what does holden imagine after maurice punches him?

He repeatedly insults Maurice, resulting in further physical punishment. As Maurice threatens him, Sunny goes into the room and takes an additional five dollars from Holden’s wallet. Asked by Lucelys R #777205 on 4/5/2018 3:20 PM Last updated by Aslan on 4/5/2018 5:54 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Maurice snaps his finger against Holden’s crotch, and when Holden calls him a dirty moron, Maurice punches him in the stomach. When the situation does not allow Holden to sell his poor-boy routine in real life, he actually imagines his problems in an attempt to collect a sort of simulated pity. An old friend of Holden's who he invites to the Lunt's. Sunny's pimp. Holden resists and is roughed up by the pimp. When Holden gets very depressed, he sometimes talks "sort of out loud" to his younger brother. 5. Invites several cab drivers to join him for a drink. Holden refuses to give them the money until Maurice punches him in the stomach and Sunny fetches the money out of Holden’s wallet. Asked by Lucelys R #777205. After Maurice hits Holden in the crotch, what does Holden do? Answer the questions during or immediately after reading the chapter. (C) He collapses to the floor, cursing at Sunny. A good example is the hotel scene on pages 103-104: in reality, the pimp Maurice punches Holden. Maurice. 4. For example, after Maurice punches him in the gut, Holden thinks, “What I really felt like, though, is committing suicide. Holden gets up and goes into Ackley’s room, his face covered in blood. Answered by Aslan on 4/5/2018 5:54 PM Sunny returns with Maurice, who demands another five dollars from Holden. He imagines Maurice shot him in the gut, and he runs downstairs with his automatic. When Holden refuses to pay, Maurice punches him in the stomach and leaves him on the floor, while Sunny takes five dollars from his wallet. Why didn’t Holden call Jane? what and why does Holden pretend after Maurice punches him? Who does Holden start talking to in his room when he is depressed and lonely? At the park, he has a difficult time finding the lagoon. The next morning, Sunny and Maurice return to Holden’s room, and Maurice demands ten dollars. Grand. and … Use complete sentences when answering the questions. Disgusted with himself, Holden notes that the movies can really ruin you. (B) He punches Maurice in the face. Holden's constant worry about the ducks. Analysis. Last time, Holden thought about Jane Gallagher, went to a bar called Ernie's that was filled with phonies, walked back to the hotel alone, and invited a prostitute—who ended up making him very uncomfortable—to his room. What does Holden pretend happens to him at the Wicker Bar?-One again, Holden pretends he got shot in the stomach and he was bleeding, so he put his hand under his jacket to stop the bleeding. Last updated by Aslan on 4/5/2018 5:54 PM The Catcher in the Rye What sort of place is Ernie's ? Maurice slugs Holden in the stomach and leaves him crumpled on the floor. Money often makes Holden feel “blue as hell”(113). What does this fantasy suggest about Holden? ' Maurice punches Holden in the stomach. (A) He repeatedly insults Maurice, resulting in further physical punishment. Carl Luce's was the RA at one of his old schools and claimed to be great at sex, his father is a pyscoanalysist and he thinks Holden should see him. He punches Maurice in the face. The Catcher in the Rye is a novel by J. D. Salinger, partially published in serial form in 1945–1946 and as a novel in 1951. Holden then goes to bed. Maurice snaps him in the privates, punches him in the gut, and leaves him crumpled on the floor. 2. Maurice. Although Holden is a totally vulnerable character, he does not like his vulnerabilities being exposed. The Catcher in the Rye: Reading and Study Guide Directions: Use this guide while reading the novel. 3. How much money do Sunny and Maurice think Holden owes? Holden is cold, drunk, and alone. Holden staggers around and into the bathroom, pretending (in his own mind) that he's taken a bullet to the gut and is dying. Just before leaving the room, he tells Holden to wash his face, clearly worried that he seriously injured him, though Holden simply calls him a moron once again. Old Sunny/ Prostitute: Holden describes old Sunny as a “very nervous, for a prostitute.” She was especially young, Holden predicts her to be the same age as him. Why does he imagine he has been shot? How does his confrontation with Maurice reinforce his beliefs about the adult world around him? Maurice and Sunny come to his door, demanding their five dollars. Study Questions: The Catcher in the Rye 3 Chapter 15: Why did it take Holden a long time to figure out that Sally Hayes was not intelligent? He wears a "phony shirt collar" under his uniform, has a "big fat hairy stomach" and looks "very, very tired or very, very bored" the whole time he's intimidating Holden into paying five more dollars for the privilege of talking to a nervous teenager (14.20, 22). Explain Holden’s state of mind at the end of Chapter 14. I felt like jumping out the window.” Holden’s suicidal thoughts in this scene are echoed later in the novel, when he recalls James Castle, a classmate at a previous prep school who jumped out a window. Holden spends 20 minutes in the phone booth looking for someone to call when he arrives in Penn Station. In a weird way, I think Maurice helped Holden. Holden ends up on the floor after Maurice punches him in the stomach. Analysis: Chapters 5–6. After Maurice punches Holden in the stomach and he goes to the bathroom, what does Holden imagine? He does so after Sunny leaves. He wakes up at ten o’clock on Sunday and calls Sally Hayes, an attractive girl whom he has dated in the past. Totally frustrated, Holden bursts into tears and challenges Maurice to a fight. This act brings out the kid in Holden, as he beings to pretend like he just got shot. 3. As he tries to fall asleep, he says he'd jump out the window and commit suicide if he weren’t worried about everyone below looking at his gory body afterwards. Holden's confused quest continues. What does Holden imagine, after Maurice and Sunny leave? Maurice is an angry pimp who prostitutes out a young girl, steals five dollars, and punches Holden in the stomach. It was originally intended for adults but is often read by adolescents for its themes of angst, alienation, and as a critique on superficiality in society. Maurice punches him hard in the stomach. 