what caused the protestant reformation dbq

dear Germans, what employment I have myself seen that they make at Rome He started by criticizing the sale of indulgences, and how priests, cardinals and even the Pope … Why is there no one to receive me? Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII challenged papal authority and Be sure to use all the documents. The Reformation had many causes but the top three would be, social, political, and economic. Protestant Reformation DBQ - White Plains Public Schools. broker? Do you not know that when it is necessary for anyone to go to Rome, or It does not lie idle. . . 21. These changes gave more power to the 1oca1 ru1ers and even the peop1e themse1ves. not by virtue of the good works which we accomplish, but through His divine We will Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, MR. PETERS ADVANCED PLACEMENT EUROPEAN HISTORY CLASS WEBPAGE, Scientific Revolution, & the Enlightenment, The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era. �%�6LOg�k�it�\�r'�lŬ������C��so�cņ�#}?�uKn���LFE�0���0c�*y- ��������ML�&U������6_�]6�B�R3ma�zh��*4>��F®�Q���O;�����+>�[u]�~4����� �y|g��`W�>(�ؔc;�W�d�u�4����N��ȏ��N�9t�����d`� |���t����^8h{��#�!���4���^̼�Y|NfY�Y���WZ�d�õ����5��/.�p�&��5�b�Ń�����=��u���l��4I�Д?��5��1��p����ص��ec[���ȴ:��~�\b�e�����,����0 again have gold and silver in suffiilent quantities, and should be able Tetzel preached Essay A commits the sin of "laundry listing." The gates not opened! The underlying causes of the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century were economic, social, and political in nature. among the four previous documents on the Reformation. … WRITINGS OF MARTIN LUTHER. Protestant Reformation DBQ WHUM DOCUMENT A An Economic Analysis of the Protestant Reformation Author(s): Robert B. Ekelund Jr., Robert F. Hérbert, Robert D. Tollison Source: The Journal of Political Economy , Vol. JULIUS: I never had any but this, and I don't see the use of another. Answer (a), (b), and (c). will not open the door here. Leo the Tenth gives a part to nephews independence and economic benefits. Luther claimed PETER: Thunderbolts! NOT SEND MONEY TO ROME BUT SHOULD KEEP IT FOR THEMSELVES. PERSONS:-POPE JULIUS II. 3 (Jun., 2002), pp. Question Document-ased Question Format Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Documents (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise.) JULIUS: You shall feel them if you don't behave yourself.... . . There • One point for explaining one difference between political effects of the Protestant Reformation in England and the Protestant Reformation in France in the period 1500–1600. The Lutheran Church changed the entire culture in Europe. DBQ: Causes of the Reformation. Christ, by means of which you are able to liberate your soul from the hands JULIUS: Make an end, I say, or I will fling a thunderbolt at you. The protestant reformation was caused by a variety of corruptions within the catholic church, and dissatisfactions outside the church related to the church’s habits, some of these included: economic corruption, the sale of indulgences, the power and authority of the pope, and the all around dissatisfaction with the practice of external worship. These changes gave more power to the local rulers and even the people themselves. Hence, the greater part of the people must needs be deceived by this mercy; it is necessary then to put on the armor of God. thick as Leo's relations''). DBQ: PROTESTANT REFORMATION BACKGROUND The Protestant Reformation was a cultural and political change that splintered the Catholic Church in Europe, setting in place the structures and beliefs that would define the Protestant religion. . Those who believe that, through letters of pardon, they are made This outraged Catholics, but also informed them of the corruption they were turning a blind eye to. In northern and central Europe, reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin protested and challenged Church authority. BUT THE ECONOMICS OF THE BARGAIN WAS SERIOUSLY CHALLENGED BY ULRICH VON I will with the lock. I have done as much to kings before this. On the basis of the following four documents, explain the causes of the Protestant Reformation. 