how to make a reminder bot in discord

All events and polls are fully editable even after creation. Head down to to join the server, please ensure you read our rules before chatting - TL;DR be nice, help others get better and no toxicity please. I just love it.. great bot! Formerly XiaoBot. Very good bot for having a reminder for the Disboard Bumping purpose :). Xiao is a Discord bot coded in JavaScript with discord.js using the Commando command framework. Thanks for your kind review we really appreciate it, Since I am having the Bot bump reminder, my servers grew very fast. Make sure the bot got a seperate role (other than the @everyone role) on your Server! © 2019-2021 Raid-Helper | All rights reserved. If they are still too lazy, you can have them opt-out instead! Basic Discord commands can be used in your Discord chat without the use of a bot. Create and edit events, customize colors/images/layout, send a reminder into a channel, limit signups by amount or role, mention users/roles on creation, add users, remove users, heck even add fake users! The best part about these chat commands is that you can easily see them on the program just by typing in the / symbol. Raid-Helper is the most advanced calendar bot for discord. Thanks all! Raid-Helper is the most advanced calendar bot for discord. A very clumsy python bot for discord. I use it for mine and ITS EPIC. SUPER Easy to Set Up and Use! r/deeeepio: The official subreddit for the popular game! You can even make it a DM to all signed or unsigned members. Contribute to corpnewt/ development by creating an account on GitHub. Reminder-bot has it restricted for patreons and the other 2 don't seem to offer it. I just want to say, this bot is *amazing*, and seems to be the only Discord bot that can ping a … thx for your review, Bump reminder will be free forever! Why won't you use it for your server? I know what you're probably asking, how can we afford to give people stuff in exchange for videos, there has to be some catch, right? These commands are used to make your chat experience on the platform more fun and engaging. Bot devs are extremely friendly and helpful. You can customize a wide range of settings on the event like color, image and title font. Support server is kind and very friendly and I just like that bot! Yep, free stuff in exchange for a short video. Hello SpikyZA! We are focused on MMOs, but can as easily be used for any generic scheduling! I would highly recommend this bot. Send messages on creation or shortly before events. The best Bot to remind you for coming bumps. I just want to say, this bot is *amazing*, and seems to be the only Discord bot that can ping a role two hours after *successful* bumps only. Thx for your positive and big review ! 10/10! Post events with a template of your choice and let your users sign up with a single click. Thomas Cheung aka Elvinelol. Thanks for your kind review. Post events with a template of your choice and let your users sign up with a single click. I really like this bot it's easy to use and because I have ADHD I sometimes get distracted and forget things like bumping my server so this is really helpful!!! Why pay for Boosts and sites when you can have this Free Bump Reminder Bot? Here is the list of Discord chat commands: Great bot for reminding your members when the server is bumpable! Set your timezone once and the bot will take care of daylight savings. With over 500 commands, she is one of the most feature-rich bots out there. This is the best bump reminder bot I've come across, I totally recommend using it. Please use the sidebar for links to additional official subreddits. I Will definitely recommend it! Your users will need but a single click to sign up to events! Well done and Great Work! We provide a great range of customization options and freedom of choice. Setup. Easily mention provided roles or members on event creation. A wide variety of administrative features awaits your for free! The bot has much commands I love it <3 You want events to lock up before they start? This bot is super helpful, I would 100% recommend. Hello lordraz0r! Hello ----! We provide a great range of customization options and freedom of choice. Create an event through steps in DM or quickly with a single command. The bot is easy to handle and has many remind functions, I love the @here ping in a bump channel, so I won't get ping when I am offline. - dragonfire535/xiao Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots. It's simple, has usefull commands and good support. We really appreciate it . I *highly* recommend this bot for any server. Create strawpolls to anonymously vote within your guild. - NjaVM: fix "AlreadyBid" auction property - Expeditions: improv UI, make auto-split more intuitive - Slack/Telegram notifications to have bot playerName/universe/lang included - Display email in user account page - Activities: add colors to missions - Brain: fix int overflow when calculating time until resources 0.91.14 (24-09-2020) Thx for your nice Review, Feel free to suggest new features in the support server. Let them opt-out instead of signing up! Hello EyesOfSorrow! Great Bot! Wow! We are adding new features, just take a look in the support server! Bot Role. Also, Creator was Very Helpful in setting it up in your Server! We appreciate it ♥, so mit leicht zu nutzen und zuverlässig und freundlicher support, Thx, In future, there will come more features. Discord related child grooming arrests include the 2017 case of a 12-year-old who was abducted after being groomed on Discord, and the Florida case where police sounded the alarm on Discord predators after arresting six men and one woman for sexual exploitation of two teens.. And earlier this month, popular Discord Partner, Twitch streamer, and … We are focused on MMOs, but can as easily be used for any generic scheduling! Gone are the days of using third-party websites to organize your guild events, you can do it all within Discord now! Awesome bot... Have used it on multiple occasions and it is perfect for my use! You name it, Raid-Helper will do it. Raid-Helper is a calendar bot for Discord with a wide range of features. If you invite me through my Invite Link i get a new Role called "XavinBot" assigned from Discord. The service is simple, you buy a product, make a short video of it, and get refunded for the product. Your users are lazy ? Thanks for your kind review. The support is very friendly and helps fast The bot is so simple to use. Bump reminder a multipurpose Bot with Bump remind, Moderation, Economy with message Leaderboards, Fun, Meme, Info and more usefull commands! It’s working perfectly on three different servers I’m in, and each one of them never had consistent bumps like they do now before adding this bot. Its the best Bot, its remind me every time. Thanks for your kind review we appreciate it! thx , We are trying to make the Bot perfect. hello RムDYN, Make sure you didn't disable private messages. Bump reminder a multipurpose Bot with Bump remind, Moderation, Economy with message Leaderboards, Fun, Meme, Info and more usefull commands! We also have a premium role, giving you access to a bot and private channels, only available to users who invite 25+ members to our Discord (no bots!). it's so helpful to be reminded every 2 hours.

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