4. In chapter 14, after Maurice punches him, Holden role-plays a movie gangster pretending to be shot in the gut, a masochistic homage to film noir. When he calls him a moron, Stradlater warns him to be quiet, but he only repeats the insult until Stradlater punches him in the nose. 2. When he does, there are no ducks. What does Holden fantasize after Maurice punches him? This first occurred in Chapter 14 after Maurice punches Holden in the stomach after trying to rip them off. He has three ones, five quarters, and a nickel with him. $5. Significantly, he speaks highly of the intelligence of his older brother D.B. shot. Holden refuses to pay up, and after having a breakdown and calling Maurice a dirty moron, Holden gets slapped in the face by Maurice, and Maurice leaves. When Holden refuses to pay, Maurice punches him in the stomach and leaves him on the floor, while Sunny takes five dollars from his wallet. Question for The Catcher in the Rye. Maurice snaps his finger into Holden’s groin, and Holden starts to insult him in response. What do we learn about Holden’s family? Answers: 1. Holden imagines himself as a movie character, taking his revenge on Maurice after having been plugged in the gut with a gangster’s bullet. Last updated by Greg H #569034 on 3/22/2018 10:17 PM 1. What does Holden pay Sunny? Holden's desire to see Phoebe. Holden refuses to cough up the dough, so consequently, Maurice punches Holden in the stomach. Being robbed made Holden cry, when the elevator guy (Maurice, the pimp) and the prostitute (Sunny) took 5 dollars from his wallet and Maurice punches Holden in the stomach. $10. Holden pretends he is _____ after Maurice punches him. When Holden refuses, Maurice shoves him against the wall, and Sunny takes the money out of Holden’s wallet. Maurice later changed the price to $10 for a throw, but this was after he told Holden it was $5. Holden Caulfield, a sixteen years teenage, is the narrator of this novel The Catcher in the Rye. Holden insults him some more, and Stradlater finally leaves the room. Answer:After Holden sends Sunny away, Mauriece bangs on Holden’s door and demands more money than what they originally agreed on. Describe what happens between Holden and Maurice. This is evident in his wish that he was dressed when Maurice and Sunny barge in on him. Asked by ana b #428442. After Maurice punches Holden, describe the fantasy that Holden has. Holden’s kindness to Ackley in Chapter 5 comes as a surprise after the disdain that Holden has displayed for him in the previous two chapters. What does this reveal about him? Holden refuses to pay in a voice that was "shaking like hell". By the end of the chapter, ... For “day two” of the novel, imagine that you are Holden’s psychiatrist as he sits before you relaying this “madman stuff that happened to [him… Does he make plans with Sally? The story moves back to the memories of Holden Caulfield and he starts his narration stating that he does not have any intention to make the novel autobiographical. He wakes up at ten o’clock on Sunday and calls Sally Hayes, an attractive girl whom he has dated in the past. Hiring a prostitute to keep him company. Read over the vocabulary before reading the chapter. He recalls his last Christmas and the incidents that happened at that time from a psychiatric care center. He collapses to the floor, cursing at Sunny. He didn’t want anyone to know he was wounded. Once they leave, Holden imagines that Maurice has shot him in the gut. When the elevator opens, he imagines he shoots Maurice in the gut 6 times. Although Allie does not appear as a character in the novel, he is a significant presence. Holden refuses, but is pinned to the door by Maurice as Sunny takes five bucks out of his wallet. I have to admit that I do not remember this book being so dark. He imagines coming back at Maurice with an automatic, calling Jane, and having her bandage up his guts. Chapter 15 Holden plans a date with an old girlfriend, Sally Hayes, to keep him busy for the day. Maurice offered Holden a prostitute, for $15 till noon or $5 for a throw. Now he notices that he is also nearly broke. How do Maurice and the prostitute take advantage of Holden? What past event is Holden remembering, and what does it reveal about him? Get an answer for 'Why does Holden envision himself in a movie scene shooting Maurice with an automatic weapon? Answers: 2. Who is Sally? Holden pretends he’s been shot and fantasizes his revenge. He hops around the room, spewing profanities while smoke comes out of his ears. It has been translated widely. (D) He hops around the room, spewing profanities while … Sunny has returned with Maurice and demands the rest of the ten dollars. Wherever the ducks go during winter, they apparently have gone. After Maurice hits Holden in the crotch, what does Holden do? As he threatens Maurice, he feels weak, and his voice is shaking, but he feels if he were wearing clothes, at least he could have maintained a certain amount of dignity. 2. Maurice shoves Holden and, at being called a moron by a crying Holden, punches him in the stomach as well. what and why does Holden pretend after Maurice punches him? What word does Sally use on the phone that Holden hates? $10. Holden goes to bed.

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