toddler knew i was pregnant before i did

I am struggling with the thought of putting my toddler to bed without brushing after drinking milk, and also struggling with the idea of brining her into the bathroom in her rested state to brush (which is always a very exciting activity for her!) He will be 2 in September and I definitely have a love/hate relationship with nursing this time around, mostly because I’m still night nursing and I just really want some sleep. I also am in the same boat! With my son, I felt so guilty and struggled with weaning. I think that as hard as it is going to be to be consistent…i need to do it. I’ve tried distracting, offering her other comfort (back rubs & stories or snuggles). But it is getting time consuming, at least 45 minutes to get to sleep, 1/2 when she wakes up in the morning, and 15 to 30 minutes when she wakes up at night (generally once or twice, more when she has a cold). I hadn’t really expected to wean that day, but when it worked, I felt ready and relieved that it wasn’t a horrible process. My baby from day one would not take a bottle or a pacifier. Thanks so much! I feel so drained & lost. The easy way I learned to wean was by keeping him busy through out the day but wen night comes he askes for the book he won’t even drink the breast milk through the bottle neither he’ll rather latch rite on it gets really hE’s for me I need new ways to wean my baby becAuse I’m trying to stop cold turkey. Also work on biting chewing and swollowing early the same musels used in chewing are used in speech. The older girl turns 3 in February, and I am making it a cut off point. I am not sure if you havê any help from her father or your parents. I started setting a timer while nursing the last few days but maybe I’ll try a song instead. I was reminded that when I started introducing whole milk and honey to my baby girl I made her a recipe of “Golden Milk tea” practically what your talking about except a hinch of spices, *Tumeric/ Cinnamon, (Warm milk and honey) not only is it delicious but its super healthy for anyone and all ages. He still loves to eat, but he just gulps it down in 10 minutes and then he’s done. But I also knew I didn’t want to be pregnant and nursing, which meant that I had to wean my toddler. But don't worry too much if you had one dose in the series before you knew you were pregnant. I need to connect more with the growing baby, and I made it to our goal of 2 years. ..we need it. Now she sleeps 12 hours, mostly straight through aside from the potty break. It breaks my heart so I usually end up nursing her when she asks again. Yet it made me feel awkward to know that targeted advertisers knew I was pregnant and started profiling me before I even had the chance to share the news with my mom, dad, and sister. But he wants to be nursed to sleep and then nurses throughout the night. When did your kids learn the ABCs? So I hope this helps. We are still going strong! She co-sleeps, maybe that makes it harder, but I have no issue with having her in my bed since I’m a single mom, there’s lots of room. My LO is 6 mos and I also only work three days a week. I did not know it at the time, but I have several metabolic deficiencies, which cause my body to not be able to produce milk for an extended period of time. I wish I had been more firm with my husband and told him he must help me at night. Each morning, I filled it with filtered water and added lemon and ice. Any tooth decay problems? He has 6 teeth and has started biting at times again and it has made me really sad. – Free Updates on Toddler [In-article]. Good luck. It all started when Rachel Oldroyd posted the following heartfelt call for help, one evening at 11pm… “My 21 month baby suddenly does not want to go to sleep. A lactation consultant suggested that I communicate to him that the boobies don’t work anymore. She always nursed every 2 hours and still does if not more often fir comfort. I hate cold turkey but I think I’m going to have to for bed and nap before day time weaning. He will take my hand and lead me there when he wants it. I tried giving her some chocolate milk the other day and she took a fee spoon fulls of it (slight progress). I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to nurse 2! My nipples were tender, but thankfully it has passed, I wasn’t sure I was going to continue nursing through the pain. Most of the world nurses until age 2 but that’s ok. I could explain til the cows came home but it didnt matter. Someone told me to try chocolate milk, but that’s so much sugar, I don’t want to give him an unhealthy replacement. The key is to teach child to self soothe in a very gentle way. It is soooooo liberating! I am in the same boat… I have a 17 month old who feeds on demand whenever she wants … Se pulls on my shirt and says “ehhhh ehhhhh” until I give her the boob. I got pregnant with baby #2 when baby #1 was almost 11 months old and nursed through it all and am still going. My milk took a huge dip and it became quite painful. Then to get to sleep (without nursing), I tell her stories, or quietly hum songs until she relaxes. any advice is appreciated. xo. Glad to read everyone’s story. I hope next time I can do it much more gently or get a baby that self weans. I bought a fancy water bottle. So much so that our wedding was coffee themed! I do offer her fruits an veggies as snacks between breakfastunch and dinner also but she doesnt always eat them, so i refrigerate for next time. So here’s what has worked for us. That hurt. I work full-time too, so this was AMAZING! thank you for sharing this video i will definitely be using these technics! Did you ever get her weaned? Thanks for sharing your experience, I’m sure many women will benefit from this. With them until they were two years old. We also went slowly, cutting out the night nurse, then day nurse, then nap time nursing. Now; we have a ritual which she loves; a warm bath every night and then I heat up some milk with a little vanilla. He will kick and scream until I cave. I appreciate any input!! but i guess babies learn to eat or drink alternate things, might