why were valuable spices regarded as currency in trade

Why bother with anything else besides Aristotle's syllogistic logic? Spices could command a very high price in Europe due not only to the long and costly way they traveled to reach Europe, but also because of their culinary value in the preservation and flavoring of food. One of the worst events being the bloody conquest of the island of Banda by the Dutch in 1621 for the sole purpose of controlling the production of nutmeg. The Spanish shipped in shiploads of it from the New World, for instance. And it needs to be fairly rare - … Our Fair Trade status is vouched for by Trust Organic Small Farmers – an alliance for eco-ethical trade and goods. As luxury goods, The main consumers of spice were the wealthy, middle to upper class members of society. History Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for historians and history buffs. 5. As long ago as 3500 BC the ancient Egyptians were using various spices for flavouring food, in cosmetics, and for embalming their dead. The use of herbs and spices can be found as far back as prehistoric times, often as valuable forms of currency in trade. Since the Asians were strong and were cutting off the supply routes between Asia and Europe, Europe had to find alternative means of getting spice … And both Ancient Greeks and Romans consumed cumin believing it would bleach their skin to a fairer complexion. And no, Western Europe was not "mostly serfs" during this period. Chances are, you might have some funny colored paper with dead peoples faces on it, and maybe some jingly pieces of semi-precious metal. The spice trade refers to the trade in spices between historical civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe.Spices such as cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger, pepper, and turmeric were known and used in antiquity for commerce in the Eastern World. A currency only has value because we, as a society, decide that it does. For a long time, people wondered why it was things with no nutritional value which were so strongly desired. Vigenère Cipher problem in competitive programming. Spice trade, the cultivation, preparation, transport, and merchandising of spices and herbs, an enterprise of ancient origins and great cultural and economic significance. Realizing that Venice was strong, the other regions started working on establishing new routes to venture into the spice trade. Hal Varian doesn't tell us why the dollar bill in our pocket has value, writes Frank Shostak. They are expensive on a per-unit basis, but it is the "smallness" of use that makes them affordable. The answer is that it wasn't that expensive. Is it acceptable to hide your affiliation in research paper? Spice trade is the important part of human history. maybe because (and it wasn't mine) it's such blatant nonsense as to be without any value at all. At one time it accounted for a whopping 70 percent of the international spice trade. Why did Europeans call Native Americans Indians in the 18th Century AD, After they had found out they were in the wrong continent? This occurred when the products moved from the "exploration" to the "exploitation" stage in global markets, because Europeans gained access to tropical lands where such products could be produced cheaply. Even today, spices are an expensive commodity since few are grown in the west, such as saffron, curry, nutmeg, cinnamon., to name a few. Spices were by and large bought by nobles, upper level clergies, affluent traders; upper class, and the wealthier upper middle classes. In the Dutch language, "pepper expensive" (peperduur) is an expression for something very expensive. Later in history, spices became a luxury and even triggered wars. Therefore you didn't need a huge fleet of ships to make a good business out of it. The seasonings have also been used for medicinal properties and as preservatives in food storage. The story of the quest for spices is an early model of globalization, since mirrored by other traded goods. @user4984 I'm not sure you have the wrong idea per se; but perhaps you underestimated their numbers, purchasing power and demand. Seasonings such as cinnamon, ginger, cassia, and turmeric were important items of commerce from the earliest evolution of trade. So the demand from aristocrats was supported by demand from "ordinary" people. First of all woven mats made of coconut tree branches were placed on the surface of the water. Do you know what those will be worth after the collapse of society? It is known to be in culinary use since 2000 BC and, oh yes, the ancient Egyptians used cumin, of course, in the process of embalming mummies. People loved the way they enhanced foods and spices were in high demand. Contrast that with modern cinnamon production of ~35,000 tons. Many historians say that the spice trade was the most instrumental force in shaping western civilization. The use of spices spread through the Middle East to the eastern Mediterranean and Europe. As we've seen, it also needs to be stable, portable and non-toxic. The history of spices is an epic subject as old as the history of civilization. The ancient Egyptians used cinnamon as an aromatic agent in their embalming process. Although the Maldives was an important cowry money source throughout history, the use of cowry shells as currency, which according to some researchers is the oldest form of currency, originated in ancient China. What did the British Empire mean by “Free Trade” in reference to the colonies? In ancient times, spices were used as much as for their medicinal properties as they were for their flavors. Another trade town was Bulgar, where the Volga Bulgars ran the trade along with the Rus, as these Vikings came to be called. Ghana's currency, the Cedi has been ranked among the most valuable currencies on the African continent in 2020. Try weighing your salt and pepper. This is precisely why I was confused as to how European buyers were capable of sustaining a demand for something that wasn't a necessity. