equipoise better than deca

deca = water retention may seem to bloat you into thinking better gains, but with EQ you will need higher dosage to be better than deca … and some will say that I should not use roids at all for this, but I have been through 3 months with no improvement, so i need to try something new. Deca is a far better strength and mass builder and a far superior protein synthesizer. The only thing i notice about EQ more than Deca is that my back breaks out on EQ more than anything else, even testosterone or d-bol which i rarely get any acne from. less suppresive or something. However, the gains are likely to be similar to deca , thus bodybuilders typically stack equipoise with more powerful bulking steroids for hefty gains in size and mass. PaPaPumP. Equipoise is similar to deca durabolin, although equipoise is a stronger compound and more androgenic than deca. Regarding the dosage to take them, then it should be slightly lower than in case of bulking cycle. do people agree? using EQ some members told me that you have to run EQ at 600mg and higher to see good results. Therefore, side effects are likely to be a little harsher. Both Deca and Equipoise increase the number of blood red cells and the blood volume, feeding all muscles cells with more oxygen and nutrients. The advantages EQ has over Deca is the issues Deca has being a 19nor. I need some joint support but don't want to run low dose deca because it bloats the heck out of me, then with the nipples getting all tendered and then the dick problems. [quote]cat3slayer wrote: ok, this has sparked some questions. 04-25-2002, 06:38 PM #12. i would sugest if your going to do a cycle with more than 1 substance, do test with deca. Over the decades there has been a trend going away from Deca and toward Equipoise. Also it is hands down better at alleviating pain in the joints. Equipoise is good for both bulking and cutting and has been shown to increase appetite , muscle hardness and vascularity. IMO Equipoise has less sides at reasonable doses (300 - 600 mg/w) than Deca at the same dosage. i know the gains are arent as fast but im patient and they are usually better quality right? deca can give you good quality gains (so i've heard and red). i’ve used both nandrolone and boldanone with great results, but am curious to see why one is better than the other for strength and endurance. whats the consensus.....EQ or DECA for injury healing?? Personal experience shows me that Equipoise is better for tendinitis and joint pain than Deca. Basically is there something else better than or works as good as Deca … i was just wondering would 400mg a week for 12 weeks be good for a first timer? For those who have tried and had experience with EQ & DECA, did you guys find EQ to be superior in increasing collagen synthesis when compared to Deca? because of less is water? hey everyone, ive been speaking to a few people and they have been telling me that equipoise is better than deca. thanx[/quote] deca is used to treat anemia as eq is was used to treat it in horses… so what is better and why? EQ IMO needs to be ran for a really long time and at high doses to equal the results deca can produce at half the dosage. I know HGH is the "best" but which of those two steroids above would be the better one..... thanks! Neither is better than the other, they just are better for different goals. just dont do another 360 and end up with deca and tren. is any …

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