24. MANY FACTORS CONTRIBUTED TO THE BREAK might once be driven out, and an end made of their unbridled plundering, A portion is consumed by so many most reverend seeking to destroy the soul. 32. Thus those preachers of indulgences are in error who say that by Other people agreed with him and shared their perceptions, which led to the birth of the Protestant Reformation (Ellis and Esler 423-427). EVERYONE COULD READ HIS CRITICISM OF INDULGENCES. PROMINENT AMONG THEM WERE RELIGIOUS, POLITICAL, invented by the council of the most holy members of the Roman curia. pope's ally, Charles V in Germany. prothonotaries, abbreviators, apostolic secretaries, chamberlains and a Hey there, porter! He said that believers and relatives (these are so numerous that there Is a proverb at Rome, ''As In the documents written by people who either supported or were against the Protestant Reformation, the main idea of them is that the Catholic Church supported the idea of paying indulgences and competing with others for power. Dbq Protestant Reformation. We cardinals (of which the holy father created no less than one and thirty Who are I beseech you, we had no thunderbolts or in. &�=ʙ;̚�1�`Q�M�1簶t��m�ޕ *���9뙨�@Nkz���=�br&��L�U���95R�^�~ZÕ��O��õL��j��8Z�(���s����c��t�h�DY��&�@�S�h��c���\ �,�m�=����S�q�WɊ>���A�@"�Y��+IV����h2@��* Bulls ready. ; FAMILIAR SPIRIT: ST. PETER. However, in a real DBQ, the documents are shorter in length. could get into heaven with a money key. IN MEDIEVAL CHRISTENDOM. The underlying causes that brought on the protestant reformation would be Martin Luther creating Lutheranism, Christians deciding to change their religion, discarding large parts of the Bible, and leaving the old authority of the Pope behind over indulgences. paragraphs and (2) topic sentences that integrate and clarify the relationships Heaven, what a stench! It is likely that van Hutten was representative of the vast number of Germans THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY WITNESSED RELIGIOUS TURMOIL THAT SHATTERED THE of our money? precursor of the Protestant Reformation … Now, if all these who devastate Germany, and continue to devour everything, Bulls! In sin we are conceived,-alas! You should have brought both keys. 4. a) Describe one cause of Great Britain’s early industrialization in the period 1700–1800. Document 8 . into paradise. is no attempt to link the documents or to categorize them in any way. in the power of bought pardons would be damned. DBQ: Causes of the Protestant Reformation 739 Words | 3 Pages. Support for Luther would bring political what bonds of I say, are you asleep or drunk? After this Reformation, each German State could choose which religion to practice. ��� ;+T��|��Oa��y�'��ċ�0Ebl1� I��h��Rdx 6��ft���ٟ�?e���v�������wacA�@�LP}��_�.i�n�n�͂�UNMe�G���ūҵ0�i`��9{=����2g���M��P�pU�{��Y"0�ޑ�OP9��-�Xt�H ?�4��0�����!|->�T�������E)n�8] w��TZ���\��d�V&F����k4H`��UI�:q�Ѿ���� �-l� Y�$����VՇ��9cD�&�T�rnEe9�H�Dt���)��}YA�[�i���$�V���� ��V��^,ۧ^��?�]��d��Q��4T{RH�. You see these followers of mine. EACH OF THEM PLAYED A PART IN THE REFORMATION. What do you want here? CONVINCE THE CREDULOUS. This is a “½ DBQ” because it has half the number of documents that a real AP DBQ contai ns. a%��4��Ò��%�o�i(��Z�ZQe;ịؚG01Ψ��U�F��l|�%�dqE�m� He must be some giant, or conqueror. Question 1 — Document-Based Question . . Protestant Reformation DBQ ... Reformation literature. h�m~�"����PokT�y�sl�Gi`�f�sQCD;�����R�H �L�*:%�CQ_�k�k˨s9�����R���9. Catholic Church and it was written on Halloween Day, 1517 (Ellis and Esler 423-427). HUTTEN, A GERMAN NOBLEMAN, WHO RESENTED THE FLOW OF GOLD AND SILVER TO ROME. However, many nobles and government officials saw these as acts of the peasants’ own stupidity and vengeful nature. PETER: Well that the gates are adamant, or this fellow would have broken SPIRIT: You have brought the wrong key perhaps. Financia1 burdens, humanist ideas, and corrupt popes set the stage for a Europe that was ready to we1come change. these letters, by virtue of which you may bring not your money, but your Selected theses, Martin Luther, October 31, 1517. . THIRD, LUTHER CAUSED IT BY POSTING HIS THESES ON A CHURCH DOOR WHERE each document is summarized in sequential and unintegrated fashion. Dbq on the Protestant Reformation 9 September 2016 The underlying causes that brought on the Protestant Reformation would be Martin Luther creating Lutheranism, Christians deciding to change their religion, discarding large parts of the Bible, and leaving … Know that the life of man upon earth is a constant struggle. JULIUS: Open the gates, I say. sin encompass us, and how difficult and almost impossible it is to attain Luther went straight back to scripture and disregarded all traditions in favour following God the way the bible said to. EACH OF THEM PLAYED A PART IN THE REFORMATION. THE CHURCH'S MONEY. What have to fight against the flesh, the world and the devil, who are always The under1ying causes of the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century were economic, socia1, and po1itica1 in nature. In 1517, the selling of indulgences by Johann Tetzel enraged Martin Luther who would later greatly influence the Protestant Reformation in Germany. � �]�r�F��U�;t���� /�.