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. You needed to calculate in grams, not tons. During the 16th century, the Portuguese captured Melaka to dominate the lucrative spice trade; other city states such as Aceh, Banten, Brunei and Pegu also sprung up by exporting and trading spices. Men, women, and children were all engaged to collect and prepare the shells for trade. Many spices have been found to contain antimicrobial properties that thwart the growth of bacteria. The way I read it, you're asking why something expensive has enough demand to sustain a profitable trade ("How did the high price of spices allow such high demand?"). Where did the Roman money involved in the spice and luxury trade end up? So in this new world,… 3, 9). It remains mystery that why spices have high price during middle ages. Pepper was so valuable, that it was used as currency or collateral. A cup is not being useful when it sits in the cupboard, only when you drink from it. The word salary was derived from the word salt because in ancient times salt was also a form of currency; Ancient Roman soldiers were paid with sacks of salt & Ancient Greeks bought slaves with salt. Historically, culinary spices and herbs have been used as food preservatives and for their health- enhancing properties. History of Spice Trade As evident from the literature, spices were an important ingredient in cooking, preserving food as well as medicinal purposes in the ancient regions of India, China, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia. Why the Banda Islands Were Once More Valuable Than Manhattan. At one time it accounted for a whopping 70 percent of the international spice trade. The question is a bit confusing. People recluded in a penal reservation, who believe they are on Mars but they are actually on alien-invaded Earth. The ancient Greeks had cumin shakers on their dining room tables way before we had pepper on ours. Spices are not just used to flavor food; spices are used in medicines and cosmetics. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. An interesting point Semaphore made is that the commodity was consumable. Humans have used spices for a very long time. The royal palaces and courts across these regions valued them highly and incorporated them in their royal cuisine. I understand that high demand results in high prices, but there must be some kind of wealth that is sustaining that demand or else the price will drop until the demand reaches the supply. How embarrassing! The Spanish shipped in shiploads of it from the New World, for instance. Today, pepper accounts for one-fifth of the world's spice trade. Why would a technologically advanced society recruit 14 year old children to train them to become the next political leaders and how could this begin? Back in time there were no electronic, car and many industries, and the wealth - gold and silver - of the world arrived to Europe - mainly to nobles and kings. From wiki: In Elizabethan times, because nutmeg was believed to ward off the plague, demand increased and its price skyrocketed. Obviously this is not a good explanation of why money has value. The 14th-century Black Death caused demand for saffron-based medicaments to peak, and Europe imported large quantities of threads via Venetian and Genoan ships from southern and Mediterranean lands such as Rhodes. Whether Roman soldiers were actually paid in salt sometimes (quite debatable), they often would have bought salt with their pay, given its utility and valuable nature. There is far too much spice history to fit into even 100,000 pages, so it's a wonder that so little of it is common knowledge. In the middle ages, the western world had literally no idea where cinnamon came from. The usual answer is, "Because they make things taste better". And again, as supplies expanded, prices fell. We purchase our spices from small organic farmer associations in Sri Lanka and from community farmers in India. Pepper was so valuable that it was often used as collateral or even currency. Even when the Roman Empire’s domination was coming to an end the symbol and importance of salt stayed alive. The Spicy Gourmet® and Enliven Your Palate® are registered trademarks of Santa Barbara Organic Spice Company, Inc. © 2011 Santa Barbara Organic Spice Company, Inc. The price was maintained simply because of the risk, the long trip, and the fact the nobles are willing to waste the extra wealth on it. Other Europeans were also producing salt, including the Venetians, whose trade of salt with Constantinople made them very wealthy. The royalty of British, French and Chinese empires supported themselves and military operations by taxing the salt trade. Here is a brief account of the fascinating history of the spice trade. Either way, this notable etymology, along with a number of common modern quotes in English, alone provide good support for the precious role salt once played in civilisation. Sometimes for virtues that modern science kinda backs up ; most often according to concepts modern science considers rubbish. The history of spices is an epic subject as old as the history of civilization. Hopefully