have to go through guilt trip for a while, but eventually everything will be fine My favorite part of the video was when you discussed how you prayed for your son each time you nursed him, and how you were able to find a way to continue doing that without nursing (praying during his foot massage). It is still very difficult and u cave all the time. And when she wakes up in the middle if the night she again doesn’t want anything but booby. But I feel that for me to be a better I have to take care of myself. Iam also vegan but my daughter eats meats and dairy’s, although we mostly keep that local. I agree raw milk is not for babies. We saw a parent coordinator to help us plan the separation and the weaning. I weaned my daughter at two and a half. I really appreciate reading about everyone’s journey. After he turned a year, we started dropping one feeding a month. On the other hand, when it comes to going down for a nap or bedtime, he never wants a bottle/sippie from me. Of course if I did get pregnant again, that all might change quickly. sometimes the body does something that you can't even imagine possible. She nurses more on the weekends – when I’m home she wants me to put her down to nap because then she can have the boob. One thing I’ve noticed is how much it completely backfires when I’m crabby because I hurt from having a 27 pound body in me half the night and I tell her she’s not having boobie anymore. I know lots of women get worried that nursing an older child will be too much, but it’s really not a big deal and very easy to set limits on time, etc. I remember when I gave up Diet Coke over 14 years ago. Also…think my little man will love foot rubs . I’ve been looking for a new routine – I’ll try the hot tea idea and see if he likes it. I say just do want you think is right for you and your toddler. She’ll pull and pull ag my breast and try to move my sports bra until I give in. XOXO, Honestly, just saying take it slowly puts me a ease. The Western African Ebola virus epidemic (2013–2016) was the most widespread outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in history, causing major loss of life and socioeconomic disruption in the region, mainly in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.The first cases were recorded in Guinea in December 2013; later, the disease spread to neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone, with minor … She needs nursing for sleeping (for naps and bed time). Even though I will miss our special bond terribly when it’s over, I just don’t enjoy nursing anymore. As it is, I literally time the nursies, as we call it. I hope you ha e smooth transition that suits your family. I keep contemplating whether or not I should wean my son soon… but I keep telling myself 3 is just a number. After about 2-3 weeks, I replaced the night time nursing session with the hot tea. . Hello Hi there. Here’s where daddy came into play. Here are some things I did to make it gentler on her: Did you intentionally wean your toddler? My situation sounds very similar to yours. I didn’t want to wean Griffin quickly, as nursing had been a constant in our lives for literally years. I’m sure he will ask again tomorrow, but I’m so done. : Last month my 19 month old daughter would run up to me, poke my belly and say ' baby baby!' “I [knew I was having twins]! It’s a combination of yummy and nipple I guess. Another option is natural stevia leaf… you’d have to read label for how much to add. So let’s hope the lemon juice will work! I have tried weaning him at night to try and get his mind off nursing at bedtime but we co-sleep also. In 2016, BET asked her what it was like being the mother of an adult and a toddler at the same time. 5 Questions to Ask a Pregnant Woman – Instead of the Gender Question. Rabia, Now that he’s better he’s just wanting to nurse often, but my supply has really dropped I can tell and it’s making him hard to deal with:/ he’s still working on getting his typical appetite back. I don’t know how to wean. Midway through the last week I was dry. She didn’t get scared, hardly responded to pain, etc. And then the next night he didn’t cry at all and didn’t ask for milk. I definitely remember feeling sad about it, yet knew it was time. It took months of discussing that when he turned three the milk would go away. It was soooo hard not to give in but after those first few mostly sleepless nights, all was well. But for now, the goal is self-weaning. One tired mama!! She really loves shakes, so maybe we will start making that our night time thing. But I’m done. Ooh almost forgot. They get the same medications if they have surgery as a baby. So 2 months before his 2nd bday he moved on. Symbiosis!! After 3 months, Griffin was basically weaned, but I couldn’t end it completely. Hi there If I’m busy or just don’t want to, he begrudgingly moves on to something else. I want to take this and use it as the start to weaning, but in the meant time I don’t know what to do!! Your tips are very helpfull. A mother of three, graduate of the University of Colorado, and YouTuber with over 85,000,000 views, she helps mothers and moms-to-be lead healthier and more natural lives. Feeling at a loss. Sorry for the long post, I’m just really frustrated because he act like I’m not being a good mom and that im holding my kid back. My son is almost 11 months old and very big for his age. My nanny says my daughter doesn’t have big temper tantrums, and things are fine. I then said, do you want hot tea or nummies (our word for breastfeeding)? She also likes to pinch and twist the other nipple while she is feeding (not so much fun for Mommy!). I stop her and stop her from doing that while she nurses and tell her no. First off, I love your blog, I find it helpful to find other moms who share some of the same feelings as myself. This is called LED weaning and makes for a much less picky eater later on! As adults we need to foster positive realtionship with siblings if we can. She is leaving my breasts swollen and sore most of the time now. The morning nurse was the last to go. I breast fed all 3 of my girls and they