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This means you notice the effects more abruptly than with a slow acting decanoate ester. I wanted to know if theres a real difference between deca and NPP. Frontload the nandrolone with a vial of NPP, spend most of the cycle on Deca, end the cycle with another vial of NPP so the Decanoate ester can clear your system. I like NPP over deca for the quick response. Hi guys I know this is hard to answer but I'm thinking about this for a long my BF is around 16% I'm 190 cm and around 107 kilos.I'm off cycle for about 10 months (my first cycle was test 250mg+ deca 250mg) so my receptors are to some degree question is :can you recomp (gain) lean muscle tissue whilst cutting on 400mg test+400mg NPP and … Loved the shit out of NPP. So at 100mg ED you have around 75mg/day of npp vs. 65mg/day of deca, and if you space out the deca doses (as most would) you'll find the avg gets even lower while maintaining the same weekly intake. But unless competing I don't really see a point when it comes to the side effects - or used for a short period. NPP's half-life is only 2.5 days while deca has a much longer half-life of 6 days (12). I stress that here in the UK the personal use of steroids is perfectly legal. NPP is a shorter ester, meaning each milliliter (ml) will yield a higher dose of active compound compared to that of the longer decanoate ester. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. I feel like I should at least try NPP to see for myself but I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts on it. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. Can someone just help me understand this really fast. From what I seem to understand there's no real difference between the two only the ester. Messages: 22 Likes Received: 6. Bigmike81. Ive already tried deca/test/tren. I like deca better then npp for strength and muscle gain, but npp can be just as effective. I don't really understand the question. find a good source who carries anavar. After experience with NPP, can safely say that var is no comparison in terms of gains it can yield for females. Productive Member Join Date npp vs deca (and other analogues): which is better? If you take deca with test then you have one of the best,safest combos of all time. A lot of athletes find it difficult to choose between Deca Durabolin which is Nandrolone Decanoate and NPP, which is Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, or the shorter ester. The shorter the ester, the more potent it is, and the faster you’ll see results. All of the sides from deca are less than sides from test. There posted for this specific reason, and that's where you're going to find the most help. Since NPP and deca share the same active substance – nandrolone, their history is very closely linked together. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Jul 14, 2016. I take deca and my girl takes npp. Deca vs NPP vs EQ; Who_Cares • Wed, Jan 9th, '19 21:57 • 152 replies, 2858 views; Im not a big fan of Deca or EQ but i never tried NPP. Some guys say they get something out of it. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a small ester base anabolic steroid and is commonly referred to as NPP. This means that, with the phenylpropionate ester, more frequent injections must be administered to keep the drug running consistently strong in your bloodstream. No rise and fall. Many have seen my video with Enhanced athlete and were curious about more information on this topic. Ran NPP at 10mg eod from 24-16 weeks out of my current prep. I agree w/ the comment re: DHT & hairloss - primo is sort of notorious for, and winstrol can contribute as well. Search in titles only Search in Anabolic Steroids only I have used both npp and deca. A few benefits of using Deca include the following: Great For Bulking. Happily discussing all things related to the safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. What is it and why does it matter. Well they're not good. Im a test and or Tren guy. NPP is probably one of my top compounds - amazing anabolic and bloat can be kept minimal with an on point diet. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Nandrolone be it npp or deca are shitty for drug tested athletes. Think of it as test e and test prop where deca is test e and NPP is prop, same drug but different half/active lives. This actually aligns with my own experiences of both.

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