity = $(this).attr("opacity") - 0.03; var li = $('
  • '); li.find(".message").text(message.substr(0, ix - 1)); li.find(".quote").text(message.substr(ix)); $("#midi-btn").on("click", function(evt) {. socket.emit("a", + " facepalmed. B00ie23 11/30/20 Learning new things NaN-NaN-senpai(BR) 11/18/20 MPP electron app Lamp 11/17/20 can someone teatch me how to use node.js in MPP? 'Today I saw something through a store window that was truly stunning, beautiful and sexy. Multiplayer Piano SoundFonts, Revised! Just like everyone else.'. 'Its impossible said Pride. AudioEngineSM2.prototype = new AudioEngine(); AudioEngineSM2.prototype.init = function(cb) {. Play the piano in less than a minute using the unique Virtual Piano music sheet notation that anyone can play right away! "s" : "") + number; if(used_inputs.indexOf(inputs[i]) != -1) continue; midiBridge.addConnection(inputs[i], "-1"); if(used_outputs.indexOf(outputs[i]) != -1) continue; midiBridge.addConnection("-1", outputs[i]); notif_conn = new Notification("MIDI Connections", '\,
    \. 60 min ago, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Original efforts forked from personal Minecraft Music Bot project. It is one of the great ways to spend some good time as well as relax. MPP MIDI Player Bot say += (comma ? // @match … !Steps:-1) Open virtualpiano.net2) Wait for it to be ready.3) Run Piano AutoPlayer then activate your browser4) Let it play !!! 'All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height.'. window.soundManager = new SoundManager(); soundManager.debugMode = test_mode ? window.gKnowsYouCanUseKeyboardNotification = new Notification("Did you know!?!". ;Piano return navigator.language.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase(); if(typeof lang === "undefined") lang = language; if(ele.tagName && ele.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input") {, if(typeof ele.placeholder != "undefined") {, th.attr("placeholder", get(th.attr("placeholder"), lang)), AudioEngine.prototype.init = function(cb) {, AudioEngine.prototype.load = function(id, url, cb) {, = function(id, delay_ms) {, AudioEngine.prototype.setVolume = function(vol) {. 'A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.'. true : false; AudioEngineSM2.prototype.load = function(id, url, cb) {, this.sounds[id] = soundManager.createSound({, = function(id, delay_ms) {. '
    '); document.body.appendChild(this.element.get(0)); this.element.find(".x").click(function() {, Notification.prototype.position = function() {.

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