the future of nutmeg is much more peaceful from here on out. In some cases, where supply conditions were favorable, the "massification" of use created a "backup demand" that helped increase supplies so much that their prices dropped sharply and they were no longer luxuries, but became necessities. And like spice, many of these products have also faded in popularity. Guest Post By: The Future King of Upper Michigan Check your pockets right now. Spices were prized goods in the Middle Ages. He excitedly wrote the Queen of Spain and sent her samples of his findings. Contact Us: Sales@thespicygourmet.com (805) 448-7961, Organic Artisanal Tandoori Chicken Masala, Classic Garam Masala Spices - Mixed Vegetable Curry, integral in the development of commerce and capitalism. The spice trade was "such a profitable venture" precisely because "spices are quite expensive when they reach their terminal buyer" - relative to their cost in Asia, which is something like 1/10 or 1/100 the sales price. You don't use that much in a typical meal; and pepper to the medieval peasants would have been a luxury like say truffles. But my father hath made her mistress of the feast, and she lays it on […] I must have saffron to color the warden pies; mace; dates? Records from that time also note that laborers who constructed the Great Pyramid of Cheops consumed onion and garlic as a means to promote heal… The Spicy Gourmet uses only GMO Free USDA Certified Organic Spices that contain no additives or preservatives of any kind. Santa Barbara Organic Spice Co. Inc. only markets USDA certified organic and Fair Trade Spices. During the 1500s Spain and Portugal were going to war over cloves whereas now they’re on your grocer’s shelf for a couple bucks. We had goods that those in the east wanted and so the spice trade began. Of course, highly priced luxury items by their nature are not traded in high volumes. Had there been instances of national states banning harmful imports before the mid-19th C Opium Wars? Does Revelation 1:6 have an example of Sharp's Rule? Maybe in the very early beginning of trade when salt was quite rare. The Medieval Spice Trade dominated a large portion of the economy in the ancient world. Perhaps, most of this information is often overlooked because of our universal need and the frequency of our use of spices. They are desired because they are out of the ordinary, and offer a "change of pace." According to the Jerusalem Talmud (Shev. Vikings took slaves in their raids and after battles. How can I by-pass a function if already executed? Vikings established trade centers and towns along the way, notably Novgorod and Kiev. Do we have a phrase to express "to form arms in a shape of a cup"? Spices were among the most valuable items of trade in ancient and medieval times. Why was the spice trade so profitable in the 15th century? Its earliest recorded use is 2000 BC In ancient Egypt, in a burial ritual for royal which involved literally stuffing the deceased’s nose with pepper, as evidenced by the peppercorns found in the mummified nostrils of Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The main point is that spices were mostly consumed not for flaworing dishes, but for preventing and curing illness. Note that limited supplies in the late Medieval period didn't affect the profitability of the spice trade. It is rumored that Alaric I (King of the Visigoths) as well as Attila (Ruler of the Huns) both demanded a ransom of black pepper (over a ton worth) in order to stop attacking Rome in the 5th century. Thanks for contributing an answer to History Stack Exchange! By Roman times obtaining salt had become a true industry. Back in Africa, by the 6 th century AD, south of the Sahara, “ Moorish merchants routinely traded salt ounce for ounce with gold ,” and in Ethiopia, salt slabs, called amoles , were used as currency. rev 2021.2.26.38663, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, History Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. told through eight everyday products. Cumin - This spice was originally cultivated from India to the Mediterranean. iii) Also the belief that spices and spiced foods served valuable medicinal functions: as shown on the screen, various spices were reputed to serve as digestive, stimulants, cures for halitosis, fevers, headaches, colic; and as 'carminatives,' i.e. (Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale 4.3.36-48). Where was the furthest extent of Arabian trade explorations? Papyri from Ancient Egypt in1555 BC classified coriander, fennel, juniper, cumin, garlic and thyme as health promoting spices (3). What was used for writing in 15th century Europe? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. In finance, an exchange rate is the rate at which one national currency will be exchanged for another. Because spices are expensive when they reach their destination. Many of these spices (think of pepper and cinnamon) have become so ubiquitous that it is difficult to reconcile the fact that until very recently they were rare and expensive commodities. There is evidence that they were already used as early as the Neolithic period. Spices had both these qualities at the time. That is one of the best ways to be profitable, sell a good for which there is a small or restricted supply and a wealthy stable demand. They were, however, unable to get into the trade since the Venetian handle on the trade routes were tight and no ruler was able to break it. On the other side spice was a perfect commodity to transport.

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