what does holden think jane does especially well?

He is generally a nice guy, but he can be quite annoying to Holden sometimes. The performance is the better because neither the kid nor Holden, his only audience, takes it very seriously. His family, more specifically his siblings, make Holden very happy. He called Holden's things "Bourgeois" and came to resent him. Chapter 11 1. What does Holden think Jane does especially well? Also, to tell her that she should be confident in whom she is, but, as Holden knows, Confidence and self-esteem can be easily broken. Holden has plenty of adventures in NYC, including finding another old girlfriend that he gets into a fight with, dancing with some older female tourists and drinking a lot. You can’t even think of one thing.’ Yes, I can. insulting Holden through his lack of respect for Jane and the hard work Holden had just put into writing that essay for him. One day, Jane’s alcoholic stepfather came out to the porch where Holden and Jane were playing checkers and asked Jane for cigarettes; Jane refused to answer him, and, when he left, she began to cry. The hat is a symbol that Holden uses to tell Phoebe that she should always stay the same. Yes he does because Stradlater is bragging about it. Discuss. Holden does thing recklessly which in turn hurts himself as well as others. Does Jane still love him? "Now, ma'am, am I a fool?" Holden wakes up around 10, smokes some cigarettes, and thinks about Jane. 3. However, Dick would take Holden's luggage out from under his bed and put it up on the luggage rack so that people would think it was his luggage. 2. He therefore resorts to isolation, illustrating a characteristic of his mental state. 1. She enjoys playing tennis and golf. Click to see full answer Similarly, it is asked, what does Holden tell Ackley the fight was about? Jane Gallagher was a neighbor of Holden's at their summer houses in Maine. Jane’s a nice girl, too. We almost necked once, you know, when we were kids. 5. Chapter 11. Holden implies that her father was abusive in some way. "Just so: I think so: and you shall be answerable for it. I think that Salinger is mainly successful in his attempt to make the reader sympathize with Holden. When Holden says that he does not blame his parents for having him psychoanalyzed, it shows that Holden acknowledges that something is wrong with him and that he knows his reaction is abnormal. For Holden, this is pure, innocent, and real, a living example of art for art's sake although he does not state it that way. What do Holden and the cab driver get into a heated discussion about? Although at the beginning of the book Holden appears to be fake and uncaring towards several of the other 3. This is why Holden explodes in anger. 4. This is a person who has a special place in Holden's life. What are some of the lies Holden tells Mrs. Morrow? Holden says that the fight was over Stradlater's saying that Ackley had a lousy personality. Though Holden is often judgmental in a negative way, there are some people he judges positively, such as Phoebe and Jane. Catcher in the Rye Review Questions Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Does Holden think that Stradlater seduced Jane Gallagher? 1. Holden displays intrusive symptoms of PTSD, especially flashbacks. 16. What does Holden mean when he says, "Mothers are all slightly insane"? how does holden know stradlater's date, February 19, 2021 February 19, 2021, Uncategorized, 0 February 19, 2021 February 19, 2021, Uncategorized, 0 Jane was vulnerable. 2. He is in love with her, but it is a love that is chaste. 1. Does Holden think that Stradlater seduced Jane Gallagher? Holden's mother does not think Jane is pretty. 42) Holden, jealous of Stradlater’s date with Jane, longs to see Jane but never has the courage to call her. 2. Where does Holden ask the cab to take him at the end of Chapter 11? 4. Holden gets restless after all this thinking about Jane. Why does he call her up if he thinks she's a phony? It is little wonder that Holden identifies with the madman. Which sport did Holden help Jane improve at? 3. Jane was living next to Holden's house. 2. 4. Holden does not want to be seen negatively in any way. Holden responds to this vulnerability by taking her in his arms and kissing her in a pure and loving fashion. How does Holdenâ s date with Sally advance the plot toward a climax? What does Holden ask her about her step-father? 14) Why do you think Holden is so depressed by the fact that the three girls in the bar are going to see the first (Christmas) show at Radio City Music Hall the following morning? They could get married and live in the woods. When she asks to come with him when he wants to leave his family, he knows that it would not be good for her. Because it is Phoebe, he feels comfortable revealing an inner truth. Why does Holden take the liberty of kissing Bernice on the head? Holden put his luggage under his bed as well, so Dick would not feel so bad. Where does Holden then decide to go? _____ 2. 2. 1. Basically, nothing has changed in the past 8-10 hours. What is his final good-bye to Pencey Prep? _____ 3. He doesn't seem to listen to Holden when he tells him to clip his nails over the table, which could be very annoying. Holden himself is a troubled soul and, like the man from the tombs, resists being tamed. 