how to teach a dog to herd goats

Now he has regrets. You have to consider that all goats have a strong protective instinct and will 'balk and defend' if a dog is too close. She's about medium sized, and a mix. Livestock guardian dogs, or LGDs, are dogs that are bred specifically to protect herd livestock like goats. Still have questions? What the other commenters are referring to with "it had no training but would go gather the stock" is a natural instinct where the dog goes around the stock opposite (balance) to the handler and just has a good "feel" for that. she's a few months old and i'm also training her to pull. You have to consider that all goats have a strong protective instinct and will 'balk and defend' if a dog is too close. Farmers who raise goats know that goats often become prey for coyotes, wolves, wild dogs, and wild cats like cougars. Herding is also fairly popular among Shetland Sheepdog fanciers. 160 goats? They do a lot more staring back at a dog, which can be disconcerting to the dog, which expects that the stock will move when the dog makes eye contact. But you can herd them its just harder and you need a good slow dog. Training LGD to poultry is a little bit different. How do you think about the answers? Herding has relatively few commands: Stop (lie down), flank counter-clockwise around the stock (away to me), clockwise (come by), walk up, and "quit what you're doing and come to me" (that'll do). Upright breeds like your german shepherds and cattle dogs absolutely CAN do it, they're just harder to train and it's harder to find working lines. (Our others dogs are hopeless. So 2/3 of him is herding dog. If their tails … Training your dog to stop herding requires you to have very strong control over the dog's behaviors. You can't make them want it. So the trick is to figure out which is the lead goat and then train her to do what you want. Caring for your goats is a lot easier if your goats have some basic training and are used to being handled. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. got her for free and the lady said she's 1/2 husky, 1/4 lab, 1/4 beagle. Your dog will have to be strong-willed, loud (as in barking) but keep good space between him and the goats (they need to feel the pressure of the dog but not to feel it as a threat). The naughty things my goats do are things like want to put their front … Joined Feb 22, 2010 Messages 1,817 Reaction score 34 Points 128 Location Thurmont, MD. You sacrifice strict herding ethic in those dogs for a more general "farm dog" which is going to keep an eye on things and bark at strangers as well as move stock. She literally leads the way for the herd and makes the decisions about where they are headed next. If the instinct is there you'll see it. My experience with goats is that they don't take well to being herded. Place a muzzle on any dog you believe might behave aggressively toward the goats in any way. A video tutorial of my journey of training my Flat coated Retriever cross to be calm around my chickens. This sign, available from Anatolian Shepherd Dogs International, helps people know that your guard dog is working and not to be bothered. i'm not familiar with this type of thing. It is a part of their natural instinct to protect goats and livestock. I've been trying to get my dog to listen to more classical music recently, does anybody have any advice. But I really want to use a dog to herd goats. But I really want to use a dog to herd goats. I do a lot of things you would find farmers do with their dogs, it doesn't have to make sense in my world, it just has to work. Growing up we had around 20 goats that were 'free range' and moved them around a lot. Your dog will have to … what should i do to get her to be better with the goats? The Long Leash Method 1. My in-laws used to raise border collies. Dairy goats (such as alpines, nubians etc) need alot less 'motivation' than meat type breeds such as Boers, Savannas etc. If you have an Australian Shepherd or German Shepherd club in your area they might know. From there get a book on herding. Also search Yahoo groups for 'herding' as there are some good groups to join with some interesting information. I want to get 2 dogs. Jun 18, 2018 - Learn how to train your dog to herd goats using modeling, start simpler, and capture herding methods. Training a Great Pyrenees isn’t like training most dogs—they aren’t necessarily “eager to please.” While a Golden Retriever may do what you say because you said so, a pyr won’t be so likely. A good part of it is natural instinct. All you need is to regularly turn uo with a bucket of food and a bell... yup! German Shepherds can be cool, but they're either very good (thoughtful and protective toward the stock) or very bad (trying to kill one and eat it and confused about what your problem is with that). Right now Im at 2 but