all weaned on their own at about a year. We are moving out of state in a week and I think with the change of that going on, she may need my comfort still so I think once we settle in, perhaps in a month, I will be able to really begin a new pattern. xo. My son is 15 months and my milk started drying up a bit so I’m trying to go with it. I had to increase nursing him to 3-4 times during the day/before bed but when the newborn was 8 about weeks I went back to “we get Milkies only at night night time”. it really nice…… I will try it out, Hi everyone. Also eating together at thr table during meal times helps so much. I remember watching that while pregnant thinking, “Oh this is gonna be so easy..” Now that we are in the throws of weaning I realize how wrong I was…wwwhhhaaaaa!!!. You never know what that pregnant woman has gone through to get to that point. I … Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been reducing his feedings, we are down to about 3-5 per day. Hi, I was wondering if you have had any luck with weening since you posted this, and if so how did u do it?? Haha. Mine is younger, 20 months, but I have noticed a simile pattern. When she is not latched on & wakes up – she screams until she is latched on again. Also it’s mostly a comfort nursing at bedtime and sometimes a snooze button for me in the morning, lol! I wasn’t ready for him to be done yet! After working with PT’s, she became a better nurser and when she started solids we were able to wean her off of the bottle and formula around eight months. She is such a lap baby, and she just loves boobies. Since she would be hungry then she eats it all and goes on playing. She had just weaned her toddler, and felt like she didn’t know what to do when baby was sick or hurt, and felt like her toddler was rejecting her. I’m working full time and he stays at the daycare during the weekdays from 9 AM – 6 PM. With my son, he refuses the bottle when it is nap time or bed time! I have been doing all the suggestions in your piece & trying to make it as stress free for my daughter as possible. From my reading, breastfeeding for the first two years truly provide benefits to you and your child and so no one should look down on you for doing what is good. Most of this involves dad. It was so sad!! and we’ll have to do it alone, but WTH guess we are strong enough to do it, HI My other three weaned themselves. I wish I could have done something like that. He started to give up the night-time nursing just before his second birthday when we changed his bed from a crib to a toddler bed. When we lay down, I’ve tried to put her by my hubby, but she crawls right back to me between us. From about 18month to 21 month he nursed once a day. I said I wanted to be done, but part of me didn’t. I always expected my daughter to self-wean shortly thereafter (all of my friends/family have used that method and not nursed past 16 mos. I let my other two kiddos self-wean when they were babies, and we made it to 12 and 14 months, respectively, but his babe is ADDICTED to “boo”! Would appreciate any support. I will primarily breast feed, and continue to pump (as much as I hate the idea) but I’m the “bread winner/insurance” with my job so after 3 months, I have to go back to work and my husband and family will be taking care of our baby girl. Trying to find what cup works best in the transition process. He accepted this because he was already so full from the hot tea! My 17-month-old son is pretty much officially weaned after a short weekend getaway with my husband. 16 percent took more than 2 years to get pregnant. I never have had a goal on how long I wanted to BF her for. My first 3 I weaned without a problem even though I did co sleepy. Maybe try golden milk made from coconut milk.. Is cold turkey a good thing? My mom too knew I was pregnant bfor I did.I came to visit and she was like” ur skin looks somehow, seems u r pregnant”.,I waved her off,calling her “skin doctor”. My wee babe is 15 months and still going strong, although I have started thinking of how this will go. Guess I just have little boys that like to grow up fast . I didn’t have time to say to her that breastfeeding is a HUGE relationship, and when you are done, especially when you finish in a short period of time, you have to figure out other ways to have a relationship with your little one. Breastfeeding over night seems to be ok, because of the properties of breastmilk and how the nipple sits in the mouth, but I have big concerns about anything else (other than water). How did this end up working out for you? And right now, I attempt to distract him sometimes but I do comply if he is persistent and it has dramatically reduced our daytime grazing. Weaning toddler. I think the best tips you’ve given are the hot teas & just committing! could baby be born and test positive for drugs? And Griffin protested at first. I am right there with you! This worked really well. She won’t take any other milk… today out of the blue she said “no no milk all done, milk night night” (milk is for night night time) and it made me so sad to know she was thinking about it?? But I will definitely try the hot tea :). Mind you, his snacks consist of fruit, lots of broccoli, and some certain sweet items he loves. But I knew this wasn’t for me. I am a single mom as well to a 21-month old, and I’ve been able to re-direct her attention to other things when she wants to nurse during the day (ex. Lol, I didn’t go that far but it gives you an idea of what a toddler might need to feel. I feel he is deprived so I let him. But the next two weeks she cries for hours that I have owies and no longer nurses. But I do want her to feel comfortable because we will not know anyone and nothing will be familiar to her. What i didn’t like is people looking at me with disgust or sometimes condemn me or the baby for breastfeeding at 20 months or more. But being in a similar situation (pregnant and nursing and not being up to the task of tandem nursing) we did proceed with the process of weaning when my second son was 20 months.

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