3. Ackley does not like Stradlater whatsoever for very unknown reasons. He uses slang … hated the army, but had Holden read A Farewell to Arms, which in Holden's view celebrates soldiers. The story about Jane Gallagher reminds the reader that Allie's death has had a major effect on Holden. Why do you think Holden was crying as he left? What sports does Jane Gallagher enjoy playing? Holden’s thoughts of Allie are shown with the fact that Holden wrote Stradlater’s composition on “Old Allie’s baseball mitt” (Salinger 38-39). How did Jane Gallagher and Holden get to be friends? Chapter 12 1. Jane Gallagher was neighbor of Holden's at their summer houses in Maine. Holden does not want to let this happy memories go and he idealizes his time with Jane. 1. Stradlater doesn’t boast about his conquest, leading Holden to think that “something had gone funny.” Jane had resisted Stradlater’s seduction. Holden does not face his problems, he runs away from them. What does the blonde’s language reveal, and how does she behave on the dance floor? She was crying about her stepdad or something and she wouldn’t stop so I just started kissing her. 3. In Chapter 11, Jane Gallagher continues to occupy a great deal of Holden's thoughts, and the stories about her reinforce other themes that emerge throughout The Catcher in the Rye. The event brightens Holden's day. He says she's not too smart, but he got tricked into thinking so for a while since she knew a lot about theater and literature and all that stuff. The more we hear about Jane, we realize why Holden was so enraged imagining Stradlater trying to cannoodle with her in the back of a car. He lifted up the sable waves of hair which lay horizontally over his brow, and showed a solid enough mass of intellectual organs, but an abrupt deficiency where the suave sign of benevolence should have risen. Holden and Jane became close—Jane was the only person to whom Holden ever showed Allie’s baseball glove. 2. Why does Holden decide to walk to the park, and what “terrible” event happens there? How did Jane Gallagher and Holden get to be friends? They hold hands, they sit close to each other, Jane puts her hand on the back of his neck … cute, but not exactly the most exciting Friday night with your significant other. Give an example. When you judge him today keep in mind his positive attributes as well. Chapter 11 15) List at least two details shared by Holden that show how well he knows Jane … Why do you think Holden calls Sally, rather than Jane, when he is drunk? Does this chapter give you any insight into Holden's feelings for Jane? Dick also resented Holden for the expensive things he owned. How does Holden feel about his sister Phoebe? 1. This shows that Holden does not want to believe that Allie has passed away and chooses to focus on the positive memories instead. When Stradlater returns from his date, it becomes clear––to Holden at any rate–– that he indeed had intercourse with Jane. _____ Chapter 16 1. Who does Holden make a date with? Holden puts Jane up on a pedestal and cannot think of her sexually because he thinks that it would be cruel, especially since he suspects she has suffered some type of sexual abuse from her stepfather. Let’s think of some examples together to help get everyone started: Sex is complicated. Subsequently, one may also ask, what does Holden do when he gets depressed? Why does Holden think it spoils a conversation if someone asks what religion he is? Well I can finally say that I know what makes Holden happy. What does it tell us about Holden when he says, "Just because somebody's dead, you don't just stop liking them, for God's sake---especially if they were a thousand times nicer than the people you know that're alive and all"? Chapter 8. But Holden says that he just liked the way she looked, that's all. Sadly, Ackley believes him, but then Holden tells him that he was kidding. When Holden is talking to Phoebe about what he likes is a third example of his close younger sibling relations. 2. Why does Holden suddenly decide to visit Ackley's room? 18. But for Holden, and specifically for Holden's relationship with Jane, it's really, really complicated—because he actually likes her. 17. Why does Holden think the girls in the bar are “morons”? 4. Holden’s story about Allie is a flashback to when Allie was alive and well. Sunny and Maurice interrupt Holden's spiritual musings. How do we learn, in Chapter 21 (and/or previous ones) that Phoebe, like her brothers, has a lively imagination? Lastly, he plans to run away to the west and just get away from everyone because he hates everything. Does it explain why he was so worried about her date with Stradlater? How does Holden treat little kids? talks out loud to Allie. How does Holden treat the nuns? 3. Holden, too, is one of the legion, one of the many. 15. Why does Holden think about James Castle when Phoebe asks him to name one thing that he likes a lot? He think that Holden might not be yellow, but a shade near it for sure (a light green or light orange maybe). ... (Salinger 43). Holden is afraid of getting to close to people, he almost always distances himself from them, if not physically he does it socially. The tension between Jane and her father reaches a climax on the porch when Jane soundlessly cries. The ducks come back and this is a comfort to Holden. His reluctance to phone her reinforces the sense that he does not want to see her grown-up because it would shatter his childhood memories.

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