one day I could see myself with 30-50. I've seen a border collie do it pretty much naturally. Establishing the Dog with the Herd. In honor of National Train Your Dog month, I wanted to address training a Great Pyrenees. great answers. They push me to my limits and challenge me in … If you let your hunting or herding dog, or worse one of each, have access to your herd unsupervised you are going to wind up with dead goats most of the time. The 'move-ability of a goat herd also depends on the natural aggression level of the buck. Part of the series: Dog Behavior & Training. A good herder should approach the chickens with his or her tail down and run circles around them. I realize my IQ doesn't matter, diplomas and awards don't matter, I am about to do battle with an 8-week-old puppy who is already smarter than I am, and hopefully at the end of training, they are trained, and I have the very smallest amount of sanity left. Many goat owners keep livestock guardian dogs, donkeys, llamas, or alpacas with goats as full-time guard animals. Oh wow you have been very helpful. Everytime they went to bite, I zapped them . Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Give your pup plenty of time to get used to being around the herd and reward him with a treat when he calms down. He had no training but would just kind of see what you were trying to do with the animals and help. I think Ill just keep moving the goats myself. If they jump up, I cross my arms, turn my back and ignore them. Some dogs are more "natural" than others, and those dogs are faster and easier to train. If you step in front of the dog as it circles clockwise, it should change direction and circle in the opposite direction. Billy goats change the whole equation. This went on for a good day or two, until we managed to replace her lost herd with new friends. Goats stick together and graze together, but at the head of the herd is the alpha doe—also referred to as the queen. How to Teach a Dog to Herd Cattle. It is important to remember that guard dogs are not stock or herding dogs. 3. This is my first time really training a herding dog (although I did a lot of work with German Shepherd Dogs when young - just not herding work) so it's been a lot of fun, but I have been working dogs in various fields since I was a kid. Motivating with something positive like a treat or words of praise will motivate your dog more effectively and it will be healthier for your relationship with the dog in the long run. Don’t let the herder hurt the herd. Edited to add: Border collies are totally useless for protecting your homestead, by the way. So I dono about using the dog to move the goats.. it's more likely the goat will kick the dog :), edit: this does not apply to herds with males among them. You should never put a puppy or inexperienced dog on goats, unless said goats are "dog broke" (very used to being worked by dogs, and chill about it). Goats also split up more than sheep do, and they challenge dogs more (not moving, putting their heads down, sometimes butting). I was taught that puppies/dogs want to please you, so I focus on that. You learn the fetch (bring the stock to the handler) first, and later, the drive (push the stock away from the hander). Although I'm not sure you want your kids nipped so I wouldn't try it. After being brought up with Chief, the goats treat him as one of the herd. we used to clang an old bucket.. some corn and molasses in a small bucket for rewards.. and the goats will come in ! It took the sheep a little longer to become comfortable with Chief. Introduce the pup to other farm animals (including other species of livestock, herding dogs, chickens, etc.) However, it's one of those things that takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master. There are many books about livestock herding dogs, buy them and google a sheep herder trainer in your area. Are border collies really the best at it? If your dog does this while remaining attentive to your commands, you can be confident in him or her. My BCs, while hard-hitting sonsabitches at work, are kind of like "Ummm there's a noise out there, you should go check it out." Right now I only have 2 and my fiancee and I can herd them but I would like to ramp up our herd over the years. Goats always run from quads... lol Sorry.. but the image was adorable in my head. Find a local Border Collie club, breeder, anything... herding (sheep) was the big competition arena for BC's long before obedience, agility and the AKC's influence. sounds badass, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However if you can't actually direct your dog when and how to do that, you're gonna have a bad time. Ponds, barns, livestock, gardens, food preservation, fishing, hunting, tractors, pigs, chickens, cattle, worms, 4H, permaculture, organic, grazing, canning, aquaculture, trees, woodland, farmers, agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, wwoofers, bees, honey, wildcrafting, dairy, goats, nuts, berries, vegetables, sustainability, off grid, wood stoves, chainsaws, wood heat, tools, welding, green woodworking, farmers markets, composting toilets, straw bale homes, cob building... Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. By the time they were ready to leave their momma, they knew how to herd. One female would typically be the 'lead goat' and the rest would follow her. The remaining goat was inconsolable; whether we tried to give her food, walk or milk her (the latter entirely unsuccessfully) she did not stop bleating loudly. border collie? He'd put horses, cattle, and alpacas into pens when he saw that you were trying to herd them. If you can't get a separate dog for protection and work and need an all-in-one, I'd probably go working cattle dog. I realize goats are mischevious and naughty by nature, but I'm a dog person here, new to goats. If so, there are a number of great clinic run here that you could bring her to - I've seen Chihauahuas to Dobermans successfully herd with the right instruction. Good luck, take lots of pics. Mortgage rates up to highest level in months, Tigers' top prospect out after kitchen mishap, Historic LGBTQ rights bill exposes ugly rift in GOP, Fans upset by Chris Harrison appearing on game show. They've even been know to herd children. The livestock training methods in this post refer to training your dogs to ruminants (goats, sheep, cows) and other mammals (horses, alpacas, etc.). You should work to select a guard dog that allows you to catch it, but the dog should not … My neighbor calls the ducks with a duck call and they come. Get your answers by asking now. If the commands are not working, I change them. One would eat the goats, one pees himself whenever he sees one in fear.) Before you get mad.. imagine your playful mix with a helmet on, up on a kawasaki quad zipping around the yard. Goats challenge dogs more and will ruin a timid dog. Each dog is different, so I watch the dog to see what it is responding to. Why doesn't your Grandson purchase the dogs in Hawaii? They also think vertically as well as horizontally, so you need a dog which can cope with what to do when the goats jump up on picnic tables, boulders, feeders, cows, horses, passers by. I actually train my goats the same way I train my big dogs. With training I start with indian runners or mature, experienced sheep (that won't challenge a dogs confidence) and work my way up to cattle and goats. Walk your dog on-leash inside the goat enclosure until you are certain your dog has accepted the goats and will behave in a manner you find acceptable, then release the dog from the leash. Answer (1 of 4): I know it sounds cruel but I learned with my dogs and horses. Walk your dogs through the goat enclosure on a leash, one at a time. They can get stock off terrain where people, horses, and ATVs can't, which is the chief reason (historically and in modern times) for using them. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to work. Using collars Collars are a useful tool […] Dogs already have every tool they'll ever use to herd, but it takes a lot of training to get them to learn how to apply those tools reliably. Best thing however is to find a training clinic. I just thought if I had more this would get to be too much for humans. Goats have no good defenses against these predators, which is why farmers rely on livestock guardian dogs for protection. One of the herd… Ninja tip: NEVER EVER lose patience with a goat in the milk stand. I address a behavior the second it starts, each time it starts as many times as it takes until I win the war. If you have a goat that is simply misbehaving. Border collies originated in the highlands between Scotland and England, hence the name "border" collies, where shepherds relied on energetic, hard-working dogs to gather and herd sheep in the region's dense heather-covered hills. Is it possible for a sprayed dog to have sex and how? Herding and guarding are two different things. If that does not work, the next step is when they jump up, I put my knee up and catch them in the chest. Attach your dog to a long-leash (one that is 20 to 30 feet long) and walk him up towards a small herd of animals or... 2. So does it come natural for the dogs or does it take a lot of training? Herding is instinctive for some dogs. Personally, I love border collies as ranch dogs. Or I can move them with treats. They sold for a little over $100. You need a very strong, confident, smart, ballsy dog to work goats. In most subs I put this more tactfully towards the upright breeds, but to be blunt, yes, border collies are the best at it -- provided it's a border collie from working stockdog lines, and not show dog or pet lines. When you