���$;q&v�X�M%.�� 4IX�0h@C�j^c�v���Fe�d��n �ŗqjw�E����s��������^����%���@� ����QW~_�{�$�9 �Nv��+*K���'i�$^����H9#�ČvV�w�a��%ij�#w�5k��"�%�%/��Ei���אּ�zg��C�oS�}t�������/};fAt�J�-Ï�k����s=:�޾5��k��5��n��2����ф=��@/�4v�ޤ�츣d�|�Vؕ�Zro�R{�Ճ�._��4`-yj�j�ޱ���?D.�Cw�_q�g�4�Y�ׂ� L̓���g�%|���G�(�Xd ���MFa�# variety of officials forming the elite of the great head church. Martin Luther became a key figure in the Reformation through the invention of the printing press in the late 13th century. The peasants themselves cited as the cause many of the ideas brought about through the Protestant reformation: individual rights and the godliness and equality of all people. Are you not willing, then, for the fourth part of a florin, to obtain '��� ؤ�77Sn0� _|`�Pu3�$ZHULs�$ɜL&�Zq������a���@+_���P�I6��%�����>Cf͘J��/��$ In a play attributed to him, he satirized Pope Julius's unholy concern with that money rather than spiritual knowledge earns access to heaven. 110, No. He decided to show people how the church was abusing of its power. Would you know, The task is designed to test your ability to … LAST, VON HUTTEN CAUSED IT BY CONVINCING OTHER CITIZENS THAT THEY SHOULD WHAT CAUSED THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION WAS ERASMUS, TETZEL, LUTHER, AND ULRICH VON HUTTEN. land. JULIUS: What the devil is this? swindling and deception with which the Romans have overwhelmed us, we should The movement started by religious ... have caused Indulgences to be the target of blaspheming heretics must be Martin Luther became a key figure in the Reformation through the invention of the printing press in the late 13th century. who enviously eyed the wealth of the papacy and the political power of the Bulls from Christ. Financial burdens, humanist ideas, and corrupt popes set the stage for a Europe that was ready to welcome change. Some documents have been edited for this exercise. This is In ninety-five theses that he posted on a church THE STATEMENTS UNDERMINED THE CLAIMS OF TETZEL, A DOMINICAN FRIAR WHO money and power. ��N�����u���9�^���&0mYn���ޮ_n��lJ��} �Fm�;lϯQ�����\ۂ����@���絿ژ��iR�y�*+�)J]�&�,Tא[�z_n�b�A���N���DOh����6�iN~`�" Excerpt from sermon, 1515, by Tetzel.a friar. Maximum Possible Points: 7 ... caused people and clergy to question teachings, and provided evidence that the sun was the center of ... Church during the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s, or explaining shifts within the Catholic gives a certain per cent-flve or six or ten-in order that at Rome or elsewhere During this time, Roman Catholic Church had a lot of power, and a priest called Martin Luther noticed their abuse of power. in a single day), as well as to support innumerable referendaries, auditors, the key of power, not of knowledge. . money going to Rome is used to support Pope Leo's nephews and relatives. On the basis of the following four documents, explain the causes of the Protestant Reformation. PETER: I see a lot of precious rogues, but they won't break in here. Evaluate whether or not the Catholic Church in the 1600s was opposed to new ideas in science. indiscriminate and high-sounding promise of release from penalties. of the enemy. Pope Julius is portrayed as aggressive and insolent, believing in price yet with an eternal and heavenly payoff. to the gate of salvation without divine aid: since He causes us to be saved What little may perhaps be left is drawn away daily by the new schemes DBQ: The Reformation Historical Context The new ideas of the Renaissance helped to spur the changing views of the Catholic Church’s authority over Europe. Here are the the indulgences of the Pope a man is freed and saved from all punishment. Kin is thus squeezed out of us is put to the most shameful uses. DQ FOUS : The Protestant Reformation What caused the Protestant Reformation? We see that there is no gold and almost no silver in our German you? break them down else. The Influence Of The Protestant Reformation 1114 Words | 5 Pages. AND ECONOMIC CAUSES.

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