train your goats never force your goats to do anything. These dogs spend their day guarding the herd of goats, sheep or even cows to make sure that no predators attack them. A BC fancier that's been in it a good while will know of someone who does herding, who will in turn be able to offer you valuable pointers. I find it to be a good one for beginners. I want to train my angel dolls, I don't want them to be terrified of me, and I don't have to make them terrified of me to get them to please me, just like I didn't have to make my troops terrified of me to get the job done. The question should be, "how to get them to stop herding?" Sheen was 'winning' 10 years ago. Herding breeds have a desire to herd and can become aggressive with your animals, even killing goats if left alone with them. It your job to teach the commands that go with affective herding not herding itself. I doubt either remembers a time that the other was not here on the farm. Yeah. When you teach the dog to value your presence more than the stock’s presence, it can be very difficult to keep the dog’s focus on the stock during those times you want it with the goats. If you give your goat guidance and patience she will usually do what you want. Learn here, I use different words, sounds, hand signals for each of my puppies. Dogs have a great way of signaling whether they’re serious or not—if their tails are up, they’re playing. Once it has these basic commands down, you can move on to more advanced training. Sadly, many people do not purchase from a reputable breeder and reach out to us because their "purebred from craigslist" turns out to be not a purebred or a genetic train-wreck. Some I use signs from sign language, some I use thumbs up hand signal if I want them to continue what they are doing, or a shake of a finger like I am scolding them, if I don't want them to continue what they are doing. I don't use the command "no" because it confuses puppies. Thanks! My dog is a Bull Mastiff, Great Pryenees, German Shaepard Mix. May 17, 2016 - How to Teach Your Dog to Herd. The goats browse about 50 acres between milkings so sometimes I need to go out and bring them in. Id like the shepherd for security reasons. You should never put a puppy or inexperienced dog on goats, unless said goats are "dog broke" (very used to being worked by dogs, and chill about it). He doesn't train them to herd, he'll tell you; that's deeply instinctive to the black-and-white dogs. She is part sheepdog, so we're wondering how possible it is. Teaching your dog to sit, stay, look, and lie down is the first phase of training. Teach her how to drive a quad. Bucks, on the other hand, bring up the rear and take their job very seriously. Article by The Nest. I burp on the way down to the pond and the ducks come for me when I burp. Using the dog’s natural instinct to circle and react to the movement of both you and the stock is what all the early lessons are based on. He never lunged at them and always seemed very comfortable with them grazing around him. Can you train them like a dog to not jump on you and stuff like that? Those breeds that are members of the American Kennel Club's herding group were bred to work livestock such as cattle. You can always get a dog which is already fully or partially trained, too, but it will cost more and you still have to account for some practice time while you the handler figure stuff out. First, you will damage the trust bond you are trying hard to establish and second you will not get the results you are hoping for. I live in a low crime area but I don't want to be that 0.0001% that gets targeted by a serial killer. This fact was brought home to me starkly one night when three of our four goats were killed by a stray dog. It will be clear if your dog is capable of and ready for this task. Why do some people ignorantly believe that dogs are family? It depends on what your needs are and the space you have. Definitely go with a rancher that raises dogs for herding. You cannot expect to jump in with an inexperienced dog and just herd regardless of what nice balance you may have seen from "untrained" dogs; it won't go well and you will have a frustrated handler, confused dog, and stressed out stock. The dogs’ relationships with the poultry are typically not the same as their relationships to livestock … A bit depends on the type of goats. But with two my fiancee and I can herd them pretty well. It should be fun but productive. Even certain heads of state just love it! horseback? After you’ve introduced your dog to your chickens and have started training him or her to herd real animals, watch your dog’s body language. I breed South African Boer goats and have a dog who works them well but he's a big boy with plenty of force and isn't concerned when a goat stands up to him.

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